23: Plans
Isabel was sitting cross-legged wearing a sports top and stretching her snow-white wings out, her homework spread out in front of her. She looked up as her brother waltzed into the room.
"You know Mama doesn't like it when you have your wings out."
"You do the same thing when you're in your room."
"I know." Vincent grinned. "Whatcha doing?"
"What's it look like I'm doing?" Isabel quipped as she retracted her wings.
"Something boring."
She laughed. "You're not wrong," She put her pencil down. "I hate math. Why do we have to learn math? Is it not enough to know how to add and subtract?"
"Nope. They have to torture us with finding their exes."
Isabel laughed.
"You look like you could use help." Vincent sat on the bed next to her. "Let's see what you got."
"They're not dead," Deaton said.
Isabel and Peter were both lying on two different exam tables, the veterinarian standing between them.
"I'm sensing a 'but'," Stiles said.
Deaton rubbed his forehead. "I've never seen anything like this. It's almost like the witch put them into a deep sleep."
"So are you saying this is a spell?" Derek asked. "Can you find out how to counter it?"
"You can try kissing your girlfriend," Stiles suggested. "See if that works."
Derek turned and glared at him.
"This isn't a joking matter!" Devin said before Derek could snap at him. The Valkyrie turned back to Derek. "I told you to leave me. They wouldn't be under her spell if you had just left me like I told you to. You're lucky she didn't cast this spell on you and Malia!" Devin sat, rubbing his temples, and took a ragged breath.
"Let's take everything down a notch, okay," Kira said. "I mean there's a way to reverse it right?" She looked at Deaton.
"Maybe!?" Derek spun on Deaton. "What do you mean, maybe?"
"I'll have to know what kind of spell it was first. If I knew the spell, maybe I can make a reversal antidote."
"If you can't?" Malia asked.
"If I can't they might just be on their own."
"That's not acceptable."
"You might just have to accept it, Derek. It's going to take time to find it based on what you and Malia told me."
"They don't have time," Lydia suddenly said, having not said a word since they arrived at the clinic. "They're going to die if we don't do something!" All eyes were on her now. "I went to Devin's apartment. It's how we knew they were at the Hale house. My abilities said that all of you were going to die. Now I feel like only they will die. There has to be a way to reverse the spell quickly."
"Maybe the Banshee can scream them awake," Devin said, sarcastically.
"Wait...," Stiles said. "What if that'll help?"
"What?" Lydia asked. "Me shrieking like I'm being murdered?"
"Maybe it'll buy them time. Maybe help you get an idea on what to do."
"I really doubt that."
"What else have we to lose?" Deaton said.
Derek nodded. "I'm willing to try anything right now."
Lydia sighed, then nodded. "Cover your ears." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Before she shrieked. Her scream shook the windows and rattled containers on the counters. One of the vials holding Deaton's herbs crashed to the floor, scattering glass and mistletoe. Lydia finally ran out of breath. Everyone slowly uncovered their ears, Derek looking hopeful at his girlfriend and uncle. That hope deflated once he saw there was no change in them. Lydia staggered a bit and Devin steadied her.
Lydia looked at Scott. "I know who can help us."
Peter turned to see Talia in the doorway leading into the den. "What I do now?"
She held up an envelope. "You really need to stop this."
Peter reached for the envelope, Talia jerking it away from him. "It's not your business."
"It is my business. You're going to break someone's heart."
"How is that any of your business?"
"Because what you do reflects on the pack."
"So is this a big sister conversation or an Alpha conversation?"
"A little of both. You can't have both Lilith and Corinne. You're going to end up breaking one or both of their hearts. You going to have to choose one or neither."
Peter sighed. "I don't know if I can."
Talia placed her hand on Peter's shoulder. "I know neither one is official yet, but you have to remember that Corinne knows your true nature. Lilith doesn't."
Peter frowned.
"Don't be rash about it, but if either one finds out that you're talking to the other, you may end up losing both anyway."
Scott and Derek moved the couch to the middle of the loft.
"I don't see how this is going to work," Derek said as they set the couch down.
"I don't either," Scott sighed. "It worked for Stiles."
"This is different. This isn't a dark fox spirit possessing them. This is some sort of spell. This might make things worse." Derek rubbed the bridge of his nose. "We don't even know what she's doing with this spell. Or why she even cast it."
"You said Peter knew her."
"He called her Lilith. She said he rejected her in favor of Malia's mother. I'm not even sure who her actual target was, Peter or Isabel."
"I have to do this, Derek."
"You can't do this alone. You need someone to go with you."
"I can't do them one at a time either. It'll be like making you choose between members of your family. I can't do that. I can't choose which member of my pack is more important."
Isabel sat on the couch with Vincent. She had her legs drawn to her chest, her arms wrapped around them. Vincent had his hand on her back, rubbing it consolingly. He knew he'd be in so much trouble when their parents came home, but the trouble was worth it. She suddenly leaned over and laid her head on his shoulder.
"Thank you."
"Son of a bitch deserved it."
"Mama is going to be so mad that you got suspended because of it."
"Nobody picks on my sister like that." Vincent turned to where he could face Isabel.
She wasn't popular. He remembered the awkward early teen years. But to be asked to the homecoming dance by a popular boy only to be laughed at when she accepted had caused Vincent to not act like a Pure Valkyrie. Now he was suspended from school, but the boy had a broken nose and no front teeth. All because he had made his little sister cry.
"It was worth it, Izzy."
Isabel hugged Vincent.
"I'll always be there for you."
"Promise. I love you."
Isabel squeezed him tighter. "I love you, too."
"Vincent Charles Evans!" Esther suddenly screamed.
They turned to see their very angry mother standing in the doorway, fist on her hips. Vincent stood, giving his sister a smile.
"So what exactly are we doing?" Chris asked. Peter and Isabel were set up on the couch, the rest of the pack, Chris and Deaton having helped bring them from the clinic to the loft.
"We have an idea on how to get to them," Scott said. "But we need help. I can't do it alone."
"Help from who?"
Derek turned towards the door. "He's here," he said.
"Who's here?"
The door slid open. A man with blond hair and blue eyes was standing in the doorway.
"You have got to be kidding me," Isaac said.
The man descended into the loft. "Hello, Scott," he greeted. "Derek."
Malia and Kira looked completely lost, not understanding Isaac, Stiles, Chris, and Deaton's reactions.
Derek nodded in greeting. "Deucalion."
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