Epilogue (Sad Ending)
Word Count: 1120
For the epilogue, I've decided to write two endings: the sad version and the happier version. Feel free to pick whichever you prefer to read, or read them both! I would love to hear feedback, and I give my thanks to everyone who has stuck around for the conclusion of this story! Enjoy~
Vibrant, golden petals swayed in the wind, collecting small droplets of water within their curves. The bouquet of sunflowers was gently lowered to the solid ground, the stone marking above the overgrown grass buffering the delicate organisms from the breeze. Tsukishima's eyes scanned the headstone, the words engraved as much into the stone as into his heart: Hinata Shouyou. The name of his beloved was as far as he could read before his eyes grew misty. He sighed, brushing his fingertips against his cheeks to remove the offending liquid. Gazing down at the grave, the tall male couldn't help but notice how the flowers seemed withered, similar to his own life.
"Friends" had scattered as soon as they saw the emotion within his eyes.
Classmates glanced at him warily, as if fearing another mental break as had been witnessed in Hina's dorm. Word of the event had spread like wildfire, although not many cared for the victim of bullying who was driven to take his own life.
Teachers gave him looks of pity, constantly asking him if he needed an extension on an essay, or if he needed to skip class that day to speak to a councilor.
The setting sun drew a mosaic of colored clouds, painting the grassy expanse in dim lighting and shadows. Time stretched the darkened areas, pulling them over the sunshine, extinguishing the warm glow from the sun itself. Tsukishima shivered, zipping up his onyx hoodie, but paying little attention to the rising of the glittering moon overhead. Compared to the shine of the sun, the moon was dull and hardly illuminating the darkness. Tsukishima knew, even after all this time, that he himself could never be as bright as Hinata was.
"You were my everything, Shouyou. I just... I just don't know how to live without you anymore..."
He lowered his eyelids, increasing the darkness of his vision and inhaling through his nose. After almost a year, he should have remembered that Hinata wasn't going to answer him. Not that his boyfriend would have had an answer, as he had always been too cheerful for his own good.
"The sun always reminded me of you... I'll always love you, my ray of sunshine."
"Well, look what we have here, a little emo and his dead boy-toy." The high-and-mighty voice sounded behind his slumped figure, startling him into turning around and almost losing his footing. A twisted cackle arose from the stockier student's throat.
"What do you want, Kankei? And where is your harem?" Tsukishima gritted out coldly, no longer bothered by the chill in the night air. His blood boiled in his veins as the boorish male took a few swagger-oozing steps towards Hinata's grave.
"Oh, you'll see soon enough, and this is a more... personal matter. Those idiots would just get in my way."
"They must be really dumb for even you to notice," the tall blond growled, malice within his tone.
"Feisty," he chuckled, his smirk curling his lips further.
"What do you-" The wind was suddenly knocked from his lungs and he found himself lying upon the ground after a hard shove from the antagonistic student.
"You are so aggravating, you know?" Kankei responded, soundly oddly friendly. "You never helped us with 'borrowing' from stores, barely even talked to us," he continued, voice growing quieter as Tsukishima tried to comprehend the fact that the dimwit had used 'aggravating' correctly. Suddenly he was back to laughing creepily, tossing his head back slightly, "And now I have you all to myself."
Tsukishima shivered, but it had nothing to do with the rapidly dropping temperature. His pale features grimaced, pushing himself into a sitting position with his arms behind him in support. "What are you on about?" he questioned casually, as if the words hadn't startled him.
"As I was saying, since that pathetic wimp is gone now, you're utterly defenseless," Kankei said, smiling in a way that made Tsukishima's skin crawl. "Without a little baby to protect, you're just helpless." The tall blond struggled to defend himself, but the boisterous male wasn't wrong in this instance. Without Hinata, he simply felt unnecessary. He hadn't protected Hina, and saw no true point in doing anything these days.
Tsukishima stood, quite ungracefully due to his lanky height, and glared at his new tormentor. "I'm not helpless, you sycophant." Kankei simply blinked at the insult, as if his brain couldn't process the words spoken, which it most likely couldn't.
After a minute or so of tense silence, the insulted male replied casually, "Show me."
Tsukishima watched as the bully advanced, unconsciously backing into Hinata's headstone. Noticing his cowardice, he steeled his nerves and balled his hands into tight fists.
"Let's see just how tough you are." With that challenging statement, punches were thrown and glares were exchanged. Tsukishima rose from the ground, dusting off his jeans again; for all his talk, the blond had little experience with physical altercations. The glinting of Kankei's twisted grin was suddenly shown up by the glinting of an object Hinata had been all too familiar with.
All confidence was sapped from the taller male as his eyes landed on his aggressor's pocket knife. "Not so tough now," Kankei laughed, but Tsukishima couldn't help but notice his lack of vocabulary. He was snapped from his daze as the stocky student stalked nearer, blade twisting in his grip. "Hate getting my hands dirty, but you're a special case," he finished, trapping Tsukishima above his long since passed love.
With a sweeping motion, Tsukishima found himself leaning on Hinata's gravestone, doubled over in pulsing pain. The gleam of the moon's brilliance gave Kankei's features a more sinister appearance, although the male's intentions had been sinister themselves. He simply strode away, leaving his bloodied knife near the one who had received it's fury. As the agony of the freezing air touched his wound, the lanky blond found solace in tracing the letters upon the headstone, awaiting the moment in which he could see his beloved again.
As the watercolors of the sunrise illuminated the graveyard, Tsukishima had faded along with the chill, the rays warming the grass and raising the temperature. His index finger hung limply, having been fired from its task of writing out the words engraved into stone and within his own unbeating heart: A beloved son, brother, friend, and boyfriend. Hearts will always beat to the memories you left behind, as the sun will always lift hearts with the remembrance of your bright smiles. Beneath the words from his family and friends, resided the sentences straight from Tsukishima's emotion, the sentences his finger hadn't the time to reach: Together the sun and moon had entwined, lighting the sky with their endless love. The lonely moon will always be awaiting the moment when the fated lovers will be reunited, never to part again.
The Happy Ending will be up within the next week, if not the weekend! Stay tuned and let me know how I can improve my angst writing!
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