school day
i sit in the car as andy drives me to school he stops at the drop off section i get out he does as well and leans againt the car i put my bag over my shoulder "okay if bullies or anyone even so much as touch you call me" he says i smile "thanks" i say "oh and here ashley dried it off for you" he hands me my anatomy sketch book "my sketch book" i say "youre art is amazing" he says "thanks you andy" i say and hug him he hugs me back "go you dont want to be late for class do you" he says we pull away i wave and walk off inside the school
i open my locker to get out books "y/n hey" i hear a voice i see symphony and her friends "um why are you talking to me?" ask "i just saw you out there with you friend who dropped you off hes uh heh very hot" she say i roll my eyes and close my locker "if you want to be friends with me just becasue of andy forget it go and put on 70 more pound of make up" i say and walk away to class
i lay on the couch bored out of my mind "hey want some cake" ashley says "No im fine" i sayi look over at the chess bored i hear cc laughing "you miss her alredy" he says "shut the fuck up" i say and throw a pillow at him he lauhs catching it "how long is she going to be gone for" jake asks "until 2;15" i say "thats not that bad" he says i sigh "you know what you could do to pass time book the tour date" ashley says "i guess so" i say "cool" i get up
i walk into anatomy class 'oh y/n thank goodness youre alright i heard what happend" mr snow says "its alright" i say he smiles i sit in my seat "alriht class today we have a plus suzed model coming in to day you must draw muscles and anything else you see" he says the woman comes in and takes off the robe and begins her pose i sit and draw
i finish and close my book the bell rings and i grab my bag and walk out
time skip
i sit alone today scine its katties day off and eat by my self i get a text from andy 'can i pick you up now' "no" i reply 'im bored' "fix it then" "you are so not helping' "just pick me up at 2:15" 'fine' "AHEM!" I Hear i look up and see symphony again "hi y/n i belive we got off on the wrong heel this moring" "No we didnt" i say "i know my boyfriend fucked you" she says "not fucked raped him and his buddies" i say she laughs "Of course i called on it but knowling you youre two scared to go to the police" she says "i dont need to they have semen samples and you boyfriend was taken in for smugling right its easy for them to find him" i say she gets up and hurries off
its finally the end of school i put my things back in my locker and walk out of the high school im stoped by the football members "hey so i heard you were raped thats mean youre not tight anymore huh can i get a go" one says i step back "no i-" "ofcourse bro she wants me" they ease in on me "HEY! BACK OFF" I hear andys deepend voice they back off of me looking at andy i run over to him he puts his arm around me "are you okay" he asks i nod "come on" he says and opens my door for me i get in and close the door and get et in the drivers seat and we drive off
i walk into the house andy follows but walks passed me "hey y/n how was school" jake asks "um fine" i say and watch as andy runs up the stairs "okay what happened why is he mad" he asks "its nothing just some guys were harrassing me" i say he sighs "call me up next time ill beat the shit out of them" he says "thanks jake sure" i pat his shoulder and walk up stairs to my room i put my stuff down and take off my jacket i go into the bathroom and take down my hair and brush it out i stop as i stare at the scars that are left by myslef and the burns and cuts from the rape i sigh and put my brush down i walk out and down the hall the adny room i knock on the door "come in" I hear i slowly open the door "um a-andy" i say he turns to look at me "are you okay?" i ask "i-im fine" he says "are you sure are you mad beacuse jake said you were mad is it something i did i can leave you alone-" he chuckles and comes up to me "No you could never make me mad i dont want you to go back to that school" he says "andy" i say "they harrass you like its some sort of game" he says "its not a big deal" i say "yes it is" he says "its not going to stop until i graduate and i dont even think itll stop then and besides you cant anything about it but just watch." i say he looks at me frowning a bit he walks up to me "i-im sorry i didnt mean-" im cut off with his lips hes kissing meoh my god i sttart to kiss him back his hands rest on my waist carfully pulling my into him we pull away "i can do more than just watch" he says he says resting his fore head on mine "i hope so" I say we kiss again
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