Short Autobiography
(Base are not by me)
Xye Daregal
Hi, this is your author, F0r3st_Ch1ld. I have fallen in love with the move Encanto and became addicted to it, but for a dark reason. The day I watched Encanto for the 2nd time, my Aunt's rabbit, her name was Thumper, a mini lop blue clover rabbit, died. She was constipated and rabbits have very sensitive stomachs. She died in my arms, wrapped in a blanket. She died the weekend before Christmas. Yes, I based the rabbit Thumper in this book off of my old rabbit named Thumper. Now, there is grave for her infront of my Aunt's home. It has been very hard for me and everyone who loved that rascal. The funny thing is, the part that was playing when she died was the part were Camilo lost his gift. Xye is based off of me. I struggle with lonlieness, cluster phobia, self doubt, anxiety, and stress. I personally love Camilo Madrigal a lot. Another thing, I'm kinda shy in person, not that that matters. I'm the one who thinks, and knows, that no one likes me. I'm that one kid who always gets picked last. I compete on a swim team. And I hope you guys liked this book. It's my first book and I'm very proud of it. This is the one thing that I have been working on for the past 2, maybe 3 months. This is my pride and joy. I'm so happy that I did this. I love to post things online cause I feel like people just need some new ideas, ya'know? It's not that I want to be famous, I'm already infamous, i just want to impact someone's life. Have a great (insert time)!
If u r Australian then I love your place in the world! I love your accent! Love your animals! Love your everything! I have always wanted to go to Australia, it's my fav. Anyways, nice day/night!
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