Chapter 3: Baby
Savitar- I never should have bothered with Ires she's not even your true love. I should have gone with Queen all along.
Thawn- What a shame you never even got a chance to tell him.
Zoom- It's not like it would matter he'd never love someone like you.
DeVoe- But he will die because of you nonetheless.
Savitar held a barely conscious Oliver up.
Barry- no don't hurt him! Please, I'll do anything just, please!
Thawne laughed as Savitar murdered Oliver the same way he'd killed H.R. Barry thought he felt pain when he saw it happen to what looked like Iris but this was a million times worse. He screamed loudly as he woke up.
"Bear!" Oliver said holding him still as he was thrashing a bit. "It's a dream Bear," He said once Barry has stopped struggling and screaming. Oliver let him go but Barry hugged Oliver clinging to him as he sobbed heavily. Oliver held him rubbing his back. "Shh Bear it wasn't real it was just a dream" He hushed softly. Barry cried for nearly half an hour as his sobs turned to soft crying until he was sniffling softly still in Oliver's arms. "'M sorry Ollie" He mumbled. "It's alright Bear," He said though neither of them moved from that position. Barry eventually fell asleep in Oliver's arm. Oliver didn't mind as he drifted off soon after.
Oliver was the first to wake the next morning with Barry still wrapped tightly around him sleeping soundly. Oliver didn't have the heart to wake the speedster as he needed the sleep. "And he's adorable when he sleeps' Oliver thought but brushed it off. He had long since buried his crush on Barry. It's not like he was madly in love with him or anything... Even he wasn't able to lie to himself. He'd fallen for Barry as soon as they met and the two of them getting closer and opening up to each other only intensified the feeling. Oliver knew he and Barry would never happen so he buried his feelings and tried to ignore them.
Barry woke up nearly an hour later and shifted, yawning as he opened his eyes. "Morning sleepy head" Oliver said softly his voice deep from not speaking. Barry blushed lightly at the position they were in. He moved out of Oliver's arm and sat up. "Morning... sorry about last night," He said. "It's alright," Oliver said. "Wanna talk about that nightmare?" He asked. Barry shook his head no and Oliver understood. "I'm gonna go make us breakfast. Sound good?" He asked. Barry smiled and nodded, "Sure". Oliver smiled and went downstairs not bothering with a shirt. They both headed downstairs. Oliver started on breakfast and Barry sat at the bar watching him. "Pancakes?" Oliver asked. "Sure need a hand?" He asked. Oliver shook his head. "No, I got it". Oliver cooked in silence and Barry just watched zoning out slightly until his phone rang. "It's Ires" Barry mumbled annoyed. He answered and the line quietly. "Hey," He said.. "I'm not keeping it," She said blankly. "What?" he said. "Either you are taking the baby or it's going up for adoption," she said. "I'm not letting our kid be put up for adoption," Barry said. "Then you're keeping him and I want nothing to do with him," She said. "I..." he didn't know what to say. "I've made my decision Barry. The first ultrasound it next Friday at 1. If you there he's yours if not I'm filling out the adoption papers and turning it over as soon as it's born" She said hanging up. Olive had stopped cooking and was standing behind Barry. He gently put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "She said that if I don't take the kid she's putting it up for adoption," Barry mumbled softly. "What are you gonna do?" He asked. "I have to keep him there's no way I'm letting my kid go up for adoption it's just... A kid is a lot to handle alone..." He said quietly. "Your not alone Bear. I'm always here for you" He said softly. Barry hugged Oliver burying his face in his chest shaking slightly. Oliver wrapped his arms around Barry as he shook. "It'll be okay Bear," He said softly. "You don't know that" Barry mumbled. "Maybe not but I know that you're going to be an amazing father." He said. Barry sighed softly and just clung to Oliver who just held him. Eventually, he calmed down and moved away from Oliver. "Thanks, Ollie" He mumbled softly. "Any time," Oliver said. "I'm gonna finish breakfast," He said ruffling Barry's hair as he went into the kitchen to finish cooking. Barry smiled lightly and sat back down.
Oliver finished breakfast and sat next to Barry as the two ate. "Will you go apartment hunting with me later?" Barry asked. Oliver nodded "Sure. are you gonna look for something here or in Central City?" He asked. "Here, I don't want to run into Ires every day and stuff," he said. "What about star labs are you gonna run 600 miles every day?" Oliver asked. Barry shook his head "I think I'm done with that." He said. "As in done being the Flash?" Oliver said. Barry nodded looking over at Oliver. "I thought you loved being the hero," He said. Barry shrugged "I do but it's become too much. The enemy's I've made, I just don't think I can handle it anymore." He said. Oliver nodded "If that's what you want" He shrugged. "Plus with the kid... I won't have time" He shrugged. Oliver nodded, "do you think the kid is gonna be a speedster?" He asked. Barry shrugged "maybe". "We should go out tonight, I know a good bar down the road," Oliver said. "Yeah okay," He said.
The two finished eating and argued over who was gonna clean up then barry smirked and in seconds the whole kitchen was clean. Oliver rolled his eyes and they both got dressed and ready to go looking for apartments. They looked for a couple of hours and Barry was likely going to decide on one few stories under Oliver's. They decided they were going to go to the bar at around 6. Barry went back to Olivers and Oliver had a few things to do.
Barry got back to Olivers and showered and dressed and read his book until Ollie got home at 5ish. "Hey, Ollie," Barry said smiling softly. "Hey Bear," Oliver said his usually blank face. Barry continued reading as Oliver showered. Once he got out they both did their hair and got ready to go. "Ready?" Oliver asked around 6. Barry nodded and the two headed out to the bar on Ollie's motorcycle so Barry didn't light their clothes on fire.
~1135 word count~
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