A/N: I left an Easter egg in this chapter! Let me know if you find it.
"Oh my God, Ale stop. Stop talking, I'm begging." The blonde groaned as she banged her head on the desk, feeling her cheeks redden and her face grow hotter.
Her twin didn't care.
He laughed and continued.
"That's not even the best part. I promise you started dancing on the table when you heard that one Maluma song," he paused for dramatic effect, "with your shirt still off!"
"Now I know that if I ever need to get anything from you, I'll need to get you some more of that punch." Nadia intervened.
"Don't even get me started on you, Nadia. You were no better. You kept telling me you were on a spaceship to Venus and you weren't coming back." He replied, causing her to cringe.
Their conversation was cut short at the ding of the bell, signalling the beginning of the lunch break.
"Alright, ladies. I have to go for basketball, I'll see you in the next class." Alejandro announced and gathered his things to walk out of the empty classroom.
"Are you going for lunch?" Alaska asked, reaching for her juicebox out of her backpack.
"I'd rather not, today. From the looks of it, you're not either?"
Alaska nodded her head, confirming that she was also not going to the cafeteria, even though she wanted to see Guzman, who she hadn't had classes with all day.
"Are you okay, by the way? You seem so happy." Nadia asked, noticing the change in her attitude. Alaska laughed.
"Really? I haven't really noticed."
"Yeah. You've been like this since the party."
"It was a really good party, I can't lie. I haven't been to a proper one for years." Alaska said, smiling to herself.
"A smile suits you."
"Well, enjoy it while you can. A lot of things can and will make me moody again." She joked.
Nadia laughed.
"So what'd you do after the party?"
"I slept over at Guzman's, for some reason I didn't want to sleep at home." She giggled, reminiscing.
"Honestly, I just think you wanted to be around him, because when he showed up, you couldn't stay away from him for more than five minutes at a time."
The blonde felt herself blushing once more.
"I can't even lie, we fought briefly when he was being mean to everyone, but when the police came and it was time to leave, I don't know if it was because of the drink or the whole mood of the night but, when we got back to his place I was a look away from begging him to have sex with me, I'm not even joking." Alaska laughed.
"Nadia gulped, knowing the same thing was happening to her but in her friend's house.
The two sat in silence until Nadia began, nervously.
"I need ask you something important."
Alaska closed the lid of her laptop and turned her attention to Nadia.
"What's up?"
"Well, I didn't want to ask this while Ale was here but . . . you know what, never mind. Forget I asked."
Alaska frowned.
"Nadia, talk to me." The blonde reassured, placing a hand on her knee.
Nadia looked at her and smiled shyly.
"You like Guzman a lot right?" Nadia asked, and Alaska although confused answered.
"Claro que si, I love him very much."
Nadia paused.
"You know when you said you felt so attracted to him you wanted to . . . do it with him, right?"
"Si, Nadia, where is this going; I'm confused."
It was Nadia's turn to blush.
"I told you that I was at your house momentarily but . . . I didn't tell you the full story. I think that the other night, I was also . . . close to, having sex."
Alaska choked on her drink.
"Que? Espera . . ." Alaska's eyes widen, "con mi hermano?" She yelped, with her eyes as wide as saucers.
She couldn't even believe what Nadia was saying. Firstly, she thought the first time she told her something like this, it would be about her first kiss. Never in a million years would she have pictured that she would be talking to her about how she almost had sex with her brother for the first time. Her brother-
"Before you freak out, we didn't actually do it, but I was in the pool and I was just looking at how his eyes were basically glistening, and his hair looked so soft, and -"
"Nadia, por favor. Fast forward the details of how sexy you think my brother is." Alaska stopped.
"Okay, okay . . . I felt really attracted to him, and maybe I didn't want to have sex; but I definitely know that I wanted to kiss him."
Alaska took a moment to pause and really digest what Nadia was trying to tell her. She didn't know that Alaska had such feelings towards him. All that was raising through her mind was whether these feelings were just sexual attraction or actual feelings. But she wasn't upset. Not one bit.
"So did you end up kissing him? I can't believe Ale kept this from me, he never keeps anything from me-"
"We didn't kiss; he said he didn't want me to feel like he was taking advantage of the situation to take my first kiss. That's probably why he didn't tell you, because nothing actually happened."
The blonde took a moment again. She wasn't surprised at his actions though, she knew what kind of guy her brother was, and he had been raised to take chivalry to the highest order.
"Okay. So what was your question?" Alaska nodded, sitting back again.
"Well . . . I'm having trouble differentiating whether I wanted to actually kiss him or go all the way him. I thought maybe you could help me out."
"Alright," Alaska paused briefly, gathering her words, "for me, I knew I wanted to have sex with Guzman after the party because we haven't had sex since July before Ale and I had to go to my grandparent's place out of the country, and he and Marina went on their summer vacation as well. But before he left, we had gotten into a small argument which we didn't solve till a few days before school started, on FaceTime. So, I felt attracted to him in a way where I really wanted him, you know? Especially since I hadn't done anything with him in months and he definitely hadn't either . . ."
Nadia pushed down the sick feeling in her stomach.
" . . .so I guess you can say it was . . . long overdue? I don't know. But I wanted to be really close to him. Like, rip his clothes off kind of close. Besides, like I said before, we had a small argument before leaving, and make up sex is the best sex." The blonde winked.
Alaska Velazquez began to feel her inner vixen surface.
"Well, that kind of helps. I wanted to be close to him, but not that close, you know?" Nadia added, realising her feelings.
"I don't blame you; baby steps though, Nadia. Don't feel obligated to do anything, and I know Ale; he won't force you to do anything either. Your first time shouldn't be forced."
The two girls smiled at one another, and sat in comfortable silence for a total of three minutes until Nadia brought up again.
"You don't have to answer this, but . . .was he your first? Guzman?"
Alaska smiled at the questioned.
And Nadia definitely wasn't expecting that response. Alaska noticed the look on her face, and laughed.
"I've only had sex with two boys, and Guzman is the second. I lost it quite young; I think it was during the Christmas break that year I turned fourteen. But I don't regret it though. We weren't together and he was a year older, but we were great friends and we just wanted to do it to get it over with." Alaska chuckled slightly, thinking of how they had decided to both loose it to each other because on a TV show they were both watching, the girl cried about how her first time was horrible, and the guy talked about how he didn't know what to do the whole time. So they both made the choice to loose it to one another so they would be better for when they did it to people they actually liked. It was dumb to think about, but she didn't regret any part of her first time, even though it hurt like crazy.
"Wasn't the friendship awkward after that though?" Nadia asked with sheer curiosity.
"No, because we did it a couple more times after that, but he was very . . . troubled." Alaska paused. "he had many problems at home and this resulted in him having to move away just months after that." She explained with a somewhat sad smile.
"At least you maintained a good friendship."
"Yeah, but I haven't talked to him in about two years going on three; We just lost touch after some things changed in my own life. Nevertheless, he was a good friend to me. I remember this one time," she began to laugh, "he used to call me by my middle name because it was similar to his first name, so he carved a 'V+V' into the walls of my old treehouse in my backyard because he said if we never got married by thirty years old then we would marry each other. So I guess you can say that was a proposal?"
Nadia saw the distant smile on her lips and had so many more questions. But the only one she wanted to ask was about the changes she said were in her life and why it caused them to loose touch.
"That's actually really cute. You had similar middle names?"
"No, we had similar names. My first middle name is almost the same as his first name, so he said it was 'faith'."
"Really? What's your first middle name?"
Alaska beamed.
"Señora Velazquez, sorry to disrupt your day but we just want to ask you a couple of questions."
The middle aged blonde woman's eyes brimmed with tears even though she had cried enough times today to last her a lifetime. She inhaled sharply, looking in every direction but that of the inspector.
"P-Por favor, llámame Mariposa, inspectora." She stuttered, still not entirely understanding why she had been called in to the station.
"Mariposa," the inspector paused and smiled in an attempt to reassure her, "Mariposa . . . we just wanted to ask you a few questions about your daughter, Alaska."
"She hasn't done anything-"
"We're not saying she has. We just want to know a bit more about her because so far there have been many conflicting stories. Some say she has uncontrollable anger, other's say she was as calm as a . . . monk?" the inspector paused, looking at one of the statements, confused. "We thought that if anyone knew her best, it'd be her mother."
Mariposa stared at her, her eyes filling with tears once more.
"Look, I can't help you. I wish I could but my daughter and I don't talk and haven't talked for years-"
"Anything you tell us can be crucial."
Mariposa paused again, inhaling and exhaling like Dr. Maurisio had thought her to do many times in therapy.
"My daughter," she breathed shakily, "Alaska is dealing with anger problems. We noticed the sudden surges of anger and depression months after she turned thirteen." A few tears dropped from her eyes.
"Can you please elaborate?"
Mariposa gulped.
"I-I'm not too comfortable speaking without consulting my lawyer so I want a few minutes alone with him-"
"Mariposa, this is not an interrogation. I assure you that this is not an interrogation. We just want to understand."
The two women looked at one another, and Mariposa sighed knowing what she had to say.
"My daughter hates me. She's hated me since she started getting angry and depressed months after she turned thirteen. Those are my own problems to fix and I'm working on it. But ever since-" she paused, "ever since her father, my husband . . . passed away, she suffered and she suffered hard; if not the most."
"She felt angry ever since her father died?"
"S-She felt depressed since her father dies, she felt angry just a little over a year after, after an accident that happened just a few days after the one year anniversary of his death." Mariposa couldn't help the sob that escaped her lips.
She couldn't help but blame herself.
Shutting the Economics text book, Alaska sighed, rubbing her temples at the level of stress she began to feel overwhelmed with that 4pm after school. For the first time in weeks, she hadn't had any plans whatsoever, anything to do, any people to hang out with. She never realised how plain her daily routine was until she started a different one. She'd wake up, go to school, come home from school, do a bit of studying, then watch her favourite programs or read a little until it was time to sleep and do it all over again the next day. When she somewhat expanded her circle just a little bit to let Nadia in and Christian somewhat through, she'd never had a dull moment.
She was . . . bored?
Alaska was bored. And she didn't want to be bored. Much like Saturday night, before she went to the party, everyone was busy. Nadia had to work and Alejandro was at the gym, and Guzman wanted to spend time with Marina. Briefly, she considered reaching out to Christian to spend time with, but she overheard him on the phone saying he was going to meet up with Carla.
And then her stomach rumbled.
There was food at home and snacks in her room. Nonetheless, she swapped her banana print pyjama shorts for Levi high denim jeans, baggy shirt for a white tank top, and tan wedges.
"Alba! I'm going out for a little bit, I'll be back later." The blonde announced at the front door towards the direction of the kitchen. Closing the door behind her, she walked out across the driveway to get into her Uber.
"Alaska! It's good to see you. How are you doing?" The familiar brunette asked once he saw the short haired blonde who came to his party two nights prior.
"Hola Samuel. I'm okay, and yourself?"
"I'm okay too. Table for one?"
"Yes, table for one please." Alaska confirmed, to which he replied by telling her to wait, he was going to check if there were any single tables.
While waiting for Samuel to return, Alaska reached into her handbag to look for her mobile phone to occupy herself. Nothing interesting except for one text message from her brother asking if she needed a ride back, to which she replied that she'd message him later; one from Lu, asking if she'd left a hair clip at her house from when she came over to work on the project on Sunday, to which she ignored-
"Bueno, bueno, mira quién es?" a voice which she would never admit had grown on her in such a short span of time, broke her from her thoughts. Alaska turned around, eyes squinted, and arms crossed at the sight of Samuel's brother with a knowing smirk on his face.
"Quien?" she replied sarcastically.
"Some spoilt little rich girl who goes a little crazy at night, and acts like she doesn't remember a thing in the morning." Nano dared, leaning on the front desk.
"I'm not spoilt and I'm not acting, dickhead, I barely remember a damn thing; but that's not the point. Do you want to know who I see?" she dared right back.
"A full-time dickhead."
The two stared at one another until Alaska couldn't help the grin that was begging to climb onto her face. Nano chuckled.
"How are you feeling? The last time I saw you, you fell off my table and blacked out for like three seconds, then got up to go find your boyfriend."
"Really? I honestly don't remember that." She didn't remember falling from any couches, but she did remember briefly kissing Guzman in the bathroom.
"Yes, yes. I picked you up from the floor myself." He laughed.
In that moment, Samuel came back claiming that he'd found an empty space and should follow him. Alaska trailed behind Samuel, but not before giving Nano the middle finger, making him respond by 'catching it' and putting that same palm over his chest.
"I'll be back with your drink soon."
"I haven't even told you what I want to drink yet." Alaska replied, slightly confused.
"I know that it's the only thing you ever do drink." Samuel replied with a smile.
Going alone to restaurants for most people was as depressing as it sounded, and it was evident by how long Samuel had to take to find a single table and just from the look around the restaurant. The only difference between them and Alaska was that she had gotten used to eating alone for years that now it didn't matter whether or no she had company. At least she was clearing her mind.
Samuel returned a six minutes later.
"One pressed apple and elderflower blend juice, with ice" He smiled, setting the drink on a coaster.
"Thanks, Samuel."
"No problem, can I take your appetisers? Or would you like go straight into the main course?"
"I'll take whatever is on the specials."
With that, Samuel was headed in the other direction towards the kitchen to go and place her order into the system.
Alaska sat in silence, sipping her drink slowly, admiring how the sun was beginning to set so it altered the colours of the sky from hues of pink to red and even purple. The artistic side of the blonde admired how it cast colours onto the river below, changing how it looked completely. Lozoya. That was the name of the river the restaurant was built on. It was gorgeous, especially at night when the sun would begin to set just like this. Lozoya. Alaska smiled sadly at the memory which began to surface as she looked at the bank of the river-
"There you go again, with the apple juice." A new voice invaded her thoughts.
Abruptly turning her head, her eyes went slightly wide at who had joined her.
Pulling the chair from the other table, Ander placed his seat opposite hers on the single table. But for once in a very long time, she didn't feel like rejecting his company.
"If I was drinking anything else but apple juice, am I really myself?"
They both chuckled, not knowing what to say but having so much to say at the same time. Ander broke the quiet first.
"How have you been since the party? You blacked out after falling at one point."
"I've been told," she laughed slightly, "I wouldn't take it back though, I had a good time."
"I know; I saw it in your eyes. More fun than you've had in a long time." Ander said. It wasn't his intention to bring the mood down, but he did. Alaska noticed, and then silence became less comfortable and more awkward.
They didn't speak . . . for a whole of thirty seconds.
"How's Ale doing? I haven't seen him since the party either." Ander asked.
"He's doing okay," Alaska turned to face him and it was only then that she noticed the cast on his wrist and nodded at it, "What happened there?"
Ander looked at his injury briefly.
"I got into a fight after the party, but as far as my dad knows, I hurt it playing table tennis at Guzman's house." He explained.
"Oh. Well, it's none of my business what kind of fight you were in. I hope you recover sooner rather than later."
"You always do that."
" "It's none of my business, it's none of my business" but you're so curious to know." He mocked in a high pitched voice, causing Alaska to smile at how well he still knew her.
"I can't argue with that."
"After Guzman and I fought at the party, all I wanted to do was get high. And I messed around with the wrong crowd," he said, lifting up his wrist, "an obvious mistake."
"We both made some mistakes that night. You got into a fight, I got high and blacked out." She mentioned to try and make him feel better.
"I agree."
It was silent again. Samuel brought the special, which happened to be 'Cesar chicken pockets'. But shortly before he brought it, Alaska began to feel the anxiousness she always did whenever she was uncomfortable. So after eating the first picket, she asked Samuel to pack it to take away. Ander had ordered a burger and French fries, and had been munching away when he also noticed how uncomfortable the blonde was becoming. He swallowed his bite and asked what he wanted to.
"I wanted to talk to you about something, Ala." he said, grabbing her attention. She knew it would be nothing good and her heart thumped harder.
"What's up?"
"I don't know how much you remember from the party but . . . when you saw me, you gave me a hug. I really appreciated that hug, by the way. And then you said something about how you wanted to talk to me, to be my friend, but you couldn't . . . because I'd hurt you. We all had. I just wanted you to clarify it for me."
Ander looked into her eyes, awaiting a response, and she did in fact remember that moment, it was one of the rather clear ones.
"I-I don't think you should lose much sleep over it, because I really don't remember. I probably didn't mean it either." She lied.
"You're stuttering. You stutter when you lie." He confronted.
"Damn. I thought I had you there for a moment." the blonde chuckled.
Ander didn't say anything, and she didn't either.
"It's okay if you don't want to say anything, I'm not giving up on you, you or Ale" He reassured with a soft smile.
Then Samuel brought the take away with a large grin and a 'Hope you come again'. With more thanks, Alaska left him a twenty euro tip and put the take away in her bag.
"You know," Ander said right before she stood up, "I don't know if you've realised this but you haven't gotten angry since the night of the party. Not the few times I've seen you around school today especially. I wouldn't say you look happy but you look . . . relaxed. And I know you like that feeling too." He said standing up.
"I'll see you around, Ala," he winked with a smile, leaving her to return one with his back turned.
He was right.
She hadn't felt the familiar anger that ate her up inside for almost two days going on three.
And it felt good.
A/N: Howdie! How'd you guys like this one? Quarantine really has me out here writing every second like crazy. Don't be surprised if the next chap comes like tomorrow or Sunday x.x
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