~Jax's POV~
I smiled at Mesa's form. All the men where staring at her and kept asking why she was here. I told them she had a nightmare. They all nod and we start the meeting. I watched mesa as she slept through the meeting. I also listen to the gang. Mesa moved a bit, but then someone mentioned Izzy's situation. I look at them, giving them a death glare.
"It needs to be brought up," someone says.
"Not in front of my girlfriend though," I growl.
They quiet down. I sigh and rub my temple. Mesa sneezes. I feel her forehead. She curls close. I smile softly and kiss her head. I continued to listen. I growl softly as they talk about Melark. Mesa moved around. I hum to keep her asleep. She whimpers.
Clay nods to me. I pick her up and take her out to my room. She wakes up. I look at her. She shivered.
"What's wrong baby girl"
"No more meetings for me"
"You heard everything didn't you," I say softly.
She nods. I sigh and rub a hand through my hair. She calms down. I hug her and kiss her cheek. She giggles. I smile and tickle her. She squeals. I smile and lay her down and still tickle her. She yawns. I hum. She sleeps. I smile at her. She cuddled. I smile and held her. She slept and snored softly. I smile and hum. I woke up the next morning, hurting. I groan softly. What the heck.
"Why am I in pain," I ask.
I didn't move a muscle, fearful something happened. I panic when I didn't feel Mesa next to me. I try to sit up, but pain shot through my side
"Mesa, Juice, Izzy, London," I yell.
I got scared. I heard footsteps and the door open showing London.
"What happened," I ask, locking my jaw because of the pain.
I sit up, dizzy.
"He took Mesa"
I stand up, stumbling.
"I'm fine," I mumbled.
"No you're not"
I get ready, blinking back the black dots that danced across my field of vision. I'm coming Mesa hold on princess.
~Mesa's POV~
I tried to scream but I had a gag on my mouth preventing me. I wanted Jax. I clawed someone. The person growls and throws me down, after finishing tying my hands behind my back. I whined. The person left. I was scared, bawling my eyes out. Why did this 'Melark' guy want me. I just wanted Jax. I felt myself gagging, almost throwing up. Another person walks through the door. I hoped it was Jax. I coughed and tried to calm down.
"Well well well isn't it Jax's girlfriend," a man says.
I start gagging again, mumbling, 'Trashcan. Need a trashcan'
He takes the gag out and grabs one and shoves me to it, scrapping my knees. I lose lunch. He watches me. I coughed, tired and scared.
"Time to call your boyfriend and demand ransom," the man says grabbing my arm and placing a hand over my mouth.
I blinked, sleepy from throwing up.
The guy calls. "Hello Teller, I have someone here who wants to say hi"
I blinked, tiredly.
"Say hi sweetie," the man says to me.
"I'm sleepy, Jack Jack," I mumble into the phone.
"Baby I know you sound it"
"Ransom what they want," I mutter and fall asleep.
I heard Jax yelling. I slept, shivering as I heard the yelling. Jax swears a lot. I sneezed, sick. The man hangs up and grabs my hair tightly. I whimpered.
"Your little boyfriend better pay or I'll send him you limb by limb," he growls in my ear and leaves.
I curled in a ball, sniffling. My hands were burning because of how tight the rope was.
I sniffled again, "Come soon, Jack Jack..".
~Jax's POV~
Melark is so dead when I find him. I paced as we planned on how to save Mesa.
"How about we draw Melark out and Jax goes in and saves Mesa," someone says.
I snap my head up.
He looks at me, "What?"
"How do you expect Melark to come out?".
"You have to pay ransom right give it to London and London can say you couldn't make it and you sneak in and find Mesa"
I listened for once. London looks at me.
"Okay," I say.
"Or call Melark and tell him we want Mesa outside when we give you the money and her to walk to us when you give him the money," London says.
I kept listening, not seeing Izzy leave with a rifle.
Juice saw, "Isabella, get back here"
I snap my head towards them. Izzy stopped and turned towards us. I saw that her shoulders were shaking, fear in her eyes.
Juice walks to her, "Baby can I see the rifle"
She moves backward. Juice looks at me. I walk towards Izzy.
Izzy shakes in fear, "I-I just want to help save Mesa"
"I know Izzy," I say softly.
Izzy looks at me and hands me the rifle. I hand it to Juice and hug her. Izzy hugs back.
"Bring my sister back safely," she whispered.
"I will I promise," I tell her.
She yawned softly and I pick her up, then gently hand her to Juice. Juice hands me the rifle and takes Izzy. Then my phone goes off. I answered. It was a video chat and it showed Mesa looking around sitting in a chair.
"Jack Jack," she says looking at the camera.
"I'm bringing the ransom, Princess," I say.
"Jack Jack I'm scared please hurry," Mesa says, then I saw the fear in her eyes and she looks around.
I pack the money in a bag without any dye packs, then I go alone. I knew I was crazy but this was possibly the safest way to do it. I was scared. I get there and see Melark.
"Where is she," I growl.
"She's safe, for now," he says.
I throw the bag and it lands in front of him, "There's the money now give me Mesa"
I see two guards bring her out. I watch the guards as they got closer.
"Princess," I say softly.
She whimpered softly.
"Let her walk to me," I say to Melark.
~Mesa's POV~
Jax came alone. Why would he do that. I felt scared.
"Let her walk to me," he says to Melark.
He shoved me towards Jax and I fell. They had broken my ankle before coming out here. I whimpered and laid there.
"What did you do to her," he growls coming over to me.
"She tripped," he chuckled.
I feel Jax undo the rope and pick me up. He growls. I cry into his shirt.
I feel him start walking, "I got you princess I got you."
I shivered. I feel him set me down and I stumbled. I whimpered again.
He scoops me back up, "Princess what did he do"
"Broke my ankle..."
Jax let's out an animal-like growl. I rub his sides. Jax calms down and smiles at me. I was sleepily and wanted to go home. Jax walks home. I slept all the way. I feel Jax shake me softly. I groan and accidentally punch him.
He groans and chuckles, "Damn baby girl"
I curl against him, very tired. I feel him lay me on something hard. I gripped his shirt. This didn't feel like our bed.
"Hey shh it's just the doctor's table they are checking your ankle baby," he says moving my hair.
I tuck my feet under me, wincing again. I kept a death grip on Jax. My heart started racing and I felt tears fall.
"Baby girl open you eyes and look at me. You need to calm down it's not good for you," Jax says fixing my so he is sitting with me in his lap and my legs around his waist, cupping my face.
I kept my eyes closed, "You know I hate doctors!".
"Baby they are just gonna put a boot on your foot," Jax says, wiping the fallen tears.
I still didn't open my eyes. I was shaking gently, but I calm down a bit.
"That's my girl," he hums. I soon feel something around my ankle and leg.
I squirm. Jax held me still. I whined.
"I'll get you ice cream," Jax says, nuzzling his head in my neck before placing a few small open mouth kisses on it.
I groan and became quiet. Jax smiles and rubs my sides. The doctors finished the boot. I shivered. Jax picks me up. I yawned, tired still.
Jax smiles and hums, "Sleep babe"
I rest my head against his shoulder and I drift off.
What can go wrong?
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