Chapter 22
Author's P.O.V.
Sonic walked past the gates as he held Shadow's hand. He wasn't as sore since Shadow had healed him enough to not be limping. They were wearing their suits as Sonic sighed.
"I don't want to be here…" He knew his sister and him were going to be fighting.
"Me neither, but it's better than running away." Shadow sighed quietly. "I just hope I won't be kicked out."
Sonic shook his head. "I'll leave if they do. I don't care what they think." He sighed, making the other hedgehog tighten his grip on his hand, telling him that everything will be okay.
The hero walked inside the castle after they passed the garden and looked around to see if he saw Chuck or Aleena.
As they looked around, the dark hedgehog slowly let go of his boyfriend's hand in fear that they will take him away from Sonic. He didn't know how he should act and the fear and pain at the thought of losing Sonic made him insecure.
The smaller hedgehog walked inside the dining room making sure Shadow was following. There he saw his uncle.
"Sonny boy." The elder one stood up and walked to where his nephew was. "So this is Shadow?" He raised a brow at seeing the other hedgehog behind Sonic.
The said hedgehog stayed quiet and crossed his arms as he stayed behind his boyfriend, his face showed no emotions, but it did show respect to the older hedgehog.
Sonic looked at Shadow then at Chuck and nodded. "This is Shadow. Shadow, this is my uncle Chuck."
The elder one nodded, slightly liking the agent for his nephew. He knew it wasn't his decision to make if he was good for his nephew since it was Aleena's job to do that. "Aleena has been waiting for you two to get here. She's in the throne room with your sister. Shadow, you may want to ignore what Sonia says, she's just worried so don't take it personally." The elder one walked past them and pat Shadow's shoulder. "Take care of him." He said in a serious tone then left.
Shadow's ear twitched at what Chuck said and looked at the hero. "I'm not sure about this..." He said softly since no one was around. "What if they take me G.U.N. again…?" He rubbed his arm.
"I'm not going to let that happen… I promise…" He grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Let's go get this over with… we have to talk to her then we can go to my room."
The dark hedgehog nodded and followed Sonic to the throne room, his heart racing in fear and anxiety.
"There you are!" Sonia glared at Shadow once she saw him behind his brother and walked to him "You! I hope you haven't hurt m-" She was cut off by Aleena.
"Sonia, enough." She cut her off then looked at Sonic and Shadow. "Maurice, what took you so long to come back? We had a deal." She said sternly, clear that she was worried about their relationship.
"Shadow had to go to GUN and your guards destroyed my house so he helped me get everything ready." Sonic said calmly.
The Princess scoffed and gave the Ultimate Lifeform a death glare, clear that she didn't like him.
This made the dark hedgehog uncomfortable and took a step back.
Aleena looked at Shadow and raised a brow. "Shadow, I've heard so much about you. You're one of the best agents at G.U.N., I wish there were more good things. I know the way you used to treat my son, how am I sure you aren't using him?" She said sternly. Sonic was going to talk but Aleena cut him off. "I am talking to Shadow, Maurice."
"I understand that you might not believe me, but I can promise you that I won't use your son. If I could do anything to prove it to you, I'll do it." Shadow tried to avoid eye contact with Aleena or Sonia.
"Two days, Shadow, you have two days to change my mind about you. I excused you from work for those days. You'll be staying at the castle, I want to see you mean no harm to my son or my family." She looked at Shadow. "Is that clear?"
"Yes, my Queen." The Ultimate Lifeform nodded.
"In my opinion, you should just get locked in already." Sonia rolled her eyes and looked away.
"Yo. What's with that attitude, sis?" Said a voice from the door.
Sonic glared at his sister and growled lowly. He stopped once he heard Manic and turned around. "Manic." He rolled his eyes at Sonia.
"Manic. The guards finally found you." She sighed in relief that he was back.
"Yeah. I saw them while I was walking back." Manic crossed his arms and raised a brow. "I wouldn't be so harsh on Shadow. Yes, he made a few mistakes, but that doesn't mean he can't change."
"Damn, who are you and what did you do to Manic?" Scourge chuckled as he walked in the room with his hands in his pockets, he looked at Sonic and waved with a smirk. "Sup, Blue?"
"You've got to be kidding me…" Sonia looked at her brothers in shock. "Don't tell me that's the guy that you're dating!"
Shadow was left speechless as he watched the siblings fight, a little shocked to see Sonic act this way.
"Scourge! I knew I recognized his voice." He rubbed his face. He knew the way he was but he trusted his brother so he didn't say anything and sighed.
"Sonia that's enough!" The azure one snapped and growled at his sister.
“Excuse me?! I have every right to be worried about my brother!” The mad now Princess fought back.
“Sonia! Chill!” Manic sighed and shook his head then looked at Shadow. “How did they bring you here?” He asked, thinking they had told G.U.N. to take him.
“Sonic told me.” The dark hedgehog mumbled and looked at the two siblings that fought. “I’m not sure when this will end…”
“You’ll get used to it. Two days are enough here.” The green hedgehog rested back on the wall. “They told Scourge to stay two days too.”
"Two days and then we are leaving, regardless of what they say." Sonic growled.
"We will see about that." Aleena crossed her arms.
"Whatever. This family is driving me insane." He growled and began walking away, mad.
“You are just too blind to see-” Sonia was about to begin rambling again, when Manic cut him off.
"No, Sonia. You are the one who’s blind.” Manic stood in front of his sister so she wouldn’t follow the hero, who has been through many things and knew that this was getting out of hand. “You should give the guy a chance, you’ve dated guys much worse than Shadow, but we said nothing about it.”
The dark hedgehog followed his boyfriend and lowered his ears slightly, not knowing what he can and cannot do. “Sonic…”
"What?" He growled then realized he did and sighed then rubbed his face. He had already gotten out of the room. He could hear his mother and his siblings fighting. "I'm sorry…" He didn't care and hugged Shadow, making him tense up.
"It's okay…" The dark agent hugged back and sighed. "You need to rest. You're probably tired." He rubbed the hero's back, not noticing Chuck that was looking at them.
"Don't leave… I don't trust you being alone in the castle." He sighed and purred softly at what Shadow was doing. Shadow was the only person who had ever heard him purr.
"I can stay in your room while you rest." The Ultimate Lifeform rested his head on his boyfriend's. "I might take a nap as well."
Chuck hummed quietly to himself and walked away without making any sound for the two to hear him.
Sonic smiled softly and nodded. "Yes." He pulled away and kissed his cheek. "Let's go to my room." He grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. He felt calmer with Shadow next to him.
"Will your sister let me?" Shadow followed the hero, he didn't mind what he was doing since he knew he was calmer like this.
"Just ignore her." He opened the door and let him in.
The dark hedgehog walked into the room and looked around. "That's a big room for just one person." He noticed that the bed was for one person and chuckled. "And that's a small bed for two people."
"I slept on top of you on the couch. I can do that again." He chuckled.
Shadow laughed softly and closed the door behind him. "That was at my house. We were alone back then. Now, this is a huge castle with your family walking around all the time." He walked to the bed.
Sonic locked the door. "It's fine. Lay down. I'm tired from earlier." He yawned.
The dark hedgehog smirked slightly but it went away when he laid down. "Can I take off the suit?"
Sonic nodded as he started doing the tie of his suit and started taking it off not caring that he was undressing in front of Shadow since they had already crossed that line. He sat down after he finished.
The Ultimate Lifeform hugged his boyfriend's waist. "I'm too bored to take it off. Will you do it for me~?"
Sonic blushed at this and lowered his ears slightly. "You're unbelievable…" He mumbled with a blush and got on top of Shadow then took off his tie and started unbuttoning his suit.
Shadow hummed and purred at Sonic's touch as he let him. He liked messing with the azure hedgehog and making him blush. He looked at Sonic and smirked at him.
The azure one helped him with the top part but blushed more when he saw he had the pants on. "Y-you'll do the rest…" He mumbled and moved to the side so he could take off the pants.
The agent chuckled and took off his pants then pulled Sonic on top of him. "You didn't have to do it. I was just messing with you."
Sonic simply hid his face in his chest fur and yawned then purred loudly. He nuzzled his chest fur, making the other purred loudly as well.
"You should probably cover your shoulders." Shadow chuckled when he saw the hickeys he had left from earlier and kissed one.
"Can I ask you something…?" He hummed.
"You already did." The dark hedgehog rested his head back.
Sonic chuckled softly. "You know what I mean." The hero laughed softly and sighed. "Will you leave now that… we did that…?" He hesitated to ask.
"What? No. Of course not." Shadow raised a brow. "What makes you say that? Were you not ready?" He was getting a little worried.
"It's not that. I was ready." He sighed and looked at him with his ears lowered. "I trust you, Shadow… I've never felt this way for anyone before and I'm scared that you'll leave or you just used me for that…"
Shadow lowered his ears at hearing this, it hurt him that Sonic thought that he was using him, but he knew that he would feel the same way if he was in Sonic's place.
He shook his head and hugged his boyfriend tightly. "I'm not using you Sonic. I understand that you're worried… But I promise that I'll never hurt you again. I'll try my best to keep you happy…" He purred softly. "I care about you, I really do."
Sonic smiled and purred lovingly as he hugged back just as tight. "Thank you, Shadow…" He nuzzled his boyfriend.
The dark hedgehog smiled softly and purred softly as he nuzzled back. "I'm always here for you." He was getting a little cold so he reached for the blanket.
The azure one let him as he stayed laying down on top of him and closed his eyes as he kept nuzzling him and purring.
Shadow chuckled and covered them both with the blanket. "I understand why your sister is so upset about us." He messed with his boyfriend's quills and massaged the back of his head as he did so.
Sonic rolled his eyes and purred louder. "I don't care what she thinks. I want to be with you." He yawned and started to slowly drift into a deep sleep.
The dark hedgehog hummed and stayed quiet as he continued, his purrs making him slowly fall asleep as well. His boyfriend fell asleep almost immediately on top of him.
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