Talking it Over
Romeo's POV
I didn't think that things would become this chaotic. Despite the guild's success in evacuating the town, fending off the crazy vines and hideous red liquid creatures was proven more difficult than it seemed.
"What is this?!" I shouted as I finally managed to destroy one of the red creatures.
'Is this.... blood?'
My eyes widened. I could feel the bile in the back of my throats just waiting to come out.
I heard one of the guild members yell.
Forgetting the sick feeling and thought, my eyes focused on the tiny moving objects in the distance.
'Natsu and Lucy?'
My eyes zoomed in on the pair, unsure if the outburst was true, that was until I saw a familiar item flowing in the wind.
"IT'S THEM!" I cried out, my legs rushing forward towards my role models.
Following me, the rest of the guild continued to fight.
I noticed that the pair weren't fighting, but rather limping along.
'They must've been injured when they stayed behind,"
After what seemed like an eternity had past, the guild reunited with Lucy and Natsu.
They explained what had happened and pained faces were prominent. Many couldn't believe that their innocent and kind Wendy would do that.
"She was brainwashed," an unknown voice suddenly answered their unasked question,"during her fourth stage,"
All eyes turned behind them. Their vision greeted by a white-haired male and his indigo-haired companion.
In an instant the guild was in defensive and offensive positions.
"What are you here for?" Ezra demanded, her Heaven's Wheel Armour blocking the view of her fellow guild members.
"We're not here to fight," the indigo haired female said, her hand clutching her companion.
Many of the guild members clenched their fists and weapons, knowing innocent looks could be deceiving.
They were spread out in front of Lucy and Natsu, willing to protect their injured guild mates.
"They are uneasy Sierra, let me do the talking," the gold eyed male told who everyone now assumed was Sierra.
Nodding she retreated behind him.
"As said before, we do not wish to fight. My sister and I wish to speak of matters concerning a particular sky dragonslayer,"
"What do you know about her?!" Romeo shouted, he was uneasy. He didn't want to know this unknown man's relationship with his... mate.
"I see... you are her mate, I suspected as much," Keenan sighed, this would be harder than expected. He knew Fairytail members where hard-headed and stubborn, but he didn't know that they were this hard-headed and stubborn.
"We do not wish to fight, as I said before. I'll put it simply. We have.. information on your fellow guild members capture,"
After much debating, deals and rules, Ezra, Gray, Natsu, Lucy and Romeo sat before Keenan and Sierra. The rest of the guild surrounding them, Juvia was... keeping close contact with her lover.
"Explain," Romeo demanded.
"First," Gray interrupted," Tell us who the hell you are,"
Sierra glanced at her brother before nodding and giving her introduction.
"I'm Sierra Fie, I use night magic."
"Keenan Cathair, I have I guess you could classify it as earthquake magic."
"Wait!" Lucy exclaimed,"how are you brother and sister if your last names are different,"
Lucy and Natsu had been healed before the interrogation? Their wounds weren't too deep and they were bandaged up quite nicely.
"Sierra and I were parted early in our childhood," Keenan explained, the amount of times he had to tell this story was exhausting.
"We reunited with each other a few years ago, but before that we both grew up in orphanages,"
"What about your parents?" Natsu asked, being serious for once.
"They were killed by..." the gold eyed Mage looked away, the discomfort seeping in.
"The man who captured Wendy," Sierra finished. She gave her brother a small smile, signalling for him to take a rest.
"We originally teamed up with him for revenge... since he destroyed our village, but when we heard he was kidnapping another Mage. We thought it'd be best to help the Guild."
"Why didn't you come straight away?" Ezra asked. She had unequipped her Heaven's Wheel Armour as it would be quite uncomfortable to sit in.
"We couldn't get caught, it'd ruin everything if we did."
"Who are our enemies?" Natsu asked, he was eager to fight against them and hopefully beat the water and wind mages from earlier.
Preparing themselves for questions and another long explanation, Sierra and Keenan took turns listing and explaining their former allies.
"So you're saying this Frank dude is just a normal human?" Lucy questioned, confused.
"Yes, he has not magic traces at all,"
"But he could just had hidden his magic with a spell,"
"The spell would have a faint trace, nothing, not even invisibility don't have at least the tiniest of traces.
"So we just have to beat up the others and then we're finished?"
Sierra nodded, her smile diminishing as she looked down.
"Wendy is reaching her fifth stage, if she does... you'll have to beat her too..."
The guild froze from this realisation, no one uttering a word.
"Don't be sad brats!" Makarov exclaimed appearing out of no one. But then again it isn't hard to hide his.... small self.
"Gramps! You're alive!" Natsu exclaimed.
"What do you think I am?" The guild master said, looking at the fire dragonslayer with a faint amount of sarcasm.
"Remember we're fairytail, no one messes with or family members!"
And just like that everyone was more enthusiastic than ever.
"Now Keenan, let me ask you a question," Makarov said amongst the battle cries.
"I believe you aren't just an earthquake Mage but rather, a dragonslayer?"
Heeellllpppp..... I'm so terribly sorry I haven't been updating. And even more sorry if this chapter is weird........
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