Who Am I? Who am I?
Reject's POV
"Reject Irwin?" The secretary asked us.
Ashton nodded, "Yep. That's her. Rae?"
I hid behind Michael, making sure that his body concealed mine as much as possible. It took a few hours for them to convince me to actually go in the place. Eventually, they brought a security guard out who threatened to put me in handcuffs again unless I came in. The security guard was big and scary. I would rather go in than be touched by him.
I shuffled closer to Michael, leaning the top of my head against his back. He gently took my hand muttered soft quiet words.
You never should have came in here. Just look at you, you're a mess. They will never be able to help you. You're going to be like this for the rest of your life.
"Alright," She took a plastic bracelet from a box and taped something onto it. "Reject, could I have your right wrist please?"
I said nothing and gripped Michael's hand tighter.
That bracelet has a tracking device in it. Even if you try to escape they can follow you and bring you back.
"It's just an identification bracelet." The secretary explained, "It has your name, age, room number, and psychiatric disorder on it. That's all. We give them to all of our patients here."
Those poor kids. They don't know what's coming to them.
"Can I see it?" Calum took the bracelet from the desk after the approved nod from the secretary. "It's just a plastic bracelet. Here, you can see it if you want."
He handed it to me. The plastic felt smooth and cool in my hands. There was a label attached to one of the sides of the bracelet.
Name: Reject Irwin
Age: 13
Sex: Female
Diagnosis: Paranoid Schizophrenia
Status: Non-violent
Placement: Section C, Room 11
"See, Rae? They just need you to put on that bracelet so they can tell who you are." Ashton said reassuringly, "You can put it on. You'll be alright."
I looked at the bracelet again. The material seemed too thin to be hiding any kind of tracking device. It's just a bracelet. I've worn bracelets on a lot of other occasions. This one shouldn't be any different.
"Okay." I finally said, "How do you get this on?"
"Come here." The secretary beckoned, "I'll put it on." I let go of Michael's hand and made my way to her desk. I put my right hand on the desk and she took a thin strip of plastic off the sticky coating on the inside, then she encircled my wrist with the bracelet.
"There you go. All done."
I tested the bracelet. It was on pretty tight and securely on my wrist. I doubt I could tear it off.
You shouldn't have done that
"Reject is to stay in room 31 in section C, which is down the left corridor. Everything is labeled so you should find your way quickly and easily." She slid a clipboard with some papers over near Ashton, "Mr. Irwin needs to fill out some paperwork but the rest of you can be on your way."
Luke picked up my bags and Michael lead the way down the hall. There were a lot of rooms in this place. Nurses and patients were scattered throughout the halls.
"Hey!" I heard someone call and a hand touched my shoulder. I turned around. A boy about my age with jet black hair and glasses was standing there. He smiled, showing off two rows of perfectly white teeth. I felt something deep in my stomach, a fluttery feeling unlike anything I've ever felt before.
"You look like the sunset." He blurted out.
Needless to say, I was a little taken aback by his comment. The sunset? Is that a good or a bad thing?
"Alex, we don't disturb people that are moving in." A nurse quickly guided him away from us. "We have to go to your counseling session."
I couldn't help but watch him go down the hallway for a few moments. Alex. His name is Alex. I felt intrigued by him like I never have before. I want to know more about him. He had a bracelet on, so that meant that he must be a patient here. What happened to get him here? Why did he call me a sunset? Is that good or bad? What does it mean?
"That was kind of weird." Luke remarked.
"Yeah," Calum agreed, "He was probably delusional. This is a big place, Rae. You'll probably never see him again. You don't have to worry."
But I wanted to see him. I want to know his story.
Calum is right, you're not going to see him again. Besides he would never want to see you again. You're dumb and ugly. He just said that stupid thing to make fun of you.
"Here we are." Michael announced and we arrived at a door with the number 11 on it. He opened the door. The room was pretty bland. Two beds, two dressers, and a small bathroom. Everything was in a shade of grey or white. One of the beds looked liked it had been slept in recently.
"Well, I guess this is going to be your home for the next 2 weeks." Luke set my bags down, "What do you think?"
"It's plain."
"Hello!" A nurse came in the doorway. She had red hair and green eyes. "I'm Allison. I'll be Reject's nurse and primary caregiver for her stay here. You three are her guardians, I presume?"
"Yes." Luke said, "Well, kind of. Her father is down filling out paperwork in the lobby. But we do take care of Rae also."
Allison nodded, "Alright, that sounds good also. I'm just going to go over the rules here with you guys and her. Reject, are you listening?"
"Yeah." I mumbled.
"Okay, good. The rules here are very very important." She emphasized, "If you don't follow them there will be consequences."
By consequences, she means beatings. You're going to get hurt here.
"First off, do not wander the building alone. There are nurses everywhere, so chances are you're going to be caught before you can make it 20 feet. You are not to go anywhere without me or another adult. Your schedule is pretty simple, 3 meals a day, group therapy at 11, individual every other day, and free recreation from 9 to 10, 3 to 4, and 7 to 9."
Allison handed me a piece of paper and gestured to another one that was taped above the bed, "Here's a copy of your schedule for yourself and there's one above your bed. You are expected to clean yourself and practice proper hygiene. Showers are to be taken either before breakfast or after dinner."
That was a lot to take in. I had a schedule here. What happens if I don't follow the schedule or do things at the wrong time? Will they hurt me?
"I'll remind you for the next few days," Allison seemed to sense my discomfort, "I know that this might take a while to get used to. Besides, your roommate has been here for a while too. She can also help you. Also, visiting hours are from 1 to 4. You boys can come visit anytime in those hours."
Ashton opened the door and shuffled into the room. He looked tired. "Paperwork is done."
Allison looked at her watch, "Okay guys, I think it's time to say goodbye. We have a schedule to stay on."
Ashton nodded and opened his arms, "Come here, Rae."
I went into them without a moment's hesitation. I don't want to leave them. They're the only people I trust. The only people I've ever trusted. Ashton said that this place is going to help me and make me better, but how am I supposed to do it without the people I love?
Love. I've never had love before. Not genuine love. When I was in foster homes my foster parents used to say that they loved me, but it was more out of pity than anything else. But this love was real. They knew me like no one else did and they cared.
"Darling, you'll be okay." Ashton said softly, "We'll visit you when we can. But you have to trust the doctors, they're here to help you. I love you."
"I love you too." I whispered and let go.
hellloooooooo frens!
also i've never been in a psychiatric hospital and i'm just going by editorials on the internet so don't kill me plz if things are wrong
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