"And she would never be honest with anyone about how she was feeling . . . so we just stopped."
"Stopped asking?"
Lu inhaled shakily.
"Stopped caring."
"Samu!" The dark haired boy looked up at the sound of the familiar voice calling his name. Instantly, he grinned at the sight of his brother's friend, embracing him when he got closer.
"¡Hola! guapa. Shit, sorry. You're not gonna blow yourself up because of what I've just said, are you?" Christian asked Nadia with 'concern', before breaking into a mischievous grin and turning to look around the campus.
"This is fucking paradise isn't it?" he smiled proudly, "these girls over here pee cologne bro, I'm telling you."
Samuel grinned, following Christian inside the school as he suggested they walk around and get to know their surroundings, Nadia in close range behind them.
Las Encinas was massive. It was massive, and it was grande; as were the students. From the uniform consisting of a blazer and tie, to the cars which dropped them off in the courtyard outside. As Christian looked around he just knew that this was where he was meant to be. Everything in the building was so modernised too. Far more advanced looking than their old school could ever appear to be. But what the three all noticed in common was the fact that for once, they were in a hallway that didn't reek of cigarettes. It definitely was a privilege to be there. One thing they also all noticed? The manner in which everyone looked at them as they stood in the entrance of the hallway. It was as though people could tell that they were the scholarship students; therefore, they could tell that they weren't wealthy, they weren't like them.
Alaska Velazquez definitely noticed.
As she stood in the leaned against the wall in the spacey hallway with her books in her right hand, apple and elderflower juice box in her left, and the bright orange OFF-WHITE backpack slung over her back, she definitely noticed how different they were. The overly confident, excited chestnut haired boy in the centre, practically leaping as he walked around exploring every creek, corner, and dent of the hallway. The pretty slender girl with the mint hijab on his left with a neutral expression, really soaking in the atmosphere. Almost as if she blinked she'd wake up somewhere that wasn't in the school. And the darker haired one on the opposite side of her although excited, ten times calmer.
He looked shy.
Las Encinas would break him.
Las Encinas broke shy.
'Oh yes, they definitely aren't from here'. Alaska concluded, giving them one more look before turning right, her legs systematically carrying her down the corridor knowing exactly where she was going.
She pressed down on the big double doors to the swimming pool, her eyes immediately catching the body doing laps in the clear blue water.
At the sight of him, she unclenched her jaw not knowing it was clenched and relaxed her fists not knowing that they were balled. Her heart calmed. Guzman Nunier was the only person who wasn't her twin brother that made her feel this way.
He hadn't noticed her yet from the area where she stood because he was at the far end of the big swimming pool, so she just stood there, just gazing at him. This made her happy.
"The swimming pool is bigger than the entire school!" Christian exclaimed.
"You like to swim right?" Samuel asked Nadia as they approached the edge of the pool to have a look around. It was then that their sights stopped on the blonde nearing the edge. It was then that Nadia noticed the small curly haired blonde girl with no expression staring longingly at the tall dirty blonde in the swimming pool who in that moment rose from the edge. He slid his goggles and cap off his eyes and head, looking each of the trio up and down with a knowing smirk on his face, bending down to grab his towel. His smirk softened into a smile as his eyes laid upon his beautiful girlfriend who looked slightly nervous and mostly dazed as she watched him approach her.
Guzman knew it was because of their argument.
Although they had made up on the phone, they were yet to see one another in person. He didn't even wait to near her, he stretched his arm out to the small of her lower back when he was close enough and pulled her closer, leaned his head downwards, and brought her into a deep kiss before pulling away and embracing her.
That was his way of saying that everything was more than okay between them.
Alaska appreciated that.
When he pulled away, Alaska noticed that the new students were gone.
"Buenos dias, mi amor. Te he extrañado tanto." Guzman said lowly, he leaned his damp forehead on hers.
"I missed you too, Guzman." she leaned back.
The bell for the first class rang, this was for the English class.
"You guys must be the new students. Good luck, you're going to need it." Marina Nunier approached and smiled at the trio, before walking ahead into the class. Samuel followed closely, followed by the other two. The first thing Nadia noticed as soon as she entered was the divisions. A group of loud looking boys crowded on one table. Two sitting on chairs, two sitting on the table. She noticed one of the boys as the blonde boy who had been in the pool area earlier on. Followed by the red haired girl who wished them good luck sat behind them, two girls: a long haired blonde, and a long haired brunette sat infront of them. Where she was going to sit was a mystery.
"Perdón," a deep voice said from behind her, grabbing her attention immediately by the goosebumps that she felt making her skin prickle.
She turned around to face and move to the side a dirty blonde curly haired boy with piercing blue-green eyes looked at her. She apologised at the sight of him and moved her petite frame even more towards the side so he could walk through. He thanked her, and walked to the side, near the window and coincidentally near the girl they had seen in the swimming pool with the tall blonde boy as well.
"Good morning, class! How is everybody doing today? Please sit down." An authoritative voice sounded in English in the class, making everyone get into their seating positions and silence their conversations.
"So, as you all know, we have three new students with us today. So let's meet them."
"Wasn't this tutorial class?"
"In English. It's a bilingual school. You knew that right?" Nadia replied to Christian's automatically confused person.
"Christian Valera." A picture of Christian appeared on the digital board, meaning he had to be the first one to introduce himself.
"Do you want to introduce yourself to the class?" Christian looked at him blankly.
"What's he saying?" he asked quietly to Nadia in Spanish, but not quiet enough to get past Alaska who sat infront of them because at the sound of Christian's confused question, she couldn't help but crack a smile.
When Nadia briefly explained that he had to introduce himself, he got up and spoke:
"Hello . . ." he sighed, "Goodbye?" making everyone chuckle and murmur amongst themselves. Including Alaska. She definitely couldn't help but let out a small giggle. She found him funny. Alejandro who sat next to her noticed.
After replying with a not so confident "Thank you, Mr. Teacher," Christian sat down and the whispers and giggles halted. Nadia's face appeared next on the screen. Ever so slightly, Alaska turned backwards to take a look at the pretty girl from earlier in the hall.
She wasn't pretty.
She was beautiful.
"Hello, I'm Nadia. I'm 16. My family is from Palestine. But I was born here in Spain. And when I finish my studies, I'd like to be professional diplomat in the United Nations." She finished, in near perfect English. From the corner of her eye, Alaska noticed the immediate jealousy that possessed Lu, which made the frown reappear on her face. As the teacher went on to explain to Nadia how she could win the scholarship that would open a path for her future studies, the jealousy in Lu's eyes festered. With the snarky comments that she exchanged with Guzman who sat right beside her, she knew that Samuel was going to have a hard time with his introduction.
And she was right.
"My name is Samuel and I feel like anything I say will be used against me, - so I'll better remain quiet." Alaska felt a pinch of pity.
"How darling." Lu snarked. Alaska turned to face her, fist balled slightly, irritation beginning to cloud her.
"Don't be afraid. At this school we teach values. Manners and respect are paramount. The leaders of tomorrow are at this school."
I know. That's what I fear."
"What did the waiter say?" The new voice belonged to Guzman, and as the girls around him laughed, Alaska snapped.
"Guzman." She said in a monotone voice. Irritation leaking all the way through. Although he heard her, he went on.
"He's talking to us." he laughed maliciously.
"Guzman, basta." she spoke lowly but firmly again. This time, Guzman turned to her direction because instantly, the classroom turned quiet.
"Perdoname." he apologised and sat back into his chair, but as soon as he did, Samuel interrupted.
"My name's Samuel, and I am, as your classmate said, a waiter. Strange as it may seem to you, sometimes waiters get a seat at the table. But you don't need to worry, I'm not here to take anybody's place. You are still the leaders of tomorrow."
She didn't know why, she didn't know how, but Alaska now became angry at Guzman. One thing she could not stand, was bullying. The bullying of people who had a hard time defending themselves made her sick. Made her angry. And now, her boyfriend was making her angry.
"Gracias." he replied sarcastically again, to which Samuel replied with a "You're welcome."
Ironically enough, it wasn't only until after Guzman had uttered out his reply that he knew that Alaska would talk to him about it later.
And he wasn't looking forward to it.
In the bright and open cafeteria, Christian sat fidgety as he took a look around the what would be considered "popular" table. Alaska didn't fail to notice. She liked to think that due to how quiet she tended to be that she could use that as an opportunity to study characters. Ins short, she could be known as a good judge of character. Therefore, as Christian fidgeted looking at what once were her friends and her boyfriend, she knew he was trying to include himself in that crowd even before he spoke. It wasn't her business though. She would continue to keep her views and opinions to herself because no one had asked for them. She turned back round to face her MacBook and lunch tray which consisted of yet again a pressed apple and elderflower juice box and a Kitkat. She wasn't hungry. Usually at lunch, Alejandro would use that moment to play basketball in the court with the team. He wasn't on the team, but he loved a good game. Leaving his sister on her own was concerning, but he knew she didn't mind. She always sat in the same spot: away from the popular table, meaning away from her boyfriend although he would come and sit by her every once in a while.
"Who do you think calls the shots here?" Christian asked his little group of friends, still occasionally glancing at the table.
"Shouldn't you be worrying about other things now? About the fact that you speak no English, for instance?" Samuel retorted, concerned.
"Come on, it's not "nothing", it's "a little but. " I got it all under control. You lend me your notes "in English" and I translate them online to know what it's all about." he nodded in Nadia's direction. She was not having it.
"I'm not going to give you my notes. And you shouldn't be here. You're taking a spot somebody else actually needs." Nadia replied. Some would say she was trying to get Christian to see the bigger picture. But the problem was, it was Christian.
"Wait, do you think I am here to study? No, no, no! I'm here to meet the people who rule the roost. They are not those with the best grades beautiful, but those who make the best friends." He responded, looking back at the table he so determinedly tried to angle his way into. He looked around the cafeteria and noticed the quiet blonde girl with half her face behind a dark MacBook, sitting two tables away from the popular table. He recognised her, but he also recognised how she managed to exclude herself but remain included at the same time. It was then that he knew.
"Watch." He pointed at Nadia.
Alaska usually muted out the chattering around her, but when said chattering distinctively quieted down and she heard footsteps approaching her, she lifted her face from behind the computer screen with a little bit of shock actually, because never would she expect to be face to face with Christian. He grinned.
"Hola hermosa! Soy Christian, y parece que necesitas un amigo así que aquí estoy." he leaned on the table excitedly. Alaska blinked, looking him up and then down. She wasn't expecting this.
"Lo siento, ¿No hablas?" he grin falling ever so slightly, with wide eyes. Alaska couldn't help it, she chuckled. With relaxed eyes and an eyebrow raised, she replied:
"Where are my manners? Soy Alaska."
"Alaska, hermosa, I think I need a nickname for you." he spoke rapidly, "puedo llamarte...Loski! Si, si! ¿Te gusta eso? Loski?" he grinned excitedly once more.
The blonde didn't even get a chance to reply before Guzman made a swift entry.
"You will call her nothing. I suggest you return to your table." he spoke up with an annoyed look on his face. Christian was about to reply when -
"Relax, Guzman. Christian was only trying to be friendly." She said to him straight, mostly because she didn't want to cause an unnecessary scene. In the background, Lu's voice briefly mentioned the topic of a party, most likely Marina's coming-out party.
"What party? Anybody say party? Hi, I'm Christian." Just like that, Christian was off again. Guzman sat down opposite his girlfriend, looking into her eyes, the same eyes that gave him solace and frustrated him at the same time.
"He doesn't mean any harm okay?" she gently put her hand on top of his. "And you already know how I feel when you behave like this." She told him.
"Lo sé" he responded.
"Ala? I'm outside." Guzman's voice sounded over the phone call.
Almost instantly, Alaska swung her legs over the bed to reach for her flip flops so she could go downstairs and get the front door for him. Usually Alba would get the door, but on the particular day she was at the farmer's market getting some fruits and vegetables for the house, her mother was at the country club with a few of her friends, and Alejandro was boxing at the gym in the next neighbourhood. This meant that Alaska had the big house all to herself, well at least for a couple of hours. The time was 5:00pm when the silence was becoming slightly unbearable and she was missing Guzman, so she decided to solve both problems and call him to come over.
When the door opened, her eyes softened as they usually did whenever she set her sights on him. He gave her a warm smile, bringing his palm up to cup her cheek and leaned down to give her a small kiss. When they pulled apart, he held up a bag of popcorn that she had noticed just then that he was holding, as she lead him inside the house.
"I brought popcorn cause I know that's one of the reason why you wanted me to come here." he laughed. He was right, she happened to be a huge sucker for sweet popcorn.
"Gracias, cari." she smiled up at him.
"You're alone?" he asked as he looked around, following her up the stairs towards the path that led to her bedroom.
"Yeah. Everyone apparently has errands to run except me. But that's not a problem, is it?" she giggled, looking back at him.
"Never." he grabbed her suddenly, pressing hard on her sides where he knew she was particularly ticklish. In response, she jumped and squealed slightly.
The sound of her laughter never failed to put a large smile on his face. He loved it when she laughed. He adored her whole self, period. Actually . . . the more he thought about it, he adored her whole self when they were alone. When they weren't in public and she was comfortable, she was a different person than what she showed the world. He wasn't sure if she knew that she did, but he never once asked. He also wasn't sure if he liked it, but he couldn't complain.
The evening simply went on with giggles, more cuddling, movie binging, and popcorn munching. For them, this was a great evening and it was well needed especially since this was the first day they were seeing each other, since Guzman spent the summer with his family on a vacation for majority of it, and Alaska alongside her brother had to spend their annual time with their grandparents at their country house in Venice, where they had to help them take care of their vineyard. With all this time apart, they had a fight yet again for stupid reasons they both at this point felt embarrassed to bring up. Due to all the time wasted, neither of them found it strange how they wanted to spend time in each other's company and just do normal things, but together.
Up until Guzman got a phone call that is.
". . .Si, si; I'll be there in about thirty minutes." he spoke into the phone quietly. But not quietly enough to get past his girlfriend.
"Is anything the matter?" Alaska sat up when Guzman did.
"My mother . . . she wants me to come home to help with the planning for Marina's coming out party." he replied fast, faster than usual.
"Alright, then I guess you're leaving now then." she gave him a half smile.
"I have to," he kissed her forehead, "we'll pick this up again tomorrow, okay?"
She understood. Duty called.
As soon as Guzman had left, she still refused to believe that Alba hadn't yet returned. She was beginning to feel more lonelier than usual just wondering around the house all by herself. She thought she'd do something she hadn't done in a while, changed into her sneakers, leggings, and tank top. Almost everyday after A.M, she'd have to go on a jog around the town to release stress. Right now, she just wanted to keep busy, so she pinned her short curls back, grabbed her wireless earphones and took off.
Nadia sat alone with her thoughts, doing her homework behind the till as she managed the small family grocery store at the same time.
The only thing that was running through her head was Omar wasn't home, the store was doing okay even though sometimes she wished it would do better so she wouldn't have to spend long nights behind the till, and her father and mother were so proud of her for getting into Las Encinas, the same Las Encinas that ordered her to take off her hijab or never come back. Yeah, no one was going to know about that. Especially not her parents or else she could forget-
"Hello?" Nadia was so consumed with her thoughts that she didn't realise that she was supposed to close up the shop already, but now there was another customer and had to serve them - her, from what it sounded like, before she could close up.
"Hello. Can I help you, please?" she asked. She watched as the the girl who was looking towards the fridge section of the store whipped her head around. Immediately she knew she knew her from school.
"Hi, I want some water please, can I just take some from the fridge?" the blonde asked her, pointing towards the fridge. When Nadia nodded, she was off towards that direction. Nadia analysed that from her light blue sports bra and matching leggings with a white top wrapped around her wrist that she was probably passing through from a run. This assumption was only confirmed when the girl came closer, and she noticed that she was sweating slightly.
As soon as she paid for the drink, she ripped the cap open and began to pour it down her throat.
She was really thirsty.
Nadia looked at her for a few seconds before deciding to utter:
"You go to Las Encinas, right?" the girl closed the water cap and looked at Nadia blankly.
"I just noticed that you were in my class today."
Realisation hit the blonde.
"Yes, I'm sorry. I actually am in your class. You're one of the scholarship students correct?"
Nadia nodded.
"Nadia Shanaa, si? I remember your name from English class. Your introduction was impressive. My name is Alaska, Alaska Velazquez." Alaska cut her off.
"Nice to meet you, Alaska. I remember you from the pool as well, you were there with-"
"Guzman, yes. He's my boyfriend. Nice to meet you too, Nadia. You work here?" Alaska motioned.
"My family owns the store." Nadia nodded quietly. She didn't understand why she became shy all of a sudden at the mention of the store.
"Oh really? I jogged around this route a lot, and Iv'e never seen you here before."
"It's usually my brother behind the till. Do you live in this neighbourhood?"
"No, I live by the bay."
So she was rich.
"That's nice. I'll see you tomorrow then, Alaska." Nadia smiled.
"See you, Nadia." she replied giving a small wave.
Alaska was livid.
Her morning was going alright up until she had to go the the restroom to wash her hands. As she applied a coat of lipgloss to rehydrate her lips, Nadia walked in. After having a conversation with her, she proceeded to unwrap her hijab. Upon questioning, the blonde discovered that she had been ordered to take it off or face expulsion.
She was disgusted.
And she would have stormed straight to Ander's mother's office too if Nadia didn't grab her arm to stop.
"Disculpe me Nadia, but if they think they can order you around like this when everyone here practically has half their uniforms built on accessories then they're very fucking mistaken." she spat.
Nadia was surprised.
She didn't expect Alaska to have the same view about the matter as her, but even though she really really did want the blonde to storm into the office, she knew she couldn't let her do that.
They had just met. She couldn't have her fighting her battles for her.
"Relax please. I'm against this as well. But this is something I will have to solve on my own. Something new to try as well, and being in this school is a huge opportunity for me. I can't afford to mess it up, I-I really can't."
Alaska let it go. Solely because when Nadia's voice cracked, she understood her character. She would do anything to get out of her situation, and no one would get in her way. She admired that.
Just then, a burst of laughter erupted from outside the corridor. The two girls looked at each other and walked outside the washroom doors.
"Que demonios . . ." Alaska muttered under her breathe as she saw students giggling, and some looking in awe at a very naked Christian who walked in the hallway, cracking jokes and smiling.
Alaska wanted so badly to be annoyed at Guzman because she knew that he and the other boys were behind this, but at the sight of Christian, she couldn't help but crack a smile.
"Hey! Have you seen my uniform? No? Nothing? You haven't seen my clothes? What's up, handsome?" Christian walked around, asking students. As soon as his eyes met Alaska's they went wide and he smiled brightly.
"Loski, mi reina hermosa! You haven't seen my clothes, have you?" he asked, heading towards her.
Now it was time for her own eyes to grow wide at the nickname followed by compliments. She didn't think she had had so many compliments fit into one for her by a stranger before.
"No, Christian." She shook her head at his question, but looked at Guzman, Ander and Polo, a deep frown embedded on her face at what they'd done.
"Aye, no problem. I'll see you in class, beautiful." he winked at her.
His level of confidence was one she'd never seen.
The bell for the first class rang and Alaska began to walk to the English class, Nadia beside her. She walked right past Guzman, throwing her hand up to stop him when he tried to pull her.
She didn't want to talk to him in that moment.
In the class, she noticed that Alejandro had already arrived, so she took her normal seat next to his side, and pulled out her laptop and notebook, ready for the class.
"Are you okay?" Ale asked her, to which she replied with a curt nod.
He knew she wasn't.
"Hey, would you like to come to a party at my place tomorrow evening?" On the other side, Marina asked Samuel.
He grinned, looking up from his book.
"Why would you invite me to a party?"
"Because I need somebody else to enjoy it as little as me. Besides, wouldn't you like to see my brother's face?" Marina smiled.
Samuel chuckled again. "Okay."
Marina looked up, her smile dropping slightly as she noticed the two other people she hadn't invited to the party, but would have liked to be there. The question was: Would they want to be there as well?
As she approached the twins, she cleared her throat to grab their attention.
"Hey guys. I just wanted to invite you to my party tomorrow night. I know you wouldn't want to come but it would mean a lot to me . . . if you did." she smiled forcibly again, her heart feeling heavy. At the point she was at, it hurt to even look at the the girl she could have called her sister and one of the boys who was her close friend.
Alaska blinked at Marina who didn't even wait for a response, before leaving back to her desk.
Nadia loved to swim. She loved feeling the water on her skin and in the pores of her head. She never really had the chance to freely go swimming, so as the new school she was in provided a pool, she decided to use this to her utmost advantage. That morning when she realised she had a bit of free time, she decided to go swimming.
After a few thirty minutes or so, she was ready to head out of the pool, go and shower, and get ready for the rest of the classes ahead.
She was usually ready for a lot of things in advance cause she didn't like to be late or taken aback by anything. She liked to know what she was dealing with before hand to be able to develop ways to tackle it before facing it. It was just the way she walked.
What she never thought she would need to be ready for was the low female moaning and male grunting coming from the the changing rooms.
What she definitely wasn't ready for, was the naked back of Guzman Nunier, thrusting into a brunette - definitely a brunette, who wasn't his girlfriend.
She wasn't ready to see Guzman cheating on his girlfriend, what could be her new friend, with Lucrecia.
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