Chapter 16
Author's P.O.V.
"Will.. Will you..." Shadow mumbled as he tried to gather up the courage to ask his crush out. "Will you go out with me?" He asked a little quick to get this over with.
The azure one blushed at the question and smiled softly then nodded. "Yes, Shadow." His blush was visible as he looked at his now boyfriend.
This made the dark hedgehog smile for the first time in a long time, he was happy. "Really?" The azure one nodded at this.
"Yes Shadow," The prince smiled at the dark agent and moved closer to sit beside him. "I'll go out with you." He said softly with a bright smile.
The agent smiled softly and reached for Sonic's hand. The azure one let him take his hand as he rested back in the tree as well.
The dark one squeezed his now boyfriend's hand and sighed quietly in relief. "I'm really sorry for what I've done."
The azure prince shook his head and squeezed his hand as well. "Don't worry about it. It's in the past, Shad." He couldn't stop smiling.
"You're too forgiving." Shadow looked at Sonic and chuckled quietly. "But I'm glad you forgive me."
Sonic smiled at his boyfriend and nodded. "How are you feeling by the way?" He changed the subject since he was worried about him.
"Tired." The dark hedgehog mumbled and closed his eyes. "But I can manage."
"Do you want me to help you get home? I still have time before I go to Tails' house." The hero asked softly.
"No, it's okay. You don't have to." Shadow shook his head and tightened his grip on Sonic's hand lightly, feeling safer and happier like this. Making the hero rest his hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay, I want to make sure you get to your house since I won't be comfortable if I leave you alone knowing you're still injured." He was lightly blushing.
"If you insist." The agent looked at his boyfriend. "How much time do you have until you leave?"
The azure one looked at his phone and checked the time. "About more than half an hour. Why?"
"Just asking." Shadow shook his head and slowly stood up with a groan. "We should get going." He reached for the hero's hand to help him stand up.
The hero helped him stand up and stayed next to him in case he needed help to walk. "What were you doing outside if you're still injured?"
"I needed some fresh air." The dark one mumbled as he remembered that he almost killed himself.
"Oh okay." The azure one said softly and stopped when they reached his boyfriend's house, who turned and looked at him.
"If you want, you can come in." Shadow hoped he would say yes.
The prince slowly nodded. "Sure, I still have time either way." He was slightly hesitant if he should or not but smiled either way and walked in after his boyfriend.
The said hedgehog sat on the couch and sighed. "This place is too quiet now. Without you or your friends." He chuckled.
"Aw, you missed us~" The hero joked as he sat beside him and softly laughed as he glanced around. "It is quiet in here, why is Rouge not here? You're still not completely healed." He asked confused and slightly worried.
Shadow chuckled at what the Prince said and shook his head. "I kicked her out." He rested back on the couch. "She wouldn't leave me alone when she saw me- " He stopped when he realized he was saying too many things. "She wouldn't leave me alone."
"When she saw you what?" The other asked confused. He kept a bit of distance between them so Shadow could have his space, he always knew him as someone who wanted to have his own space and to be quiet and peaceful. He didn't want to mess things up with him.
"Nothing." He quickly answered and shook his head. "Nothing that I want to talk about..."
The prince nodded and rested back on the couch and stretched. He was slightly tired but he didn't show it. "Alright then." He looked at his boyfriend. "Are you supposed to be drinking the pain killers, still?" He wanted to make sure he was okay. "If you don't want to go to a hospital to get checked out or for Tails to come then the doctors at the castle can help you."
"No, that's worse than the other options." Shadow looked at Sonic. "I don't need to take anything. I can handle this pain." He hesitantly moved his hand a little closer to Sonic's.
The hero saw that and rested his hand on top of his then smiled softly at him. "Can I ask you something then...?" He was hesitant to ask him but he wanted to know why he had been crying.
"Sure." The more handsome hedgehog nodded and tried not to blush at the cute smile the prince had on his muzzle.
"Why were you crying...?" He hesitantly asked his boyfriend.
This made the dark hedgehog lower his ears and look down. He knew he couldn't lie to him. "I... Had a crisis..." He mumbled. " And almost did something I'd regret." As he said that, the younger hedgehog dropped his ears.
"W-what do you mean ...?" He wanted to be sure.
"I almost killed myself..." The dark agent confessed.
At hearing this, the prince pinned his ears down. "W-why...?" It was clear he was hurt at hearing that he had almost committed suicide. "Why would you do that...?"
The Ultimate Lifeform dropped his ears and slowly shook his head. "I... I didn't want to suffer anymore..."
"I'm sorry..." He got closer to Shadow, he wanted to hug him but he wasn't sure if Shadow was comfortable with that.
The taller hedgehog looked at his boyfriend and instead of a hug, he leaned in and kissed him. The hero was shocked at this but melted into the kiss and kissed back almost immediately.
He got a bit closer to Shadow so they wouldn't be in an uncomfortable position, making him wrap his arms around him, without noticing his actions. This made the hero wrap his arms around his neck so the kiss would be longer.
He smiled softly at this, he was lost in the kiss, not noticing what the other did either.
The dark agent started quietly purring at feeling Sonic's touch, his ear twitched lightly and his grip around him tightened, not wanting to pull away.
The prince heard his boyfriends purrs and smiled softly as he began purring softly for him, as a sign that he didn't want to pull away. His ear twitched lightly when he realized what he was doing and blushed a dark color.
The Ultimate Lifeform was also blushing, the feelings that the kiss caused him slowly taking over. He pulled away after a while for air, but it was obvious he didn't want this to end. As the azure one panted softly, he saw Shadow and kissed him again, this time he started the kiss.
This made Shadow purr louder and kiss back almost immediately, all the other thoughts he had faded away. Just like before, the azure one wrapped his arms around his neck while he kissed Shadow. He had a dark blush all the way to his ears as he purred.
He didn't want to pull away, he was happy and lost in how amazing it felt to kiss him. To kiss his now boyfriend, the Ultimate Life Form.
Shadow moved his hands, that were on the hero's back, to his waist and deepened the kiss with a loud purr. The azure one let him as he got a bit closer and purred loudly at Shadow, this making the dark hedgehog blush more as his feelings got stronger. He knew this was going way too fast so he pulled away and looked at his boyfriend's eyes.
The azure one panted softly and lowered his ears slightly. His blush was up to his ears as he gazed into his eyes, making the dark one growl lowly, but this time it wasn't from hatred, but lust. The hero felt his heart beating rapidly at hearing his boyfriend do that. He had his ears dropped and looked at him a bit scared but with a hint of lust as well.
"I can stop if you want. Just tell me~" The dark hedgehog leaned in close to his boyfriend's face and pushed him to lay on the couch. "Don't expect anything fancy if you don't~" He knew he couldn't do much because of his injury.
His words made the prince blush a very dark color and stuttered then bit his lip and nodded. His heart was beating fast as he tried to calm down and let Shadow do what he wanted. He was excited yet scared about this.
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