Chapter 7: The Big Day
Barry and Oliver planned their wedding and six months later it was the big day. Oliver was at Diggles getting ready and Barry was at their apartment. "Your ready" John said as Oliver tied his dark green tie. "As ready as I'll ever be" He answered starting it. "You'll do fine Oliver" John reassured and Oliver nodded and slipped on his dress shoes. "Let's go," John said as he clipped his bow tie on. The two and Lila got into their car and headed to the venue.
Barry was at their apartment getting ready with the help of Cisco. "I'm nervous," Barry said as Cisco helped him with his deep red tie. "You'll do fine," Cisco said. "But I didn't write vows because Oliver said that when I got up there I would know what to say. What if I freeze up" Barry said. "Then the look on your face will tell him all he needs to know," Cisco said fixing his hair. "Now let's go," Cisco said and the two headed to the venue.
Oliver arrived first as planned and was at the altar. All their friends and family were seated and Diggle was by Oliver's side as his best man. Cisco walked in first and waited by Barry's side as his best man. When the music started play Barry walked in with joe by his side. Oliver and Barry's eyes locked immediately as they walked up the ile. Joe hugged Barry and handed him for to Oliver who nodded his silent thank you as he took Barry's hand.
The sermon started but Oliver and Barry didn't tune as they were to focus on each other until the priest asked Oliver for his vows. "Bear... I didn't know what I wanted to say today because I didn't write any vows but I didn't think I needed to because I could never find enough words to express my Love for you. You the light to my darkness. You are the only light in my life. My life was so dark until you walked into my life, late as always" He said making the crowd and BArry chuckle a bit. "But the day you walked into my building was the day my life changed forever and for the better. you are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'll always love you" Oliver said gently reaching one hand up and wiping the tear from Barry's cheek. Then the priest asked for Barry's vows. "I didn't write any vows either. I tried I did but I just didn't know what to say that you didn't already know. I was afraid I would freeze up and get anxious but standing here with you today I don't know why I stressed so much because I'm not up here to prove my love for you. I love you so much Ollie and nothing on this earth or any other will ever change that. I'll be honest I was very nervous but the second I saw you up here waiting for me it all went away, I wasn't anxious any more I was calm. I love you so much Ollie and I don't think... no I know I wouldn't be here without you. I love you" Barry said wiping his face of tears as Oliver slipped his ring on and he did the same. "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom" The priest said and Oliver and Barry stepped closer and kissed softly but passionately as the crowd clapped. When they broke away the locked eyes their foreheads resting together. "I love you Oliver Queen," Barry said softly. "And I love you Barry Queen," Oliver said making Barry blush and hug Oliver tightly. "Oliver wrapped his arms around his husband smiling wider than anyone; aside from Barry, had ever seen.
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