Chapter 7: Kidnapped
"Shit sorry I didn't even expect you to be home," Felicity said. Barry and Oliver turned a shade of red. Barry moved off of Oliver and used his speed to fix both of their pants without her even noticing. "What do you need?" Oliver said pulling on a shirt that was laying around. "I just came to pick up a few things I forgot." She said. "Go ahead," Oliver said walking into the kitchen area.Felicity and Barry made eye contact that Barry quickly broke. Falicity went upstairs and Oliver popped a beer bottle open on the counter. Barry walked into the kitchen and gently wrapped his arms around Oliver's waist. "You ok?" Barry asked softly. Oliver nodded "yeah," he said his face emotionless. "The truth Ollie," Barry said. Oliver sighed and turned to face Barry. "I'm fine. I'm over here I just I don't want to hurt her and I'm sure that did" He said. "Sometimes your too caring," Barry said softly kissing Oliver's cheek. "I think it's sweet that you care even though she's your ex-wife who cheated on you." Barry said. Oliver nodded "I guess." "Hey, Oliver?" Felicity called from the loft. "Yeah" Oliver answered. "Where's my..." she yelled down but Oliver couldn't hear her. He sighed "I'll be right back," Oliver said kissing Barry softly and going upstairs. "What?" He said. "My clothes?" She said. "Boxes in the bathroom. Anything else I found is in them." He said. nodded and looked through them to make sure she had everything. "So you and Barry? Didn't see that coming" She said. Oliver shrugged "well Felicity I didn't see you fucing Ray Palmer in my bed but that still happened." He said. She sighed "I really am sorry Ollie," She said. "I really don't care. Meet me at the courthouse tomorrow" He said. "Why?" she asked. "So we can sign the divorce papers," he said. Felicity nodded sadly "what time?" she asked. "9," he said. She nodded and grabbed one of the boxes. Oliver grabbed the other two and carried them down and out to her car. "Goodbye Ollie," she said sadly before she got into her car. Oliver didn't say anything back he just went back upstairs locking the door behind him. Barry looked up from where he as reading his book on the couch. Barry put his book down and smiled softly at Oliver. Oliver smiled "I'm gonna shower, join me?" Oliver asked. Barry nodded and followed Oliver upstairs. The two got into the shower with Oliver's arms around Barry who in turn relaxed happily in Oliver's arm. Oliver ran his fingers through Barry's damp hair witch barry clearly enjoyed. "Your cute" Oliver said softly continuing to play with barry's hair. Barry blushed deeply looking up at Oliver who kissed him softly. Oliver smiled softly at him and gently started to wash Barry's hair. Barry smiled softly relaxing peacefully. The two stayed in the shower until the water turned cold. They both got out and got dressed. "What do you wanna do now Bear we still have another three hours before our reservation." Oliver said. "You made reservations? Where" Barry asked. "It's a surprise" he answered. Barry blushed lightly "okay," he said softly. "So what do you wanna do?" Oliver asked again. Barry shrugged "I don't care" "Another mov-" Oliver started but got cut off by his phone. Oliver sighed and Barry speeds out and back in with Oliver's phone. "Thanks bear," He said answering it. "I'm on my way," Oliver said into the phone hanging up. "It's Thea apparently she just got a video message I have to see. She said it's bad" He said clearly worried. "Want me to go with?" He said. Oliver nodded "please?" "of course Ollie come on I'll speed us over there," He said already dressed. Barry grabbed Oliver and sped them both to Thea's. "Oh hey, Barry I didn't know you were in town." She said. "Ollie you have to see this," she said playing a video on her laptop. It was a video of a young boy around eleven and a woman tied up. "Tick tock Mr.Queen or should I say Green Arrow. Bring me the flash or your son will get to watch his mother die." The voice behind the camera laughed and the video ended. "Who are they..." Barry asked. "That's my son..." Oliver said clearly upset. Barry gently wrapped his arm around Oliver's waist. "It's okay Ollie we'll get him back" he comforted. Oliver just blinked and then moved to hugged Barry gently. "Thanks bear," he said softly. Barry hugged back but Oliver broke away in a couple of seconds. "Let's catch this son of a bitch," he said. "Send the video to me I'll text cisco and have him look into it." Barry said. Thea nodded and decided not to comment on Oliver's and Barry's closeness. She sent the video to him and he sent it to Cisco asking him to analyze it. Oliver excused himself and was in Thea's room having a silent freak-out. After five minutes Barry started to worry. Thea was doing some research trying to find out more about the kidnapper. Barry walked back into the room Oliver went into ad saw Oliver was pacing a breathing heavy He looked at Barry looking like he was seconds away from cry. "Oh, Ollie," Barry said softly wrapping his arms around Oliver who buried his face in barry's hair gripping his shirt. Barry gently rubbed his back. "It'll be okay Ollie we'll find this guy and protect them." Barry said. "Ae you mad that I didn't tell you about Will?" Oliver asked. "No. I have questions, yeah but I'm not mad I'm sure you have a reason for keeping this from me" Barry said. Oliver pulled back and looked down at Barry still holding him. "I was with Laural when I got the girl pregnant... Before the island... And my mother paid her to move to Central City and never tell me about the baby. I found out after her death and when I went to see her she told me if I wanted to know my son I couldn't say anything to anyone" Oliver explained clearly worried about Barry being mad. "Ollie it's fine I understand. I'm not mad" Barry said softly. I just I can't lose you too" Oliver said quietly. Barry hugged him tightly. "You won't baby," Barry said softly holding Oliver who relaxed into Barry's arms. "I love you Bear," Oliver said his voice quiet and horse. "I love to Ollie," Barry said reassuringly. Oliver played his head on Barry's shoulder holding him. "It's gonna be okay," Barry said softly. Oliver pulled back nodded "let's go catch this son of a bitch," He said whipping his face roughly. Barry gently pushed his hand away and wiped his tears with his thumbs and kissed him softly but deeply. Oliver kissed back eyes falling shut. When they pulled apart Barry smiled at Oliver reassuringly. He smiled back sadly and the two walked back out. "We've got a lead I was just about to come get you," Thea said to them. "What is it?" Oliver asked. "Cisco thinks they could be in a warehouse in Central City," Thea said. "Makes sense that's where the flash is from," Barry said. "And that's where William lives," Oliver said. "Let's suit up," Oliver said Barry nodded and grabbed Oliver racing them back to the arrow cave. He then zipped back for Thea. When he got back Oliver was off getting changed. Barry grabbed his ring out of his pocket and zipped into his suit. Oliver came out a few seconds later and grabbed his bow and slotting new arrow into his quiver. "Send my GPS the coordinates I'll meet you there Barry," Oliver said already heading to the garage. "Okay, wait Ollie," Barry said. Oliver turned to face him and Barry pecked his lips. "Be careful" He said. "You too" Oliver responded kissing him softly and they headed out. Barry arrived at the warehouse first and did a sweep of the perimeter. Oliver got there soon after. "I did a perimeter check, there in there. It looks like there's only one captor. "Sounds too easy" Oliver said in his deep green arrow voice. "Stay sharp" Barry nodded and the two made their way towards the building. "I'll take high right you take low left watch out for traps and careful where you throw your bolts," Oliver said. Barry nodded and they spilt up Oliver going up and Barry going towards the back. "I'm in" Barry whispered into the coms hiding behind a crate. "I'm in," Oliver said. "When I go for the captor you get them out of here," Oliver said through the coms. "Got in," Barry said. Oliver dropped down between the capter and the hostages. "I was expecting you Mr.Queen. Did you bring what I asked?" The guy said. "As if," he said firing at the guy who dodged. Barry flashed in and grabbed the woman and zipped her out then William but when he went back in to help Oliver he couldn't run once he entered the room. "I can't run," he said into the coms. "Thank you, Mr.Queen, it's been fun the guy said racing over to Barry with super speed. "He's a speedster," Oliver said, "What there are other speedsters," Thea said into the coms. "Apparently" Oliver snapped as the new speedster zipped out of the room with Barry. "Bear!" Oliver yelled trying to grab him but was obviously too slow.
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