10: Missing Person
"A witch?" Stiles asked. "For real?"
"So how does this make him or her different from a Darach?" Isaac asked.
"A witch doesn't follow a set of rules in regards to who they kill," Lydia said, scanning over the bestiary entries Chris had printed out. "Or why."
"Each one of these victims has no connection to each other or anything supernatural," Chris said. He pointed to the second victim. "She's the only one that sent up a red flag to me."
"Why?" Peter asked, crossing his arms. "Because she was a lifeguard at the school?"
Derek glared darkly at Peter, making Scott wonder if there was some sort of connection to Derek's past involving a lifeguard or the school swimming pools.
"Or because she was Garrison Meyers' niece?" Peter continued.
"You knew?"
"Stilinski told me when he paid me a visit to see if I killed everyone involved with the fire."
"Either one of you piss off a witch?" Isaac asked. "I know Malia didn't."
"Not that I'm aware of," Peter said, before looking at Derek. "Derek?" Derek only rolled his eyes. "I'll take that as a no."
"I'm not in the habit of pissing people off, unlike someone."
Peter only grinned. "We're all works in progress."
This time Chris rolled his eyes. "Well, whoever pissed her off, she seems to have a hard-on for the Hales," Stiles said.
Scott sighed. "Do you have the sketch artist's drawing of the nurse?"
Chris placed the rendering on the table. Scott and Lydia looked at one another. "You know her?" Chris asked.
"I saw her the night the first victim died. She came out of the room he was in."
"We both saw her," Lydia added.
"What about Lindsey?"
"Lindsey?" Chris had an odd look on his face. "Lindsey Chasseur?"
"You know her?"
"I know her brother. What does she have to do with anything?"
Lydia was giving Scott and Stiles a dirty look. "She may have come into contact with the witch. She made a drawing of her."
"How do you know Lindsey's brother?" Stiles changed the subject back to the Chasseur siblings.
"Stiles," Derek sighed. "Drop it."
"I want to know."
"Because Sean is well aware of our world," the Beta snapped, earning a questioning look from Chris and Scott. "We're not here to talk about the Chasseurs. We have more important things to figure out. Like figuring out why a witch wanted our attention and to find out how to stop her." Derek turned and headed towards the door. "I'm going to talk to Deaton and see if he has any insights." Derek disappeared out the door.
Even Peter looked concerned. "I haven't seen Derek like that in a while," he said.
"Yeah, like when we first met him," Stiles added. Lydia put a hand to her ear.
Chris looked over at her. "Lydia?" he asked, concern in his voice.
"I just had a really bad feeling."
"What kind of feeling?" Malia asked.
"Like we're in way over our heads in this. I feel like this witch is just waiting and biding her time." She looked over the faces of Peter, Scott, Isaac, Malia, Stiles, and Chris. "That she wants one of us."
Devin tossed and turned, not seeming to be able to find a comfortable position, despite being dead asleep. His breathing quickened as flashes interrupted his previously peaceful slumber.
A gloved hand covered Isabel's lower face with a handkerchief. She struggled before whatever was on the handkerchief subdued her.
"Get her to the van," a woman's voice said. A man threw a now unconscious Isabel over his shoulder.
"What about the car?"
"Leave it."
"We think this was a classic bump and grab," a black-haired man said to the sheriff, who was out of uniform. "It looks like she was rear-ended. She had to have been surprised when she got out of the car. Parrish found her keys under the car."
Derek went down, bullet wounds peppering his torso. Devin and the teenaged wolf he'd seen with Isabel pulled him behind a silver Cruiser, the older werewolf's blood was black.
"Why isn't he healing?" Devin asked.
The younger wolf sniffed. "They have wolfsbane in their bullets."
"Get out of here, Scott," Derek gasped. "Get Isabel and the rest of the pack out of here."
"Stop! You'll kill them!" a man shouted. Devin peaked around the Cruiser as a blond-haired man stood between them and the Procurers. An older man with sandy brown hair stepped forward, firing a single shot to his chest. The man crumpled and a girl screamed.
Derek went limp and slid down the car, landing on his side.
"Lydia was right," Scott whispered. "We're all going to die tonight."
Devin bolted upright, breathing heavily. He felt like he had a cold rock sitting at the bottom of his stomach. He didn't want that premonition to come to pass, although he had yet been able to prevent one from happening. He didn't know any of this pack. He barely knew Derek. He ran his fingers through his hair. He didn't want to be forced to watch the werewolf die.
Parrish pulled up behind the other cruiser and exited his car.
"Sorry, Parrish. Stilinski said to call you if something came up."
"What's up?" He then recognized the midnight blue Mustang. The bumper was dented and the driver side door was wide open.
"I found it a few minutes before I called you, just like this. I'm suspecting a bump and grab."
Parrish looked inside the car. Isabel's phone was laying in the driver's seat, face down. The keys were missing. He had a thought to look under the car and found the missing keys. Parrish's eyebrows knit together. Why was Isabel's car abandoned on the street? He had a bad feeling in his gut about this. He pulled out his phone. He was going to have to call Stilinski.
Stilinski apologized several times to Melissa for having to cut their date short.
"I understand," she said with a smile. "You're the sheriff. How about next Thursday I make you dinner?"
"That sounds like a plan."
"Then we can watch a movie afterward."
"Great. Next Thursday then."
"It's a date."
Stilinski watched Melissa as she went into her house and smiled. He'd always liked Melissa and was as close to her as their boys were to each other. Although, he had felt a little jealous that she'd been well aware of Beacon Hills' supernatural side long before Stiles came clean about his knowledge. She waved before closing the door and he headed to the address Parrish had given him.
Rafe was already there and met him at his car. "Were you on a date?" Rafe asked.
Stilinski wasn't about to tell Rafe he'd been on a date with the ex-wife he seemed to be trying to rekindle a romance with. "Yeah. What do we...," he trailed off upon seeing Isabel's Mustang. "Oh, God."
"We think this was a classic bump and grab," Rafe said. "It looks like she was rear-ended. She had to have been surprised when she got out of the car. Parrish found her keys under the car."
"Who'd want to kidnap Isabel?"
Rafe shook his head. "Hunters?"
"Can you find out if the Calaveras are back in town? They're on the top of my suspect list. I'll ask Scott if he's had a whiff of Kate." Stilinski suddenly groaned. "Ah, crap."
"I'm going to have to be the one to tell Derek his girlfriend is missing."
"Why do you need me?" Scott asked as they headed towards Derek's loft.
"Well, I'd like to keep my head when I tell Derek what I have to tell him."
"Which is?"
"You'll find out when I tell him."
Scott slid open the door. Derek was standing in front of the wall of windows, his right arm propped against it. Derek turned his head towards them. Scott noticed that he had his phone in his other hand.
"Derek," Stilinski greeted. Derek turned to face them. "Got a minute?"
"Plenty. We can't start trying to track that witch until after dark."
"I'm afraid you may have more important things to worry about than the witch." Derek looked at him questioningly. "We found Isabel's car last night."
"What do you mean, found her car?"
"It was abandoned at a stop sign. The door was wide open and it looked like she'd been rear-ended."
Derek looked distraught for a moment before he leaned forward, propping himself up on the table. "The Procurers," he said and Scott could hear the anger rising in his heartbeat.
"The what?"
"From what I understand, they're the middlemen in procuring dangerous objects for collectors. Devin warned us that they'd taken an interest in Isabel. I shouldn't have let her leave."
"Where did she go?"
"She needed to be alone. Devin opened up wounds that were still healing."
"Who the hell is Devin?"
"Isabel's ex," Scott answered.
"Do you know his last name?"
Scott shook his head. "No. I don't even know what he looks like."
"Blond hair and brown eyes. About my size," Derek answered.
"I think I know where he lives," Stilinski said. "I met a man that matched that description in the elevator after I talked to Peter." Derek gave a low growl. "And no you're not going to kill him."
"But I can threaten him into talking."
"No, you're not," Scott said, his tone saying he meant it. Derek growled again. "Stop that."
"I'm going to wait in the lobby of Peter's building until I see him again."
Stilinski waited in the lobby for most of the day before seeing Devin walk through the front doors. The sheriff approached him as he waited for the elevator. "Devin?"
Devin turned to see who had called his name and Stilinski saw the fear in his eyes. "Yes?"
"Could we talk in your apartment? I have some questions for you regarding Isabel Evans."
"Of course, Sheriff." He punched the button for the seventh floor. Devin looked nervous for some reason.
Stilinski followed him off the elevator and they headed down the hall. "You don't have to be nervous, kid," he said as they entered Devin's apartment.
"I really haven't had very good experiences with authoritarian figures." Devin dropped his keys on the hall table. "Can I get you a coffee?"
"No, thank you." Devin's apartment looked just like Peter's only with not as much furniture as the Hale. "I'm going to be frank with you, Devin. I know you know the truth about the world and I am aware that you know what Isabel is."
"So you know that the old legends and fairy tales are real?"
"I've been almost killed by those fairy tales, so yes."
Devin motioned for Stilinski to sit.
"I've been told you and Isabel once dated?"
"We did. Isabel's missing, isn't she?"
"How did you know?"
"I have premonitions. Most of the time they come true. She was rear-ended and she was subdued. I didn't see their faces, only one was a man and the other a woman. They put her in a van. That's all I can tell you."
"Can you describe the van?"
"Dirty white. Maybe grey."
"It's more information than we had," Stilinski paused. "Why would the Procurers take an interest in Isabel?"
"That I don't know. Unless their client wants a Pure Valkyrie in their collection, I don't see what anyone would want with Isabel. Except for Vincent. He wanted her to go Dark or die."
"Thanks, Devin," Stilinski stood, followed by Devin. "By the way, what is your last name?"
Stilinski nodded before handing Devin his card. "If you catch wind of anything new, give me a call."
"I will." Devin shut the door behind Stilinski. It was a valid question. What did the Procurers want with Isabel?
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