Chapter 3: Domestic Abuse
Barry woke up wrapped around Oliver like a koala he blushed slightly at the memories of when he was in little space but smiled and rested peacefully until Oliver woke. Oliver smiled down at him tiredly earning a smiled back. Barry sat up and yawned looking at the clock on the nightstand. "Any lunch requests?" Barry asked stretching. "Mm whatever you want it fine" Oliver said kissing Barrys cheek. The speedster smiled and in a flash he was dressed in jeans and one of his one shirts. "I'll be back in a flash" he said causing Oliver to roll his eyes. Barry tapped into the speedforce and headed to the pizza place in keystone. He was back less than five minutes later with two pizzas. Oliver was in the kitchen on the phone. "I'm sorry i'll be there as soon as possible.' He said into the phone in his professional voice. "Goodbye" He said formally before him hung up slamming his fist in the counter. "Ollie" Barry snapped glaring at him. "Sorry" He grumbled trying to get the anger out before i go pick up my son who decked a kid in the face and told him he failed this school" Oliver growled. "I wonder where he got that from" Barry said sarcastically. Oliver rolled his eyes "he's 12 he should know better" he said. "You don't even know the story the kid probably deserved it" Barry defended. Oliver sighed "I don't know but i have to go pick him up he's been suspended for the rest of the week" he said. "Want me to go get him?" Barry asked. "I have to sign some things you can come with though" Oliver said heading upstairs. "Okay" barry said.
Oliver got dressed and they took Oliver's motorcycle to the school. They walked hand-in-hand and up to reception then back to the principal's office. The principle and William and another older boy with a broken nose were there. Oliver glared at William who just shrugged and the principle spoke up. "Hello Mr.Queen it's been awhile" She said. Oliver nodded "I'm very sorry about my son behavior i'll be sure it doesn't happen again." He said formally. "Like father like son" she mumbled under her breath. "Excuse me" Oliver glared at her. "Nothing" she said with a fake smile. Oliver huffed and had to resist the urge to punch her. "Come on Will let's go" Barry said causing Will to stand and grab his bag. "I'll need you to sign this before you leave Mr.Queen" She said setting the referral down with a pen. "Assault seriously it's a broken nose and their 11" Oliver said. "You son assaulted this boy" She said. "You mean to tell me my son walked up to some random kid and just punched him in the face" Oliver said. The principle nodded "yes" She said simply. "I didn't not" William protested. "Shut it" She snapped at William. "Okay first off do not talk to my son like that. Secondly there is clearly more to this story" Oliver said looking to William for an explanation. "He's the schools bully and he locked my.. Friend in a locker" He said. Oliver looked back at the principle. "We have no proof of that" She stated. "That's ridiculous you can't just suspend him for defending someone" Oliver said clearly pissed off. "Let's just go Ollie" Barry said softly to him trying to calm him down before he got himself in trouble. "If you have a problem take it up with the school board Mr.Queen" She said attitude laced in her voice. Oliver went to move but Barry placed his hand on Oliver sholder. "Oliver." He said his voice sten and the fact that he used Oliver's name ment he was serious. "No this is ridiculous!" Oliver aid loudly. "I'm sorry Mr.Queen if you have a problem take it up with the school board." She said with an attitude. "Your just as much of an asshole as I remember" Oliver hissed. "Oliver" Barry snapped. "That's highly inappropriate" She said matter -of-factly. Oliver's eyes were filled with rage and he moved closer to her. "Oliver!" Barry yelled once more. "What" Oliver snapped grabbing Barry by the collar of his shirt and glaring down at him. "Do /not/ talk to me like that" Barry said shoving Oliver's hand away clearly pissing the man off more. "What are you gonna cry about it" He said mockingly. "Stop being a dick just calm down" Barry said trying not to snap. "Don't tell me to calm down you don't own me" Oliver yelled loudly. "I'm going to have to ask you to take this outside" The principal said. "Don't tell me what to do" Oliver snapped at her. "leave . now" She said. "Shut the fuck up" He said right before he went to hit her but Barry stopped him and he turned and smacked Barry across the face. Everyone in the room froze even Oliver as back brought his hand up to find his nose bleeding. Oliver's face softened "bear..." He said quietly. "Don't 'beat' me" Barry said his voice quiet but extremely angry. "I'm sorry I-" he started but barry cut him off "don't" Barry snapped walking out of the building. Oliver followed after him and william followed behind him. "Bear please" Oliver said as they all started to walk faster. "Fuck off" Barry said but Oliver grabbed Barry 's arm gently but Barry shoved his hand away and turned to face Oliver "What" He snapped. Oliver gently reached his hand up and wiped the blood from Barry's face but Barry moved back. "I'm sorry Bear I didn't mean to hit you it was a reflex..." Oliver explained in s softly voice."That doesn't change the fact that you hit me" Barry mumbled a few tears falling down his face. "I'm so sorry Bear I love you so much and I never meant to hurt you" Oliver said gently wiping Barry's tears from his cheek and this time Barry let him. "I'm so sorry please forgive me I can't lose you" Oliver said his voice breaking slightly. Barry looked up from the floor into Oliver's eye. "I love you" Oliver whispered softly on the verge of tears. Barry wrapped his arms around Oliver and buried his face in Oliver's chest. Oliver wrapped his arms around Barry relaxing in the speedsters arms. Oliver kissed Barry's head holding him close. "I love you too" Barry mumbled softly. "But don't his me again. Not like that" He said referring to when Barry; as the Flash, was hypnotized and Oliver had to stop him. "Never" Oliver confirmed hugging Barry tightly. "I'm sorry" He said. Barry pulled away and looked up at Oliver and kissed him softly. Oliver smiled softly and gently wiped the last of the tears and blood from Barry's face.
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