Ugggh symphony
I roll over and Andy holds me he wrapped my arm so it wouldn't get infected or anything he's so sweet "Gooooood Morning campers todays breakfast probably McDonald's or what ever we pick up on our way right after we check into the hotel we're staying at go the week and then head to the meet and greet will be held followed by pictures and screaming fan girls it's going to be great get up and at 'em this is going to be the worst day of you Life." Jinx. Says on the busses loud speaker thing Andy laughs he pulls me closer not wanting to get up "as much as I'd love to stay I have to take Kim out" I say he sighs and kisses me me I kiss him back we pull away I get up and streach I pick her up from her little bed and walk passed the guys who are still sleeping besides jinxx I walk out of the bus and put Kim down "Hey jinx watch my child im going to get dressed" I say "okay" he goes out side I walk back in and to our room I take out clothes just long sleeve and pants "don't wear something like that" Andy says "huh why not" I say "because it didn't show you and you are beautiful" he kisses my cheek I put it back and look through my other clothes "there is literally nothing to wear" I say and turn around and see he's already dressed and chilling on the bed "as you serious" I say and keep looking I finally find something I get dressed
I then dress Kim when she runs into my room she wears a little skeleton hoody I put my hair in low buns leaving some hair in my face
After we eat we go to the hotel literaly there are so many girls and guys there with t shirts and stuff all screaming when the buss pulls in I zip up my suit case and pick up Kim Andy takes her since I'm carrying my bag as well as hers we get out of the bus and a bell hop takes the bag everyone screams "OH MY HOD Y/n!" I hear girls scream "uhh" I look at Andy "just smile and wave" he says I do they freak out "yeah I don't like this" I say he takes my hand leading me through the crowd into the main lobby "wow y/n you have fans" jinxx says "no they're only a fan of me because I'm dating Andy" I say "Hey! Shut you're mouth not true" Andy says "Oh really what other reason could it possibly be" I say he stops "exactly" I say
After unpacking in my room and stuff they all just barge into the room "Um hello" I say "listen here y/n you are going to that meet and greet!" Jake says "I dont really want to not my scene" I reply "you are going" jinxx says "once again not my scene and plus I'll just be there hold you guys down I'm like the third wheel out you five...a six wheel??" I say Andy crosses his arms "what." I say "y/n you obviously have fans" Ashley says "yeah because I'm dating Andy I can't really do anything besides draw naked peoples body structure solve the seven millennium prize and the p verses np problems-" "you're also really flexible" Andy says we all look at him "what?" He says "nobody out there k ones those thing only you guy know that" I say "pleeeeeaaaase come" cc says "I'm going to drag you down" I say "no you won't" they literally all get down on there knees and beg "please we're doing dares and mad libs" "fine but I'm warning you" I say "yes" "an I wrote the mad lib" I say "I have to go for like an hour because I'm getting the tattoo today" Andy says "oh yeah okay then we'll just chill here until you come back" cc says he nods "brb" he jokes and kisses me and then walks out
Andy holds my hand as we walk into the convention center we all get badges for access to everything "wait Sir the badges are for everything right" Ashley asks "yes" "dosnt that include free food" he says "yes." "HA SWEET!" "Come along now Ashley!" I say and push him we pass by some people and they look at me maybe because I have a bandage around my wrist maybe I'm holding Andy's hand oh that's it's I don't belong in the groupandy let's go if my hand see he's embarrassed what did I say he takes off his jacket "here" he says handing it to my "w-what" "pt it on" he says "why?" I ask "I don't know if you've noticed but every man who passes by is looking you up and I'm not about to have my girlfriend check out but someone other than me" he says I kiss him "thanks" I say and take it I put it on now that I think about it it was all men maybe I should stop being paranoid sicurity guard open a door and all I hear is screams as soon and they walk in I bend down to pick up Kim so she dosnt get squished but she's tangled I. Her leash abit "y/n" jinxx says "hold on" "y/n look." "I said hold." I pick Kim up and look there is literally a sign that says my name "what the fuck" we walk up on the the stage panel thing Andy take Kim from me we sit down it's moastly girls "hiii" cc says people cheer "how are you" "Good!" They all cheer there's one person who yells sucky "that's me." I say they laugh I fix Kim's hoody and take off her leash "let's introduce douse our selves I mean we really don't have to but I know some of you probably brought friends so I'm jinxx" "I'm cc" "Ashley" "jake" "hello I'm Andy and this is my beautiful girlfriend y/n" he says I wave everyone cheers Kim barks "oh yeah and my daughter Kim corgdashian" he says "uh so first of all welcome to the meet and greet panel thing where here for three hours technology right?" Jake asks "its 2 hours for panel or whatever and then 1 and and other for pictures and autographs and stuff" Andy says "oh I was right okay so the way this is going to work 1 this is a safe space what we talk about in this room stay in this room" Ashley says "pftt pastor Ashely" jinxx says we laugh "hah ha uh 2 keep th dares like 18 and below." They all cheer about doing Dares "you can just shoot the truths or dares out when ever and we have the right to refuse a question, truth or a dare and the last one let's just have some fucking fun!" Every screams "like good kids in school raise you're hands and well call on you well actually y/n will pick you but you know" cc says "oh okay" I say hand fly up I choose some one " how long have you two been dating" she asks "well now as of today" Andy starts "9 months" we both say they all awe I pick some one else "how did you two meet each other" I look at him "you okay" he says I nod "you wanna tell it" I ask he shrugs "okay then well it's about to get darker than it already is in here but so I was raped and this sir found me and brought me to the hospital" I say "yeah I almost got struck by lightning though so like if Jake an I didn't go out because he wanted ice cream then like she'd be dead" he says "yeah but you didn't leave me" "oh hell no! I came every day at the same time" he say they awe I pick some one else "what is you're age difference" we laugh "what re the the question about the relationship" "okay well answer this one but anyone who dosnt have Andy and y/n relationship question put you're hand down" he says almost everyone's hand goes down "okay wow what was it again" I ask "what is our agar difference" he says "oh um I have to count 4 years" I say "because I'm 23 and she's 19" he says I nod (lol sorry changed his age) "okay so now all the relationship questions are going to be put off until like the mad lib at least" Andy says I pick and they ask and so on a so forth there at a lot of wired dares and truths I pick another "Andy this a truth" "okay" he says and leans in "what was the first you thought of y/n" "oh my god" he puts his head down "is it that hard to admit you're feeling" I say he laughs "ah okay um well like not when I first saw her because it was dark but like when she was awake because she was in a coma for a while oh my god" he stops I laugh "okay honestly and truthfully I like wanted to fuck her right then and there like I was just I thought to my self whao this girl is super beautiful but damn I'm so ugly" he says I laugh "you not ugly" I say outing my hand on his cheek "girls is he ugly" I say "NO!" They scream "I mean. He's the moast good looking one out of the whole band" Ashley says "see" "yeah but I just feel in love with you right there" he says "aw see I didn't know that" I say he kisses my cheek I turn and kiss his lips I pick someone else "y/n so you have silver white hair and lavender eyes are those real do you die you're and wear contact's" "no i hate to I'm form you that this is natural I was born with Jack Frost Elsa hair and purple yay lavender eyes" I say "also are you aware hat you also look like danarius from game of thrones" she says "what" jinxx hands my his phone I see a picture "oh my god I do no I did t even realize that" I say and give him his phone back
Time passes and we have about an hour left before autographs and pictures and I'm hungry there a food table over there but I'm lazy i pick someone "what is the wiredest thing that has happened to all of you" "a fan girl has cut off like some of my hair my hair before it was wired" jinxx says "i was it with a unicorn plushie on stage and there's was a bra attached to it with a note that said sign me" jake says I laugh "a male fan kisses me" Ashley says "one girl at the mall,y/n actually with me. She screamed and stared crying and hugged me and I swear she would not let go" cc says I go on my phone looking at places that deliver "I was almost taken away by a man in a pancho once it was a signing and he came up behind me And picked me up hugging me and like stared walking off with me but security was relly fast so I wasn't kidnapped but almost" he says it's quiet for a 2 seconds "you're turn." Andy says "oh I did t know I was entitled sorry I'm look for food um I don't have one maybe today I'll get one but so far no" I say and then pick someone else "for Andy I think we all noticed that you're arm is wrapped did you get a new tattoo and what is it" she says "oh yeah um yes I did and that classified you'll have to watch y/n Snapchat story to know what it is" he says I pick someone else "fo you y/n do you know what his tattoo is" I laugh "no sorry he went by himself it's all a secret" I reply ""okay so where going to do mad libs Props to y/n for writing it out so you all know how mad libs work a verb is a action noun a person place or thing adjective describing word and an adverb is literally a verb just ending in ly" Andy says Ashley hands us the copies Ive made "is anyone else hungry?" I jinxx "I am" jake Ashley Cc and Andy nod "I'm you guys want sushi" they nod I already know thier orders so it's good I get up "I'll be right back" I say Andy kisses me before I leave I kiss him back then pull away he pecks my lips and I start to walk off he hits my butt "ah" I walk out and call the shushi place where to go and the Oder I go back in and sit down I copy the words off of Andy's paper "y/n pick" Ashley says "I'm still picking okay" I look at the paper "oh fuck heh a body part" I pick someone "anus." He says Andy laughs "it works so well" we all right it down
We finish the mad lip and my phone dings you're food is here "a security guard come in the door and hands us the food "yay" I say and take mine i order a bento box same as Andy's "okay who wants to start" Ashley asks "I will" cc says "this story is call fairy princess inspired by the on going inside joke we have once upon a time in the magical kingdom we call death land there lived a beautiful princess named Andy Biersack and he loved to frolic and sing in the flower meddow until one he cursed my the evil pigeon jinxx saying the he could never ever EVER have his magical graceful singing voice back he thought that Evil pidgon jinxx was kidding and he tried singing but all that came out was th noise of howling cat he begged for what can he do bring back his voice and evil pidgon jinxx says you have travel through the land of anus to find the magical fairy princess jake so Andy set off to find the fairy princess his journey was long and a hair mile sprint but finally he got there only to find the fact that he had cross a moat full of dicks he looked around for a way to cross or at least bring the bridge down when he heard a splash he look over and saw mermaid Ashley swimming through the moat of dicks mermaid Ashley helped him cros and he was treated with sparkles and flare the see the fairy princes jake he told him all bout what happens but jake could not help he said ima true loves blowjob would cure him in this case giving or receiving either so he set back off on his joinery to find someone who would give or get the the true loves blow job to retun his voice" cc finishes "I'm actually really glad I was t in that" I say everyone laughs "that would've been awkward" I look at the time "we have 30 more minutes until signing and pictures and stuff so you can now fire all youre questions twards Andy And and y/n" cc says "you wanna switch off" I say "sure" I say every single hand goes up Andy picks "do you live together" "yes" he says "we all live in the mansion" I pick "do you share a room"I laugh a bit "the thing is like I have my room I just choose not to sleep in it often" I say "yeah I'll find her asleep in my room or I'll wake and she'll be there but hey I'm not complaining lol he holds a fine sign up he picks "do you have matchin tattoos or will ever get matching tattoos" "we don't have an matching ones " I say" we haven't even really talked about them either I have 13" he says "I have one" I say I laugh "what are you're kinks" "oh my god" I hear cc laughing "idont have a kink" I say LI don't really either" he says
We take pictures and then I see her the one person I've want to see ever symphony I hold onto Andy's arm "what's wrong" he says "Sympohony" I say "Ughgggh Sympohony" she shufffle her way over to me but all the boys stand in front of me "sorry y/n is off limits to you" says "I just her autograph" she says "listen symphony the only way you're getting near her is at school" Andy says I hold his arm "it's fine" I say he looks at me "symphony I'll give you an autograph when you take down and elite all the posts and comments you said about me" I say She scoffs "no way!" "Then I'm sorry" and go over to sign other peoples stuff
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