19: The Witch
Lindsey was finally able to see her brother and Melissa herself took her into the room. She gasped when she saw him, her eyes filling up with tears. He was still unconscious, lying perfectly still, the only movement was the steady rise and fall of his chest. A tube went over his ears and under his nose feeding him oxygen. The heart monitor gave a steady beep, letting her know he was still alive. Lindsey slipped her hand under his.
"He's going to be okay, right?"
"He's not out of the woods yet. He lost a lot of blood and there was a lot of damage they had to fix."
"He's in a coma now, isn't he?"
"Something like that."
"Is this my fault?"
Melissa walked over to her. "Oh, sweetheart. Why would you think this was your fault?"
"I helped," Lindsey's breath hitched. "I told the others where to find Isabel. I helped them get her out." She wiped away the tear that fell. "Sean knew we were there. He let us go. And now Mom and Dad are dead and I might lose Sean."
Melissa pulled Lindsey into a hug. "It's not your fault, sweetie. I promise none of this is your fault."
Lindsey wrapped her arms around Melissa and cried, surprised that she had any tears left. When she said she didn't want to move again, this wasn't what she had in mind. She didn't know what she was going to do if she lost Sean. He was all she had left now.
The teens had gone to school, leaving Derek, Peter, and Isabel to guard the two Chasseurs.
"What are you guys still doing here?" Stilinski asked, arms folded in front of the three.
"Protection detail," Isabel said.
"Because of that witch dressing as a nurse?"
"Pretty much," Peter said.
Stilinski only shook his head. "If she does show up, what are you guys going to do short of Isabel making everyone's ears bleed?"
Isabel gave the two Hales a look before looking back up at the sheriff. "That was... a special circumstance."
"Where's the rest of the pack?"
"Lindsey hasn't left her brother's side since they let her in to see him. The rest went to school."
"Good. I've got a deputy outside Sean's room. Everyone knows what this witch looks like and only certain people are allowed in the room."
"That might not stop her," Peter said.
Stilinski sighed. "I know. I'm going to head up to see if there's any change."
She knew that they knew what she looked like, but that wasn't going to stop her from going to the hospital. She saw the teenagers leave the hospital and went in. She hadn't expected the Alpha to leave two of the wolves and the Valkyrie behind. She cast a glamour spell on herself, completely changing her appearance, and walked right by them. She waited, knowing that eventually, the sheriff would come. She couldn't ask where the Chasseur boy was without drawing suspicion. So her plan was to wait and follow the sheriff to his room. She didn't have to wait long. He stopped and spoke to the Hales and the Valkyrie before going down the hall. She followed him right into the elevator. The glamour spell kept him from recognizing her. He nodded his greeting as he pressed the button to the second floor.
"Which floor?"
"Same floor," she said with a smile. They exited the elevator and headed down the hall. He turned into a room that had a deputy outside it. She glanced inside to see that the Chasseur girl was sitting next to his bed, holding his hand. She went into a random room and waited.
Word about Lindsey's family spread quickly around school. Many kids came up to her friends and offered condolences to her. Liam slipped a note into her locker, hoping she would come back to school to read it.
"Dude, what are you doing?" Mason asked.
Liam spun around, looking like he'd just got caught stealing. "Um, nothing."
"Then what are you doing at Lindsey's locker?"
"I heard about what happened. So I just thought...." Mason only smiled.
"So you slipped her a note."
"Yeah." Liam's face turned red and Mason laughed. "Do you know what happened?"
"I asked Danny. He said someone broke into Lindsey's house. Her parents caught the burglars and they killed them. Her brother came home while they were still in the house and they tried to kill him. Danny said he fought back and was able to call 911."
"Yeah. He was in surgery for a while. He's still in critical condition and they're hoping for the best."
"I really hope she doesn't lose her brother. It's bad enough losing her parents."
"My stepdad works at the hospital. We can stop by and see how they're doing," Liam suggested. "Just to offer her moral support."
Mason nodded. "Cool."
"Just out of curiosity," Isaac said. "If she does show up at the hospital, what exactly is Derek, Peter, and Isabel going to do to stop her from getting to Sean?"
"I don't think it was the witch," Scott said. "I think this was whoever hired the Procurers to find the Eye of Odin."
"How are you so sure?" Kira asked.
"When Derek and I went to their house, Derek managed to briefly see a man attacking Sean. There were so many emotions that I couldn't focus. They lived in Allison's old house."
"And you kept seeing Allison," Lydia said.
Scott nodded. Kira put her hand over his and gave him a smile.
"But what if this guy knows how to subdue werewolves and Valkyries?" Danny asked. "Or is working with the witch?"
"I didn't think about that."
The witch waited until the girl left the room. She didn't understand why her powers didn't work on her. She'd come face to face with her months ago and had chosen her as her next victim since she ran with the pack. But when she cast her spell, nothing happened. If magic didn't affect her, then the girl didn't need to be in the room. The girl went into the bathroom and she stepped out of the room and headed towards the Chasseur boy's room. The deputy took a step forward.
"I'm sorry ma'am," he said. "I can't let you—" He cut off when she raised her hand and he grabbed his chest. She dropped the glamour spell and his eyes widened. She pushed him into the room and then let him drop. The Chasseur boy's eyes were closed, completely unconscious.
"I was hoping you'd be awake for this," she said as she approached his bedside. "I guess I have to do this the hard way to find out what you know." She placed her three middle fingers on both his temples and closed her eyes.
"What the hell did you do!?" Sean was gaping at the scene in front of him. An unconscious Isabel was handcuffed to the chain-link fencing. Another Procurer was attaching wires to fencing.
"We were done beating around the bush with her," Emily said. "If you had been doing your job you would have known she hasn't been at work or home for three days."
"So you kidnap her!?"
"She is going to give us the location of the Eye."
"And if she doesn't know?"
"She knows."
He looked back at Isabel as she started to come to. "What are you planning on doing?"
Once she realized where she was, Isabel started to struggle against the handcuffs.
"She's going to tell us."
Sean glanced over at the wires connecting the fence to a large box with dials and his eyes widened. "No," He looked at his mother. "Mom, don't. You're not going to torture her."
"Know your place."
Isabel let out a curse. "Who are you? The Hunters send you?"
Emily turned to Isabel. "Not at all. You're going to tell us how to find something."
"And if I don't know?"
"Oh, you know. What we seek is the Eye of Odin."
"Try Norway."
"I'm not going to be a part of this," Sean said, turning away and heading towards the door as the cackle of electricity was heard followed by a surprised yelp from Isabel.
Isabel stood up and stretched. "I'm going to go see if Lindsey needs anything." Derek stood and she held her hand up. "I'll be fine going up there by myself, Derek."
Peter gave a chuckle.
"You need to stay down here with Peter in case she shows."
"I'm more worried about whoever attacked Sean showing up," Derek said. "They were skilled enough to take down three Procurers."
"Procurers aren't Hunters. They can defend themselves but most don't have the training that Hunters have. I'll be fine, Derek."
Derek sighed, then nodded.
"I'll be right back."
Sean completely avoided the room. Until he came face to face with his father dragging Lindsey along behind him. His eyes widened and a look of horror came over his face. "She's not ready for this!" he said. "Mom told you to wait!"
"She's ready, Sean! I know what you're doing and it's not going to work. You can't protect her from the truth."
"She doesn't need to find out like this. And just so you know, Mom is going to kill you for bringing her here now."
"Move out of the way."
Sean didn't budge.
"Sean, I said move."
Lindsey gaped when Mark slammed Sean's front against the wall and twisted his right arm around, the pain shooting through his arm and causing him to grunt. He felt as if his arm would break. Mark had never been this violent before.
"You will remember who the leader of this family is and you will remember your place in it." He released his son and Sean turned around, holding his arm. "Come on, Linds."
Lindsey looked at her brother. He knew what Lindsey was about to see.
"I'm sorry, Lindsey," he whispered.
Lindsey reached out and took his hand. "I'm scared. I want you with me."
Sean nodded and together they followed their father.
Mark waited for Lindsey at a door. "You're old enough to learn the family secret. And a secret not many people are privy to. The world is full of monsters and priceless artifacts. The fairy tales are real as are most of the relics you hear about. Our job is to find these relics by any means possible."
"Is that why we came to Beacon Hills? To find a relic?"
"We were contracted to find a priceless artifact. Our information led us here and to the one thing that could help us find it." Mark opened the door and walked into the small room.
Sean watched her as they walked in. Once Lindsey saw Isabel, her jaw dropped. Isabel looked up, eyes glowing bright blue and Sean wondered why a wolf would know where the Eye of Odin was.
"Oh, my God," Lindsey whispered.
Sean watched his sister's reaction to the revelation of the family secret he'd tried so hard to hide from her. She was horrified at the scene before her.
"Mark!" Emily wasn't happy at seeing Lindsey.
Isabel now looked pissed and Sean knew she hadn't told his parents what they wanted to hear. This was the first time he'd been back in the room since finding that his mother and another Procurer had taken her.
"I told you to wait!"
"She needs to see what we do. I'm done with the two of you coddling her."
"Coddling me? You kidnapped someone!" Lindsey screeched. "Who the hell are you people!?"
"Don't yell at her!" Sean interjected. "You're the one that decided to bring her here now! To drop a bomb on her knowing she wasn't ready to know the truth!"
"Sean, I will not tell you again."
"Tell me what? That I should know my place in this family? It's bad enough I have to sacrifice my happiness. Don't make Lindsey make the same sacrifices!"
"How about you guys take your family discussion elsewhere," Isabel suddenly said. "I feel a little awkward being in the middle of your personal business."
"Shut up," Mark said.
She attempted to shrug.
"What are you doing to her?" Lindsey asked.
"Using an old persuasion method to make me tell them something I don't know." Isabel mouthed off.
Mark backhanded Isabel. "I said shut up!"
"You're torturing her!?" Lindsey was appalled. "What kind of monsters are you to torture another human being!?"
"That thing over there is no human."
Isabel gave a dramatic eye roll.
"Sean, get her out of here," Emily said.
"No, she's going to stay in here and see what we do."
"She's sixteen!"
"So was Sean when he found out."
"He's the eldest!"
"It doesn't matter." He motioned to the box. "Continue."
Emily brushed her hair away from her face and turned towards Isabel. "The sooner you tell us, the sooner we can let you go."
"When you let me go, you better get the hell out of this town, because there are wolves in my pack that will kill you for this and not think twice about it."
"Isabel, dear, nice try but we both know you are not a wolf. And just because you have the protection of a couple of Hales doesn't make you a part of their pack."
The name caught Sean's attention. If her boyfriend was a Hale, then Isabel was under Laura's pack's protection. Even if she was no longer the Beacon Hills Alpha. And they would be so screwed when they found out.
"Where is the Eye of Odin?"
"Are you even listening? I told you I don't know what the hell that is!"
"You're lying."
"I swear to you I don't know!"
Emily turned a knob on the electrical box, causing electricity to go through wires connected to the fence and Isabel gave a scream. Lindsey screamed as well. Isabel's body arched and her eyes glowed again. Emily turned it off and Isabel sagged.
"Where is the Eye of Odin?"
"I don't know!" The crackle of electricity went through the fence again.
"Stop it!" Lindsey screamed. "You'll kill her!"
Isabel sagged again, breathing heavily.
"No, this won't kill her. Not yet."
"You have to believe me. I don't know what it is or where it is."
"The lies will get you nowhere. I know it's a Valkyrie artifact and I know that the Pure know where it is. Tell me now!"
"I don't know!" Isabel screamed at Emily.
"Oh, God," Sean whispered, realizing now that Isabel was a Valkyrie, not a wolf. He'd never come across one in person, but he'd heard about the power they held. They were protectors and fierce fighters. And he was also aware of what her Scream would do if she unleashed it. "Mom, back off!" Instead of backing off, Emily turned on the power again. And Isabel lost control of her human form. Her iridescent wings extended, right before her body started to glow. "Ah, sh—"
The curse was not able to fully leave Sean's lips before she gave an extremely loud Valkyrie Scream and the light burst forth from her body. He felt as if his eardrums were going to burst and he'd been hit by a Mack truck. When the light died, no one was on their feet. Except for Lindsey. He felt as if his ears were draining and he reached up and felt the wetness. He looked down at his fingers and saw the blood. The Scream had made his ears bleed.
"Lindsey?" He staggered to his feet immediately going to his sister. His parents and the three Procurers that had been in the room all had blood dripping from their ears. "Lindsey? You okay?"
Lindsey was in complete shock. Sean took her face in his hands and noticed that she was also the only one whose ears weren't bleeding.
Emily approached Isabel, who was sagging and seemed to be on the verge of passing out. Emily grabbed her by her jaw. "So you used an alias to hide from the Dark Valkyrie. I know who you are and I will get the location of the Eye from you. Your ruse is exposed, Esther Evans." The Valkyrie's eyes fluttered closed as she completely passed out. She turned to Sean. "Take Lindsey back home."
Isabel waited for the elevator, wondering who could have wanted this Eye of Odin so bad to kill the Procurers he hired to find it for losing their only so-called lead. Why didn't he just come himself to begin with? The elevator pinged and the doors opened. She waited for the people inside to exit before boarding with three other people, everyone punching different floors.
Sean stepped out of the bathroom and came face to face with Derek Hale, Lindsey, her friends, and a man he didn't recognize. Derek was carrying Isabel.
"What the hell are you doing?" he whispered, taking Lindsey by the arm.
"Don't try to stop me, Sean." Sean's name caught the unknown man's attention.
"Mom and Dad are on their way. I heard Dad saying he was bringing others. You need to get her out of here fast."
"Why do you think we're here?" the man said. "But you be careful, too. Your family are dangerous people."
"I know that all too well. Now get the hell outta here."
Lindsey nodded and the pack escaped. Sean went back into the common area. It wasn't ten minutes later, Sean heard Mark over the walkie.
Check on the Valkyrie.
Sean and Morgan went to the back area. Sean knew that she wouldn't be there. Morgan let out a string of curses.
Sean brought the walkie to his lips. "Dad, she's gone. Evans is gone."
Get outside now! We have intruders!
Sean and Morgan booked it to the nearest exit, bursting through the door as something ran past.
"After him!" The two Procurers gave chase through the woods surrounding the warehouse.
"Stop!" Morgan called before firing a shot.
A cry told him that Morgan's bullet had found its mark. The figure they were chasing stumbled and Sean noticed the black wings of a Dark Valkyrie. The Valkyrie staggered to his feet. The other Procurers caught up and several more shots rang up, followed by the cries of the Valkyrie. They chased him towards the edge of a drop-off. The Valkyrie staggered again and fell. Everyone had their weapons trained on him. The Valkyrie was feeling the effects of the nightshade. He looked up and Sean saw that it was the man that had been in the group that came for Isabel. Mark stepped forward, his pistol leveled at him. The Valkyrie gave a knowing smile before throwing himself off the cliff.
She removed her hands.
"So you did help the Pure escape," she said. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. No wonder your client became so angry he killed your family." She leaned low to his unconscious form, her lips against his ear. "But I can't let you or your client get in my way. The Eye and the Valkyrie are mine." She straightened and ran her finger down his chest. The heart monitor started to go into a frenzy and Sean's body arched off the bed.
Isabel stepped off the elevator and heard the frenzied heart monitor and noticed the deputy that was supposed to be outside Sean's room was gone. She darted towards Sean's room and saw a dark-haired woman with him, Sean's body arching and his monitor announcing that she was killing him. Isabel jumped forward, extending her talons and burying them into her back. She gave a scream and Sean collapsed back onto the bed. The woman spun around and slammed her hand into Isabel's chest, throwing her into the hallway. Isabel hopped to her feet and started to charge again. The witch held her hand up and then balled her fist. Isabel stopped as a searing pain went through her body. She gave a cry and fell.
"I'm glad you decided to drop by," the witch said as Isabel writhed on the floor from pain. "Because you're going to tell me where the Eye is."
Isabel shook her head.
"Wrong answer."
Isabel squeezed her eyes shut, gritting her teeth and trying not to scream.
"Where is it!?"
"Leave her alone!" Lindsey cried, running towards them.
"This is none of your affair, girl."
"Lindsey," Isabel managed to say. "Run!" She gave a cry as the witch applied more pain to her spell.
Instead, Lindsey charged at the witch. She backhanded her and Lindsey hit the wall. A shot was suddenly fired and the witch released Isabel with a scream. Isabel gasped for breath, not bothering to look up to see who came to their rescue. Whoever it was fired again and the witch retreated as Lindsey ran over to her. The sound of breaking glass was heard.
"Suspect was in the hospital," Parrish said. "Attacked Lindsey Chasseur and Isabel Evans before jumping through a window."
All units, suspect is on foot. She is considered armed and dangerous. Approach with caution.
Disregard that. Stilinski's voice came over the radio. Do not approach at all. The radio continued to chatter.
"You okay?" Parrish asked as Lindsey helped Isabel sit up.
She nodded. "She's after it, too."
Lindsey stood and ran into her brother's room. "Sean!" The monitor was still frenzied, his breathing rapid. Doctors and nurses rushed into the room, shoving Lindsey out. "Sean!" she screamed.
Isabel staggered off the wall she was against.
"She got to him! She's killing him!"
Isabel pulled her close to her as the monitor flatlined and Lindsey screamed.
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