Chapter 24
Author's P.O.V.
Sonic woke up hours later and stretched. He was purring loudly in his sleep and smiling softly. He yawned and slowly opened his eyes then looked around and lowered his ears and blushed when he saw his brother at the door.
"Hey bro." Manic chuckled as he rested on the door frame. "Seems like you broke the 'Ultimate Lifeform'." He looked at Shadow, who was still purring and holding Sonic's hand as he slept on top of him. He shook his head and looked back at his brother. "Sorry that I and Sonia keep fighting. I'm just mad that you followed me."
The azure one glanced at his boyfriend and rubbed his back quills again to keep him asleep. "Don't tell him you saw him like this." He said quietly to Manic so he wouldn't wake up his boyfriend. "I just want all of us to stop fighting." He sighed. "We were worried about you Manic, that's why we followed you. I'm sorry we did, but we are your siblings, we care so much about you." He continued rubbing Shadow's back quills, making him purr lovingly and nuzzle his muzzle.
"I'm pretty sure you both knew what was going on." The green hedgehog shook his head. "Sonia kicked him out..." He mumbled lowly. "She didn't like him." He closed the door so their sister wouldn't walk in.
Sonic lowered his ears at this. "I'll help you get back to him bro. Don't worry. I know the way Scourge is and I don't really like him either, no offense. But I can tell you want to be with him and I trust you. So I'll help you leave after Shadow wakes up. I'm tired of being here as well." Sonic smiled slightly at his brother.
Manic just pinned his ears down and shook his head slowly. "You don't have to... We broke up..."
"What...?!" He whispered yet shouted at this, not loud enough to wake up his boyfriend. "What happened?" He asked softly. "Don't tell me it was because of what Sonia said." He got a bit mad.
"No... Well, something like this... He said he couldn't handle the pressure anymore and left immediately after Sonia pointed out his smoking..." Manic tried to keep a straight face as he explained. "I don't care. He was an ass anyway." He looked down.
"Manic..." He sighed and tried to get off from under Shadow. He made Shadow lay down on the bed and gave him his pillow then covered him with his blanket so he would think he was still in bed with him. Sonic stood up and walked to his brother. "I know you care. Ignore what Sonia says or what Ma or Uncle Chuck says, if you want to be with him then go. I'll help you out. Go talk to him, I'll make sure no one goes after you. I know it is stressful but tell Scourge that our family won't bother him but you need to go and talk to him."
"No, I'm not going after him. He made his decision, it wasn't serious anyway." The green Prince shook his head again, refusing to see his ex. "I was sure it was going to end soon."
"Manic... Why do you say that...?" He asked softly knowing this hurt to talk about.
"He keeps staring at the girls, keeps hooking up with them..." The green hedgehog sighed. "He thinks I don't know, but I'm not dumb. He also started smoking a lot more lately, which means he must've gotten one of them pregnant or something..." He let a small tear out and quickly wiped it when it rolled down to his muzzle. "That's why I never told you..."
Sonic pinned his ears down and sighed then hugged his brother. "I'm sorry Manic." He said gently. "Let's go for a walk so we can talk. I don't want to wake him up." He pulled away and walked to the door.
"Y-yeah..." Manic slowly nodded and followed his brother outside the room.
The azure one wasn't wearing his suit but he didn't care. He rested a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Since when did you know Scourge?" He asked gently at his brother as they walked around the castle.
"I met him the first time Ma let us go out. He was strange from the first day. I don't know what I saw in him." The green Prince started talking, he wanted to take it off his chest, but it hurt him. He loved Scourge, but he knew Scourge didn't feel that way and was just using him.
Sonic slowly nodded. "Scourge... Always finds a way to get someone interested in him... But I thought I saw him act differently with you... Trying to calm you down from fighting with Sonia... He would normally not care... he loves fights." He sighed. "How do you feel?"
"Free, to be honest. I don't have to worry about him getting anyone pregnant. That's his problem now." Manic shrugged. "He probably acted differently because I'm the first guy he's dated." He felt like an idiot for falling for someone like Scourge.
The azure one nodded slowly again. "I'm sorry, bro... I wish you didn't have to go through this but I am sure you will find someone better."
"Staying here forever is better. Everyone knows that I'm a Prince so they will all think about the money." The green one sighed. "I should've stayed in the streets, everything was much better back then. No idiots that wanted to get laid, no one knew about my family. Golden years."
Sonic chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I get what you mean. But that would have meant that we have never met each other, that we never found mom, that we never had an actual family or had adventures together. Remember?" He smiled slightly at that then lowered his ears slightly as he remembered when they were really close and when his foster parents died. He shook his head. "I wonder what would have happened if Robotnick had never done that. We would all have grown up in the castle."
"And Shadow would've never woken up." Manic added. "We wouldn't have met Knux. Chuck wouldn't have been roboticized."
The azure brother nodded. "A lot of things happened when we were younger, but they brought us to this day, they happened for a reason, Manic. I know you had strong feelings for Scourge, and that this hurts but I am sure everything will be okay. Soon you will realize why it didn't work out with him and you will be happy. You just need time, and I'm here for you." He patted his back.
"I didn't have strong feelings for him." Manic looked away. "I was just... Fooling around...:" He was in denial about his feelings and he blamed himself for their breakup, he thought he wasn't good enough or that he was annoying to Scourge.
Sonic sighed. "Manic, I know you." He looked at him as they kept walking, Sonic kept glancing around in hopes they wouldn't bump into their sister. "You can't lie to me. Now, really, tell me the truth about how you feel."
"I ain't talking about this in here." Manic rolled his eyes, knowing that he couldn't escape now.
"Alright then let's go to your room." He started walking to Manic's room.
"You don't...-" The green hedgehog sighed and gave in then walked to his room. He opened the door and let his brother in, then closed the door behind them.
"Alright so talk to me." He looked at his brother. "I don't want you to lie to me."
"I don't wanna talk about this, man..." Manic sat on his bed, the room smelled like smoke and cigarettes, but it Manic didn't seem to bother.
Sonic coughed lightly since he wasn't used to the smell and shook his head. "Manic, I want to help you. Come on bro, talk to me."
"What do you want me to talk about? How we broke up? I already told you." Manic crossed his arms and closed his eyes, he knew he was going to cry if he started talking.
Sonic knew his brother was getting annoyed that he kept insisting him to talk but he wanted for him to let out how he felt. He knew it was bad if his brother bottled up his emotions. "How do you feel?" He asked again. "Look, Manic, I am trying to help you, I care about you."
Manic sighed and stayed quiet for a bit then started talking. "I'm annoyed for how I felt towards him, I didn't care about his 'hobbies' when we started dating, but he got even worse a few weeks later..." He was trying to keep calm but he was getting upset. "He just wanted to get me under the sheets, to be able to say that he got laid by a Prince!" He growled lowly.
"Did Scourge ever say that?" He asked gently knowing that he should since his brother was already in a bad mood. "I know Scourge's hobbies but did you ever confront him about them...?"
"And what did he do when you confronted him?" The azure one asked again.
"Lied." Manic kept answering coldly, some tears threatening to come out.
"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry you have to go through this..." He walked to his brother and sat beside him. "I'm here for you bro... I know you will get better and I know you will find someone better than Scourge... You deserve to be happy."
"Thanks..." Manic mumbled and covered his face with one hand so his brother wouldn't see him cry. "I... Need some time to myself..."
The azure one slowly nodded and rubbed his brother back. "I'll be in my room if you need me. Don't bottle up how you feel." He slowly stood up.
The green Prince nodded and laid on his bed, still trying to hide his face. The azure prince walked out of the room and sighed. He started walking to the kitchen hoping he wouldn't bump into any of his family members, especially Sonia.
He wanted to make some tea for Shadow and him knowing the agent was tired of being in the castle. He hoped his boyfriend wouldn't leave for all the pressure his family was causing them. He was spacing out as he walked.
"Sonny?" Chuck raised a brow when he saw his nephew. "Is everything okay?"
"Unc?" He looked at his uncle and sighed then shook his head. "I want to leave, I can't stand Sonia anymore. I can't believe she is being that way."
"You can leave. Sonia can't keep you here." Chuck held the hero's shoulder. "But it would be better if you stay here for one more day, for your mother to see how Shadow is really like."
"I just don't want Shadow to get in trouble... Or go to jail just because he is with me. I don't know how far Sonia will take this and... I almost lost him once... I almost saw him die right in front of me... I don't want that to happen again, Unc... I am finally happy with someone, I don't want to lose him."
This made the older one lower his ear. "I promise that that won't happen, Son." He shook his head. " They can't do anything without a reason, you know that your mother isn't that kind of person."
"I know, but if Sonia doesn't like Shadow, I don't know what she is capable of..." He sighed. "I want Shadow to be happy... But with the way Sonia has been lately... I think he would be happier without me in his life... Without having to deal with all this royal stuff..."
"No, Sonny. I don't think that's true." Chuck tightened his grip on the Prince's shoulder. "Both him and you are happier like this, Shadow isn't someone who would give up so easily. Unlike others..." He rolled his eyes since he was there when Scourge left. "Now go to him, he might've woken up."
"I wouldn't blame Scourge so much for leaving the castle, I did the same." He sighed and left walking to his room, completely forgetting he was going to make tea. He walked inside his room and locked the door behind him.
Shadow was still asleep, curled up by the blanket and purring softly since everything had his lover's scent. This made the smaller one smile at his boyfriend and walked towards him. He quietly and carefully sat beside him and leaned close to him then pecked his lips to see if he would react.
The dark agent hummed and lightly blushed then hid his muzzle in the blanket as he purred louder.
Sonic softly laughed at this and purred lovingly then kissed his cheek and laid down. He was being careful not to fall and not to wake up Shadow.
The agent slightly turned when he felt movement, he was still purring until he got to the edge of the bed and fell. "Gah!" He gasped and stopped purring, he groaned and blushed a bright color in embarrassment.
Sonic's ears perked up at this and quickly turned then looked at Shadow then laughed at his boyfriend. "Shad?" He chuckled. "You okay?"
Shadow groaned and covered his face with the blanket. "Shut up...!" He shouted in embarrassment. Making his boyfriend laugh a bit more and try to take the blanket away from him.
The older hedgehog pulled on the blanket roughly, making the azure one fall on top of him, he smirked and pinned him down on the floor. His fur and quills were a mess, so was his chest fur, and the blanket had fallen down to his waist.
Sonic gasped and blushed at what his boyfriend did. He looked at him and tried to get away. "Shad...!" He laughed softly.
"Stop laughing!" Shadow tried not to laugh at Sonic's actions, but he couldn't hold it in and started laughing as well. "You idiot."
Sonic laughed a little louder at this. Loving the way Shadow was and loving his laugh even more.
The Ultimate Lifeform pulled the blanket over the both of them so they were both completely covered. "Don't tell anyone about this." He said in a playfully threatening way as he laughed.
"Fine. Fine. I won't." The azure prince laughed softly at his boyfriend and kissed his cheek.
"You missed." Shadow hummed when he stopped laughing, but he was still smiling. He remembered that Sonic's ears were sensitive and chuckled then moved his hands to the azure one's ears and started rubbing them.
Sonic leaned in his touch and purred loudly and lovingly at his boyfriend's actions. He smiled and closed his eyes enjoying what he was doing.
The Ultimate Lifeform chuckled at that. "This would be much more comfortable if we were on the bed." He got closer to the other's face. "You owe me a loooot of kisses."
Sonic hummed and smiled softly and nodded. "Why don't you get them then?" He kept purring loudly.
"Because your brother might walk in again." Shadow chuckled and stopped then slowly stood up with a low groan since he slept for a long time.
"How do you know he walked in? You were asleep." He whined quietly when he stopped.
"I woke up when you left. What happened with Scourge?" The dark hedgehog sat on the bed and yawned.
The azure one sugged and stood up and stretched. "He broke up with Manic... Said he couldn't handle the pressure and Manic says he just wanted to get him under the sheets to say he slept with the prince."
"Sounds like Scourge." Shadow hummed and started fixing his quills. "So he dated your brother for months just sleep with him?" He raised a brow. "I hope you don't think of me that way."
Sonic lightly lowered his ears as he remembered what he told his Uncle. "I just don't want to lose you just because of what my family is doing." He sighed.
"Trust me, it's not that difficult. I don't have to rule the kingdom or anything like that." Shadow shook his head and grabbed Sonic's wrist then pulled him close. "I'm not going to leave you that easily." He pecked his lips.
Sonic smiled softly still with his ears slightly lowered then purred softly at his lover. "Yeah, I'm sorry about what my mom said when we went to eat. I'm always going to refuse to be king."
"It's okay." The dark hedgehog shook his head and sat Sonic in his lap. "When can we leave? Not that I want to. I don't have to go to work when I'm here."
This made the smaller one lightly blush. "We still have one more day here." He pecked the agent's lips. "We can leave after that."
"So I have to wait another day for my kisses?" Shadow frowned.
Sonic hummed. "To be fair, you can do anything when we go back~" He pecked his lips as he purred in a seductive way to tease him then he stood up. "Let's go eat." He quickly changed the subject to see what his boyfriend would do.
The agent blushed and his ears perked up, he quickly shook his head to snap out of it and glared at Sonic who was already walking to the door.
"Come on, Shad." He smirked slightly and chuckled.
Shadow rolled his eyes and crossed his arms then looked away. "No."
This made the smaller one laugh softly and turned to look at Shadow. "Why not?" He chuckled and walked to him.
"Because." The dark hedgehog scoffed, obviously embarrassed and fluttered.
Sonic hummed and walked to him then sat on his lap and kissed his cheek. "Are you okay, Shad~?" He purred lovingly, making Shadow blush even more.
He looked at the younger hedgehog and glared at him. "You're doing this on purpose."
"Maybe." He chuckled and pecked his lips. "Sorry, I'll stop."
Shadow wrapped his arms around Sonic's waist. "I'm not hungry." He changed the subject as he tried to calm his blush. "I'm not in the mood to get up at all."
Sonic raised a brow and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Why's that?"
"Because I haven't had my kisses." Shadow leaned in and purred lovingly.
The smaller one smiled and purred then leaned in and kissed his boyfriend. He kept his arms around his boyfriend's neck as he purred loudly.
The dark hedgehog smiled in the kiss and kissed back, he started purring loudly since he had missed Sonic's, even though it hadn't even passed a day since their last kiss.
Sonic messed with his boyfriend's quills in the kiss. He deepened the kiss without caring and he purred louder and smiled.
This made the other blush a bright color since he didn't expect that but went along with it and pulled him closer. The smaller one pulled away for air after a bit hoping Shadow wouldn't start tickling him this time.
The Ultimate Lifeform whined and opened his eyes, he poked Sonic's side. "More."
"Alright. Alright." He laughed and kissed him again. Moving a bit closer up and wrapping his legs around his waist.
Shadow slowly moved his hands lower as he deepened the kiss, he wasn't getting turned on yet but he was just feeling needy. He grabbed Sonic's butt and squeezed it.
The smaller one gasped and madly blushed at what his boyfriend did, parting his lips as he did so. He didn't expect Shadow to do that while they were in the castle so it took him by surprise.
Shadow slipped his tongue in Sonic's mouth and quickly turned around, pinning him on the bed. Making the smaller one blush to the tips of his ears as he tried not to moan since he didn't want his family to hear them.
The dark hedgehog slowly pulled away after a bit and looked in his boyfriend's eyes, his hands hadn't moved at all and were still squeezing his butt.
The smaller one looked at his boyfriend as he madly blushed for what he was doing. He panted softly and his ears were dropped to the sides.
"You're too cute like this~" Shadow chuckled and pulled his hands away. "Let's go." He stood up and grabbed his suit.
The azure slowly sat up and started putting on his suit. He was trying to calm his blush. "I'm not cute..."
Shadow hummed. "Keep lying to yourself." He chuckled and put on his suit then fixed his quills, he stopped and his ears perked up when he remembered "Can I tell you something?" His expression quickly changed and became serious.
Sonic slightly lowered his ears at how serious he sounded and nodded. "What is it?" He asked a bit concerned.
"It's very important." The agent crossed his arms and looked at the Prince.
The prince nodded again. "O-okay... what is it...?"
The Ultimate Lifeform slowly walked to his boyfriend, he looked at him with a serious expression, something he hadn't done in a while, leaned in and lowly whispered in his ear. "I love you~"
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