Chapter 3: Birth
Barry sped home with William and Oliver drove his bike. "Hey Will no matter what your dad says I think you did the right thing standing up for your friend," he said as they walked in. William smiled "Thanks". "Here I got pizza just before we picked you up" He said as he started to eat some. William smiled and happily ate with him. A few minutes later Oliver walked in the door. He walked into the kitchen and ruffled Williams hair "Nice right hook" He said kissing Barry's cheek and grabbing a slice of pizza. Barry smiled and William laughed "How's you know it was a right hook?" Will asked. "I can tell by the way the kids nose was broken" he said grabbing a water from the fridge. "Someone's in a better mood" Barry commented looking at Oliver. "You tend to have that effect on me" Oliver said smiling. Barry blushed and pecked Olivers lips smiling. Oliver smiled back but they were interrupted by Barry's phone he answer and the other person spoke immediately. Barry's eyes widened and he looked scared. Oliver immediately wrapped his arm around Barry's waist and looked at him concerned. "I'm on my way," He said. "Iris went into labor early it's not looking good," Barry said. "Go I'll call Rasia to watch Will and I'll be there as soon as I can," Oliver said. "Don't bother I'll call her go with him" William said. "Are you sure?" Oliver asked and William nodded. Barry grabbed Oliver and speed them both to the hospital. They rushed in and were informed she went in for a c-section and that they couldn't go in. They sat in the waiting room, Oliver did anyway Barry was pacing. Oliver gently stopped him and made him face Oliver. "It's gonna be okay" Oliver said softly. Barry hugged him resting is head on Oliver's chest and just listened to his calming heartbeat. Joe showed up but didn't say anything to the two just sat down. They all stayed like his until the nurse stepped in and said "West family" They all went over to her. "Who's.." She looked at her paper. "Bartholomew Allen?" She asked. Barry stepped forward "I am" He said. "It says here you're the father?" She asked. "Yeah" He said. "I need you to fill this out" She said handing him the baby's birth certificate. "So their both okay?" Barry asked "there were complications however they are both alive" She said Barry nodded trying not to let himself get to emotional as he filled out the form and signed his name. "Is someone cosigning?" she asked. Barry shook his head. "Someone has to co-sign do you have a Parent who can sign?" she asked. "Can a step parent sign?" He asked. She shook her head "No sorry you biological parents only" "Can I sign it?" Oliver asked. "Umm if you are the Husband, Fiance, or parent of Mr.Allen yes" She said. Barry quickly brought Oliver into flash time. "Are you sure?" He asked Oliver. "If you don't mind I don't" Oliver said used to Bary pulling into Flash Time like this. Barry smiled and kissed Oliver before letting them both go back to normal time. "I'm his Fiancee" Oliver lied. The woman nodded and Oliver signed the paper. Joe looked confused but made a note to ask later. "And you are?" She asked Joe. "I'm the father of the mother" He said. "Okay you can all go back" She said taking them back to the room where Iris laid sleeping and The baby was in a baby bed with the doctor running tests. "Who's the legal guardians?" The doctor asked. "Us" Barry said stepping up with Oliver as Joe went over to Iris. "Well the baby was born premature but he will be alright however he is deaf." Barry took a deep breath and leaned against Oliver slightly who wrapped his arm around Barry and nodded. The doctor handed him a pamphlet. "This goes over information about the cochlear implant. You can look into that and see if thats something you'd like to get your child. Other than that the baby is healthy and you can take him home tomorrow." The doctor said. "Thank you doctor" Oliver said as Barry was looking through the paflit and not really paying attention. "Bear. you doing okay?" Oliver asked. Barry looked up at Oliver and nodded and they both stepped up to the baby's bed. They both smiled down at him as Oliver spoke "He's got your eyes". Barry blushed and smiled softly kissing Oliver's cheek. "You can pick him up gently though he's much smaller and fragiler" She said. Barry smiled and looked at Oliver hesittently Oliver smiled warmly and nodded. Barry bit his lip and gently picked up Henry cradling him. Oliver smiled down at the sight keeping his arm around Barry who leaned into the touch more. Joe walked over looking over Barry's shoulder "He looks a lot like... your mother" Joe said cooing softly at the baby. Barry smiled "He has her eyes" Barry said quietly smiling widely.
The next week Oliver and Barry took Henry home and introduced William.Things were going well and they'd even started looking for a new place with enough room for everyone. They ended up finding a nice Loft not far from their current apartment. It was a four bedroom three bathroom apartment with a beautiful kitchen that Oliver loved. They signed the papers and were just moving in. The apartment was filled with boxes and furniture in weird places. William was still at school for the day and Rasia Williams babysitter was watching Henry while Barry, Oliver, Diggle, and Cisco helped moved them in. They managed to get the furniture where it belonged and the boxes in their respective rooms. They were just finishing up when Barry flashed out and came back minutes later with pizza for them all. "Lunch break" He announced earning small cheers and happy looks as they all sat at their new table tucking into the pizza. After they finished Oliver went into his and Barry's room and unpacked their things while Barry set up Henry's room while the other two got to work on unpacking the living room and kitchen boxes. It took them about an hour but the only room left unpacked was Williams and Oliver and Barry decided to wait for him to get home before they did his room. Cisco and Dig left soon after they finished leaving Oliver and Barry alone. Barry was hanging a picture of himself and Oliver on the wall smiling fondly at it. Oliver came over behind him wrapping his arms around him kissing his cheek. Barry smiled leaning into the touch. "I got you something," Oliver said gently pulling away. Barry blushed softly and Oliver went over to one of the boxes and pulled out a normal picture of himself and Barry. "It does fun tricks," Oliver said resting his finger on a certain spot and the picture changed to the one and Only picture of them together in their suits with their masks off. It was Barry's favorite photo of them but he could obviously never have it out until now. ". Even with how overprotective of it I am of it I know how much you love it. You can keep it in our room just make sure you switch it back if no ones home." he said. "Only we can change it it's scanned to our fingerprints." He said. Barry smiled widely and wrapped his arms tightly around Barry. "I love it," He said happily. "And I love you," He said kissing Barry's head. Barry flashed them upstairs and put in on the nightstand. Oliver smiled and kissed Barry softly. Barry wrapped his arms around Oliver's neck while Oliver's rested on Barry's hips. Oliver picked Barry up making the speedster wrap his legs around Oliver's waist. Oliver pushed Harry against the wall causing him to moan softly against Oliver's lips as they made out deeply. Oliver broke the kiss and kissed down Barry's neck sucking softly. Barry moaned softly tangling his fingers in the Archer's short hair. Oliver nipped at Barry's neck leaving a Dark hickey over his sweet spot. "Bottom for me?" Oliver asked. Barry nodded "Let me ride you" He mumbled. Oliver pulled him off the wall and set him on the bed Kissing him deeply. Barry used his speed to undress them and flip the positions so that he was on top of Oliver. Oliver smirked "That will never not be hot," He said. Barry smirked and caught his lips kissing him deeply. Oliver kissed back immediately his hands on Barry's hips. Barry reached over into the nightstand and grabbed some lube. He broke away from Oliver's lips to lube up the Oliver's cock not bothering with stretching himself because Oliver loved when he didn't. It was rare for Barry to bottom for Oliver but when Oliver caught him in a good mood he would. Barry tossed the lube onto the floor and lined himself up with Oliver's help. Barry eased down onto Oliver cock moaning in pain and pleasure. Oliver moaned holding Barry's hip tightly. "Fuck bear~" Oliver moaned. Barry stilled for a moment biting his lip waiting for the pain to subside before he started moving. Barry slowly but surely started to ride Oliver fastly both of them moaning. Oliver's grip was tight on Barry's hips helping him move. Barry was moaning and trying to hold himself up but both him and Oliver knew that wouldn't last long and he'd have to flip them. Barry's arms ended up giving up on him but Barry was ready and his easily flipped them do Barry was on the bottom. Barry's hands tangled into the bed sheets as Oliver fucked him deeply and fastly. Almost a minute later Barry came across Oliver's chest and Oliver came deep inside him with loud moans. Oliver pulled out and laid next to Barry painting softly. Barry stayed flat on his back catching his breath as well until they heard. "Dad! I'm home" William called from downstairs. Barry flashed around the room and in seconds the picture was back to normal the bed was made and both him and Oliver were dressed. "That's a lifesaver", Oliver said quietly and kissed Barry's cheek and heading downstairs. "How was school?" Oliver asked. "Good," William said as he sat down to do his homework while Oliver made him a sandwich. Barry came downstairs a few minutes later and kissed Oliver's cheek. "How was your day?" Barry asked William. William smirked and continued working on his homework as he spoke "Clearly not as good as yours" He said. Barry turned to him "What?" he asked confused. "Look in the mirror," He said. Oliver looked over at Barry and blushed but also chuckled softly. Barry looked confused and walked into the bathroom and saw the multiple hickies that littered his neck and he walked into the kitchen and lightly smacked Oliver's shoulder "What did I tell you about leaving hickeys on my neck" He pouted. Oliver ruffled his hair as he spoke. "You love seeing them don't lie" he smirked. Barry huffed and rolled his eyes but only because he knew Oliver was right. William being the teenage he is just chuckled and rolled his eyes.
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