16: Pure Hearted
"Get him on the exam table."
Rafe helped Scott and Parrish put Devin face down on the table.
Deaton immediately examined the wounds. "I need to get the bullets out." The vet turned and reached for his gloves while Scott went for one of the surgery packs.
"Black wings means he's a Dark Valkyrie, right?" Rafe asked.
"Yes. Scott, I need you and Malia to hold him down. They may need the help of the rest of you."
"If he's a Dark Valkyrie, then why are we helping him? They killed five people and tried to kill Isabel last time they were in town."
"Because he's not one of them, Dad. He didn't go Dark by choice."
Devin gave a pained grunt as Deaton started to dig the bullets out of the Valkyrie's back.
"He accidentally killed a Pure Valkyrie," Malia chimed in.
"You two know a hell of a lot about Devin," Stiles said.
"Isabel told us his story."
"I'd rather hear it from him," Rafe said.
"You'll have to ask him if he survives this." Parrish looked at Devin. "And when he wakes up." Devin had fallen unconscious by this point.
"Then let's hope he does wake up," Deaton said as he continued to work.
Isabel just looked at Malia. "He's alive?"
"He was when I left. He was out cold. Parrish and Rafe had to run off Procurers right before he showed up."
"So they were spying on the clinic?" Derek asked. "Which means they're probably watching the loft, too."
"That would be my guess."
Isabel leaned forward, putting her head in her hands. "Why are they so convinced that I know where this Eye of Odin is? Let alone what it is."
"Devin said it was a powerful jewel," Derek said. "Literally made from Odin's eye. Only the most powerful Valkyrie had it in their possession. Like your mother."
Isabel looked up. "If she had it, she didn't tell me what it was." Then her eyebrows knit together. "Did Devin say what it looked like?"
Derek shook his head. "No."
"I remember Mama having a necklace with a blue jewel, but I don't remember what happened to it."
"Do you think that could have been it?" Peter asked.
Isabel shook her head. "I don't know."
Lindsey and Mason had their heads close together, working on an English project.
"Can I just point out that I think these two are idiots," Mason said. Lindsey giggled. "Wouldn't have running away made more sense than faking suicide?"
"I'm going to agree with your assessment. They're idiots."
Mason laughed. "I think Mrs. Fowler would have a coronary if we wrote that in our project."
"You might be right." Even though he was a freshman, he was in advanced classes. Lindsey's smile faded when Liam turned a chair around and straddled it. "What do you want now?"
"Nothing," Liam said with a smile. "So, Mason, you gonna come over tonight? Just got Advanced Warfare."
"Actually, Lindsey and I have a project that's due and we need to work on it."
"Need help with it?"
"Have you read Romeo and Juliet?" Lindsey asked.
"Then no."
"It's a Shakespeare play, right? I could read it and maybe help you out with your project."
"He's got a point, Lindsey."
Lindsey sighed.
"We could use some help on the roles of the characters in the 1300s compared to Shakespeare's time and modern times."
"We can do it at my house," Liam offered. Lindsey just looked at him. "Or Mason's. Actually, it might be better at Mason's."
Mason chuckled."Liam's right. My place would probably be better."
Lindsey scoffed a laugh. "Fine. Mason's tonight."
Devin opened his eyes and found himself at the vet's office. He couldn't believe he'd actually made it there. He sat up and swung his legs over the side of the table he'd been laying on.
"Don't move too fast," the vet cautioned. "You still have some remnants of nightshade in your system."
"She's in a safe place. Somewhere the Procurers won't find her."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because she's with one of the pack in a place the Procurers never followed her to because she'd never previously been there."
"The rest of the pack? Did they make it out?"
"Safe and sound. Your sacrifice disrupted a Banshee's prediction that everyone was going to die. But you do have everyone curious." The vet turned away and walked across the room, leaning against the counter. "Our last encounter with the Dark Valkyrie wasn't very pleasant. What makes you different?"
Devin looked over his shoulder and realized that his wings were still extended. He hated them. He hated the pitch black they had become because of his mistake. "I'm Dark because I made a terrible mistake," Devin said as he retracted his wings. "I did the same thing as the other night to protect Isabel. Vincent decided to force me into his ranks. I don't want to repeat what I went through. I wasn't thinking straight, hallucinating, towards the end. I accidentally killed a Pure, thinking he was one of Vincent's. I became a Dark when I did. I would give anything to reverse this." He looked up and flashed his medium green eyes. He looked down, ashamed. "I never wanted to be Dark. I swore to myself I'd never choose it. But Vincent forced it on me. If the pack hadn't killed him, he would have done the exact same thing to Isabel."
"Is there no way to reverse it?"
Devin shook his head. "Not that I'm aware of. Do you know why Pures are white and Darks are black?"
The vet shook his head.
"Black symbolizes the loss of their soul to the evilness of their hearts."
The vet crossed his arms. "I'm having a hard time believing you are soulless. Or evil. I watched Isabel die in Derek's arms after she tried to help the pack to fight off Vincent."
Devin looked up.
"But what she was doing was healing herself," Deaton continued, "becoming as powerful as she is now. I had never seen anything like it before. I saw what the Dark Valkyrie do. Their savagery. They would leave their own to die. Vincent let each one of his followers die." The vet crossed over to him and put a hand on Devin's shoulder. "The Dark Valkyrie I saw would never have done what you did. You continued to protect Isabel even after you became Dark. Your wings may be black and your eyes may be green, but you are still a Pure here." He tapped Devin's chest, right above his heart. "Your heart is still Pure. And from what little I know of your kind, that is as rare as Isabel's light ability."
Devin realized that he was right. "Tell the pack I will do whatever it takes to help them."
"I really don't get how these kids do it," Rafe said as Melissa set a cup of coffee down in front of him and Stilinski before sitting down at her table with her own. She'd just gotten off of a shift to find her ex-husband and current flame at her house. Scott was upstairs with Stiles, Malia, and Kira, no doubt discussing their next move.
"What do you mean?" Melissa asked.
"Juggling the crap that goes on in this town and school. Especially Scott. He has excellent grades despite dealing with nogitunes, Valkyries, Procurers, and witches."
"Don't forget other Alphas and Darachs," Stilinski added, drawing a smile out of Melissa. Rafe just looked at the sheriff. "You know, I asked Allison the same thing a few days before she died. She broke down after I did. They don't either. They're kids. They're scared and they have no idea what they're doing." Melissa nodded in agreement. "There's not a Handbook for the Supernatural these kids can use."
"Scott was thrown into the whole werewolf thing," Melissa added. "What he knows, he's learned on his own or with Stiles, Derek, and Dr. Deaton's help. He wings it. A lot."
"But he's an Alpha, right?"
"That still doesn't mean he knows everything. His being Alpha came about because of who he is."
"What does that mean?"
"It means my unwillingness to kill and sheer willpower is the reason I'm an Alpha." They all turned to see Scott. None of them had heard him come downstairs. "I'm a True Alpha. Deaton said it was rare."
"So how did you become one?" Rafe asked. Melissa and Stilinski looked at one another.
Scott glanced over at his mother. "Saving my mom."
Melissa smiled and stood, crossing over to her son and hugging him. "If it hadn't been for him, Derek, Stiles, Allison, and Isaac, Noah, Chris, and I would be dead."
"The Darach, right?"
Stilinski nodded. "We were lucky Chris had this emitter thingy that only werewolves could hear. Allison and Isaac would have never found us."
Scott turned to his father. "We don't have it all figured out. I'm not even sure how we're able to keep our grades up, to be honest."
Melissa chuckled. "I'm just glad he's learned to even out being a werewolf and school. You guys need anything up there?"
Scott shook his head. "Not right now. We're just trying to figure out how to keep the Procurers from finding Isabel if they decide to follow one of us."
Parrish was looking over the Hale fire case. It was officially closed now that it had come out that Kate Argent had masterminded the fire that killed eight people and left Peter badly burned for six years.
What's the connection? he wondered. Who has a grudge? He looked over the Hale family members killed. He knew that Derek and Laura had survived because of their not being at the house. They'd lost their mother, an uncle, numerous cousins. Laura had died believing the youngest had perished as well.
"Whatcha looking at so hard?" Haigh asked, looking over Parrish's shoulder. "You do know that's a closed case, right?"
"I'm aware of that."
"Sad thing, that was. Entire family was trapped in that house. That Argent chick must have hit them during a family reunion or something. I think every Hale in California was in that house except for Laura and Derek Hale. The fire really screwed that boy up."
"I heard." Parrish closed the folder. "I was just curious about the details. That's all."
Haigh patted Parrish's shoulder and walked on. Parrish opened Stewart's case and pulled out the sketch of the nurse Haigh had seen. Lindsey had told the pack about seeing her as well and her doing some strange motions with her hands and then becoming confused when nothing happened. If she was a witch like they suspected and if she had to be nearby for her spell to work... Parrish wondered if anyone else might possibly have seen her too. He went and made a copy of the sketch, fully planning on talking to the witnesses in each case again.
"Dude! You cheated!" Liam said and Lindsey laughed.
All three of them were playing the video game Liam had brought with him to Mason's. Mason had finally relented to playing the game and offered his extra controller to Lindsey so she wouldn't feel left out.
"Can you cheat in this?" Lindsey asked.
"You're just mad because you got beat by a girl," Mason said, giving Lindsey a wink.
"She cheated because she said she never played before."
"I haven't. I learn quickly." They'd given up about an hour ago on their project, deciding that they could work on it more the next day. Lindsey had been impressed with Liam's insight into the project. All three looked up at the knock on the door.
"Mason, you have school tomorrow. It's time for your friends to go home."
"Okay, Mom," Mason said, reaching over and taking the game out of the console and putting it back in the case. He handed it to Liam.
Lindsey gathered her notebooks and put them in her bag as he did so. "I'll see you at school tomorrow," Lindsey said, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "Need a ride home, Liam?"
"Bye, guys," Mason said. Lindsey and Liam said their goodbyes and headed out to Lindsey's car.
"Nice car."
"Thanks." They rode in silence for most of the ride, Liam breaking it only to give directions to his place.
"Nice house," Lindsey commented when she pulled up in front of his house.
"Thanks. Um, Lindsey, can I ask you something?"
"Please let it not be another date."
Liam chuckled. "No, I was just wondering if you'll be at the game Saturday. I heard a rumor that you were living with Danny after the police got called to your house."
"I'm going to kill Stiles."
"It wasn't Stiles. I asked him and he said he knew nothing about it."
"Why did you ask Stiles?"
"Because his dad's the sheriff." Liam had her on that. "I heard it from a kid that lives on your block."
"It's true. But I plan on being at the game. Why?"
Liam opened the door. "Because I like seeing you in the stands cheering. I'll see you at school." He all but ran into his house.
"Wow," was all Lindsey could say before she drove off.
Isabel bit her lip. "They thought I was my mother?"
"Apparently they did after you did that light burst," Derek answered. "They kept calling you Esther after that."
"They obviously had never seen Mama." Isabel extended her wings. "If they had, they would have seen the difference." Isabel's left wing was pushed forward so she could grasp it. "Since becoming powerful, my wings took on an iridescent sheen to them. Mama's wings had a pale blue undertone. Very unique for a powerful Pure Valkyrie." Isabel retracted her wings. "And something anyone who met her would remember." She suddenly frowned. "Which means whoever hired the Chasseurs don't know that she's dead, or they have no idea that I'm powerful as well." She looked at Derek. "But what the hell would they want with a Valkyrie artifact that I didn't even know about?"
Sean pulled into the drive, seeing his parents were home, but not Lindsey. He sighed. She wasn't answering any of his phone calls and she completely ignored him when he went to the school to see if he could catch her. Scott informed him that she was still upset over his family's treatment of Isabel. Which prompted Isaac making a comment that Sean wasn't any better than Gerard. He deserved that. Sean only requested that Scott tell Lindsey that he was sorry she had to find out like she did and he still loved her. Now he was sitting in front of the house and deciding to leave the family business for good. Like he should have done five years earlier. Maybe Laura would still be alive if he had. But if he had to choose between his sister and the family duty, he was going to choose Lindsey. He went into the house.
"Mom? Dad? We need to talk," he called. The house was deathly quiet. Sean's hackles rose and he reached for the pistol he kept tucked into the back of his jeans, turning off the safety. He slowly made his way to the kitchen. Where he found his mother in the middle of the floor covered in blood.
"Mom!" He checked for her pulse and saw that she was dead. Something bit into his right side and he gave a cry of pain. The man shoved him backward and he dropped the gun.
"You let her get away." Sean grabbed the man's arm. "You let the most powerful Valkyrie alive escape. I'll not let you get away with failure." He gave another cry as the man pushed on the knife he currently had embedded in Sean's side. "Your parents are dead. You soon will be. And your little sister will be next."
Sean brought his left knee up and cracked him in the ribs. The man gave a cry and Sean brought his right elbow up. The man stumbled back and Sean gave a cry as the knife came out of his side. He immediately pressed his left hand over the wound and grabbed a knife from the block on the counter. He attacked the intruder, slicing through his shirt and across the chest.
"So you have a little fight in you. Good." The man attacked and Sean blocked. "Your mother died begging me to spare her children. Your father begged for his life."
Sean shoved the man back, wincing as he did so from the pain that shot through his side.
"Your fighting is a futile effort though, Mr. Chasseur." The man tackled Sean, shoving him against the wall hard, causing the Procurer to drop his knife. Sean gave another cry as his attacker slid the knife into his stomach. "You will die for your failure, just like your parents did."
Sean gasped as the knife was pushed farther into his stomach.
"I do not tolerate failure." The man removed the knife and Sean fell to the floor, grasping his stomach and gasping in pain. "My mistake was hiring Procurers when I should have come myself to begin with." The man crouched next to Sean. "I know your sister hasn't been home in several days. But mark my words, when I find her, I will not be gentle or merciful." The man walked out of Sean's view and a few minutes later he heard the front door open and shut. Sean had just enough strength to pull his phone out of his pocket.
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