Honey moon pt2
sit out die with tea since i cant have coffee and just watch waves "this is literaly going to be you when youre like 80" andy says wrapping his arms aoround me and kissingmy cheek i laugh "probably" i lean back and peck his lips "wo what do you want to do today" he asks i shrug "h wait there is a hot mud pit that you can hike up to and then a little ocan pool that you just wash of in i want to to that" i say he laughs and nod "mud pit okay ive never been in a mud pit ill see how that works out...anything else" he says "eat play chess and that pretty much it what do you ant to do" i say "well there is a polyneisan luoa with food at 7pm till 10 and i want to see that" he says "You...want to watch a luou" I say he nods "okay then so mud pit food games luou" i say he kisses my head "want brakfast" he says "yes..." i say he nods and walks off
we arrive at the mud pit "ew" he says i take off my shirt and short for my bathing suit under and put my hair in a pony tail "see ya" i say and jump in its literaly like water but mud it splashes on andy "babe gross" he say s"Its just mud you know what pigs like oink oink" he gets in "this is so discusting" he says i laugh "and put mud on my two fingers and put it on his cheeks "now youre a warrior" i say he chuckles and puts a hand print on my cheek i laugh
after washing off and going back home we take a showe toget anyother mud off i lay on the couch and play chess against him i move my peice he moves his "cheack mate" i say "no way" he says "read it and weep" I say "No no way were starting over" he says and resets the board i laugh and we begin to play again and with five minutes another cheak mate from me "uggh what the heack" he says i laugh "you moved youre kind beore youre bishop could block" i say "Okay again" he says and once again i win "No" he says "tell me youre secrect" he says "well i mean if you played chess everynight with youre dad untill you were 13 then you might be able to beat me" i say he laughs and leans over the bord and kisses me i kiss him back "i dont need skill" he says and sit back i laugh "well then sir prpare to loose again" i say he smiles we reset the board
i get dressed putting my hair in a half uphalf down "oh wow" andy says walking into the room "what" i say "youre wearing a dress" he says i laugh "I konw i dont normally wear dresses" i say "yo look beautful" he say si smile "thanks" i say he holds out a hand for mei take it and we walk out
sorry if you wan a luou writting i can make a sperate chapter for that i just dont really want to write the rest of the honey moon i have writers block for it
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