Camilo settled down beside me. It felt a little akward at first, but it eventually reminded me of when I was 5 and used to sleep with my cousin, Ethan, so So I got used to it fairly quickly.
"Night Xye." Camilo whispered softly. I snuggled into the blanket that we had.
"Night Camilo." I said sleepily. I turned around to see Camilo already starting to close his eyes. I turned back around and drifted off to sleep.
In the morning, I woke up and realized that my back was against Camilo's warm body. I rolled away in utter embarrassment. Lucky me, Mirabel wasn't awake. I sat up and stretched and looked around. Bruno was gone, and so was his matt. I didn't worry too much about him, I just got up and changed my clothes with my gift and went to see what time it was.
"Hola Xye." Bruno said from out of literally nowhere. I jumped and sighed to calm myself.
"Sorry, sorry! Didn't mean to-" He began.
"Its fine..." I said. I looked up at the sky from the balcony.
"Pretty night, right?" He said while joining me. I nodded. He kept his hand along the railing to mine and held it.
"Xye... Ive been meaning to tell you something..." He stammered. You turned your attention towards him. Bruno was playing with his hand while holding your hand.
"Sí?" I said. He started blushes a little bit.
"Well... i uh... i think i..." He was having troubles finding the right words. I just kept silent to hear what he had to say.
"I think i l-like you...." He finally let out. I froze and gently jerked my hand away from his? He looked worried and disappointed.
"Sorry... Bruno, it's just... I like you as a friend. But... the way you like me. I like someone else. I'm so sorry Bruno, if you want... we can still be friends..?" I was shocked by what he said. Bruno looked at me and nodded his head, half in disappointment and half with joy. After that, we went back to bed.
"Xye! Xye! It's already breakfast come on!" I slowly and sleepily opened my eyes to find Camilo prodding me to get up. I moaned and begrudgingly got up.
"Mm. Why so early?" I said, my eyes half closed and my mind half asleep.
"Early!? It's literally breakfast!" He shouted. I rolled your eyes and her rolled his. I moaned again and flopped back down on the matt, just to find that Camilo picked me up and was carrying me.
"Put me down.." I groaned.
"Ok, but please hurry." He said, putting me on my feet and moving hair that was in my eyes behind my ear. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and carried myself over to my dresser. Camilo followed me. I grabbed my hair brush and handed it to him and he looked super confused.
"Can you? I'm too tired..." I said, trying to make my voice sound as tired as I could make it. He took the brush and started brushing my hair. He gently brushed it, it was soothing to say the least.
"Are you awake now?" He asked me. I shook my head no and he picked me up again.
"Ok then, guess I'll have to carry you!" He teased and slowly made his way to the door. My almost weightless body must have made him feel like he was strong because he had hardly no problem carrying me away.
"Alright! Alrighy! I'm awake!" I laughed while he gently set me down. He giggled too and he took my hand and made me follow him to breakfast.
"Camilo! X- and Xye, you're both late!" Abuela said.
"Sorry Abuela!" Camilo smiled at me and sat me down beside him.
"Xye. Dolores told me about last night." Julieta whispered into my ear. I looked at her raising my eyebrow to tell her I was clueless. Then she glanced and Bruno then at me a couple times. I nearly choked on my water when I realized what she meant.
"Oh! That thing! Yeah um..." I tried to search for the right words. But Julieta but her hand on mine.
"Its ok. I was just going to tell you that you are the first person the Bruno has ever confessed his feelings to, so he might be a little gloomy for a couple of days.." She told me. I looked at her then at Bruno with a pitty and continued to eat. Should I tell Camilo or not..? I thought to myself. What if he gets in a fight with his poor Tío!? I shouldn't tell him, at least not yet... Dolores tilted her head a little and smiled.
"Xye. Some people are looking for you in town. I sugested you go..." She said with a happy smile. I was in utter confusion, but Abuela nodded at me telling me that I was free to go. I stood up, nodded my thanks, and headed off for town.
"Xye! Primo!?" I heard a familiar voice shouting. I turned the corner and saw him. My favorite cousin, Ethan.
"Oh my gosh! I thought I'd never see you again!" Ethan said while hugging me and swinging me around like I weighed nothing. I laughed and Mysa, Myra, and Ivy all joined in the reunion of hugs. I smiled warmly at them as they backed away. We were all tearing up.
"Who are they?" I heard Cassa from behind me.
"My familia Cassa!" She walked up to them and sniffed them.
"Guys, this is Cassa the fox! Cassa, my familia, primos and sister!" They greater eachother friendly.
"Oh, guys! I want to show you all my new room! And before you ask me about Cassa, I have 2 gifts now! I can understand animals as my 2nd one!" I explained. There faces were shocked with delight as I lead them back to the casita and up up the stairs to my room where, as usual, Camilo was waiting. Ethan and Camilo shook hands and Camilo nodded respectfully at Mysa, Myra, and Ivy. Ivy laughed and squeaked at Camilo before walking into my room first. When everyone was in, including camilo, their faces, eexept for mine and Camilo's, were shocked and very impressed. I giggled and Cassa went to her den for a nap.
"Is that your boyfriend?" Myra teased outloud, clearly referring towards Camilo. Camilo coughed and turned into me, abuela, myra, pepa, then back to himself in one, very quick, moment. I blushed and rolled my eyes at my cousin.
"Well, amyways... we can't stay long, Tío Quade will start looking for us..." Ethan said. He glanced at Mysa then back at me. I nodded in sorrow but I at least knew they weren't gone forever.
"Hola Ivy!" Dolores came in and her and Ivy hugged eachother.
"I've got chores to do..." Camilo said as he started walking out.
"Wait! Camilo!" Mysa ran up to him and whispered something into his ear that shocked him and made him look defensive. Mysa smiled and told him goodbye. I wonder if Dolores will tell me what she said...
"Ok sis, we got to go now... we'll be back soon! Let's say... Monday next week?" Mysa said. I nodded and all of my cousins and my sister gathered around Mysa and teleported away. I was glad that they were alright. I ran into the village and saw Camilo walking towards Casita with a small group of little kids.
"Guys! Look who it is!" Camilo said while crossing his arms, all the kids, exept for one of them, ran up to me and hugged me.
"Where were you!?" A little girl asked me.
"Can we go to your new room!?" Another boy asked next.
"Have you met Cecilia!?" I was overloaded with questions.
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