Everyone hears
I get up and go to take a showeri get out and dry off and et dressed
i finishs light make up and put my hair in a pony tail and my phone rings
me- hey
andy- goodmornig beautiful are you ready
me- yep
andy- alrught then ill be there i a few minetes
me- youre lucky i dont have classes to day
andy- i know im always lucky that how i scored you
me- heh thanks
andy- i love you
me- i loveyou too
i hang up "ohhhhhhh so youre going to dosinging thing" jade says "yes i am and i dont want to but i have to because i dont want to let andy down and hes really excited about it" i laugh he does too "so what song are you going to sing" she asks "i have noe i dea" i smile "well youre going to nail it" she says i smile and hug her "thank you" i say and then we pull away theres a knock on my door "ill get it!" jade runs up "hey!?" i say she opens the door and andy steps in he picks me up huing me i hug him back we pull away slightly and kiss we pull away and he puts me down "have fun" jade says we walk out
i bounce my leg in the car "hey babe calm down youre fine" he saysand holds my hand i nod hopefully
i get out of the car andy hold my hand inter twining my fingers with his i take a breath i hate this so much we walk in and i see everyone ashely cc jinxx and jake they all group hug me "Higuys" i say "youre going to do so well" cc says "uh.....ok" i say "y/n this is alex" andy says "hi" i say "so youre andys beautiful wife its amzing to meet you oh and congratulations" he says looking down "huh oh um thank you" i say "well have you brought anything" he says "no i-" "good i already have something in the video it was scy scraper by demi thats powerful so i want you to sing another powerful song" he says "hes seen the video"i say to andy "every here has baby" andy replies i nod nervously he hands me paper "this is the song i want you to sing" he says putting ear buds in my ears and play music i liten to the song and nod "ok i think i got it" he says "just like that alright" he says i nod "Okay when was the last time you sang besides in the shower" he asks "when my mom and dad devoriced i was little" i say "well then youre amazing, now go into that sound booth put the head phones on and ill point to you when i ant you to start" he say si nod and go over closing the door behind me and put the head phones on bvb expet andy sits on a couch they have there andy goes to the muic sound booth thing idk "uh what if i mess up" i say "dont worry about it we all mess up babe" he says through a mke i nod and muisc play throught the head phone i wait and look at him and he point i begin
(play song)
You walked with me
Footprints in the sand
And helped me understand
Where I'm going
You walked with me
When I was all alone
With so much unknown
Along the way
Then I heard you say
I promise you
I'm always there
When your heart is filled with sorrow and despair
I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand
I see my life
Flash across the sky
So many times have I been so afraid
And just when I
I thought I'd lost my way
You gave me strength to carry on
That's when I heard you say
I promise you
I'm always there
When your heart is filled with sorrow and despair
And I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand
When I'm weary
Well I know you'll be there
And I can feel you
When you say
I promise you
Oh, I'm always there
When your heart is filled with sadness and despair
I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand
When your heart is full of sadness and despair
I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand
i finsih and fiddle with my hands a bit i look at andy and alex "w-was that okay?" i say kind of holding my breath there eyes are both wide i look over at the band cc has his mouth open "that y/n.....was FINOMINAL!" Alex i says i chukle still shaking slightly bvb cheers andy smiles i smile back slightly i take off the head phones and walk out andy hugs me i hug him back everyone else group hugs me "y/n youcan sing?" "what the fuck why didnt you tell us" "damn" "so y/n that song is now youres um and well put it into the album get some photoshoot shots and writes some new songs-" "wait what?" i say "oh honey im making you into a star with this talent you shoulve been in this bussness a long time ago" alex says "i-Thank you!" i say andy kisses my cheek "great so photoshoot is....when do you not have classes" he says "tuesday wendsday and friday saterday" i say "great so friday 9:00 am ady knows where to go" he says i nod "i do have one question for you.....can you sing high notes" he says "um probably" i say he smiles "OKAY youre free to go" he says we walk out
i get back to the doorm "so how did it go" jade says "I failed completley" i say "liar" i giggle "im getting my own album" i say "what!? NO WAY" she screams and hugs me jumping i laughing hugging her back "oh my god we have to come up with album names" she says we can do that but can we go get lunch im starving" i say she nodsand laughs we both walk out to go get food
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