Chapter 5
Word Count: 714
Warning: Use of profanity and feels ahead
This is the last chapter, which will be followed by an epilogue. Don't be afraid to give me feedback and suggestions!
Tsukki's POV (3rd person)
Tsukishima broke off from his friends, walking to his class across campus. As always, his eyes searched for the male he hadn't seen for a short while. He knew Hinata was avoiding him, as the smaller male had never been particularly skilled at being discreet. Hinata had never explained why they had broken up, and Tsukki still couldn't grasp the issue. To him, everything had been perfectly fine. The blond shook his head, straightening his glasses and continuing his walk to the classroom. The same thoughts swirled in his mind daily, and rethinking them gave him no closure.
As he entered the classroom, he received a few waves from other students. None of which were in Kankei's main group of friends, but still met up with them occasionally. Only months before, the same peers jeered at him for his relationship with Hinata, but he never paid attention to them. He didn't deign to send them a wave in response, opting to sit in his seat with thoughts of his ex-boyfriend filling his mind once more.
"What are you doing with that little pipsqueak? Tsukishima, don't pity him so much."
"Look at that loser, following Tsukishima around like a puppy. Pathetic."
"Poor Tsukishima, dealing with such a man-whore all the time. I don't know how he stands it."
Those comments had been a part of his every day life, meaning little more than a crunched leaf underfoot. But the comments he received these days, those stuck in his mind like burrs.
"Good for you, man. You finally dropped that dead weight."
"You can finally join the cool kids now that you aren't with that damn screw-up."
Something in his heart shattered to hear Hinata called such names, but he didn't know how to stop it. For the months they had been dating, he had done nothing. Now, he didn't know what he could do. As the gears turned, Tsukki had a thought that made his blood run cold: Had Hinata taken their comments differently? Tsukki's head shot up from its position on his desk. Had that been Hina's reason? He twitched impatiently, staring a hole through the analog clock attached to the wall of the seminar hall. As soon as the hand moved to the desired spot, the blond rushed from his seat, nearly knocking over classmates in his rush. He had to talk to Hinata immediately. Hopefully, he could clear up their issues and convince Hinata that the insults were nothing to overthink.
Instead of ignoring the bullies, he would tell them off if it meant Hinata felt better. As cold as he was on the exterior, he loved Hinata more than anything else. To him, his beloved was the sun.
Using his lanky height to his advantage, he crossed the school grounds quickly, nearing Hinata's dorm in only a few minutes. He took the stairs two-at-a-time, suddenly desperate to speak to the short male. Approaching his dorm room door, he gently knocked.
"Hina?" he called softly, not wanting to startle the one who should have been in the room. Receiving no answer, he tested the doorknob and found it to be locked. He rose his fist to the wood again, tapping more incessantly. "Hinata!" The rusty hinges creaked under the pressure, the door giving way to Tsukki's entrance.
"S-Shouyou..." Tsukki stood still in the doorway, gazing down at a lifeless figure on the hardwood floor. He pressed a hand to his face, pulling it away to find it streaked with tears. He stepped into the room, ignoring the glistening puddle of Hinata's life-force staining his white tennis shoes. He kneeled, feeling the fabric of his trousers soak up the liquid as well. "Shouyou... This is all my fault..." Tsukki's pale hand reached out to brush the vibrant hair from his beloved's cloudy eyes. His shirt grew stiff with dried blood as he cradled the smaller form to his chest, tears falling steadily. The delicate skin of Hinata's wrists was unrecognizable as such, sliced away and as rigid as the rest of his body.
Alarmed students swarmed around the room's opening, surprised at the scene. Few felt actual grief from the event before them, more shocked to see Tsukishima conveying emotion. Nobody had seen the blond so much as smile, but everyone witnessed the breakdown he underwent in the dorm.
"Forgive me, Shouyou... I love you."
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