Chapter 20
Author's P.O.V.
The azure one was purring loudly at his boyfriend, he felt calm and safe in his arms.
Shadow was purring softly as he drank from his tea, not wanting to pull away and ruin this moment. "Are you cold?" He asked softly and rested his head on Sonic's.
"Sort of." He stayed close to Shadow, he already loved being in his arms.
"Do you have a blanket here or do you have everything at the castle?" The dark hedgehog put his cup to the table when he finished and hugged his boyfriend.
"I think I left it at the castle. I don't have a lot of things here." He hugged his boyfriend back and purred loudly as he nuzzled him, making him purr louder and blush.
"I can bring one from my house if you want." The dark hedgehog hesitantly nuzzled back, not being used to it.
"Sure." He smiled and purred a little louder at his boyfriend then pecked his lips.
Shadow's blush got darker at these actions and nodded then slowly pulled away, even though he didn't want to. "I-I'll be right back…" He mumbled and chaos controlled away.
The smaller hedgehog smiled softly and waited for his boyfriend to be back.
The agent teleported back a few minutes later with a red blanket and sat beside his boyfriend then wrapped it around them, it had his scent and it was very soft. The scent made the azure one purr louder and cuddle up with him.
Shadow chuckled quietly at Sonic's actions and pulled him close then lightly nuzzled him, enjoying this moment. "Are you calmer now?" He asked as he rubbed his boyfriend's back.
Sonic nodded and nuzzled back. "Yes, I am." He smiled at his boyfriend as he purred loudly. "Thank you Shadow."
"Anytime." The Ultimate Lifeform kissed Sonic's cheek gently and purred lovingly.
Sonic lightly blushed at this and looked up at him then smiled softly at his boyfriend and kissed his cheek as well.
This made Shadow laugh and smile, something he'd never done in years making his boyfriend smile brightly.
"You need to do that more often in front of me." He nuzzled him. "It's nice seeing you smile and hearing you laugh."
Shadow chuckled softly. "I can't just force myself to laugh." He kept smiling. "But I'll try."
Sonic smiled happily and nodded. "I'll help you with that." He purred lovingly at Shadow.
"How will you do that?" The dark hedgehog hummed as he looked at Sonic, trying to mess with him a little.
Sonic hummed. "You'll see." He chuckled not wanting to end up hurting Shadow. "How are you feeling by the way?"
"A lot better." Shadow moved his hand higher, to Sonic's back quills. "So I have to go to work tomorrow."
Sonic slowly nodded. "Already?" He kissed his cheek as he purred again, making his ear twitch. "But you just got better."
"It's G.U.N. we're talking about. They don't care." The dark hedgehog rolled his eyes. "But they'll let me leave earlier, so that's something."
"Alright… if you need any help, I can help you." The azure one said calmly.
"There's one thing you can help me with." The agent pulled the younger hedgehog in his lap.
"W-with…?" The smaller one stuttered as he blushed for what he did.
"Not that, you idiot" Shadow chuckled softly and pecked Sonic's lips. "I just need a kiss." He had his hands away from him so he wouldn't make him feel awkward.
Sonic laughed softly but was still blushing since he was in his lap. "You could have just said so." He purred and moved closer to his face and kissed him gently.
The agent purred loudly and almost immediately kissed back and wrapped his hands around Sonic's waist slowly, keeping them there and not moving them.
Sonic wrapped his arms around his neck as he stayed close to Shadow in the kiss and purred loudly.
The dark hedgehog blushed and deepened the kiss at his boyfriend's actions, pulling him closer and holding him tightly as his boyfriend purred louder and smiled in the kiss.
Sonic let Shadow continue, he didn't stop him.
Shadow slowly pulled away from the kiss after a bit. His blush not going away as he started feeling funny, he didn't want to admit it, but he wasn't satisfied earlier, he was glad Sonic trusted him, but he was mad that he was injured. He didn't show any of these emotions and just smiled at the only person that he felt happy with.
Sonic hugged Shadow as he purred loudly and lovingly. "Are you happy with me?" The smaller one asked as he stayed in his boyfriend's lap.
The Ultimate Lifeform hummed and nodded. "Yes, are you?" He chuckled and started rubbing his boyfriend's back again.
"I am." He nuzzled his boyfriend, he couldn't stop purring.
"I can tell." The older hedgehog chuckled and rested back on the couch as he let his boyfriend, he made sure they were both covered by the blanket.
Sonic ended up falling asleep on top of Shadow after a while. He was purring in his sleep and his hand had moved lower to Shadow's chest fur, which made him blush and purr loudly. He kissed his boyfriend's forehead and let him since he didn't mind him touching it.
The azure prince was purring softly and lovingly at him.
Shadow smiled softly and slowly stood up then put Sonic on the couch, he couldn't pick him up and take him to his place because of his injury, so he left his blanket there, wrapped around the azure hedgehog to keep him warm. He kissed his boyfriend's ear and rubbed it, not wanting to leave but he had to wake up early the next morning and it was getting late.
Sonic's ear flickered a few times and he began purring loudly, being clear his ears were sensitive. The azure one smiled in his sleep and nuzzled the blanket since it had Shadow's scent in it, hiding his face with it. He was purring loudly and lovingly as he slept for what Shadow was doing, finally being calm and relaxed and with his guard down knowing he could trust Shadow and that he wouldn't betray him or try to hurt him.
"You're too cute sometimes, Faker." The dark hedgehog chuckled and locked the front door to make sure Sonic will be safe the night and chaos controlled to his house, smiling and blushing as he realized how much he changed in just one day.
He rubbed his face and went to his bedroom to sleep. The morning he groaned when he heard his alarm went off, his body not responding, even though he slept for 8 hours.
When he was finally able to get up, he went to his bathroom and took a cold shower to wake up, then drank some coffee and went to work.
Rouge was already in their office doing her paperwork as she yawned. She had woken up earlier than Shadow.
"Morning." The Ultimate Lifeform mumbled and sat down when he reached his desk.
"Good morning, Hun. How are you feeling?" She asked softly and looked at him.
"Not your concern." He said coldly and started doing his paperwork.
The other agent sighed and shook her head. She was worried about her best friend but she was tired of him always being that way. "Fine." She didn't fight him about it.
The hedgehog was glad the bat stopped talking and tried to finish his work sooner so he could leave and go rest since his body was consuming most of his energy to heal the wound, he was tired and felt sick but that was normal.
Once the bat finished doing her work after a few hours, she stood up and glanced at Shadow but stayed quiet and left. Clear that the Bat was mad at him.
Shadow lowered his ears slightly and sighed quietly when he saw that. He rubbed his face and stood up since he had finished his work too, he wanted to talk to his best friend but he could only think of Sonic, so he chaos controlled outside his house and knocked on the door.
There was noise coming from inside the house, a few things getting knocked off the counters. There was a sudden loud gasp and a growl that came from the azure prince. "LET GO!" He was growling furiously, making the dark hedgehog worry.
He chaos controlled in the house and loomed for his boyfriend. "Sonic?!"
Sonic's ears perked up, he was fighting with the guards in the kitchen. "Help!" He quickly shouted not being able to move since the guards had him pinned to the wall, they were hurting his wrists. "Let go!" He tried to kick the guards but he couldn't.
Before the guards could do anything, Shadow had gotten Sonic out of there and to his house, growling lowly, pissed off that the guards hurt his boyfriend.
"Are you okay?" He asked softly when he calmed down and looked at Sonic's body for any cuts or bruises.
Sonic had some bruises in his wrists from where he was being held back. "I'm fine. They were being really rough with me though…" He moved his wrists around.
"Do you think your sister told the Queen…?" Shadow lowered his ears and held the hero's hands then rubbed the bruises as he healed them. "Maybe your brother is in danger…"
Sonic dropped his ears. "Can I borrow your phone? The guards broke mine. I need to call Manic." Sonic sighed.
The dark hedgehog nodded and gave his phone to the azure one after he finished healing the bruises, he sat on the couch and sighed, being exhausted from both work and the wound.
Sonic dialed Manic's number and glanced at Shadow. "Get some rest, Shad. I'll leave after I make the call to let you rest." He said softly as he walked around waiting for Manic to answer the phone.
"You're staying here…" Shadow mumbled and closed his eyes. "You're safer in my house."
Sonic slowly nodded at what he said. "Thank you."
"Hello? Sonic?" Manic picked up the phone after a while, he sounded confused. "What's up?"
"Hey bro, are you okay?" He quickly asked. "Where are you?" He sounded worried.
"Somewhere…" The green hedgehog answered slowly in confusion. "Why...?"
"We know you went to see someone in the neighborhood you used to go. You need to hide. I think Sonia sent the guards to get you as well."
"Wait, what?! You followed me-" Manic groaned and rubbed his face. "What do you mean 'As well'?" He was annoyed but he tried not to show it.
"There were guards in my house trying to get me. You need to hide."
This made the green Prince groan louder. "I can't believe you followed me! Why would you do that?!" He was mad.
"Manic! We were worried about you! Now shut up and listen!" He shouted back at his brother, he rarely raised his voice to anyone.
"Why should I?!" Manic shouted back and growled lowly, he was afraid that they'd do something to his boyfriend. "It's your fault the guards are after us! We were jus-" He was cut off.
"Alright, that's enough." The male voice said. "Why are you shouting?"
"My stupid siblings followed me…" Manic groaned. "Now the guards are after us…"
"That's not a problem. We can leave the city." The voice chuckled.
"You're not leaving the city!" Sonic quickly interrupted. "Just hide. Manic, I'll help you out of this." He sighed as he tried to calm down. "I'll go to the castle today." He knew he was going to get locked in, hoping Shadow hadn't heard him saying that.
"Sure." The green Prince ignored his brother and hung up.
Shadow was looking at his boyfriend, his ears were lowered since he's rarely heard Sonic raised his voice. "Sonic…"
"Sorry…" He walked to Shadow and gave him his phone. "You need to rest. I'm sorry I was yelling."
"You're not going to the castle." The Ultimate Lifeform grabbed the hero's wrist. "I can go look for them."
Sonic shook his head. "I need to go talk to Aleena. You aren't going for them, you're injured and need to rest." He sighed.
"I'm not letting you go there alone. No matter if I'm injured or not." Shadow shook his head. "Just, please stay here. At least for a day…"
Sonic lowered his ears and sighed. "Alright… But what if the guards come here…? They saw that you were the one that helped me, they are going to be looking for you too."
"No one knows this place. There's no way they will find us. But if they do, I can take us somewhere else."
Sonic sat down beside Shadow and nodded. "Now both of my siblings are mad at me…" He had his ears dropped. "I hate being part of the royal family, everything would be easier if Eggman wasn't around and if I had a normal family… Everything would be easier, I would have a normal life…" He shook his head. "I'm tired…"
"I know that it's difficult, but you have to push all those dark thoughts aside. You shouldn't let these things bother you, everything happens for a reason." The dark agent rubbed Sonic's arm. "You can go to the guest room and get some sleep. Or we can drink some tea again, like yesterday?"
Sonic smiled slightly at his boyfriend. "I'll take the tea option." He pecked his lips. "Thank you Shadow, for helping me."
Shadow smiled softly and nodded then kissed the Prince's cheek. "Anything for you." He stood up. "Don't be afraid to ask for my help when you need it." He walked to the kitchen and started making them some tea.
Sonic walked to his boyfriend, he had his ears slightly lowered. "I know Shad but you're still injured and I don't want you to get worse… You almost died, I don't want that to happen again…" He remembered when Shadow said for him to let him die and that broke his heart. "You told me to let you die the other time and to leave you alone… I don't want to see you die… I'm afraid that if I ask you for help, you'll do something that might get you killed…" He sighed.
"If it makes you feel better, I'll try my hardest not to die." The dark hedgehog chuckled quietly and looked at his boyfriend then pecked his lips. "You don't have to be worried about killing myself, I've gotten over it." He tried to reassure him.
Sonic slowly nodded. "Alright…" He sighed. "I don't want to lose you, Shadow." He said softly.
"You won't lose me~" Shadow purred softly and kissed Sonic's forehead. "I promise." He gave him his cup when he was done. "My blanket is still at your place." He groaned when he remembered.
"I can go get it. I'm sure the guards left already." He said calmly.
"Are you sure?" The dark hedgehog went to his couch. "I don't want you to get captured."
"Yes. They took me off guard in the morning." He nodded and followed Shadow. "I'll be back in a minute." He gave the cup back to Shadow.
"Be careful." Shadow kissed Sonic's cheek. "Don't get too reckless."
Sonic smiled and nodded then dashed off to his house. He slowly walked in making sure no one was around and carefully walked to his living room and grabbed the blanket, as his boyfriend waited for him to come back, he had picked a movie for them to see.
Sonic folded the blanket and quickly dashed off to Shadow's house and walked in since he had left the door open. He walked to Shadow after he locked the door. "My house is a mess from when I was fighting the guards." He chuckled and sat beside Shadow.
"Really? I thought it was always like that." Shadow joked and gave him his cup then wrapped them both with the blanket.
Sonic rolled his eyes playfully at his boyfriend's words and chuckled then grabbed the cup and moved closer to Shadow. He saw he had picked a movie and raised a brow. "What did you put?" He asked curiously.
"An action movie. I thought it'll help us calm down." The Ultimate Lifeform wrapped an arm around his boyfriend and purred softly. "Don't you want to see a movie?"
The azure smaller one purred and nodded then kissed his cheek. "Yes." He nuzzled him.
The agent purred louder and chuckled at the younger one's actions then pulled him closer and drank from his tea.
Sonic looked at his chest fur then quickly looked away and drank from his cup and looked at the TV.
The dark hedgehog noticed that and smirked slightly, he grabbed the blue hero's hand and put it on his chest fur as he purred lovingly.
The smaller hedgehog blushed a dark color at this since he didn't expect Shadow to do that. He lowered his ears slightly but they flickered at feeling how soft his chest fur was.
"Don't be shy. I don't mind." Shadow chuckled softly and kissed Sonic's ear.
Sonic's ear flickered at that and purred. "Are you sure…?" He asked softly, still blushing.
"I am." The dark hedgehog purred louder and pecked the hero's lips. "I trust you~"
Sonic smiled and purred loudly and lovingly at Shadow. He moved his hand slowly through his chest fur, making him blush and purred loudly, not being used to it.
The smaller one kept purring loudly at his boyfriend and smiling. "It's so soft…" He mumbled.
"Of course it is." Shadow rubbed Sonic's back as he held him close and drank from his tea as he tried not to purr so loudly.
Sonic laughed softly and nodded. "Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable."
"It doesn't." The dark hedgehog shook his head and rested back on the couch then started the movie. "I'm just not used to it."
The smaller one nodded and rested his head on his shoulder as he watched the movie.
The older hedgehog smiled slightly at the Prince and slowly closed his eyes, being exhausted and out of energy. The azure hero kept purring for his boyfriend as he kept messing with his chest fur.
The prince saw how tired his boyfriend was and didn't want to disturb him so he stayed next to him, hoping he would fall asleep and finally get some rest. He couldn't stop thinking of the day Shadow told him to leave him alone and the day he saw him badly injured. He didn't want the guards to hurt him so he wanted to go to the castle and talk to Aleena, knowing that if he didn't, Aleena would call G.U.N. to make sure Shadow was punished for helping the prince escape.
The azure one sighed quietly and lowered his ears slightly knowing what he needed to do. All he needed now was wait until his boyfriend were to fall asleep…
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