17: Tragedy
"Come on, Lindsey," Lydia said, flipping her hair. "It'll get your mind off your parents."
"I don't think anything will get my mind off the fact my whole family are murderers that kidnap and torture people."
"Even your brother?" Malia asked.
Lindsey sighed. She couldn't honestly say her brother kidnapped, tortured, and murdered people.
"Sean has been coming up here to talk to you," Kira added. "Your ignoring him really hurts him."
"I can't talk to him." Lindsey turned to Lydia. "You know, shopping sounds like an excellent idea after all."
"And you're my new best friend."
Kira laughed.
"Come on. We'll take my car." Lydia skipped to her car, causing Lindsey to laugh.
"She's in an excellent mood today," Malia said.
"We're about to do her favorite sport," Kira said. "Of course, she's in a good mood."
"Shopping is a sport?"
"To Lydia, it is."
Lindsey giggled.
"Shotgun!" Malia said and ran towards the car.
"Hey! No fair!" Kira gave chase. "You're using coyote powers!"
Lindsey still didn't know who was what, but she did have it down that Scott, Isaac, Derek, and Peter were werewolves with Scott being the Alpha.
"Okay, I know I keep asking but can you explain who is what in the pack again?" Lindsey said once they were in the car. "I know who the werewolves are and Isabel is a Valkyrie but I'm a little confused on the rest."
"Malia's a coyote," Kira explained. "She can turn into a full coyote when she shifts."
"I've almost mastered full moons," Malia said proudly.
"And what does that mean?" Lindsey asked.
"It means she can almost stay in her human form during a full moon," Lydia explained. "She slips every once in a while but Stiles has been helping her keep in control."
"Her dad's a werewolf, right? So how is she a coyote?"
"There's a saying that a shapeshifter's shape reflects the person that they are."
"I'm confused."
"Yeah, me too," Malia put in, drawing laughter out of everyone. "What? I'm just as confused as you are on why I'm a coyote and not a wolf."
Lindsey turned to Kira. "And what are you again?"
"Kitsune. Thunder kitsune to be exact."
"You make storms?"
"I make electricity. And I'm immune to electricity."
"In other words, she can shock the hell out of someone," Lydia said with a laugh.
"Do you change shape?"
"No, but I've been told my aura looks like a fox."
"Really?" Malia turned around and flashed her eyes. They were the same color blue as Isabel's. "Whoa! That's cool!"
Kira chuckled.
"Oh that was cool," Lindsey said when Malia's eyes returned to brown. "Do all wolves and Valkyries have the same color eyes when they flash them like that?"
"We actually thought Isabel was a wolf when she first came to town," Lydia said.
"And we were so confused about it too," Malia added. Lindsey gave her a puzzled look. "We can smell when someone else is a werewolf. She didn't smell like one. She smells human. Scott and Derek were the only ones that saw her eyes glow though."
"We found out she was a Valkyrie a lot later," Kira added. "Then she died."
"What?" Lindsey asked, not quite believing what Kira had just said. "How is that possible?"
"Well, Valkyries are like wolves, coyotes, and kitsunes. They heal quickly. Back in World War II, my mom was in an internment camp."
"Whoa! Hold on! Your mom?"
"She's 900. But not my point. There was a riot, she was shot and they were going to burn her and a dozen others to cover up the fact that they killed so many people. Because they thought she was dead. What she was doing was healing and she focused so much energy on healing herself that she appeared dead. Isabel did the same thing. When she woke up, her eyes were as bright as Malia's."
"They weren't always bright blue?"
"They were medium blue at first. After practically dying, she became powerful."
"Um, Lydia?" Malia suddenly asked. "This isn't the way we usually go."
Lydia looked confused. "I swear I was going the right way."
Lindsey glanced out the window to see where they were and saw a house with several police cars and ambulances in front of it. "Lydia, stop the car!" she said, panic in her voice.
"What? Why?" Lindsey opened the door while the car was still moving. Lydia slammed the brakes. "Lindsey!"
"Oh, my God!" Kira cried. "That's Lindsey's house!"
Lindsey darted towards the deputies. She was stopped by Parrish.
"Whoa! You can't go in there."
"I live here!" Lindsey cried. A gurney was being rolled out of the house, a young man on it. "Sean!" Lindsey shoved past Parrish and ran to her brother. "Sean!" Sean was out cold, his shirt cut open and field bandages on his stomach.
"Lindsey," the sheriff took her by her shoulders. "What are you doing here?"
"What happened? Where's Mom and Dad?"
"You need to go with your brother to the hospital, okay? I'll meet you there and I'll tell you what we know."
"Lindsey, go."
She nodded and climbed into the back with Sean, holding his hand.
Stilinski turned and saw Lydia, Kira, and Malia standing off to the side. He sighed and went over to them. "Your Banshee abilities bring you here?"
Lydia nodded.
"I smell a lot of blood," Malia said. "Are they all dead?"
"Sean is in critical condition. It'll be a miracle if he survives. Their parents weren't as lucky." Stilinski glanced over his shoulder at the scene as a gurney carrying a body bag was wheeled out of the house. "I have a bad feeling that whoever hired the Chasseurs is in town. Which means we have two players now. I need you guys to tell Scott about this if Stiles hasn't already."
"I doubt Stiles has the details we do," Lydia said.
"Go. And if this person or whatever they are is targeting the Chasseurs because of Isabel's escape, they might come after Lindsey. Don't let her out of your sight."
Kira nodded and the girls went back to the car.
Danny rushed to the hospital once Scott told him about Lindsey's family. Most of the pack was already there. Lindsey was distraught, bouncing her leg. Malia was sitting next to her, a worried look on her face. Danny sat down next to her, putting a hand on her arm.
"She hasn't said a word since we got here," Lydia said.
"What happened?" Danny asked.
"We don't know. Sean's in surgery right now."
"My parents are dead," Lindsey suddenly said. "My parents were murdered. And it was probably the people who hired them."
Scott turned and was surprised to see who walked through the ER doors. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked.
Isabel looked like she had her strength back. Derek and Peter followed her in.
"Moral support," Isabel said. Scott glanced at the two Hales.
"I don't think her mother could keep her in that apartment once Malia told us what happened," Peter said.
Isabel made a beeline to Lindsey, kneeling in front of her and taking her hand.
Lindsey was surprised to see her. "What... why?"
"Because I have nothing against you or your brother. No child should have to lose their parents like this."
Lindsey suddenly hugged Isabel, crying into her shoulder. Scott felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, kiddo," Stilinski said when he turned around. "Any news?"
Scott shook his head. "Sean's still in surgery. Whoever killed their parents and attacked him did some major damage. They're trying to stop the internal bleeding and repair the damage from the knife."
"Is there any way you guys can check out the house, see exactly what happened?"
"We can try."
Stilinski looked past Scott at Isabel and Lindsey. "She does realize that whoever killed Mr. and Mrs. Chasseur is more than likely the person who hired them to find that Odin thingy."
"I don't think she cares right now," Derek said. "If they're going after the whole family, Lindsey is going to need our protection. And so will Sean if he survives."
"You're willing to look past the fact that their parents kidnapped and tortured your girlfriend?" Stilinski asked.
"Lindsey helped us. And Sean...," Derek trailed off and glanced at Lindsey, who was still crying into Isabel's shoulder. "Knowing what I know now, breaking Laura's heart was his way of saving her life."
Scott's eyebrows shot up, surprised at the revelation. "Well, that would explain why he didn't try to stop us when he caught us."
"Probably. I was 17, 18 at the time. I don't know even he even recognized me."
"Scott?" Stilinski asked.
"We protect them."
Stilinski nodded.
"But first, Derek and I will go to their house and see if we can pick up anything. Isaac and Peter will stay here and keep an eye on Sean and Lindsey."
Derek sighed when he and Scott climbed back into the Cruiser. "That was a disaster," he commented.
"No kidding."
There were way too many emotions in that house. Scott had been surprised to find that it was the Argents' old house. Both werewolves kept seeing the Argents' residual presence along with the stress and anger that went along with the Chasseurs. Derek did manage to glean Sean's attack briefly but could not see his attacker clearly.
"I'm sorry, Derek. I just kept seeing Allison."
"I know." Derek put his hand on his Alpha's shoulder. "There's always going to be a special place in your heart for Allison and the pain, the hole, she left behind..." Derek paused. "Kira may be able to numb it, but it'll never go away."
Scott looked at Derek, knowing he was speaking from experience. "I did pick up one thing," he tried to change the subject. "That house is full of anger. I have never felt anger like that since...," he trailed off and glanced at Derek. "Since Peter was the Alpha."
Derek nodded. "But was it the killer's? Or the Chasseurs'?"
"You seem to know a lot more about it than I do." Isabel was in Devin's apartment, Lydia and Stiles sitting on either side of her. "I'd never even heard of it before the Chasseurs asked about it."
"I know it through stories. Mother spoke of it like it was the Holy Grail. Last she spoke of it, she said it was in your mother's possession."
"Did she say what it looked like?" Lydia asked.
"A jewel, I think. Argent might have it in his bestiary."
"Valkyries weren't in the bestiary until I gave Chris the information on us," Isabel countered. "I doubt it'll have anything on the Eye of Odin."
"And you can't just Google it, either," Stiles said. "You'll just get info on Odin and something with the same name from a Disney cartoon."
Isabel chuckled. "I take it you tried."
"I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help with this," Devin apologized.
"It's more information than we had." Isabel stood.
"Izzy." It had been a long since anyone had called her that.
"Devin, don't call me that. I outgrew that nickname."
"Sorry. But if you need help protecting Sean and Lindsey, you know where to find me."
Isabel smiled and nodded. "Thanks."
She lifted the police tape and stepped into the house. She could smell the blood. She walked into the kitchen. The room was covered in it. The cabinets, the floor, the counter. It looked like a war zone. She held her hand up and muttered a spell. Shimmering figures appeared in the kitchen. She couldn't hear what the Chasseurs were saying but she could see the agitation on Mr. Chasseur's face. He turned away and headed out of the kitchen, only to be stopped by a new figure. She didn't know this man. He suddenly stabbed the Procurer, his wife screaming. She watched as he killed them both. She snorted. So much for her questioning the Chasseurs on what they knew. Then their son walked in, immediately going to Mrs. Chasseur's side. The mysterious man attacked the younger Chasseur. Words were exchanged and she saw a fire burning in the son's eyes. He defended himself, grabbing a knife from the counter, despite the blood pouring from his side.
In the end, he was subdued. The mystery man left him to die. But the son managed to make a call before he collapsed, unmoving. She released the spell.
"So there is another player in town," she said to herself. "He will not get away with this." But her first place to check would be the hospital. To see if the son survived his attack.
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