Character Answers
Heyo frens!!!! So I finally finished it!!! Thnks fr th questions and all the other support for this book. I love all of you.
Q: What is your favorite food?
Hmmm, I'm not really a huge food person, but I'd probably have to say ramen noodles or anything that I can make by myself. The boys are horrible at cooking. Well, Ashton can make tea and that's pretty much it. Calum tried to make cookies once but he burned the first batch and undercooked the second one. So basically, you were either eating cardboard or giving yourself salmonella.
Q: Please try your best to ignore those voices, they're not the real Rae. Do anything that makes you forget. Just don't hurt yourself again.
Awe, this is so sweet! Michael, is this from you??? I'll do my best but the meds only make them easier to tone out, they don't erase them completely. I don't have any interest in hurting myself anymore.
Q: Can we be hair dye and pizza buddies?
Of fucking course we can. Come over and I will dye your hair and we can eat pizza and watch Pokemon.
Q: Is Muke real?
*nervous laugh* nooooo why would you even think that? *pulls out cell phone and calls Luke* shit they're onto us. Hide all evidence and start operation no homo hemmings
Q:Dude you're so sweet please continue being nice to Rae. Keep an eye on her.
I will. I've never had had a sibling before so I'm going to be the best brother that I can to her. Don't worry, she's safe here.
Q: What the hell were you thinking by opening the cabinets?
I'm not really sure. After she had that first breakdown I was scared, ya know? I didn't want her to be living with a stigmatized mental illness. So I guess I started doing all that dumb stuff so I could prove to myself that she was normal, when in reality she clearly wasn't. It was stupid and I really regret now. Rae is amazing even though she does have schizophrenia and I wouldn't want her to be any other way.
Q: Why'd you take out the lip ring?
I'm going for the more casual "I'm punk rock but I might smoke weed on the side" look. Sorta like Brendon Urie except I'm not going to kick my guitarist out of my band.
Q: Is Muke real?
*gets call from Michael* *nods and then hangs up* no sir Muke is absolutely not real. I am 100% straight. As straight as the stripper pole in the Dear Maria, Count Me In video. No homo here. None. I am as straight as Dan Howell claims to be. There is not a single strand of gay DNA in me.
Q: Boi it's obvious you like Rae ;) Do you?
I'm not sure what you mean by 'like'. Rae is my friend. I like having her as my friend and I like hanging out with her. She's really pretty and her family is awesome. Maybe I would like to hold her hand and hug her sometimes. That would be cool.
Me (the author)
Q: Why are you so fabulous?? :D
Memi you are killing me here. I'm in my shitty pajamas, covered by a fluffy blanket, and am on my third album (Don't Panic by ATL. I already finished Cry Baby and 21p self titled) and it's only noon. I literally a human landfill. I "forgot" to eat breakfast but ate a peanut butter and grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. I have to make sure my bracelets color coordinate with my band shirt for the day. I am trash not fab.
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