A/N: Brace yourself.
The inspector looked at the wood and glass door before lifting her fist up to knock on the door, the new evidence in her hand.
She knocked a few times before realising no one was coming after three minutes so she rang the inside bell again of the grand house.
"Un momento!"
The door opened a few seconds later to reveal an older looking woman with greying short hair, an apron, and a kind smile.
"Hola, can I help you?"
"Si, I am looking for Mariposa Velazquez, is she home?"
Alba was weary at the woman who came through the open gates with three policemen behind her.
"No . . . but would you like me to leave her a message?"
The inspector sighed.
"Tell her there is new evidence and we would like to talk to her daughter. Alaska Velazquez."
"Ale! What's up?" Guzman cheered, once he opened the front door to reveal his friend.
The conversation that was two days overdue had finally needed to be had, and after trying to avoid the topic yet failing miserably, Alejandro decided was long enough that he'd tried to gather his thoughts, and it would only be a matter of time until his sister would call him out for avoiding her.
"How are you?" Ale asked with a small smile, walking into the modern looking house.
"Can't complain. I need to study but I've been playing video games since I got back from school. " Guzman replied with a shrug and small chuckle, while he lead Alejandro to the living room.
Ale couldn't tell if he felt sick because of the heat his crewneck Ralph Lauren sweater was giving him or because Guzman was being . . . Guzman. He was being normal Guzman, making jokes and acting like he wasn't just holding Samuel against a locker a few days prior because of a cheating accusation. He didn't even know how to bring it up.
What would he say?
How would he react?
"By the way, Ander is coming over as well in about an hour or so. He wants to test out the new Warzone game, so I hope you don't have anywhere to be -" Guzman noted, sitting down on the chair and turning on the TV.
With the seriousness in Alejandro's tone as he called out to him, Guzman froze for a split second and turned to see that Alejandro was looking at him with an unreadable expression, which made him wonder what he was really here for.
"What's the matter?" Guzman asked quietly, his eyes tracing Alejandro's figure as he sat on the couch opposite him, looking like he was struggling, so Guzman asked him the question again, but this time Alejandro looked up.
"I need you to tell me the truth." He said, staring at him dead in his eyes.
"Of course, always . . ." In the back of his mind, Guzman had some sort of idea of what Alejandro had on his mind, but pushed the thought far back, hoping it wasn't the case.
But of course it was.
"A few days ago, I was about to enter the changing rooms after school to meet Samuel and I overheard your conv- Guzman, are you cheating on Alaska?"
Ale said after cutting his conversation short briefly. His palms grew sweaty as he clenched them with anxiousness as he looked at his sister's boyfriend and one of his own close friends. Alejandro wanted so desperately for Samuel to be wrong. For everything to be a misunderstanding which should be cleared up without Alaska even having to know.
"Guzman, I just want the truth. Please." Alejandro said, interrupting him just incase he needed to be reminded not to lie.
But Guzman's silence was all he needed to move forward, realising truly that Guzman was being unfaithful to his twin.
"Joder." Ale cursed, rubbing his palms on his face as he leaned back on the sofa in frustration.
"Let me explain-"
"Guzman, what is there to explain?! How long has this been going on?" Ale asked with a raised voice. He couldn't believe what he was hearing at all.
"Since about the beginning of summer."
"We're almost in December! Are you serious?"
"I know."
"How could you do that to her when you know how she feels about you?"
"I know."
Alejandro kept throwing his thoughts at him and Guzman just accepted them knowing everything he was saying was right. He had never really felt ashamed of what he was doing until sat face to face with his friend who was officially making him see what he'd done. It was even worse when he revealed that it was Lu.
"Do you know how many times she defended you to people when they would say that your relationship with Lu was strange?"
Alejandro continued, knowing it was probably better for Ale to get his feelings out now than later.
"Guzman, you know I have to tell her right? Its been days and-"
"No!" he retorted immediately, "she needs to know, but let me be the one okay? I'll tell her."
"Did you know that Ventura Nunier was arrested last night?" Mariposa began as she spread butter across her toast.
Alaska tensed at the mention of her boyfriend's father, but for the sake of not causing an argument, remained silent.
"It was all over the news, mama." Alejandro chipped in.
Mariposa shook her head thinking of how unfortunate the entire situation was and how detrimental it must have been for his family's mental health to see him dragged out of their home in handcuffs.
"Please extend my prayers to Marina and Guzman because what they're going through must be horrible. They said he's going down for fraud-"
Alaska, having had enough, dropped her spoon into her empty fruit and yoghurt bowl, pushed her chair back and looked up to her brother.
"I'll be in the car." With that, she was walking away from her family trying her best to bite her lip to contain the snark remark she wanted to give her mother.
It was bad enough that the entire Nunier family was having to deal with the gossiping from the media about what happened to their family, and now her own mother was adding on. The truth was that his reason for arrest was still up for discussion with some saying he was taken away for fraud, other's claiming it was for the laundering of money. Even Guzman didn't know what he was being taken away for as he spent the whole night on a phone call with the girl, just venting at the fact that his family was falling apart.
The driver's door opened and Alejandro got in the car without a word, started the engine, and began the fifteen minute drive to the school.
Alejandro kept glancing at his sister every few seconds to see if she was okay, because she was unusually quiet which made him wonder if Guzman had kept his promise and told her about his relationship with Lu. The guilt had been eating him alive for keeping it from her for this long and finally if he'd tell her, their relationship would be able to go back to how it was. He cleared his throat and and decided to make conversation.
"After school do you want to go to the dessert place? Ander wanted me to ask you." He asked, remembering his conversation with Ander when he came to Guzman's the day prior.
Alaska looked at him with a raised left eyebrow, shook her head and chuckled.
A few seconds had passed and at the traffic stop, Alejandro turned to face her with a confused expression.
"What's wrong?"
His twin turned back to face him.
"So you're talking to me now? No me jodes, por favor." She sneered and turned back to face the window.
Alejandro couldn't pretend he wasn't hurt.
He was hurt.
Maybe even more than he had let on, as he pulled into the school parking lot. Ale hadn't even shut off the engine before Alaska wasted no time opening the door to climb out.
The first period class dragged on too long than anyone in the class would have liked. As Alaska walked in the corridors while sipping on her juice box, she didn't know why she suddenly felt her gut sinking. Almost like a bad intuition. But she ignored it, blaming it on the fact that the juice was warmer than usual. She was continuing onwards to the next class when she saw Christian with a frustrated look on his face, raising his voice at Carla and Polo. After he dryly responded to her message yesterday, Ala decided not to respond and leave him be. But she would be lying if she said she wasn't curious about what they could be arguing about.
"For the last time! I don't know what fucking watch you are talking about and I won't let you accuse me of being a thief." He stood his ground as he practically yelled at Polo.
He stole something?
Well he was being accused of stealing something.
Carla looked likewise frustrated as Christian didn't seem to be confessing to whatever she wanted him to confess to.
Their conversation was cut off by the bell ringing to signal the next class. Christian stormed away from them, and both Carla and Polo were hot in tail after him as he walked to the class.
The blonde ignored whatever the scene was, quietly cursing at Polo and Carla for accusing g her friend of being a thief. From the time she'd spent with Christian, he was definitely not a thief. It was simply a debate of rich and poor. Because Christian was less wealthy than them, they blamed him for whatever missing watch there was. But was she surprised?
In the classroom, Guzman was growing annoyed at everyone looking at him "trying" to comfort him for what he was going through. Everyone except Alejandro anyway, who was seated in his usual seat and minding his own words. When he walked in, the two made eye contact, an unspoken conversation between them which made Guzman's heart sinking.
A few seconds later, Alaska walked in, sending her boyfriend a quick smile which he returned painfully and trailed his eyes on her as she took her seat next to Nadia.
"Guzman, I said stop reading the comments." Lu said, placing a hand over his phone. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes at how her definition of comfort was the worst out of all his friends. After briefly explaining how his father would make bail that afternoon, everyone was treating him like he was a Faberge egg.
It was pissing him off.
"If he wants to read it then let him, Lu." Ander butted in from beside him.
"How can you tell him to read comments when most of it is negative!" Lu snapped back.
"It's not comments Lu, I was texting my mother." Guzman responded with no energy to fight her.
Lu scoffed.
"Sure. Look, everything is going to be fine-"
"Lu stop coddling him-" Carla interrupted from beside Marina.
"I'm not coddling, I'm simply-"
"Lu honestly, please please shut your fucking mouth for two fucking seconds." A new voice disrupted, almost everyone had looked to the direction of Alaska who had piped up, looking at Lu with a deep scowl on her face.
Alejandro tensed slightly, looking up from his book and at the fire that ignited in Lu's eyes.
"Excuse me?" Lu crossed her arms, taking a few steps near the blonde.
"You heard me, you're not deaf. Shut your mouth for two seconds maximum. Can you do that?" Alaska asked feigning concern.
Lu chuckled with genuine surprise.
"Aren't you fucking mute? Why don't you go back to your catatonic state, sweetheart." Lu snarked.
Alaska stood up facing the girl. It'd been two years and counting since they stopped being friends and Alaska had to bite her tongue so many times so as to not insult her, but she had reached her limit.
"I promise, I promise you I will be a ghost if you can stop being a nuisance for two seconds."
At this point, the other students attention had been caught in the altercation as they looked expectantly at the argument breaking out.
"I won't apologise for being there for my friend Alaska. My friend, do you remember what it's like to have friends? I'm not sure you do because you've spent the last few years cutting all of them off without so much as an explanation-"
"And till this day, Lucrecia. I still don't owe you a goddamn thing." Alaska said menacingly, walking closer to the brunette who was taking aback.
"Also," she continued, "I know what it's like to have friendships now that I've ended mine with you. I have real friends now, it's so sad that you think I don't just because you don't see it."
That was the fuel to the fire.
Lu decided to finish it once and for all.
"You have real friends? Baby." She scoffed with a chuckle.
Lu looked around the class, seeing all eyes on her and Alaska. The smirk that grew on her face was evil.
She took a brief step back.
"Your real friends don't exist, take it from me. Believe it or not, not even your fucking twin brother, is your 'real friend'." She mocked.
Nadia, Christian, Samuel, Alejandro, Carla, and Guzman would be lying horrendously if they said they weren't nervous about how Lu was going to probably blow up everything.
"Lu, be fucking careful." Guzman piped.
Both girls ignored him.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Alaska asked quietly.
Lu fought back her grin.
"Baby, I'm the one who's sorry that you have to find out like this but," she paused, looking back at Guzman and blowing him a kiss that sent his heart straight to hell, "your boyfriend, is our boyfriend sweetie." Lu smirked.
It felt like everything was moving in slow motion as Alaska asked again.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Ala, bebita." Lu said, condescendingly, "you're not slow so process this faster. I said, the secret phone calls, the "I have to go"'s the times when he couldn't hang out . . . was my fault, because your boyfriend is our boyfriend and I wish I was sorry, I really do."
"Lucrecia, shut the fuck up!" Someone said but the girls didn't even register who it was as they concentrated on one another.
Lu spitefully continued.
"I know, this definitely must be a lot to take in but I think now is the time, don't you agree? I think so anyway," she paused, looking sarcastically back at her group of friends who all seemed frozen in place.
"And she knew," she said as she waltzed towards Nadia with a fake smile, "and he knew," she pointed at Christian, "he knew," she patted Alejandro's cheek, "he knew," pointing at Samuel, "she knew so that means he also probably knows," pointing at Carla and Polo, "and our boyfriend definitely knew, I mean duh." She giggled finally when she looked to Guzman who would have her dead in a heartbeat if looks could kill.
"So there's so much for real friends, am I right?"
Alaska felt like time had stopped right there when she broke eye contact from Lu and her eyes went over her friends slowly searching for anyone to rebut or yell 'April Fool's' knowing damn well it was nearing summer time.
But no one, not a single person could meet her gaze.
Not even Alejandro, her other half.
"Settle down, class."
Martin walked in to begin the class, oblivious to the tense atmosphere.
Everyone then paid attention to her next action:
She picked up her neon orange backpack, and walked out of the classroom.
A/N: oops. Shorter than usual but how did you find this. The amount of emotion i've started putting into the next chapter is out of this world.
It's out there. And my girl is about to be heartbroken.
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