I havent really started writing for this book in a while so i gorgot if mari swares or not if u dont like her swaring and dont mind her friends swaring or you dont like swaring all together then plz tell me
I looked out the window of the taxi thinking, will maman and papa approve of my new look make me remove my red lips wear shorter heels
Taxi driver: we're here miss
I smiled and handed him some money
Me: thank you sir
I jumped out and went to the back and grabbed my four bags. I watched as the car drove off I also heard shuffling from the backery
Papa: Marinette !!!
I ran to my dad and hugged him like really tight
Me: I missed you so much papa
I feel his arms and someone else I'm guessing it's maman
Papa: we miss you too now
They let go and papa hands me a bag I smile
Me: papa I love the ...
Maman started to push me towards the school and papa picked up my bags
Maman started to sniff me
Maman: you don't smell so your fine to go to school
Papa: your going to school
Adrian pov
We all sat down
Alya: I talked to Marinette's parents they said she's coming back soon
My head wiped to alya and nino
Me: she is
Nino: how does your face not hurt
Alya: he's not gonna answer he's too busy daydreaming about Marinette
Mari pov
Where's my gum!!!oh there it is. I have a plan be mean don't hang with anyone till Charlie arrives so he can scare off people for me YAY. I pop my gum in my mouth and start blowing bubbles
Adrian pov
Teacher: okay everyone I'm marking the role....ALYA
Alya: present
Teacher: ADRIAN
Adrian: present
Marinette: here miss
We all wiped our heads towards the door and let's just uhhh. She had a new vibe and she was popping bubbles
Alya: its against school policies to chew bubble gum in class
Teacher: Marinette don't tell me spending in new York made you forget manners
She chuckled and crossed her arms
Alya: what happened to Marinette she looks different
Teacher: well go take your seat Marinette
Marinette did this salute thing
Marinette: yes mam
She walked up the stairs and sat next to Alya
Alya: girl where were you
Marinette ignored her and pulled out her studded phone and smiled at it
Alya: Marinette... Marinette
Marinette sighed and looked at Alya
Marinette: yes
Wow that was rude
Nino: I've never seen you act so rude Marinette
Alya: where were you
Marinette leaned with a smirk
Marinette: the teacher obviously said it before so go mind your own business
Alya: I'm your friend Marinette
Marinette rolled her eyes and looked at her phone
Marinette: I don't need friends
Chloe: look Sabrina Marinette finally came to her senses and got a fashion sense
Marinette: hmm I wish I could say the same Chloe.. But I can't
She continued to stare at her phone and smiled while texting who knows who. The bell rang and we all got up, Marinette walked out off class
Alya: what happened to my best friend that would wanna make her go to Paris
My heart sunk it was me all me she confessed that she liked me and what did I do I was rude and I assumed she only liked me Cauz I'm famous okay maybe im being a little over dramatic but i did hurt her really bad
Alya: well I'm not giving up I'm going to Marinette come on
She dragged me and nino by our collars , jeez alya is rough just Nino's type . We see Marinette sitting by herself with no food
Alya: hey Marinette
I sat next to Marinette while Nino and alya sat in front of us
Marinette: I thought I said I don't want friends especially old ones
( im legit crying poor alya poor nino poor everyone )
She kept texting who knows who
Alya: well you were my friend first..
Marinette phone started ringing
"people never change once a wh...... "
Marinette picked up the phone with a smile
Marinette: Charlie!!!
Who The heck is Charlie
Heyyyyyyyy how's life without me
I looked at Alya who has the sadness face on
Duh I'm fabulous idiot....... Scuze you I'm punny see what I did there... RUDE MUCH.... Anyway how's ava....
We heard a loud shout from marionett's phone. She had a painful face on
Nino: dude I think that even left me death
Ow my poor delicate little ears... Haha you bloody comedian....... No shut up are you kidding me
Alya: are you gossiping right marinette I thought you hate go...
She became the most hottest girl in school since when..... Sleeping with all the guys... Slut much...... No..... No..... No.... Shut up seriously.......... She's lost it all.... How.... Oh the gym well that makes sense but she became the popular girl in school not even waiting a day after I left how rude....
Alya: marinette that was rude... And you were the most popular girl in school
Marinette turned and gave us a duh I was and shut up face
Meh... I wasn't in it to become the most popular girl in school I just wanted to bring Georgina down...
Okay that sounded better than her being a Queen bee like Chloe
Evil I am.. Nah I'm glad she's taken my place...... SHE WHAT... Oh right you told me before hehehe..
She scratched her head just like always when she was embarrassed it was cute then and it's cute now
. Oh hey melia how's the house without me... Well I got here and my parents made me go to school right away....
Nino: dude you must be jet lagged so badly
No just broke one regulation.... Okay two jeez.... Fine maybe more than two.... No cauz my food is in my locker and I couldn't be stuffed to go get it too much effort plus there's no you who knows my combination and just goes in there whenever she's wants...
Oh that's why she didn't have her food with her
Yeah yeah two weeks till you guys come... Yeah Charlie will scare off everyone... That's what I was hoping...
Alya: why...
Don't worry I'm not going to make friends with goofy goodys melia just don't go burning more clothes.... YOU DO TOO...
Nino: a pyromaniac dude can I talk to....
One glare from Alya and he shrank back into his seat
Why do I have you as my cousin.... I love you.... Since when.... Haha... Yeah bye say hi to ava for Me and kick her butt too say love your number one hater she'll know it's me.... Why are you laughing evilly.... Melia.... Charles why is melia laughing so evilly... YOUR WHAT NO WAY YES.... sorry I'll calm down
I saw the new kid walking towards us
Your coming this week when
Charlie: behind you
Marinette screamed and hugged the new guy and I can't help but feel jealous......
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