Chapter One
Chapter One; Azhar & Zianna's Lives.
Being different isn't always a bad thing for someone who wants to be different in the family. As long as they are happy being different that's great for them.
It has been almost two months since Azhar and Iman graduated from high school. While Iman had already selected her career path, Azhar was in the process of informing his parents about his desired occupation.
And that's a lawyer. To assist individuals in need and unable to afford legal representation.
"Azhar, are you ready to go to enroll to...?"
Azhar, this is the big moment! The time has come to let Dad and Mamma know your aspirations, which do not involve business.
Azhar took a deep breath and asked his parents to sit down, as he wanted to talk to them.
Both of his parents always encouraged their children to talk to them whenever they had a problem or just needed advice.
"Dad, Mamma, I don't want you to be disappointed in my decision, but I don't want to enroll in business school. I want to be a lawyer and I hope that I can do it with your love and support," he tells them with the hope that they will agree to his decision.
For Hayat, she always wanted what is best for her children and for their happiness.
She smiled at her son with tears of happiness in her eyes, knowing that Azhar had finally chosen something he loved and not a career to please her or even Aayan.
"I am so proud of you, my son. You are becoming your person and that's a great thing. Alhamdulillah, all we need is to..."
"Aayan, stop. You know that we can't dismiss our children's dreams. We can't force them to be someone they don't want, and that will make their lives miserable. Azhar wants to be a lawyer, so I will definitely give him my blessings, okay?" She says cutting him off, leaving no room for arguments.
"All I wanted to know is that does he have a university in mind? We can't be the kind of parents who harm our children or crush their dreams," Aayan assures his wife and son. "In Shaa Allah, your Uncle Khalid would be delighted if you join him after graduation," he said with a smile directed at his son.
Azhar breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had the best parents that anyone would wish for. He was happy about what his parents told him, so he got up from the couch and hugged them.
"I promise you that I will make you proud in Shaa Allah. Thank you Mamma, and Dad," he says, kissing his mother on the forehead and making her smile.
"We know you will, Azhar. And we will always be proud of all of you no matter what," Hayat says, smiling at both her husband and son.
Days later, Azhar walked into the registration of the law school with his father. Aayan was proud of his son and more proud of his wife.
She is the best woman that I have ever met. Alhamdulillah, I married someone like her.
After registering, both father and son went to see Khalid about coaching Azhar with his entrance exams, which will be in about one month.
"At least now, I don't have to be alone in the family. Being the only lawyer was stressing," Khalid says smiling at Aayan who just shook his head.
"You know when your Uncle Khalid wanted to be a lawyer. His parents were so thrilled with the idea because they wanted him to takeover the company but when Dad talked to them. It was settled about who will takeover the family business. So I took over the company as soon as I graduated," Aayan explained to his son.
"Didn't you want to do something different?" Azhar asks his father while his uncle only stares at Aayan, waiting for the answer.
"I did, but I also wanted to do business. So business won, and I took over the company from our parents. And before you ask if I regret it, the answer is no, I don't. Because, through business, your grandparents met your mother and fell in love with her before I did," Aayan explained to both of them.
Azhar understood what his father meant by that.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a young girl was in her room in the attic. There was a thin mattress on the floor and a window that had no curtains on. There was a worn-out dresser that held her clothes which were hand-me-downs by her step-siblings.
"Zianna, come and make lunch. If you don't want mum to come and beat you up," a voice called her from downstairs.
Zianna Hussein is the modern-type Cinderella because of her life.
She lives with her stepmother, father, and stepsiblings. Her mother died when she was just a teen who had just graduated from high school. And thats also when she found out that her father had another wife for almost 30 years before marrying her mother.
This broke Zianna knowing that her mother died before knowing what kind of man her husband was like.
After her mother's death, her stepmother moved in along with her older step-siblings and young ones too.
The first month of them moving in wasn't bad because her step-mother wanted to make a good impression on Zianna's father who wanted them to get along but in the next few months, the step-mother started showing her true colors and forcing Zianna to move out of her bedroom and move in, in the attic.
But without her bed, as it was now her step-siblings' room that they turned into a closet.
"Zianna come down this instant or else I will tell mum..."
She quickly walked out of the attic and ran down the stairs to the kitchen before her step-sister could finish what she was saying.
Her step-sisters would do anything to get her in trouble with their mother even if she didnt do anything that they accused her of.
In a few days, Zianna will be starting college after two months of her father putting it off. After begging him, Zianna finally succeeded in convincing her father to let her go to college but not to study her dream career of being a doctor as he kept saying that he didn't have money to enroll her in the medical university.
At least now I can study and get a job to help myself with what I will need Alhamdulilah.
But fate has some other plans that will interfere with her plans and Zianna will have no way out but to accept whatever comes to her.
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