Chapter Forty-Four
"We need to find out, what happened?"
Hussein was taken to the hospital in an ambulance while Zianna waited for him at Hayat's house, where the reception was held.
"It could be traffic, Zia. I will try calling him again, okay? Relax," Nour says, taking her phone and trying their father's number, but the number is switched off.
"Did he answer yet?" Zianna asked.
"Not yet. Why don't we go inside and wait there for him, okay?" Nour took her sister's hand and led her inside the house where everyone was waiting for them. Nour turned to face her brother-in-law and nodded at him. "Go with Azhar, Zia and I will continue calling dad, okay?"
Zianna reluctantly agreed and walked inside with her husband but couldn't help but feel that something was wrong with her father as he promised to be there for her on this important day.
Where are you, dad? Why do I feel that Mom has something to do with this? Even if she does, how will I prove it to the police or anyone who would listen to me?
Nour started dialling her mother's number when a taxi approached the driveway. She stared at the taxi until someone emerged from it.
It was her father, but he didnt look the way he did when they left the Kadhi's office.
Nour rushed over to her father and tears started to form in her eyes.
"Dad, what happened? Are you okay? Let's go to the hospital..."
"Nour, calm down. I am fine alhamdulilah. A kind young man helped me get to the hospital and waited until the doctors were done with tests. Alhamdulilah, I am fine, habibty," Hussein started explaining when a man walked out of the same taxi holding a jacket that had blood on it.
"Nour, this is Faris Rafiq. He was the young man who helped me while I was in the hospital. Faris, this is one of my daughters, Nour," Hussein introduced them.
"Asalam Aleikum. Nice to meet you and thank you for taking care of my father. I really appreciate it," Nour said smiling.
"Waleikum salaam. Nice to meet you too and you are most welcome. Anyways, Uncle, I need to get back to the hospital as I stil have a shift to do. Take care of yourself and if you need anything dont hesitate to call me," Faris said, handing the jacket to Nour and getting back into the taxi.
"Are you sure that you are okay, dad?" Nour asks.
"Yes, I am fine alhamdulilah. But I am worried about Zianna, especially after what happened to me...I dont know what to do, Nour."
"We will talk about this later. Now, I will go and get a clean jacket in the car and then we will go inside, okay?"
Hussein nodded and Nour hurriedly walked to her car to get the jacket she kept for her father as he tends to get food on his clothes.
She handed him the jacket and walked inside the house where Zianna was trying to stay calm. When their eyes met, Zianna couldn't help but feel relief to see her father there with her.
Alhamdulilah, he is safe.
"See, I told you that dad is safe. Now please smile," Azhar said to his wife.
"Yes, you are right. But..."
"I understand what you are trying to say, Zia. Do you wnat me to ask my brother's best friend to investigate Mrs Nadia?"
"I dont want to offend my father, Azhar. He is trying to be there for me and now I want to have his wife investigated because of the suspicions that I have about her. What would he think of me?"
"I understand you but if I were dad, I would want to know what is happening with my wife. And dont worry, my brother's best friend would be discrete and he wouldnt expose what we want him to find out to anyone," Azhar assured his wife.
After thinking about it, Zianna knew that her husband was right.
"Okay but dad shouldnt know anything about this. I will talk to him after we get the results of the investigation, okay? Thank you for being there for me."
"Always. You are my wife," Azhar said, kissing his wife's forehead. "And you dont need to thank me all the time. I will do anything and everything for you, habibty."
Hussein watched his daughter being pampered and loved by her in-laws. He felt content with the fact that he had fulfilled his promise to Hania before everything fell apart.
"No matter what happened between us, Hussein. Promise me that you will be there for our daughter in the good and bad times in her life. I know our lives arent perfect, but I know that you will be the best father that Zianna would have and need in her life."
Hussein watched his daughter being pampered and loved by her in-laws. He felt content with the fact that he had fulfilled his promise to Hania before everything fell apart.
"No matter what happened between us, Hussein. Promise me that you will be there for our daughter in the good and bad times in her life. I know our lives arent perfect, but I know that you will be the best father that Zianna would have and need in her life."
Even though Hussein failed to keep some of the promises, he made to his wife Hania about their daughter. But now everything will start to change and start with talking and dealing with Nadia once and for all.
Hussein needed to talk to Tayyal and Nour but not Zianna or even Dalia about what happened to him a few hours ago.
"Tay, I need to talk to you and Nour about something and I will need you to keep this between the three of us for now. I dont want Zianna to get stressed and end up getting sick," Hussein tells his son who nods.
"Okay, Dad. We will talk when we get home. I will drop off Zoya and Dalia at the house and then we will talk about everything."
Secrets don't stay hidden for too long. They either come out one way or the other.
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