"It's looking really, really fucking good, fuck."
"Gracias amigo, muchísimas gracias; but I feel like I'm going to regret it later, not gonna lie to you." The blonde- well, former blonde laughed as she played with the ends of her now mid breast length shiny brunette hair.
"If you regret it, you're dyeing it-"
"I'm not dyeing it blue, Christian." She said, cutting him short.
"Y por que no? . . ."
And that was when Alaska slowly tuned him out, knowing he was about to give her a long and dramatic speech on how he thought she'd look like a mermaid if she dyed her hair icy blue. But it was already out of the question.
Staring at Christian as he rambled on, Ala took in his features and he had changed so much as well. Whenever they talked over video chat, it's like his hair was growing longer and more curly, but his contagious smile is what lit a fire in her heart each time. He tried to call her everyday since she'd left for France, but it was becoming increasingly difficult as he was constantly being whisked away to some luxurious destination with Carla and sometimes Polo. He always had a smile on his face even when he sometimes found it difficult to, all in an attempt to make her feel better.
She was appreciating it more and more.
"Y tu! Your hair is so nice now that you've let it grow out." She complimented to cut him off.
"It'll look even better when you're pulling on it."
"I'm sorry I'm sorry-"
But it was too late as she laughed while dragging the mouse over to cut the call promptly.
As much as she wished she could talk to him some more, but it was currently 2:16am in Palermo, which meant it was 2:16 - now 2:17am, as well in Madrid, meaning it was extremely late for the both of them. It was bedtime.
Besides, school reopened in two days, that upcoming Monday, and Velazquez twins had a plane to catch in six hours to head back to real life.
Real life.
At the thought of returning back her life, back to reality, and back to school, Alaska had a nervous breakdown at least once a day. But then she dried underneath her eyes, dusted herself off, and went back down to spend time with her grandparents.
More time, she'd attempt to weasel in a conversation about how she wanted to start visiting them more, and that they were becoming older so she wanted to spend more time with them. This was all in an effort to get her grandparents to feel sentimental and have her stay with them full time just so she would never have to return to Las Encinas.
But alas, it was only a matter of time till her abuela suggested that her and her abuelo would visit Madrid during more Christmases so their schedule isn't disrupted.
Plan failed.
Alejandro liked to think that his sister was feeling much better. According to their aunt, Alaska did in fact spend the entire two weeks of her time with her and their cousins majorly depressed. It was only at the extreme end of those two weeks that she wasn't caught crying as much and. she was talking with everyone, eating all her food, going outside, and such. Their aunt even mentioned that she didn't understand why she'd been so down, but Alejandro explained that they both lost a friend and even though that was partly the reason, he'd left out the part about Guzman.
When Ala arrived at Palermo, she was a little better but not completely. After discovering that she'd had her family members worried, Alaska made the conscious decision to "be better" in their presence, and deal with her emotions personally.
Which she didn't want to do.
So she spent the remainder of the lengthy summer break distracting herself by spending more time with people and their discussions, out on the vineyard and helping her grandparents run it, participating in social events, and such.
So far she'd managed to convince everyone that she was doing okay, but it was only a matter of time until she exploded. That, she was certain off.
Mariposa Velazquez wasn't home.
Alba was the one who had greeted them at the door and informed them that their mother had gone out a few hours prior to their arrival but she wasn't aware of where she'd gone.
Alaska couldn't have cared any less, it was Alejandro who missed their mother the entire trip. In fact, when the doorbell rang about two hours after they'd returned, Ale ran to the door himself, but was let down again when he saw it wasn't the person he was waiting for.
"So what you're not fucking excited to see me? Fuck."
"Ignore him, his brain doesn't work," a new voice said, descending the stairs and both boys looked to see Alaska herself, somewhat of a small smile on her lips, "why would mama ring the doorbell to her own house, stupid?"
At the sound of her voice cursing out her brother, Christian's heart warmed and he beamed the brightest he'd ever done since summer. He needed to see her and Ale; people who weren't as fake as those he'd spent the summer with. People who he could be his old self around. And plus he needed that happiness especially since his meeting at the prison with Nano had gone horrifically earlier that day. He basically cried with guilt the whole way to the Velazquez's. The brunette took a step forward his arms wide open.
"Mi vida, mi alma, mi mundo, mi todo-"
"And what the fuck am I?" Alejandro interrupted, slightly offended Christian had complimented her so much.
"I'm not hugging you, Christian." Alaska deadpanned.
"You're right, you're not hugging me but I am definitely hugging you." And with that he quickly took the final few steps until he was right infant of her and gave her an incredibly large hug.
She couldn't even deny that she'd been long awaiting a hug from her friend.
Alejandro closed the front door and together, the three walked inside the grand house to make their way to the living room. Of course, this was just another day in the twins' lives but Christian; Christian was in awe as he stared up at the walls, the ceiling, the murals, the gold trimmings- everything. Everything was so perfect. It was like he was walking through an extra cosy palace.
"Amigos," he laughed in disbelief, "this is a castle." Christian said once they settled on the white leather couch.
"This is not a castle, it's just . . . really big."
"How have we been friends for like a year now and you're now coming to my house."
"Because we hang out in three places: my house, Samuel's house, or that fucking dessert place."
Alaska found it rather amusing as she watched his eyes survey the entire living room his eyes wide until he landed on the picture right above the opposite couch, and he couldn't stop staring.
The portrait was large and the gold trimmings around it made it so elegant in the large area. In its background is what looked like a garden and from the house in the background, it was probably the twins' garden. Right in the centre was four people, two older, two younger. And from the mess of blonde hair on both heads of the younger two bodies, it was definitely Alaska and Alejandro, holding hands and leaning close to one another. Above them the adults were stood with smaller smiles on their faces-well, Mariposa was, Cesar on the other hand thought the picture would be better if his lips remained horizontal. He had big brown eyes, and a mane of brown curly hair.
"Este es el jefe de la casa, no?"
Which made all three of them turn to look at the family portrait.
And then they smiled.
"Si." Ala replied with a quick glance at her twin.
It's like that simple phrase snapped Christian out of his trance and he turned back to catch Alaska's sad smile as she stared at the portrait. She hardly ever mentioned her father and whenever she did, she used the past tense. Christian wasn't highly intelligent in school and he had the grades to show, but he knew that it was clearly a touchy subject and the fact that she used past tense to refer to him meant her parents were either divorced or he had passed away. It wasn't until a little bit before December break when Alejandro had informed him that the older man had in fact passed away.
"So what's new with you? You ride a motorcycle now? What else? How's your Carla situation?" Ale asked, a few minutes after Alba brought by some caramel popcorn.
"It's um . . . still going."
"You don't seem happy about that."
"It's a long story, but I don't want to talk about that."
So they didn't.
The trio then proceeded to talk about their summer and how it had been thus far, expectations for school, and surprisingly, an hour or two about how Ander's life was going now that he was somewhat out and proud.
It wasn't until Christian got a call from his mother and he had to go in about thirty minutes. So he decided to use that opportunity to say what he'd been debating all day to tell Alaska. It could go two ways: really good or really bad.
"As much as we're having fun right now and as much as I do enjoy seeing you smile, there is something I have to tell you and I don't know how you'll take it." Christian suddenly mentioned seriously.
Simultaneously, Alaska and Alejandro looked at one another, their smiles they had just a few seconds before falling ever so slightly.
"What's the matter?"
Christian took a deep breathe and let out a sigh before sitting up in the sofa and turning his body to face them both. The conversation was about to get so serious and he didn't know how it was going to end. But Christian learnt from the last time that she didn't take easy to secrets being kept from her by her friends.
"Obviously," Christian continued, his breath just a little bit shaky, "when Marina passed a-away, we were all in a horrible way, you know? That - Well - I did- Okay, I didn't know for sure when I found this out, but I heard just a few days after you left that there were some rumours -"
"What kind of rumours?" Alejandro interrupted, basically on the edge of his seat. Ala was just quiet, watching Christian expectantly as he searched for a calm way to break the news.
"Rumours about . . . Guzman; Rumours about Lucrecia; Rumours about . . . Guzman and Lucrecia . . ."
"Wait, what? Rumours about Guzman and Lu? You mean about what they did to Ala?" Ale chirped in again, slightly cringing shortly after Christian finished his sentence.
"No not necessarily. Right after you guys left, maybe one week going on two after, I was hearing around that apparently Lu was going to spend the summer with Guzman's family in some cabin or cottage somewhere in the country."
Alaska knew that countryside cottage very well. It belonged to his grandparents and the only time she'd seen it was one week in the easter break of the year before when he had offered to watch it for them while they were away on some cruise. She'd joined him one day after he'd been there.
"And a few weeks ago," he continued, "there were more rumours that they got together but I did't know whether to trust what I was hearing so I asked Carla and she said they had . . . something going on, so I think they're seeing each other . . ."
Christian was very, very cautious with his word selection. He didn't know what his friends', especially Alaska's reactions would be. Certainly, it could not be easy hearing that your ex, who you'd have to see in about two and a half days was now with the person he cheated on you with, especially when that person was a girl you hated more than anything. Christian knew that it couldn't have been way at all.
Upon hearing the news, Alejandro's heart skipped in disbelief. When Christian ended his sentence, the blonde immediately looked to his sister who, to his surprise again, didn't seem to have any reaction. Her face was void of any emotion as she continued to stare at Christian.
Until she shrugged.
Christian and Alejandro glanced at one another nervously.
"You're okay?"
Alaska shrugged again.
"What can I do? I have to move on sometime; he has." Was all she replied with, and just as abruptly as Christian brought it up, he changed the subject again.
What the boys failed to notice was that Alaska was pressing her nails into her skin with anger for the rest of the hangout.
"My baby you look so handsome." Alaska heard as she descended the stairs, making her roll her eyes.
Mariposa felt joy in her eyes as she pinched the cheeks of her growing son while he attempted to stack some waffles onto his plate. She thought he looked so dashing every first day of school but there was something about this particular day knowing it was going to be his last first day that made him look so mature that she could have sworn she shed a tear or two.
"Mama, por favor!" Ale groaned a little as his vision kept being obscured while he tried to fix himself a plate even though deep down he was loving all the attention.
"I won't be able to do this as much any- mija!" The older woman started but then paused when she noticed her daughter making her way to the dining table.
Alejandro kicked her calf lightly when she just let out a low grunt as opposed to showing some more affection.
"Buen dia." Alaska said with gritted teeth after kicking Alejandro right back but twice as hard.
"Alaska, you look so beautiful in-"
"In my uniform, I know. Is there any apple juice?"
Mariposa brushed off her tone and rapidly reached for the jug of pressed apple and elderflower blend. Pouring her daughter a glass, she sat in the seat next to them and began again to try to make conversation whilst trying to ignore the pain she felt at her daughter's neglect.
"So talk to me, how do you honestly feel about returning to school with everything that's happened? Because you know that if you're not comfortable, I won't force you to."
"It's fine," Alejandro tried to say with his mouth filled with waffles, "it's going to be very hard, obviously but there's not really much we can do but cope."
"Poor Guzman," Mariposa nodded which made Alaska look up slightly at the sound of his name, "he has to return to school knowing his sister took her last breath there."
"You don't need to remind us."
Mariposa turned to look at her daughter who was staring at her blankly. She caught on immediately that it was time she'd changed the topic to something more positive.
"At least he has you, Alaska, right?-"
Dropping the glass abruptly on the table, Alejandro cringed slightly while Mariposa watched with wide eyes as Alaska pushed her chair back and without so much as a goodbye, told Ale that she'd be in the car and picked her neon orange bag from beside her.
"Did I say something wrong?" Mariposa asked lightly to Alejandro with confusion and this time, more sadness.
"Mama . . ." Ale said with a sigh and reached over to hold his mother's hand in his own. Seeing his mother so upset because of the unspoken of rivalry between her and his twin was beginning to take a bigger toll on him, "they broke up before the summer started."
Mariposa's jaw dropped slightly and quickly began to get up.
"I-I didn't know, no one told me. I'll go find her and apologise-"
"No, no," Ale interrupted, stoping her quickly. The reality was that regardless of whether or not his mother apologised, Alaska wouldn't accept it because of how she felt about her. It was a case of right message but wrong messenger, "I'll let her know that you weren't aware; it was a really rough break up so she's still a bit sensitive about it. She just needs to calm down."
"I love you, mijo."
"I love you too."
The car ride was silent but not in an awkward manner. Although it was unusual for them to not make some sort of conversation on the way to school let alone on the first day, it wasn't uncomfortable. The soft lyrics of whatever song in the background playing until:
"Drop me off here." Alaska said suddenly which made Ale, who was taken aback by the sudden change, stomp on the brake pads which jerked them both forward.
"Very graceful." She mocked, removing her sunglasses which fell on her nose and placing it in its golden case.
"¿Por qué?!" The blonde yelled over the music.
Alaska turned off the radio and repeated: "Drop me off here, I'll go through the back door. It's less busy and I need to go to the main office."
Ale wanted to call bullshit, but he didn't want to upset her.
Pulling up on the side of the glass double doors at the back of the building where it was evidently in fact less busy.
"I'll see you inside!" Ale yelled before Alaska could close the door fully.
Walking through the hallway, the new brunette was thrilled over the roof because the first day meant that the hallway was a lot more empty for the morning because most people were outside showing off their flashy cars and catching up on whatever luxurious holiday they were on over the summer.
Alaska would rather boil rice one grain at a time.
She couldn't lie and say she didn't want to pas through the front to attempt to avoid anyone she didn't want to see. But she knew that Alejandro wanted to see a few people like Ander. Who was she to stop him? It was a nice day after all, the sun was out and beaming brightly, showcasing the summer leftovers. If Ale wanted to live that to the fullest, he had every right to. Ala didn't feel like dragging him down and holding him back just because she felt like winter on a hot late summer's day.
On the other side of the school, at the entrance, the other twin in question barely opened the silver BMW door before he felt weight on his back, making him double over, but when he felt the curly hair tickling his left cheek, he couldn't help but laugh.
"Ander!" he laughed, turning to face his friend once he had dismounted off him,
"I missed you, I missed you, I missed you!" Ander chanted tackling him in a hug.
"Believe me, I missed you more!" Alejandro responded, giving him a hug twice as big.
"Where's your twin?"
"Inside already."
Ander kept in touch with the two of them just as much as Christian did, with video calls almost every day when they could, memes sent here and there, active group chats. It was like he was right there with them. In a way, all four of them constantly talked to try to help one another heal.
It was nice.
Turning around so they could both begin the walk inside the building, they were stopped when a black Mercedes E-Class stopped in front of them which blocked the view. It was kind of like all eyes on the tall brunette who stepped out of it as well, Ale and Ander would be lying if they said they weren't caught by her either.
She inadvertently asked for it too with the way she was dressed, but not in a critical way.
She definitely didn't care, and she was definitely a badass.
When the brunette was a few steps away from the car, her driver proceeded forward to drive off, and that was when Alejandro noticed Guzman.
The blonde definitely looked different with the way his hair was cut to a buzzcut, with the mere expression he wore on his face, and most importantly, with the way Lucrecia was leaned on him with her arms wrapped around his neck as continued to say whatever the fuck she was saying into his ear. He looked disinterested and honestly, far gone. But his hands were on her waist as she continued.
When Guzman shifted his gaze a little bit, he noticed Alejandro and Ander, two boys he could call his brothers, walking closer. For a moment, his heart sped up because he thought they were walking towards him and lu, which instinctively made him drop his arms from the grip on her waist. But rather, his eyes connected with Alejandro's and he just walked right past him with a shake of his head.
That was when Guzman felt even worse. He would rather they'd remained angry at him, but instead the look on their face was just . . . disappointment.
So focused on the boys walking past him that he almost didn't notice that his ex-girlfriend wasn't beside or behind either of them.
After a quick re-route to the main office, Alaska had picked up her timetable and on it, she discovered an attached letter which requested that a meeting was in order at 11am later that day with the principal to discuss the status of her therapy. She wanted to complain but one thing she had learnt over the summer was that if she was issued a new therapist, she'd never forgive herself.
Setting the chilled juice box inside the locker, Alaska opened her backpack and took out a box of six of the green coloured juice box and pushed the pack in the extreme back of her new locker. English was the first class so she was just in the middle of taking out notebook for the class-
Then she felt hands over her eyes.
She hated this fucking game.
"If you're not Alejandro, Christian, or Ander, get your fucking hands off me."
Either the hands were large or her head was smaller than she thought because whoever it was covering her hands might as well have been covering her entire face because she could feel her all her piercings around her ears being pressed on as well. There was a cool metal on the side of her eyelids as well, signalling that whoever it was was wearing some sort of ring or maybe more.
But boy, if she said that the voice that revealed itself didn't send an avalanche down her spine she was lying criminally.
"Wow, these 'fucking hands' have explored and viciously felt every last inch of your body and you can't even recognise who they belong to, fuck. I guess boarding school changed that about me too."
The smirk that she didn't even know she was capable of forming graced her lips as she slowly turned around to connect her eyes with the tall boy who wore a similar expression.
"Hijo de puta."
Buckle your seatbelts because I intend to make this a bumpy ride >:D
P.S: Happy like 2 week late birthday to me LMAO
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