Chapter Thirty-Three
Back To Work For Zianna.
After two weeks at home, Zianna was ready to go back to work but the one who was concerned that she shouldn't go back was her brother Tayyal.
"Zian, stay for at least one more week..."
"Tay, I stayed for almost an entire month and my boss hasnt said anything but doesnt mean I have to take advantage of him. I need to go back to work because I..."
You don't want anyone to think you are taking advantage of my home and kindness, right? Zianna, people can think whatever they want but remember that not everyone has your best interest at heart," Tayyal said. "Fine, you can go back to work. But if you ever feel sick, you must call me and I will come and get you. Promise me," he added, placing his pinky finger for Zianna to shake.
That's how Zianna and Tayyal would always promise to do something for each other. It became a habit for Tay whenever promises were involved.
Zianna shook her head and placed her pinky finger with his.
"I promise you Tay. Now can I go..."
"Not yet. First Zoya and I will drop ypou at the office as your workplace is near to hers. So in shaa Allah everyday she will take you to your job," Tay said. Zianna was about to protest when he added; "No, you cant say no to that."
"Okay, I agree to whatever conditions you have, boss."
Zoya couldn't help but laugh at the two sibling's antics. She loved their bond with each other and prayed that no one would break it.
"Okay, kids are we ready to leave or do you wnat to argue more?" She asked approaching her husband.
"Well, Zo. I think you should your husband who wants everything to be the way he wants it to be. And goodluck with him because you will need it," Zianna said, walking away.
"Zia, I am not a child..."
"Well, you do act like one. So yes you are a child..."
The two siblings continued to bicker while Zoya led them to the car.
"Guys, I think that's enough or else we will be late. Now will you two behave yourselves?"
Zianna and Tay looked at each other and started laughing because their arguments were usually childish and weren't as serious as people would think them to be.
Most people would question how much Tay and Zianna argue but not Zoya or even Dalia as they were used to it.
Tayyal dropped his sister first at the office as it was nearer than his or his wife's offices.
"Thank you for the ride..."
"Zian, don't forget to take your meds and to eat lunch. The important thing is whenever you get sick, please call me or even Zoya and one of us will come and pick you up," Tayyal said.
"In shaa Allah. I will. Take care. Bye Tay, bye Zoya."
Zianna waved at her brother and sister-in-law and then walked into the building.
It felt like her first day of work, and she remembered being nervous. Meeting Azhar who was grumpy and didn't smile at anyone except his family.
It has been less than two weeks since Azhar came to visit Tayyal and saw her.
I am thankful that my boss told me that I still have my job. But what will it be like now? Would it work after what he said when I was in the hospital in front of his mother? I dont want him to think badly just because he helped me.
Zianna walked toward the elevator and crashed into someone. Before she could fall, the person held her and kept her from falling.
"Thank you..."
She looked up to see it was her boss, Azhar. She quickly detached herself from him.
"I am sorry, I wasnt watching where I was going..."
"There's no need to apologize. Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yes, I am good alhamdulilah. Thank you for asking."
Azhar nodded and pressed the button making the elevator move. He was sure that Zianna was going to take the entire month but he wasn't surprised to see her at the office.
"Do you have the contract ready?" She asked.
"Which contract?" He asked feeling confused.
"The contract that states I will pay what I owe you through my salary," Zianna said reminding him.
"Zianna, we no longer need that contract as there's trust in the office.And if you want me to make the contract, i will do it..."
The elevator door open and both Azhar and Zianna walked out. They were heading towards their office.
"There's no need for that. I..."
Zianna was interrupted by Khalid who was rushing toward his nephew and didnt see her standing there.
Zianna was interrupted by Khalid who was rushing toward his nephew and didnt see her standing there.
"Azhar its good you arrived. There's a client that was demanding to see you," Khalid said dragging his nephew away to his office.
And thats how our day will start.
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