Rebecca's house was familiar to everyone who was attending the party.
As the sun set into a blissful twilight, it not only was the night of the Halloween party, it also felt kind of eery, strange, and just like what one would expect Halloween to feel like. There was something in the air looming and Alaska couldn't recognise what it was, she just knew it was there and it made her skeptical to sit in the passenger seat of her brother's silver Beamer snd drive to the Halloween party.
As they drove up the small cliff to get to Marina's old house, Alejandro looked to his right again for what felt like the hundredth time at Alaska to see she still had the same dazed expression on her face. He steadily looked back at the road, slightly concerned.
His twin sister had been in the strangest mood for the past two days. At first, his thought process was that she really was feeling forced to go to the party, but then when it came to conversation about the party she didn't seem nearly as miserable which confused him.
It was just about nine in the evening when practically almost all of Las Encinas was either already at the party or pulling up to the modern mansion.
Alejandro put the car in park and looked right at her, to see if she was alright or needed anything.
"'Tás bien?"
"Yeah, why?" she looked at him confused.
"Just making sure. Are you drinking tonight?"
"I don't know, I'll see how I feel when I go inside. If we're drinking tomorrow, I might not drink heavy or at all today." She replied.
Alejandro simply nodded his head and looked back at the side of the road where the house was.
"Find me if you need anything, okay?"
"Claro que, si."
With that, she opened her door which made Ale follow suit as they began the walk into Rebeka's house.
Putting her shitty mood aside, Alaska thought of the several ways as well as excuses she could use to leave the house in the upcoming thirty minutes to make her way home.
The noise and music was almost deafening as she pushed her sunglasses further up the bridge of her nose. She loved her costume so much because it was almost like a disguise. When she looked slightly to the left and she could see that like flies, other people (mostly girls) were crowding Alejandro, and from what it looked like, they were fawning; but when she minded her own business and looked around everyone was just walking by her and it felt as though she was invisible.
The song playing felt too loud and the amount of teenagers getting more drunk by the minute was proving more annoying than she initially thought. As most of the theme involved glowing in the dark, Alaska felt smart that she had thought of the glasses, because the strobes were blinding as she walked to the designated drinks table. The brunette was only halfway through filling the cup when she felt arms enclose around her. Reflexes made her spin immediately and almost elbow the perp in the stomach, but she let out a sigh of relief upon realising who it was.
"Don't do that again unless you want get knocked out, Ander."
"Lo siento," he laughed, taking a step back.
Alaska took that chance to analyse his outfit, but was slightly disappointed that all he had on was a really large coat and his silver earring shining in the neon light.
"Was the guy you were supposed to be a pimp or what?"
Ander rolled his eyes and shook his head. He felt himself cringing at the thought of having to explain who he was supposed to be, and just didn't feel like doing it. Unfastening the coat belt, he looked around to check his surroundings before discreetly flashing Alaska a glimpse of what was inside.
He watched as his friend's eyes widened to take in the gold spandex he had underneath.
"Perdonamme señor, are you the one getting pimped out?" She laughed.
Ander frowned and buttoned up his coat again.
On the side of the room while Ala remained distracted by Ander, Lu and Guzman made their arrival. While Lu felt opulent, she was thinking about how she couldn't shake the feeling that something felt wrong and out of place. Even if nothing was the matter, something was about to be. Call it paranoia, but her gut instincts were never wrong. Her boyfriend not only put up a fuss about coming to the party and matching her absolutely fabulous Frida Kahlo outfit, but he hadn't said two words to her the entire car ride, nor had he even helped her out of the car when they arrived.
Something was wrong.
As they both stood and looked around the party scenes, Lu turned to face her boyfriend:
"Cari, do you want to go get a dri-"'
Only to stop in surprise that he wasn't even standing there. Kissing her teeth in anger and slight hurt, Lu walked to go get a drink herself, walking past and shoving though everyone out of frustration for her own situation, including Ander and a weird looking ghost at the bar area.
"Two shots of ciroc pineapple, please."
"Relax, relax joder, you're gonna tear my fucking elbow off- where are we going?" Ala giggled slightly, pulling her wrist out of Nano's tugging grip.
The brunette turned from walking in front of him and giggled as well.
Apart from Samuel and his mother, he was definitely going to miss her the most.
"Lo siento, did I hurt you?" He asked reassuringly.
"No, no don't worry about it, I'm not hurt at all. What's up though? Why are you so angsty?"
Nano sighed, combing his right hand through his hair frustratedly and stuffing them both in his pockets. He knew that it was going to be hard to break the news he was about to; especially knowing how hard it was already that he hadn't told Samuel or his mother anything about his plan.
"I-I don't know how to say what I'm about to say-"
"Let me cut you off right there. If you say you've had a crush on me all this time-"
"Por favor; por el amor de Dios, mariposa. I love you, but not that much so relax, you can breathe. Joder." Nano quickly shut down with a joking chuckle.
The brunette rolled her eyes and took off the glasses and sheet on her head, blinking a couple of times to adjust her eyes to the light, the whole while Nano kept nervously looking back and forth.
"Que Paso? Why are you on edge?" She asked, making him break his anxious staring.
"I really don't know how to tell you th-," he paused and sighed, leaning back on his car, running a shaky hand through his hair. That was when Ala knew that there was something seriously on his mind bothering him, making her shuffle closer to him and put a concerned hand on his shoulder.
"Nano, que Paso?" She asked again, more quietly, more firmly.
Nano couldn't even meet her gaze as he struggled to say out loud what he hadn't been able to for a few days, making it all too real for him.
"I'm leaving, mariposa."
Alaska stared blankly at him, confused and not fully digesting what he was trying to say.
"I'm confused. You just got here-"
"Not the party, idiota- Look;" he chuckled, moving away from his car window to show her the packed duffle bag in his passenger seat, "I'm leaving."
He watched as her chubby cheeks scrunched up along with her little nose, furrowing her eyebrows in disbelief. He couldn't help but laugh a little at how chipmunk-like she looked.
"What the hell do you mean you're leaving? Do you know how bail works-"
Immediately he stopped her mid sentence. He looked at her, and really looked at her. And in that moment he realised that even though there was not much of an age gap between them, she would never know what it was like to grow up and grow up fast if you weren't an heiress, an heir- in fact just rich. Life wasn't even great if you weren't in the middle class or the social scene.
When you were invisible, words like bail, trial, 'innocent until proven guilty'. . . those words didn't apply and never would because they would result in one thing.
Nano knew that if he had any sort of fighting chance, skipping town was his best option. As much as it hurt to leave his family without a word and a plan, he knew it was the only choice he had left that no lawyer, pro bono or not, couldn't dare tell him.
And staring down at Alaska's innocent and clueless face, he hoped she would never have to be faced with that option ever in life.
"Posa-" He started.
"For fucks sake stop calling me Mariposa, joder! And what do you mean you're leaving?! I know you're scared but you're innocent-"
"It doesn't matter, okay?! It doesn't goddamn matter when a case so high profile like this, so mysterious like this, you think it looks good to the police department that it's been months and it's remained unsolved? Who is gonna miss me when they lock me up and throw away the fucking key, huh?! I fit the profile of the perfect criminal, I may be innocent but I'm guilty as hell in their eyes. I am leaving."
Alaska flinched just the slightest bit as he raised his voice but not out of fear, but realisation that he was actually serious, this wasn't something he'd decided on a whim, but he was set.
He knew what he had to do, and it was to leave.
Blinking aggressively with a sigh, Alaska looked all around him, trying to to make eye contact for the fear that the tears in her eyes would start to fall.
"Well then; have you packed p-properly- where are you even going because it's getting cold these days so you might need a jack-" she paused when her voice cracked.
Nano looked down at her again, wondering how he got so lucky to have ran into her that one day, completely by chance. And how she had managed to stay in his life as one of the dearest friends he'd ever have in such a short time span. With that, he engulfed her in a warm hug.
"I'll miss you so much."
"Not more than I'll miss you, believe me."
Back in the party room, things were kicking off at full speed and drinks were flowing.
Rebecca's gears were turning as she decided that this was the perfect time to execute her plan to make Cayetana as uncomfortable as possible for pretending to be someone she wasn't. As the music changed into something more low tempo, she walked to the middle of the floor that was near the bar where almost everyone was gathered dancing and/or simply talking and raised her voice.
"Come on, let's change the music; this is fucking boring - move, David Bowie."
Setting herself on the throne looking chair in the centre, she cleared her throat and accepted a drink from the girl on her left with a small 'Thanks', and looked around at everyone.
"We need to get plastered to get everyone dancing properly. So we're going to play a game of . . . "Never Have I Ever."
There were mixed murmurs, but almost immediately Cayetana chuckled and replied:
"Come on! Really? How old are we, exactly? Ten?"
"You're going to have a hell of a time, babe, believe me." Rebecca winked.
Cayetana's heart dropped when she looked around and noticed more people gathering around.
"You all know how to play? One person says what they have never done and anyone who has done it has to drink." She said again quickly running through the rules of the game. Parallel to her, Lu laughed ironically.
"We're all gonna get wasted then, I'm sure we've done it all, baby."
"Even better, baby, that way we'll get to know each other faster." Rebecca replied just as sarcastically.
"I'll go first; Never have I ever been poor. And since I have, I have to drink."
Cayetana looked around nervously, fully understanding Rebeca's plan. Then and there she realised just how big of a hole she'd dug herself in.
"I have another question because I think some of you are not being honest. Never have I ever . . . cleaned someone else's house."
Right then, Alejandro walked into the inner circle, looking around, but instantly regretting it when he saw his ex standing right next to Rebecca. The blonde sighed, internally groaning at how he never seemed able to escape her. The thought was jarring, especially with the way they left things so uncomfortable during their last altercation.
"Boring! I have a better one. Never have I ever slept with my best friend's boyfriend."
"What a bitch..." Lu laughed as a few girls took a sip out of their cups. "Anyone else?-" In that moment as well, Guzman walked in through the circle from behind Lu. After he went to change out of his ridiculous outfit and into some normal clothes, he'd decided that even though the timing could have been better he was more than ready to be honest with Lu and let her know he wasn't feeling their 'relationship' anymore and he wanted them both to be able to move on from it.
When Ale recognised Guzman's figure, he started to make his way towards him because he'd remembered he wanted to speak to him concerning his sister, but then Lu recognised him around the same time, and grabbed his attention first.
"Where were you? And your costume?"
"Can we talk?"
Lu's heart dropped at his serious tone, but nodded her head and followed him out into a more quiet room.
"You're a son of a bitch-" Lu scoffed, "you came here to dump me, right now? You couldn't wait till"
"I wasn't going to break up on the phone!" Guzman argued from across the room, attempting to defend himself.
"On the phone? I've been trying to talk to you all week long."
"Me too, Lu-"
"You won't let me speak!"
"You won't let me say what I want to say!"
"No, wait, listen to me, I'm just saying can you not just wait for one more hour."
"This has nothing to do with that."
"Then why? Because I said I love you?" She replied, her voice cracking.
"No Lu-"
"I was being honest!"
"I don't love you!"
The four words she dreaded most were echoing and ringing through her ears as soon as they
I don't love you.
"You don't mean that- look let's go home. I don't want to be here any-"
"I still love Alaska." He blurted.
They both stood in silence, Lu feeling her cheeks go warm as she realised the bad feeling she had earlier was coming to fruition.
"You can't be serious. You can't be serious, obviously." She chuckled sarcastically. "You just want to screw my life up. Am I wrong? Look at me!"
Guzman raised his head to meet her angry and heartbroken gaze.
"Lu, listen to me, please."
"Not like this."
"Not like what?"
"You saved my life, Lucrecia. I swear I will always be grateful."
"Go to hell."
With that, the brunette picked up her skirt and marched out of the room, not daring to let a single tear in her eye drop.
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