Chapter 5 (The liar)
I frown at the blood on the ground. Why did I have to be the disturbed one?
The others get to be happy, even Remus in his twisted way.
Everyone but me has friends. Everyone but me has a life. Everyone hates me.
Flashback to the worst moment of my life.
Remus, my crush of at least ten years, telling me he liked me.
"Hey Dee, I just wanted to tell you that I like you."
I smiled, overjoyed. I form the words in my mind. I like you too.
Unfortunately, my mouth has other ideas. "If only somebody loved you."
Remus turns and runs away. I start to sob, calling after him "I didn't mean it! I lied! I couldn't help it! Please come back! I don't love you!"
He runs faster, choking on air.
I broke his heart. I hurt the only person who ever loved me.
I bury my face in my blankets.
Why am I so messed up?
I had my chance, and I blew it. I hurt someone like I always end up doing.
The blood, the pain, they belong to me. They're my pain, my punishment. They help me feel like the scales (pun intended) are even. Pain for pain.
Tears run down my face. They're salty. They're the thing keeping me grounded, giving me the feeling of something. The only thing I can feel. The pain has long since faded into numbness. Which is a problem. How am I supposed to hurt as much as they do if I can't do anything?
Insanity isn't far. The words swirl in my brain, reaching a fever pitch.
You only cause pain!
You hurt innocents!
You can't do anything right!
You're just the bad guy. Even if it was your story, you'd just be the villain.
You're misshapen. Ugly. Inside and out.
Your words come out wrong, and you can't even say anything anymore.
It's a good thing you decided to just shut up. You should've done it sooner!
No one loves the villain.
If you weren't so stupid, you could've helped them. You could've saved them from their pain.
The words hurt, like the fire in my soul. It burns me from the inside, consuming me.
It fades to cold. The cold is such a relief.
The words don't stop.
The pain doesn't stop.
But at least I'm not hot.
The fiery fever in the words is gone, replaced with a soothing cold.
The cold gets colder.
I'm so cold.
I'm scared.
I never thought it would hurt this much.
I look at my fingers, but they're no longer there. The frozen fire consumes me, stinging.
Suddenly, it's gone.
And so am I.
Hehe, he faded. I'm at 420 words.
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