Love Yourself So No One Has To
Reject's POV
"Are you sure you're going to be okay on your own?" Ashton asked me, "One of us can stay home if you want." I shook my head.
I'm good here
"You sure?"
Just leave so I can draw in peace
Ashton laughed, "Alright then Miss Sassy. We'll leave." He touched my hand, I pulled back. Touching still felt like fire. I didn't like it.
"WHERE ARE MY PANTS?" We heard a yell from upstairs. Probably Calum. He's always losing things. Last week I found his car keys in the fridge.
Michael came down the stairs, "Calum lost his pants again," He informed us, "He wants those specific black jeans."
Ashton groaned, "I'll handle it. Stay with Rae."
"You got your phone?" Michael asked me. I nodded and pulled the pink iPhone out of my back pocket. They got it for me a few days ago and it already had all my albums and the boy's phone numbers in it.
"Good. Don't be a Calum and put it through the wash."
"Hey Rae." Luke said and put his hands on my shoulders. I jumped. I didn't even know he was there. My heart started to speed up.
Just look at how easily he snuck up on you. You need to start preparing yourself so that next time you can fight back if he tries to hurt you.
"Luke. The touching." Michael reminded him.
"Sorry." Luke quickly apologized, "Rae. Look into my eyes."
"What the fuck, dude? Are you trying to hypnotize her or something?"
"No. I swear to God I'm not. Rae, just do it."
I looked down at the floor. Eye contact made me uncomfortable. I don't really like people looking at me, or looking directly at people for prolonged periods of time. I could feel something already watching me. Something that wasn't the boys.
"C'mon Rae, please?"
I took a deep breath and managed to lift my gaze to meet Luke's. He was looking quite good today with a plain white t-shirt and jeans, his hair was perfectly quiffed and he put his lip ring in. But there was something different.
A shadow flashed by in the mirror that was hanging directly behind Luke. It's them! I stumbled backwards, bumping into Michael.
"You okay?" Michael asked me. I quickly nodded. I don't want him or anyone to know about this. They won't understand.
Did you see me?
My hands started to tremble. I shoved them in the pockets of my sweatshirt so that no one would see them.
"Did you see something?" Luke asked me, "You looked like you saw something." I vigorously shook my head. He's getting too close. He's getting way too close.
"I need to look for something." He announced and then started opening the drawers of the cabinet that was beside him. I remembered back to the time in my art room where something was in the closet. What if they're in one of these cabinets?
"It's not in here." Luke said loudly, "I'm going to go check the kitchen." My heart dropped. The kitchen has even more cabinets and drawers. I could feel my hands shaking more violently inside of my pockets.
"Rae, do you want to help me look?" Luke asked me as he went into the kitchen. He left every drawer and cupboard open that he had already looked in. I eyed them cautiously. I don't want to go past them. Something might pop out at me.
"Dude, what are you looking for?" Michael said and followed him, "And for God's sake, close all the drawers."
"Don't close them. And I want Rae to help me. Rae, can you come here?"
It was then that all the pieces clicked together. He was doing this on purpose. He was intentionally doing these things just so he could see my reaction. My heart sank. I thought I could trust them, I really did. But as it turns out, they're all plotting against me.
" C'mon Rae," Luke urged me, "Come and help me look for the thing."
I stayed where I was. There is no way that I'm going across that landmine. Something is going to jump out and hurt me. I know it.
"Luke stop it," Michael said, "You're scaring her." He started to close some of the open cabinets.
"No!" Luke yelled, "Keep them open. I want Rae to check them."
He's determined to hurt me. Really, really, determined. That's why he wants me to come over there. I straightened up and took a deep breath. The beating will be worse if I stay over here anyway. For once, I felt completely by myself. There was no voice telling me things or no presence behind me. The only time the voice stays quiet is when I'm going to get a beating.
"Rae, stay right there." Michael commanded me as he ran around the room, shutting every open drawer and cupboard in sight.
"What the hell?" Luke started reopening them, "I was trying to do something."
"Fucking stop it!" Michael hissed and grabbed Luke's wrist, "Don't you know what you're doing? She thinks you're going hurt her. Did you see the way she was walking towards you? It was like a fucking death march."
"I just wanted to see something," Luke mumbled.
"Oh yeah? Well nice job, asshole. She's terrified. Look at her hands. Look at her fucking face."
I was still eyeing the cabinet. I don't like the vibe coming off of it. It felt like something was in there.
"I-I'm sorry." Luke said quietly, "I didn't know."
"I'm not the one you should be saying that to, buddy boy."
I could feel Luke's eyes trying to connect with mine. I looked at the ground harder.
"Rae, I'm so sorry." I shook my head. Everything is a lie. He's not sorry. He wanted to hurt me. He's just like my father.
Michael chuckled, "Well Lucas, you sure fucked up this time."
"Why are you calling him Lucas?" Ashton was standing in the doorway, "Why do you all look so sad? And why are all the drawers in the kitchen open?"
"I'll explain later." Michael quickly said, "We should go now so we don't miss that appointment."
Ok I feel sorta guilty making Luke the asshole. But it's important to realize that not everyone is immediately okay with the fact that someone they know may have a serious mental illness. He has flaws just like we all do.
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