Chapter 23
Author's P.O.V.
"Sonny! Wake up! Breakfast is ready!" Chuck sighed as he knocked on the door, knowing that they both were wide awake since he heard movement on the bed and they were both purring a little too loudly.
"Coming!" Sonic shouted after a while and went quiet again.
"Oh, Sonny." Chuck shook his head. "You've grown up so much." He started walking to the dining room, where Sonia and Manic were still fighting. "Unlike your siblings..."
Sonic finished putting up the suit then pecked Shadow's lips again. "Let's go. Aleena wants all of us to be there before they serve the food."
"I was so comfortable here though..." Shadow whined quietly and wrapped himself with the blanket. "And so warm~" He purred softly since the blanket had Sonic's scent. "You can go, I'll stay here and make out with your pillow." He joked.
Sonic laughed softly. "Come on, we can go eat and when we come back, you have as many kisses as you want." He purred.
"Fine." The dark hedgehog gave in since he can never say no to Sonic's kisses. He stood up and grabbed his suit then put it on.
"Ready?" He chuckled, he was already by the door and smiling at Shadow softly.
"To eat? Yes. To get yelled at? No." Shadow walked to the door as he stretched and fixed his quills.
"Just ignore them." He walked out of his room. "Just be yourself, don't act tough, just act the way you are with me." He kissed his cheek.
"Yeah, not going to happen." The Ultimate Lifeform chuckled as he tried to stop purring. "I don't like showing my soft side to everyone."
"Just try not to act so tough, Shad. It's okay, my mother wants to see the way you are with me after all." He reached for his hand.
Shadow hummed and held Sonic's hand. "Alright." He sighed knowing that he couldn't say no to Sonic. "I'll try."
Sonic smiled and intertwined their fingers then walked in the dining room. He saw his siblings fighting and sighed.
"That criminal can't stay here! He is not good for you! You're a Prince!"
"You might be, but I was raised in the streets! Why can't you get that through your thick skull and leave me alone!"
Aleena sighed as she sat down, she tried breaking them apart but they wouldn't listen to her and kept fighting, while Scourge was sitting down and watching his boyfriend, looking bored.
"Sonny. Please tell me you can split them. They won't stop." Chuck walked to his nephew and pulled him to his siblings, making Shadow let go.
Sonic's ear twitched irritated. "That's ENOUGH!" Sonic slammed the table in between them. "You two don't want me mad." He said sternly. Dark was gone but he had not told his siblings about it. "Now shut up and eat."
Sonia scoffed and sat down, next to Aleena.
Manic stayed quiet and sat down as well, his seat was next to Scourge.
"Chill, babe. It's ok-" Scourge tried to calm Manic and hold his hand, when Manic raised his hand, telling him to stay quiet.
"Now is not the time, Scourge." He was mad and annoyed with his sister, and he was taking it out on his boyfriend without noticing. "Just eat." He didn't even look at him.
Sonic sighed and motioned Shadow to sit beside him. He sat down and waited for Shadow.
The dark hedgehog sat beside him and looked at Scourge who was looking irritated and something else that he couldn't quite understand.
Sonic rubbed his face and sighed. He hated yelling at his sibling and fighting with his family. He looked at his boyfriend. "I'm sorry..." He mouthed at him.
The dark hedgehog shook his head and held the hero's hand from under the table.
"So... Since we are all here..." Aleena started talking when she noticed that the place was too quiet now. "I want to ask you two." She looked at Sonic and Manic. "I was thinking. That one of you can get married and be the King..."
Sonic raised a brow and shook his head. "Sorry Ma, we've talked about this." The hero intertwined their fingers and squeezed his hand.
"Not with Sally, Maurice." Aleena shook her head. "How long have you been dating?"
"A couple of months..." Manic mumbled. "But I'm not gonna be the King. Get that out of your head. Scourge isn't the best at this either." He crossed his arms.
"But Manic-"
"No." Manic cut off his mother.
The azure one shook his head as well. "Even if you mean with Shadow, we just started dating about a week ago, I'm not going to get married just so I can be king. I can barely get these two to stop fighting without having to threaten that I'll be mad and you are trying to get us to take care of an entire kingdom?" Sonic shook his head. "Being a king was never something I wanted. We've talked about that too, Ma."
"I know, Sonic. But I'm not going to be the Queen forever. Someone has to take my place." The Queen sighed.
"Make miss 'I don't trust my siblings' be the Queen. She'll rule just fine with that attitude she has." The green hedgehog rolled his eyes.
"Manic! It's not that I don't trust you! I-" Sonia snapped but was cut off.
"Sonia!" Sonic slammed the table again to remind them. "Don't start a fight." He growled lowly.
"Sonny boy, you're the more mature one out of your siblings. You need to think about it. Aleena is even letting you marry Shadow." The elder one said.
"No!" He shouted then sighed and calmed down. "I'm sorry Unc but no." He sat down correctly and rubbed his face annoyed.
Aleena sighed and lowered her ears slightly, she didn't trust Shadow to have her son but didn't hate him either, knowing that he could protect Sonic and could be a good King. "Sonia, sweetie. Let your brothers date who they want. If something happens to them, then you can take care of our new family members."
What the Queen said made both Shadow and Scourge lower their ears slightly.
Sonic was going to say something but they brought the food so he just decided to stay quiet and started eating. He glanced up and Shadow and squeezed his hand then smiled softly at him to apologize about them fighting in front of him.
The dark hedgehog smiled slightly and shook his head, telling him that it's okay then started eating quietly.
Sonic kept glancing around the room at his family. It hurt him to feel all the tension between them. Knowing how they used to be before, Manic would usually be trying to prank him or annoy him and Sonia would sometimes go along. The hero finished eating and sighed quietly with his ears slightly lowered.
The agent noticed that and whispered in his ear. "I can bring some tea if you want."
These words made the hero smile and softly chuckled then nodded. "Thank you Shad."
Chuck looked at his nephew and smiled slightly at seeing him smile then continued eating.
Shadow smiled as well and nodded, relieved that Sonic was smiling.
Sonia glanced at Sonic and lowered her ears when she saw them, she knew she had made a terrible mistake by trying to lock her brothers.
Sonic rested his head on Shadow's shoulder, trying to make it clear that he didn't care what his family thought and that Shadow wasn't a threat.
The dark hedgehog hesitantly wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's waist then whispered in his ear again. "Can you bring the tea, actually? I'm not sure if they'll trust me to be alone here."
Sonic hummed and nodded. He looked at his family and slowly stood up. "We are going to be in my room if you need us." He looked at Shadow and motioned for him to follow him then started walking to the door.
Shadow quietly followed the Prince, ready to lay and get another nap since he was still tired. And maybe even get some kisses.
Sonic walked to the kitchen and made tea then gave one cup to Shadow and grabbed his wrist then started walking to his room. He looked at Shadow. "I'm sorry about those fights with my family." He apologized again.
"I've told you already. It's okay." The dark hedgehog shook his head. "I understand why Princess Sonia is worried. I'd be mad if Maria was still alive and was dating someone that tried to kill her." He chuckled.
Sonic chuckled quietly and nodded then walked inside his room. He locked the door after Shadow walked in and drank from the tea.
The dark hedgehog sat on the bed and started taking off his tie. "You promised me something earlier."
Sonic was taking off his suit and he chuckled and nodded. "I haven't forgotten about your kisses, Shad." He took off his suit and put it away then walked to him.
"Good, I'd be mad if you did." Shadow put his cup on the nightstand and took off his suit. "Do you have any blankets around here?" He sat down on the bed again.
The azure one nodded and walked to the closet, giving his back to his boyfriend and grabbed a blanket.
The older hedgehog glanced at Sonic and pinched his inner thigh.
Sonic yelped and lightly blushed. "Shadow...!" He turned around.
Shadow hummed and laid down then put his hands behind his head, showing his muscles more. "What~?" He smirked at the Prince.
The prince was blushing a darker color at this and walked to him with the blanket. He looked at his muscles and lowered his ear lightly. "Don't you even dare do that again."
"What? This?" The agent moved his hand and did the same thing again.
Sonic jumped and glared lightly at Shadow. His curves were showing more as the blanket fell to his waist.
"Why are you giving me that look?" Shadow chuckled and wrapped his arms around the smaller one's waist without thinking twice about it and pulled him in his lap then rubbed his sides.
Sonic was madly blushing at this. "W-what are you doing...?" He stuttered.
"Trying to make you forget about the fight that happened earlier." Shadow wrapped both of them with the blanket and grabbed his cup then kissed Sonic's cheek. "I believe it worked." He stopped moving his hand but kept it on the hero's waist as he drank from his tea.
"It did." He nuzzled Shadows muzzle and purred lovingly.
The dark hedgehog purred louder and hummed. "I'm glad." He rested back on the bed frame and let Sonic rest back on him. "Drink your tea, when I'm done with mine your lips will be on mine until they get sore." He joked.
Sonic softly laughed and drank from his tea and kept purring for his boyfriend.
Shadow smiled slightly and quietly drank his tea, loving how quiet it was, the only thing that could be heard was Sonic, who didn't stop purring.
When he finished his tea he put the empty cup on the nightstand and wrapped his arms the azure Prince then rested his head on top of Sonic's. "Tell me when you're done." He said softly and started purring quietly.
Sonic was blushing and purring loudly and happily. He soon finished his drink and purred then put the cup down. "I'm done."
"I'm too comfortable like this..." The agent mumbled and closed his eyes. "And I'm tired..." He tightened his grip around the smaller one. "But I want kisses too." He whined. "Life is so hard."
The Prince chuckled softly and turned around then kissed Shadow softly as he purred even louder. He slowly pulled away. "What do you want more? The kisses or to lay down?" He smiled softly with a blush.
"You already moved, so more kisses." Shadow wrapped his arms around the azure hedgehog's waist and pulled him close then kissed him, slowly pushing him to lay down.
Sonic let him do that as he purred loudly and smiled softly as he kissed him. He wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him close.
The Ultimate Lifeform hummed and put one hand behind Sonic's head then massaged the back of his head in the kiss and messed with his quills. The azure one hummed, purring even louder.
The blue hero slowly parted his lips without noticing what he was doing. His curves showed more and his fur felt fluffier than usual.
Shadow felt his boyfriend's fur and his ears perked up then started moving his hands and rubbing Sonic's sides as he explored his mouth.
Sonic let out a very quiet moan at this and slowly pulled away.
The dark hedgehog looked in the hero's eyes and growled lowly and playfully then started tickling Sonic.
Sonics ears perked up at this and started laughing loudly. "Sh-Shadow! No!"
Shadow chuckled. "You shouldn't have done that~" He always loved his kisses, so when Sonic would pull away too soon, he'll get 'mad' and 'torture' him.
"Okay. Okay! I'm sorry!" The smaller one apologized as he laughed and tried to get away.
The agent stopped tickling him and pinned his hands down as he smiled. "You owe me now."
The azure prince blushed as he panted heavily. "W-what...?" He looked up at his boyfriend.
Shadow didn't answer and just laid on top of the smaller hedgehog, still holding both his hands but not pinning them on the bed. This made the azure one smile softly.
The prince tried to move one hand to see what his boyfriend would do.
This made the older one groan and whine. "Let me sleep." Making the younger one laugh softly.
The azure one purred for his boyfriend and moved one hand to his back quills and gently rubbed them to help him sleep. He was still holding his other hand. "I'll help you sleep."
Shadow hummed and purred softly as he slowly relaxed in Sonic's arms. "Thank you...~"
Sonic nuzzled his muzzle and nodded. He closed his eyes and started falling asleep under his boyfriend.
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