Save me!
Max all I want is max she is harmed me beaten me and tortured me for what I sit in my chain trying to rack my brains when I hear a click? What the? "Y/n I'm done with u so yeah? Now ya gonna stop acting dumb and say something?" I shake my head these past few DAYS have been violent I have been Mute all the way through I'm not gonna talk to a monster that would hurt my broth- "STOP IT!" She yells at me I look at her in confusion "STOP THINKING STOP ACTING LIKE YOU ARE INOCENT! I KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO HIM TO YOURSELF!" She yells at me what the then I rember it all Andrew I...I shot him I was guilty of a crime and I did nothing when I shot him I just laughed it wasn't me in control I looked away and tried to blink back the tears she was Raven the girl who had a crush on him I was 13 he was trying R...Rape me I grabbed the gun and shot him he was 17 years old I killed him in a few seconds it was all over for him A 13 year old Killed a 17 year old....
Max's Pov
I hop out the car Gemma left earlier and she was innocent I walked through the park and smiled at all the couples I sat on a bench and a couple came up to me " Um hi we are fans of you and C/N where is she?" The young Fan asked me I sigh "I...I don't know." I sigh she stares in shock and laughs at me walks off with her guy friend I sighed where is my Y/N? I walk around and think 'Is she hiding?NO she wouldn't harm Millin Hmm If I was someone and I wanted to kidnap someone where would I do it? Hmm I Know! The abandoned house 4 streets away from Y/N'S this is perfect!' I quickly run there
Ur Pov
I sigh I can't stay mute forever "R...Raven! I'm sorry for him I-He was trying to force me to do something that I would never wanna do with Him!" I say with a shaky voice "Finally After all these years you FINALLY Say sorry!" She says walks towards me and pulls up her sleeve blood. Her arm.Cuts Just for him? A useless pile of Dog shiet? "RAVEN WHAT THE WHY DO YOU DO THAT HE IS AN IDIOTIC BOY WHO ONLY WANTS SEX!" I Yell
Max's Pov
I walk to the door and hear screams I grab my Knife in my pocket I open the door silently it's been 3 days since I have seen her I slowly walk down to the basement I see her and a girl "Y/n" I mutter I grab my knife the girl comes towards me I quickly move and she goes upstairs I cut the rope that Y/n is hanging on she looks at me and asks "M...Max?" She says crying slightly I nod I pick her up bridal style and walk her upstairs "Ah the Prince comes to save her princess!" She smiles I sigh and put Y/ down"No but my fist came to see your face!" I yell running towards me and I punch her in the jaw she falls on the floor "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A BITCH!"
UR Pov
I get up I run up to Max and stand in the way of Raven then I get punched in the jaw I fall to the ground Max looks at me with shock and I say "Wow you can really Pack a punch!" I say and laugh he laughs at me sort of I get up And help raven up Max goes to call the police and I say to her "Listen Raven I am sorry about what I did i - you can't grief over a dead guy forever ok?" Max runs down "The police are coming" Haven nods " Ok." She looks down in guilt I put my hand on her shoulder the Police arrive and take her to prison I walk to max "How did you find me?" He doesn't look at me but he looks at my jaw he touches the bruise "Y/n I am so sorry!!" He says while tears Slip "Oh hush it's just a bruise I don't care Le Life is Le pain sometimes we stare into each others eyes then I remember something '
" MAX!" I yell and run up the stairs Max follows me I run to Max's car he opens it I hop in the drivers "Y/N! I'm driving!" He says he picks me bridal Style and puts me in passenger seat I do my buckle he drives straight to the Hospital We finally Drive there I run up the stairs to see a Lady staring over Millin.Max walks to the lady and puts a hand on her Shoulder She turns around and hugs him she's been crying Max pulls me into the hug. We all break apart "Y/N this is Mia my Sister!" He says with a smile "Um Hi Mia." i Say She nods at me then looks back at Millin and Strokes his Cheek "I'm Actually Maxmillion's Sister Max just Say i'm his because Um He is like Family to me!" She says and stares at me she holds out her hand "Im Mia Mae L/N!" she says I shake her hand "Y/N M/N (Middle name) L/N" She looks at me in shock then gives me a hug i pat her head "You are my sister Does Millin live with you?" she asks and looks up I nod She Cries in my Shoulder "How Old are you?"Ok? " I'm 21?" Wait WHAT I HAVE A TWIN SISTER "Max do we look alike?" He nods WHAT HAS MY LIFE COME TO!?
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