Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo ~ Chapter 10
I put my back against the stall's door, trying to steady my breathing. Lucifer just talked. My favorite teddy bear can talk. My childhood toy TALKS.
" D i d L u c i f e r s c a r e y o u ? I s L u c i f e r f r i g h t e n i n g ? " His voice is kind of eerie, he sounds like the ghost of a 14-year-old boy.
" J-just a little ... What happened to you ?! "
" L u c i f e r a c q u i r e d t h e g i f t o f t a l k i n g ! "
" I already realized that on my own, thank you very much. Was it Father or Ice that gave it to you ? "
" N e i t h e r. "
" WHAT ?! Who did ? "
" D i a m o n d d i d ! "
" I ..?! No, that's impossible. "
" L u c i f e r s a w h e r ! S h e w a s j u s t l i k e y o u ! "
" Um, could you stop speaking in the third person ? It's starting to really get on my nerves. "
And it's adding to the creepiness of the situation, but I'm not gonna tell him that. Who knows what his intentions are ? I mean, I was always nice with him. He was the only stuffed animal I played with. I used to trap the other ones my parents would give me into a cage of ice, then drop it in the frozen fountains that decorated the castle. After a while, even though they were thrilled by these manifestations of young evil, Mother insisted that they should stop buying me toys. Unsurprisingly, Father followed her lead. I doubt that buying gifts for Ice only was something they were against in the first place. He was, and is, always spoiled.
" L u c i f ... I' m s o r r y ! "
" Thanks ... What do you mean she was just like me ? "
" S h e h a d p o w e r s j u s t l i k e D i a m o n d, t h e i r s o u l s w e r e v e r y s i m i l a r ! "
" Really, huh ..? "
Could whoever made Lucifer into a talking toy be a long-lost sibling of mine..!? A result of one of my father's MANY adventures, if they can even be called that. I'm not able to figure out another way to explain the existence of a girl that has powers and a soul similar to mine ! A sister... Probably older, maybe not in Earth years, but still. She could also be younger, the Winter King is an awful, cruel and despicable person... But would he cheat on the love of his life ? Unlike some fairy tales try to make the readers believe, love is possible among even the darkest of souls. Toxic love is still considered love. The most evil, weird, manipulative, possessive, creepy, unnatural love to ever exist would still be love. Either love is for everyone or no one. End of the line. Villains are villains, but deep down they're people. Saying they don't deserve feelings or can't feel anything is like saying all heroes never do something bad or selfish. At least, that's what I think. Whether it's an unknown sister of mine that found Lucifer and gave him speech, or not, he controls it.
" So, what are you doing here actually ? "
" I' m h e r e t o h e l p D i a m o n d ! "
" How did you find me ? "
" D i a m o n d n e e d s m e ! "
" I do ..? "
" I c a n f i n d a n y t h i n g a n d a n y o n e ! "
" What do you mean ? Why would I need you to find something for me ? "
" B e c a u s e D i a m o n d i s a n i n c o m p e t e n t ! "
I stare at him, bewildered. What did he just tell me ?! I sarcastically respond.
" Don't hold back, just go ahead and insult me if you wanna ! "
" T h a t' s h i s o p i n i o n, n o t m i n e ! "
" His opinion ..? "
" O f F a t h e r ! "
" Father as in my father ? He sent you ?! "
" N o, I h e a r d h i m s a y t h a t. "
" Unsurprisingly ... Let's get out of here before Jackie sends a search party after me, okay ? "
I pick him up and leave the bathroom, heading hastily to my dorm room. I lock the door before Jackie, Ace or even Jake can come in. I put Lucifer down on my bed and sigh. I jump, startled, as he raises up and, wobbling on his tiny legs, walks towards its edge. I grab his plushy arms and whisper.
" No, no, no... You can move too ?! "
" Y e s. "
" Well, none of that. I'm gonna hide you somewhere and you stay put. Got it ? "
" A n y t h i n g y o u s a y, I d o ! "
I smile slightly and look around for a hiding spot. Where do you hide an enchanted teddy bear..?My bookcase ! I remove five useless books from the top shelf, sit him there and go over to my desk. Time for some arts and crafts... I cut the spines of the books off, which is more difficult than it might seem, especially since ripping books apart is heart-breaking for a bookworm and nerd like myself. Also, I'm not the worst at drawing, but crafting ? Not my forte. Anyways, I manage to glue the five book spines together to give the illusion the books are still there. I place my not-so-artistic creation as a wall in front of Lucifer and step back to evaluate if it could fool someone. Probably not... But it's all I've got. I could try a Disguise Spell, but I'm not sure I've got a book with it in my room. I glance over to my desk and see the title of one of the books I destroyed : Mastering the Magic of Hiding. I hate feeling dumb. Plus, I'm supposed to be the smart twin, so I guess this says a lot about Ice. I take the manual and glance at its Table of Contents to find out on which page the Disguise Spell is. Once that's done, all there's left to do is make it work. The only issue is that my powers aren't necessarily strong enough to cast a spell right now. There's only one way to boost them... I breathe deeply and close my eyes. I picture Heather's body. I imagine Winnie's stupid blond hair, her stupid pink outfit and her stupid blue eyes that were the last ones to stare into my best friend's ones. I think about how spoiled my brother is, how he has everything he could wish for. I replay in my head every moment my parents yelled at me, told me I was incompetent and inferior, how it would've been better if Ice was an only child... I open my eyes and look down. My breathing became irregular and my heart is pounding in my chest. I smile and move my fingers slowly, observing the sparks of blue light escaping my fingers. I raise my right hand in front of me and point at my crafty creation. I read the page one last time, holding the book in my left hand, then say, as I look back at my hand and the bookshelf.
" To their eyes five books you will be, hidden in the pouch of a kangaroo. Similar to an invisible joey, Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo. "
A thin lightning bolt spurts from my palm and crashes against the five book spines I stuck together. An unnatural veil appears over it, shimmering with a soft blue haze. I'm the only one who sees it like this, in other words, it worked perfectly. As I put the spineless books away, I can't keep but noticing how obvious it is that a "good" fairy created the Disguise Spell. I store my mother's pendant and my dental hygiene kit and I can finally go to sleep.
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