20: Home Invasion
She staggered into her house, slamming the door shut behind her and locking it. She darted towards the stairs leading to the basement, her hand pressed against her side. The deputy's fire was accurate, hitting her both times. She could feel the bullets in her body, pain going through her with each step. She'd used her magic to escape from the police, confident that she was not followed. She removed her hand and looked down, the wound bleeding freely. The bullets needed to be removed in order for her to heal. She threw open the door leading down to the basement, nearly falling down the stairs. She managed to make it down them without falling. She grabbed her spellbook and found what she was looking for. She quickly made a healing salve before pulling her shirt over her head, leaving herself standing in the room in her bra and jeans. She applied the salve to the wounds on her side and back with a hiss. Then she began to chant the spell. The pain as the bullets worked their way out sent her to her knees. She gave a cry. She heard the sound of a bullet hitting the floor, followed by the second one a few seconds later. She felt the skin and tissue mending itself. In a matter of minutes, her skin was whole with no sign of her having been shot. The only evidence being the ruined shirt and the blood on her hand.
"I need a new tactic," she said to herself as she stood. She went across the room to a desk and opened the folder, a photo of a young man with blue eyes staring up at her. "I need to draw them away from that pack." She tapped her lips. "But how to draw...," she trailed off, a smirk appearing on her face. She had the perfect place to draw Isabel and Peter to. Along with the bait to use to draw them there.
"How the hell did she get past us?" Stilinski asked. "How did she get past Peter, Derek, and Isabel?"
"I don't know," Parrish said.
"Did you at least kill her?" Peter asked.
Derek was currently outside with Lindsey and Isabel. The teenager hadn't stopped screaming with grief and the two were trying to comfort her. Derek was angry enough to kill over the fact that the witch had tried to kill Isabel.
"I shot her twice."
"Doesn't mean you killed her."
"I know, but I'm pretty sure I hit some vital organs."
"We don't know that for sure," Stilinski said. "Peter's right, just because you shot her twice doesn't mean you killed her."
Parrish looked at Peter. "Do you think you could track her?"
"Maybe, but I don't want to put the pack into danger like that. Not if she can subdue a powerful Valkyrie like she did."
Parrish sighed, not wanting to admit that he was right again. She was much too dangerous for the pack to handle.
"How's your guy?" Peter asked.
"He'll live." Stilinski's eyebrows knit together. "Which is unusual. She's killed everyone else that stood in her way. Why didn't she kill him?"
Devin answered the phone, seeing that Isabel was calling.
She went after Sean. she said before he even took a breath for the greeting.
"What do you mean?" He knew that the Chasseurs had been attacked with Sean being the only survivor.
She was at the hospital. She got past us and was using whatever dark magic she has at her disposal to try to kill him. She tried to kill me when I tried to stop him.
"What are you doing at the hospital!?"
Protecting Sean. Devin, she wants the Eye, too. Why in the hell does everyone want this thing all of a sudden and have decided I know where the hell it is?
"I don't know, but you need to be careful. We still don't know who hired the Procurers, to begin with."
I know. But if there's now two people after it, there could be a war over it.
"Making Beacon Hills the battlefield."
Exactly. This town has enough problems without the supernatural waging war over an artifact that I'm sure isn't even here.
Devin sighed. "We need to figure out where your mother hid it."
"Still no news?" Scott asked.
Stiles shook his head. "Nothing. Dad and Parrish wanted the wolves to track down the witch after Parrish shot her, but Peter said that would be too dangerous for you. He didn't want to put the pack in danger like that."
"What do you mean?" Kira asked.
"Because of what she did to Isabel. She stopped her in her tracks. Isabel said she was looking for the Eye, too."
"But why go after Sean?" Isaac asked.
Scott shook his head. "I don't...," he trailed off. "What abilities do witches have?"
Lydia pulled out her tablet and quickly accessed the copy of the bestiary she had on it. She quickly translated the text as she scanned the entry on witches.
"Anything and everything," she finally said.
"Does that include accessing memories?"
"Hmm, doesn't say." Scott was immediately on the phone.
Yes, Scott? Deaton answered.
"What do you know about witches?"
Derek was standing several feet away from the others with Deaton. "How is that possible?"
"Magic, Derek," the veterinarian Emissary said. "I didn't think anything of it until Scott called me asking about it."
"That puts the whole pack in danger. If she accessed his memories, then she saw the night we broke Isabel out of that warehouse. She knows who's in the pack."
"And she'll know who to attack to draw her out. As long as you stay with Isabel and Peter here, she won't be able to come after you."
"I'm not worried about myself. What about the others? Scott, Stiles, Kira?"
"I've already warned them to stay together."
Derek glanced over at the others. Lindsey looked completely numb, staring at nothing. Danny had his arms around her. Malia was sitting next to Peter while Isabel was holding Lindsey's hand. He looked back at Deaton.
"If there's anything else you can tell us about this Eye of Odin thing, how to find it or even what it does..."
"I wish I could. Unfortunately, I know as much as Devin on that. As to where it is, if Isabel doesn't know, I think it may be lost to everyone."
"Neither one of them is going to take that as an answer."
"I know," Deaton sighed. "I'll find out what I can, but you know I can't make any promises."
"It'll be appreciated, Deaton."
Deaton gave a nod before leaving the hospital and Derek sighed.
Devin flipped through a book, looking for any references to the Eye of Odin. He was desperate for any information on why anyone would want it so badly they would kill for it. So far he was coming up with nothing. He set the book down on the table when he heard the knock on his door. He opened it to reveal a dark-haired woman, her hair loose and pushed over an ear. She wore frame-less glasses with light brown eyes.
"May I help you?"
"I was hoping you could. I just moved into the building. I live down the hall. My name is Lilith White." She held her hand out. "I'm just introducing myself to the neighbors."
"Devin Greene." He took her hand to shake it. He suddenly felt as if a bolt of lightning went through his body and he gave a cry of surprise, releasing her hand and staggering backward.
"Are you okay?" Lilith asked, stepping inside.
Devin shook his hand. "I... I think so. I don't know what that was."
Lilith shut the door behind her. "What did it feel like?"
"Like I grabbed an electric fence." His hand was still tingling. "I've heard of sparks flying when meeting someone but this is ridiculous."
Lilith laughed. "You're cute. I'm sure you impressed your girlfriend with that sense of humor."
"When I get a girlfriend with my sense of humor, I'll let you know."
She chuckled. "Too bad."
"What do you mean?"
Lilith took his hand again, the same sensation going through his arm, this time sending him to his knees. Lilith suddenly grabbed him by the throat and he felt a wave of pain go over him.
"Oh, God!"
"God isn't going to save you now."
Devin grabbed her wrist, his eyes widening. "It's you!" He managed to gasp. "You're... the witch!"
"Oh yes. But I don't understand why a Dark and a Pure aren't trying to kill each other. Why this pack would let you be knowing what you are."
Devin clenched his teeth from the pain as she placed her middle fingers of her free hand over his third eye.
"Isabel, you have to run!" Isabel shook her head. "Please."
"He'll kill you! Come with me!"
"He'll kill us both if I go with you." Devin took Isabel's face in his hands. "He's not going to take you, too."
"Izzy, go. I'll be okay. I'll catch up." Devin kissed Isabel. "Go."
Isabel took several steps back as Devin's snow-white wings extended and his eyes glowed a darker shade of blue.
He turned as Isabel ran. "I'll be okay."
Devin was delirious. Vincent's followers threw him into the room. He could barely tell up from down. He was exhausted, sleep, hunger, and thirst fighting for dominance. He could barely think straight. Vincent wanted to know where Isabel ran. Something Devin didn't know. And he wouldn't tell Vincent even if he did.
"Hey, kid." Something touched Devin's shoulder and he instinctively reacted. It wasn't until he heard the slow clapping that he'd realized what happened. Another Pure lay under him, sightless eyes wide.
Devin scooted back. "No, he whispered. "No, no, no, no." Devin's extended white wings slowly began to turn black. "No!"
"Well done, Devin," Vincent said. "I didn't think you had it in you to kill. I'm impressed."
"No! This wasn't me! I didn't..."
"You did. Now you are one of us."
"I'll never be one of you!"
Vincent grabbed Devin by his throat and shoved him against the wall. "Those wings say you've gone Dark. You're a Dark Valkyrie now, whether you like it or not."
Lilith released Devin and he fell forward, breathing heavily.
"Interesting," she said, walking around him. "A Dark Valkyrie with the trust of a Pure. Don't you know that once your wings go black, you lose everything?" She bent close to Devin's ear as he pulled himself to his hands and knees. "Do you really think that you dear little Pure will ever accept you as you are? Do you think any of them will accept a Dark Valkyrie as one of them?"
Devin elbowed Lilith in the chest, grabbing a pen off the coffee table. He hopped to his feet as it rippled into a dagger. Lilith coughed, rubbing her chest.
"If they'll never accept me, then I have nothing to lose then." Devin leapt at her.
Lilith moved quicker, slamming him into the coffee table, shattering it into pieces. She went for his throat again but he was able to drive the dagger into her shoulder. She screamed and staggered backward. Devin was on his feet again, tackling her. They fell over a chair and Devin flew across the room, slamming into a wall. Lilith was on him before he could regain his feet, shoving the dagger into his abdomen. Devin cried out, grabbing her wrist.
"If you think I'm going to kill you just because you throw yourself at me, think again, Dark. You know what I am yet you still attacked. I'm impressed." She shoved the dagger deeper, Devin giving another cry. "But I'm going to see if your Pure still has a soft spot for you. If you're not useful to me, then I'll grant you the death you seem to want."
"What makes you think I want to die?"
Lilith put her hand on Devin's chest. Pain went through him and he gritted his teeth with a grunt.
"You will."
Devin then couldn't handle the pain anymore and he screamed.
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