"Come on, we're a little too old for that, Omar! We're not kids!" was the first and immediate response Alejandro heard, and surprisingly, it came from Christian. Surprisingly because if anyone would play such a game, it'd be him.
"Know who's not afraid of acting childish? An adult. Who's in?" Omar replied.
From behind him, Alaska rose her hand, grinned, and jumped up and down, overly excited, causing her brother to laugh and grab her shoulders to study her.
As they made their way to the little living room section, Ale knew that even if he didn't want to play, he definitely had no choice now.
Staring at the empty wine bottle on the table, spin, everyone cheered when it landed on Marina, who by the way, both twins were surprised to see.
"Kiss, truth, or dare." Omar smirked and asked, causing another round cheers to erupt as Marina giggled, slightly tipsy.
"Do you like anybody here at the party?"
The question was quick and straightforward, with just a little bit of cheese. Alejandro watched as she chose to take a drink instead, that's when it really got interesting.
Alaska tried to look around to see if there was anyone who could be Marina's type in the room, but she just couldn't concentrate hard enough. Meanwhile, Alejandro had his suspicions ever since he saw them together at the basketball court that it was potentially Samuel who Marina was trying to hide.
And then the party got little too crazy.
So crazy to the point where Marina was on the table with a random girl, locking lips.
And then the bottle spun again, and again . . . and again.
It was a lot of kissing, a lot of drinking, a lot of crushes revealed, and the entire time, Alaska snickered because she tried to avoid having to spin the bottle as much as she could, simply sitting at her brother's side and sipping bears. She was intoxicated, but there was no doubt about the fact that the slightly sober side of her which didn't like the attention creeped out slowly. When Omar started kissing Marina, Ale and Ala both shared a look simultaneously and laughed; just when it couldn't get any better -
"Alejandro, machito! Kiss, truth, or dare?" Christian suddenly asked, breaking them both from their imaginary conversation. Alaska lifted her head from his lap and watched him with excitement, as it was his turn, even though the fast action made her head spin crazily.
"Uh . . .-"
"Come on, big man! You're not scared of a little 'spin the bottle', are you?"
Everyone cheered to encourage him, even his own sister. He sighed, and uttered:
This caused even more hoots coming from the crowd in front of them.
"Okay! Now we're talking. I dare you to-"
"I'll do it!" Christian was stopped when the black-haired 'witch' as Alaska liked to call her, interrupted him; Alejandro cringed at Yves.
"Ale," she started, "I dare you, to kiss me, for thirty seconds."
Everyone looked at the Alejandro is Yves approached with a daring smirk on her face.
"As nice as that would be for you-"
"Machito! Come on, don't be a chicken about it!" Omar shouted from opposite him. Alejandro said he didn't succumb to peer pressure, but this didn't feel like pressure, he could just drink if he really didn't want to. But he knew that it might be a little embarrassing for his ex-girlfriend, and as much as he disliked her, he didn't want to disgrace her.
"I'm setting the timer!" A female voice announced. With that, Alejandro's palms were on each side of her face, locking his lips with hers after about eight or nine months of him breaking up with her. Alaska watched as Yves clasped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. The sight alone made her want to hurl the contents of her stomach onto Yves herself. That was how much she despised her. When it came to the five second countdown, people kept cheering and hooting, getting their phones out to record the moment, until 'One' was yelled, and her brother tore herself away from Yves.
Alejandro sat back down, feeling his lips pulse a little and his chest tighten slightly. He faced the fact that Yves would always have that effect on him, not because he liked it or her, but because he just felt ashamed with himself. But he pushed that aside.
"I'm going to the bathroom. Will you be okay?" Alejandro asked his sister.
"Of course, I'm not a baby, go pee." She motioned at the door. With that, the blonde kissed her on her forehead and said he'd be back in a second. But not before whispering to Ander to watch her.
"Who's next to spin?!" Christian yelled over the crowd, as Omar went in for the bottle.
"Espera! Espera, un momento." Nano, suddenly halted, beer in his hand, as his eyes dangerously landed on Alaska, who could barely even make him out.
"You haven't gone." He said with a smirk, erupting another howl from the crowd.
Alaska's heart thumped.
"Why haven't you had your turn yet, are you avoiding the bottle?" Nano asked, tilting his head.
On a normal, day, Alaska would have frowned at him and got up to walked out. Tonight was different, so she grinned so wide and said:
"Vale! Give me a dare!" She announced, the crowd cheering her on.
"I dare you," Nano looked around, "to take off the clothes of the shirt of any guy in this room; and they have to do the same to you too. Jacket and top."
Nano was a demon.
That was the only thing Alaska could think of. She wanted to decline, but she didn't want to decline. With a smirk, she stood up and looked around the room to find a guy. It wasn't a hard decision at all. Rationally, she only knew three boys in the room: Samuel, Ander, and Christian, excluding everyone else she met tonight. Reasonably, she knew that only Christian would be perfect for the dare because he didn't look like the type to take things personally. And she just wanted to have a little fun; after all, it was only a game.
She nodded her head at Christian wit the same grin on her face, and the crowd 'oo'ed'.
It didn't take long for her to slide Christian's navy shirt off him. Amidst the cheers, Christian gave her small wink as it was his turn to take hers off, when he began to peel off her denim jacket. That's when she knew that it was going to be the start of a beautiful friendship between them.
Her tight, white top came off next, but this one, is what caused the audience to scream the most, especially since many people from school knew her to be far more uptight than she was being. It was a mixture of shock and thrill. Alaska perched back down in her seat after giving Christian a small hug. From the corner, Ander looked at her, not knowing what to think. Her accepting the dare right then was a glimpse of her old self before she changed, and he couldn't help but think maybe, just maybe, all hope wasn't gone.
"But that's not all," Christian paused, inhaling from his cigarette.
He had been telling his friends for the last two minutes about how Polo had been spying on him and Carla the entire time they were messing around. Ander and Alejandro could not believe what they were hearing.
"It turns out he had also been watching at Marina's party. He had a front row seat to a free show." He scoffed and chuckled, still finding it hard to believe even after this short time.
At that, Alejandro chuckled and shook his head slightly as he looked down, soaking the information in. The action made him notice the very brief, but delicate way Ander's pinky finger shuffled slowly to lay on top of Omar's pinky finger.
Alejandro's eyebrows quirked and he couldn't help the small smile that was crawling on his face. But that was for a split second and their hands separated when Christian said:
"A fucking faggot is what he is!"
Although Christian didn't mean any malice from what he said, Ale could tell it had caused a reaction from Omar and Ander. He would get to the bottom of it.
The boys continued to joke around about Christian's cousin who was a drag queen, until from the corner of his eye, Alejandro noticed the flash a blush pink hijab and he felt his heart skip a beat. He downed his cup of water and walked out of the kitchen to go and meet her.
"Nadia what are you doing here?" he asked, and she smiled.
When she was about to reply, Alejandro then noticed the tall, dirty blonde beside her.
"I brought him here. He asked me to help him find Marina, and he didn't know the address."
From behind, Alejandro felt Nano walk away, and he didn't even realise that he was behind him.
More house guests started cheering in that moment, and Guzman noticed why they were cheering, which beckoned the scowl on his face.
More specifically, a shirtless Marina, dancing really slowly on top of another girl. That was all it took.
"Have you seen yourself? Do I need to remind you what happened the last time we left you alone, Marina?" Guzman scolded.
"What did you take this time?"
"Pablo didn't drug me. We just smoked a little, that's all. I slept with him because I wanted to, and I had bad luck." She defended.
"Not bad luck. You slept with the wrong person, but you don't learn and keep hanging out with that kind of people." Guzman replied, feeling himself get angrier by the second.
"You really still believe it's a disease of the poor, right? Pablo liked rich girls, just like you. Let's not forget about the fact that you're dating an heiress, okay? How do you think he got infected?"
Guzman simply stared.
"It can happen to anyone. I mean, look at what happened to Ala. Well she wasn't infected but-"
"If you're not going to shut your mouth, then leave her out of it." Guzman murmured, not in the mood to shout as he tried to control his anger.
"The point is, HIV doesn't give a fuck how big your house is, how much money you make, or how long your list of last names is," she chuckled, "it's not like you." She patted his chest and turned to walk out.
Guzman stood still, gathering his thoughts and deciding his next course of action when-
"Por favor, apártese. Dije que lo muevas, ya! Necesito ver a mi novio. Apártese!"
Guzman was confused and didn't know if he was imagining the voice of his girlfriend, or the blonde was actually at the party. Then the door burst open.
"Mi cariño! Come here, I've missed you!" His girlfriend came stumbling through, and wrapped his arms around his neck.
"What are you doing here, Ala." He asked, pulling away after the hug.
"Ugh! Not you too! I'm having fun out here! More fun than I've had in a long time, need I remind you." She tapped his chest.
"Have you been drinking?"
"Just a little bit." she giggled.
"Okay, I think we should get you home now." Guzman didn't know if he was annoyed as he said that, or disappointed, but she was too wasted to ask.
"No, please no, let's just stay and have a little fun okay? Can we just have a little fun, and dance, and make-out in a bathroom in someone else's house?" Alaska begged, kissing his cheeks over and over.
"We make-out all the time."
"Yes, but not at parties, not while I'm this hyper, so please? Do it for me?"
And he just couldn't say no to those big, beautiful eyes.
"We can stay for a little while, then it's home time."
"Yay! Thank you!" She beamed, kissing him all over again, this time on his lips.
"So where do you wanna start? I think the making out in the bathroom should come first." Guzman smirked, lowering his hands further and further down her waist.
"You want to start with the making out part, papito?"
It suddenly felt like a switch flipped on inside of him, sending 5000 watts of electricity surging through his body.
Then he connected his lips with hers.
As Nano suddenly started bursting rhymes out of his lips, Alaska's eyes were growing wide as she filled another cup of punch for herself and Nadia.
"Are you friends with him?" Alaska asked.
"Nano? He's Samuel's brother, but we're not in the same age group, so we were never really friends. We're cordial though; why?" Nadia explained.
Alaska's eyes stayed glued on the blue-eyed brunette rapping in the front of the room.
"I don't know, there's something about him-"
"Please don't tell me you think you like him." Nadia immediately retorted.
"Fuck no," Alaska interrupted, looking at Nadia briefly, and focusing on Nano again, "I'm Guzman's, remember? Nano is cute, but I don't see me with him." she explained, and Nadia nodded, trying to focus.
In that moment, Nano stopped rapping and everyone clapped. Alaska traced him as he walked over to drop his empty beer bottle.
"I didn't know that after being a part-time chef and a part-time dickhead, that you were a rapper too." Alaska snarked, even though she tried to have a serious face, she couldn't help the smile that made it's way there.
"Not a part-time dickhead, full-time, mariposa."
The smile dropped off her face at once. She didn't know if she heard him correctly.
"What did you call me? Don't call me that." She murmured, looking him dead in his eyes.
"Mariposa? Eres una mariposa, guapa. Look in the mirror." Nano winked, heading out of the kitchen.
Unbeknownst to Nano, this never was and never could be a compliment for Alaska. As she felt a little bit of anger seeping through her head, she kept telling herself that she was nothing like Mariposa. Nothing like her mother. And she never would be. But just as quick as she felt herself becoming annoyed she downed the rest of her drink. She was in the middle of filling another one when suddenly, someone came up from behind her and emptied the contents of the cup into the nearby sink.
"What the hell?" She spun and asked to see Alejandro doing the same to Nadia's drink.
"I told you not to drink anymore, Ala. I don't want you to get sick and start throwing up." He told her, pushing a bottle of water at her instead.
"Drink." He motioned, making Ala groan.
"You're crashing the party, Ale." She complained, as her brother gave Nadia one as well.
"Nadia, are you feeling okay?" he asked, lightly grabbing her shoulders.
"I feel perfect." Nadia replied, giving a distant smile.
"How many of these have you had?" Alejandro asked, signalling to the bowl.
"Just one."
"Okay, you'll be better off then. Drink this water."
Alejandro looked to his right to take another bottle from where Alaska was standing when he realised she wasn't standing there anymore.
When Alaska noticed Omar, Christian, Ander, and Guzman engaging in what looked to be a heated argument by the look on her boyfriend's face, she felt the urge to break it up. No bad vibes were going to be allowed at the party.
"Let's see. I think the chlorine from the pool must have atrophied in that fucking part of your brain that takes hints. We don't want you here."
Alaska stood in the middle of Christian and Guzman.
"Guys, it's okay. Let's just all get along for one fucking night."
Christian disregarded her presence.
"Shall I say it in English for you? Goodbye."
"Christian, please! Enough!" She turned to face her new friend with pleading eyes.
"Ala, stay out of this." Guzman interrupted, looking Christian in his eyes.
"Okay, stay here and don't get hurt." Omar cut in silently, grabbing the blonde by her waist gently to pull her out of the way.
"Don't touch my fucking girlfriend!" Guzman then turned his eyes to her.
"Guzman stop."
"Why the fuck should I relax when my sister and my girlfriend are here acting-"
"I'm acting how I want to act Guzman! It just took me a couple of drinks to get-"
"Alaska, you're not drunk okay? You're fucking high. So what the fuck did you take?"
And man was she surprised?
"I'm not high."
"What the fuck did you give her?" Guzman faced Omar.
"Don't go near her or him again, not even with a cough drop or your father, your sister, your mother, and your whole family will know what you do. Okay?"
"Guzman, you have no right to talk to him like that. I don't buy from him." Ander intervened.
"Stop lying to me. I know you're buying from him because that idiot," he pointed at Christian, "told me unintentionally."
Ander looked to Christian with a scowl, and then back to Guzman.
"Fuck you, Guzman." He shoved, "Fuck you," he shoved Christian, "and fuck you." he shoved Omar.
When he got to Alaska, he chuckled, shaking his head, and walking off.
"Come with me." Alaska said in frustration, grabbing Guzman on his his elbow and dragging him to the porch. When the door closed behind her, she started.
"Guzman, why are you acting like this?"
"Like what? I always act like this-"
"No you don't, and don't fuck with me. I said we should have fun and you've done nothing to do that."
"I said I'd give you a few minutes and have fun with you, a few minutes is up."
"Guzman, leave then! If you're not enjoying yourself, get the fuck out, because I was having so much fun before you got here. Do you like seeing me so upset all the time? So angry?"
"How the fuck can you even ask me that shit?"
"Answer it then!"
"Alaska, you're high, okay? You're on drugs. Do you understand how serious that is? I just don't want what happened to you to happen again-"
"Don't bring that up, don't you fucking bring that up!" Whatever she was drinking was finally beginning to take a toll on her, as she felt tears prickle in her eyes.
"How the hell do you think I feel?!" Guzman yelled in return, his heart thumping and a lump gathering in his throat. He knew that any moment, he would have also felt angry tears in his eyes.
The couple stared at each other, and the more they did, the more Alaska felt her angry breathes just turn into sad ones. Then Guzman noticed her sniffle and sniffle again. And a tear fell from her eye.
"I'm sorry." He apologised, bringing her into a hug, which she accepted with open arms, embracing him.
"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." Guzman repeated over and over.
"It's okay, you're right, I need to be more careful."
"Don't apologise for enjoying yourself, and it's nice to see you so happy. Ale was here, you were in good hands." Guzman said as he stroked her hair.
They were quiet again, until Alaska said:
"I think you need to make more of an attempt to be nicer to them. Even If you're not gonna be nice, then be civil. Christian and Nadia are my friends now. Hell maybe, Samuel and I might be too after tonight. Please try."
Guzman sighed, closed his eyes, and buried his face in her neck.
"So where to now?" Nadia asked from behind Alejandro.
Once the police had infiltrated the party and shut it down, everyone had began to leave, Alejandro called his sister to ask her where she was so they could go home, but had responded by saying she was with Guzman and that she would spend the night at his house. Alejandro turned to face Nadia.
"Well, I'm going home and you should too." He smiled.
"I want to swim in your pool." Nadia said randomly, staring at Alejandro.
"My pool. You want to get in my pool and watch you paddle around like you're lost." He joked.
"Let me correct myself. I want us to swim in your pool." She whispered.
Alejandro looked at Nadia, slightly nervous at the things she was saying. But then he remembered that she wasn't in the right state of mind.
"You can swim in my pool, and I'll make sure nothing happens to you. Deal?"
Nadia nodded with a grin, and walked ahead of him into his car.
"Do you want some water?" Guzman asked once he dropped his keys on the kitchen counter.
"Yes, please."
As Guzman filled the water, Alaska's eyes drifted off to the backyard, where the pool sat. There was something about the way the water looked which was particularly appealing that particular night.
"Here you go." Guzman disrupted her thoughts, giving her the glass.
She thanked him and began to sip from it.
"Have you gotten a hold of Ale?"
"Yeah, I told him I was spending the night here."
Guzman nodded. As she sipped her water, Guzman couldn't help but admire the features of his girlfriend. He never thought he'd be with someone so beautiful, especially since they were younger. He'd dated his fair share of people until he asked Alaska on a date. He didn't even expect her to say yes. He just remembered the beat of his heart racing and his palms becoming uncharacteristically sweaty.
"Eres muy linda, you know that, right?"
Alaska turned to face him, not even feeling as shy as she usually would when he complimented her sometimes.
And they began to kiss again.
Alaska set the glass on the table behind her and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him closer. Guzman did the same, his hands lightly squeezing her lower back. Alaska didn't think of any events of the night as Guzman lifted her up and set her on the table. All she could think about was that she had never felt such attraction to him now more than ever. As his lips slowly trailed down her chin and to her neck, Alaska's eyes opened ever so slightly, and noticed the cyan of the swimming pool once more, and had an idea.
"I want to swim."
Guzman separated from her.
"I want to swim, I want to get in the pool and swim."
He laughed.
"Okay, wait for me, let me lock the front door okay?"
Alaska nodded and watched as Guzmann turned the corner.
She didn't wait.
When he returned, he noticed his girlfriend missing from the countertop and the figure which was not in the pool.
He chuckled again, picking up each piece of clothing she left, starting in the kitchen from her denim jacket, to the tip of the pool, her cotton 'CK' panties.
Guzman gulped as she surfaced, knowing that if her panties were at the tip of the pool, then she was naked in there.
"Are you going to join me?" She asked, staring up at him.
The look alone drove him wild. In seconds, he was in the pool, pulling her closer to adjoin their lips once again. The kiss got deeper and deeper, Guzman's hands trailing her bare thighs which she had now wrapped around his torso as he began to leave pecks on her throat again.
In the other neighborhood, Alejandro watched as Nadia got into the pool, fully clothed, dancing around the water like some sort of mermaid.
He couldn't help the chuckle that left his lips as she suddenly began swimming closer to him.
"Aren't you going to get in?"
"I'd rather not, Nadia."
"Por que? The water feels really nice. But it would feel even nicer if you were in it."
Alejandro couldn't even tell if it was the same girl who was always so shy and so reserved. Whatever pills were in the punch were out of this world.
"Nadia I-" He was cut off when he didn't know how, but Nadia managed to pull him into the pool.
"You're stronger than you look." He laughed once he surfaced.
The two looked at each other, not knowing what the next move would be, just floating around the pool. Just floating.
Until Nadia abruptly leaned in fast, but Ale was faster.
"Nadia, no. We can't." He stopped.
Nadia's smile fell.
"You don't want to kiss me?" she asked, a little hurt.
"N-No, of course not. But we can't do it. You're not sober right now, I am. And if you regret it in the morning-"
"I won't"
"You might . . . and I don't want you to think I took advantage of you. This is your first kiss after all." He explained.
When Nadia understood, she smiled once again.
Both girls didn't realise what good a night they were having until they woke up.
A/N: ALRIGHTY. That's enough of that for now. So excited for the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed this one. Hope to see you guys soon. Hope you're all staying safe and INSIDE.
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