Wendy's POV
I stared straight ahead, the emotionless expression on my face unwavering.
"Wendy? How are you feeling?"
"Fine," a voice replied. One that didn't sound like mine. It was colder, harsher and more distant.
I watched through my perceptive eyes, it seemed that my eyesight had sharpened. As well as my other senses.
I faintly recognised the hut-like buildings, the wide streets.
"We're almost there,"
I pressured the gusting wind of mine forward and watched as it followed the currents of the chestnut, silver-streaked haired girl in front of me.
"Leummim," Aira beckoned, a lavender almost blue tinted, haired male come up to her. A innocent but deadly smile plastered on his face.
"Is it my turn?" He asked with fake enthusiasm. He hated fighting and would rather go out into towns and gamble.
"Stop being moody, we'll get lots of money once we finish this," the wind demonslayer chided the water user.
Instantly, an image appeared in my mind. A young woman, with slightly wavy hair and what seemed to be a winter coat formed.
I let out a grumble. She seemed familiar, but I didn't let my curiosity get the better of me.
I mean, curiosity killed the cat.
"Freesia and Aryan seem to be having fun," Aira stated pointing at the ever growing mass of vines and puddles of blood.
"Where's Keenan and Sierra?" I unemotionally questioned.
"Apparently they went off to do something important,"
"I hope the bastard is going to actually be apart of this," Leummim grumbled his fist clenching,"He hasn't shown us his magic yet. It's making me doubt he even has magic."
"Who knows," Aira sighed,"Wendy keep the currents strong!"
I just nodded, not bothering to do as she says.
"We're hear!"
"You can just taste their beautiful fear," Leummim grinned darkly earning a slap from yours truly.
"What was that for Wendy!"
"Go Wendy!"
"Focus," I ordered.
They nodded, and turned their heads back to the wide open FairyTail doors.
"Familiar Wendy?"
"Shut up," I growled.
I would never forgive them. I know my rage had clouded their faces, but friend or foe. Whoever gets in my way of destroying this town will perish.
"Stop with the aura," Aira giggled nervously as she followed the lavender haired water user inside.
A scent wafted to my nose.
"DODGE," I yelled jumping up.
A tornado of sand and fire spiralled down to the spot we just stood in. Making me immediately recognise the users.
"Natsu, Lucy," I spoke,"come out."
A salmon haired male and blonde haired female landed in front of us. Worried expressions on their faces.
"Why are you helping them Wendy?" The blonde asked me, confusion in her eyes. I shook off the unknown and uncomfortable guilt rising in me and opened my mouth to speak.
"Go Wendy, we'll handle them," Aira said cutting me off.
"Yeah leave the brats to us," Leummim smirked, seeming a little enthusiastic.
"Fine," I sighed, jumping up through the hole in the roof. Wind lashing behind me.
No one's POV
"Who are you calling a brat!" Natsu yelled, his face flaring.
"Isn't it obvious? You." Leummim slyly grinned.
"What did you do with Wendy!" Lucy asked them, her voice demanding and unyielding.
"We. Can't. Tell. You." Aira said childishly.
"Why you!" Nastu yelled as he charged towards them.
The Leummim and Aira dodged, wisps of their hair just being burnt on the tips.
"Looks like you missed," Leummim mischievously grinned.
"He burnt my hair!" Wailed his chestnut haired companion.
"At your service.... luuucccyyyyy," The bull swooned making his summoner quite annoyed.
"Attack! Taurus!"
Swings, dodges, punches and insults.
The battle seemed to go nowhere as the four were evenly matched.
Despite the strength both parties held, neither seemed to want to back down.
"Leummim, go," Aira mumbled as she dodged another one of Loki's light beams.
"Where?" The lavender haired male asked.
"YOURE NOT GETTING AWAY!" Natsu yelled as he charged towards them.
Unfortunately, his targets dodged the incoming attack making the fire dragonslayer slam straight into one of the half destroyed walls.
"Geez..." Leummim criticised scratching the back of his head,"A baby could've seen that coming,"
"Let's go,"
"Natsu!" Lucy called as she hurried over to the pile that was meant to be the dragonslayer,"What'd you do that for?"
"We.. have.. to," Natsu said, exhaustion clear on his face,"go... after them."
"You're in no shape to do that," Lucy argued,"neither of us are..."
"But Wendy..."
"Let's find the other's first,"
No one's POV
"Big brother!" A panting night user shouted,"Is everything ready yet?"
"Almost Sierra," her brother replied.
"What's happening right now?"
"Nothing too bad," he smiled,"everything's going to plan."
"So when are we going to put it into action? Frank's a bit suspicious. I don't think he believed the whole 'we're going to scout' lie," Sierra told the white-haired male.
"When they meet up here," he pointed on the map,"we'll reveal ourselves,"
"So soon right?"
"Of course, the earth never lies," Keenan smiled.
"Do you think it'll work?" Sierra asked, slightly worried.
"Of course," He said, his golden eyes dark,"we still have to get Frank back for destroying our village,
Mistakes? Thoughts?
It's so hard to write battle scenes...
I'm sorry for not updating for like... 3 weeks??
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