the girl walked swiftly down the street, barely noticing the biting cold. her hand clutched possessively around the cash in her pocket, when she feels a gaze pierce her.
her eyes looked warily around, and noticed a beggar, one who had an arm slung around her child, extending a pleading hand towards her. she noticed her eyes, so heavy with misery, yet casting a light of their own, whenever they looked at the child.
the girl's heart wrenched painfully. why, she wondered, were there people who had everything, but also those who had nothing? she drowned in the waves of anger and sorrow and helplessness that overwhelmed her.
barely thinking, she took out the money and handed it to the beggar, who looked at the girl as if she were transparent, and noticed how broken she was. instead of gratefulness, the beggar's eyes filled with pity as she accepted the money.
the girl, gathering her courage, asked her how she remained so blissful and calm, when she had nothing. the beggar's eyes twinkled with a light that had never shone in the girl's, and she replied, my girl, i have love, and that is everything.
the girl may have had a place to call home and a roof to sleep under, but she hadn't experienced the true love that the beggar had, the love that caused her to remain calm even in her worst days. her misfortune was worse than the beggar's.
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