18: Suspect
"How are you doing?" Isaac asked Lindsey as he and Derek relieved Peter and Malia.
"Considering, okay, I guess."
"It's been pretty quiet," Peter said. "With nightfall, that's bound to change."
"And tonight's a full moon," Derek added, glancing at Malia.
"Yeah," Peter put his arm around his daughter. "Be careful tonight."
"We will."
Melissa approached them as Peter and Malia left. "Hey, guys," she greeted.
"Hi, Mrs. McCall," Isaac returned the greeting.
"Isaac, you live with me. I told you to call me Melissa."
"Sorry. Habit, I guess."
Melissa smiled. "He's still in critical condition and since it came out that someone dressed as a nurse killed the deputy here, only a handful of us are allowed in the room."
"Good," Lindsey said. She turned back to Derek. "Do you think the witch did this?"
Derek shook his head. "You were right. We believe it was whoever hired your family to find the Eye."
"Why does he want it so bad? Bad enough to come here himself and kill my parents and try to kill my brother over Isabel's escape?"
"I don't know. But we're not going to let him finish the job or get to you."
Isabel combed through the laptop with the Hales' bestiary on it, hoping to find any mention of the Eye of Odin. So far, she'd come up with nothing. A knock sounded at the door and Peter went to answer it, claws out. He sniffed the air before retracting his claws and opening the door.
"Glad you could make it, Deaton," he said, motioning for the veterinarian to come inside.
Isabel stood. "Thank you for coming on such short notice," she said.
"Of course. What do you need help with?"
"You met with my parents when they came to Beacon Hills to warn Talia about the Dark Valkyrie, right?"
"Do you remember her wearing a blue jewel?"
Deaton thought back. "In fact, I believe she was," he finally said. "Bright blue with a gold frame on a gold chain."
"So sometime between then and her death it disappeared," Isabel sighed.
"Wait," Peter suddenly said. "Our family has a hidden vault. Could your family have one as well?"
"Vincent would have taken it if she hid it there. We all knew the way in. And he didn't have it when he died."
"Would Vincent have known what the Eye of Odin was?" Deaton asked.
"He was the oldest. He knew a lot more than I did. Our parents let him in on more than they did me."
"So your family did have a vault?"
"It's on the East Coast. I can't remember exactly where." Isabel closed her eyes, thinking back to the last time she was there. She was a child. Her parents were both still alive and Vincent was a happy boy with a pure heart. She remembered the smell of seawater, ships on the water. A skyline full of tall buildings, their lights reminding Isabel of a thousand stars... Her eyes shot open.
"New York City. Liberty Island. It's in the Statue of Liberty."
"But you are positive that your mother didn't hide it there."
"Positive. She had it until right before Daddy died. Then I don't remember seeing it again. We haven't been to New York for years. Daddy was afraid...," Isabel trailed off. "Because Kenton lived there."
"Who's Kenton?" Peter asked.
"The first Dark Valkyrie."
Stilinski rubbed the bridge of his nose. They were getting nowhere with the Chasseur murders. The blood all matched the victims with the exception of blood found on a kitchen knife near Sean, leading the sheriff to believe that the younger Chasseur defended himself. He looked up at the knock on his door and Parrish opened it and stuck his head in.
"The analysis on the mystery blood is back," he said.
"No match in the state of California. Haige is checking federal."
"Thanks, Parrish." The deputy stepped inside and shut the door. "Something the matter?"
"If this person is so convinced that Isabel knows where this Eye of Odin is, why did he send someone else to question her? Why not come himself to begin with?"
"Maybe he was afraid she'd know him?"
"Would that be an advantage or a disadvantage?"
"That would depend on how she knew him." Parrish's eyebrows knit together. "Is there something else?"
"With the way he attacked Mark and Emily, his intent was to kill them. ME said they died at least minutes within each other. So why let Sean live before leaving? Why didn't he make sure Sean was dead too?"
Stilinski frowned. Both Mark and Emily's causes of death were stab wounds to their hearts. Their attacker wanted to make sure they were dead. But Sean's wounds were to his side and stomach. The knife had barely missed his liver. Melissa told him the knife missed by mere millimeters.
"I don't know."
"And is he planning on going after Lindsey?" It was the million-dollar question. Did he even know that Lindsey knew about the rest of her family's activities?
Lydia brushed out her hair. Things had been fairly normal since they defeated Vincent. Now there were more murders and a witch on the loose. She set the brush down, frowned. She wondered why whoever killed Lindsey's parents just left Sean to die. Why didn't he kill him the same way? Because Sean had fought back? She stood up, her head starting to hurt. She rubbed her temples, a thousand whispers suddenly surrounding her. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to focus her hearing like Peter had told her to. It didn't seem to be working.
"Focus, Lydia," she said. But the harder she focused, the more understanding the whispers slipped through her fingers. She was so frustrated that she wanted to scream. She opened her eyes. Of course! Her scream helped her focus on what she needed to hear. She took a deep breath and shrieked.
Isabel ran through the parking lot, agilely avoiding colliding with a family leaving the hospital, Peter and Malia right behind her. She made a beeline for Derek.
"You heard it too?" he asked.
"Of course I did."
Lindsey looked completely confused. "What's going on? Hear what?"
"You didn't hear that?" Kira asked.
"She's not a supernatural, Kira."
"She's not?"
"Is Sean alright?"
"As far as we know," Derek said.
Melissa walked towards everyone. "Why is the whole pack here?" she asked. "I thought you guys were taking watches."
Scott glanced around to make sure no one would overhear them. "We heard Lydia scream. She only screams like that when someone is about to die."
Melissa nodded. "I'll go check on him." Melissa walked down the hall.
"You don't think that she sensed Sean?" Lindsey asked worriedly.
"I don't know."
Lydia ran into the waiting room then, her heels clicking on the linoleum. She looked around and saw the pack and rushed towards them.
"Lydia? Who?" Scott asked.
"It's not Sean."
"Then who?" Isabel asked.
"Remember when Barrow escaped from the hospital and kidnapped Kira?"
"Vividly," Kira said.
"I screamed and was able to figure out where he had her."
"There had better be a point to this ramble," Derek said.
Lydia looked at Isabel. "It's you," she whispered. "They both want you."
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