Chapter 1: New beginnings, old memories
"Wake up Sophia! You are going to make me and dad late to work!" Sophia's sister Rebekah yelled.
"Leave me alone..." Sophia mumbled through her pillow.
"Then don't blame me when you don't get to see Carter." She walked off, leaving Sophia in the dark bedroom she shared with her two sisters.
Sophia sat up with a jolt, hitting her head on the top bunk's boards. She rubbed her head and quickly got dressed. She grabbed her bag and rushed out the door, excited to see her boyfriend again after texting him all summer. Sophia checked their chat, he hadn't talked to her since last Monday, and it was Wednesday of the next week.
Sophia got worried, waiting impatiently for her dad and sister to get to the car. Once they began to drive, Sophia out her headphones in. She went to her playlist on her iPod, clicking the first track on the list. The Judge by Twenty One Pilots began to play.
It was her favorite song by the two boys, besides Tear in my Heart and Ride. Sophia began to hum along to the song quietly, not noticing the car pull into the school's parking lot. Today was her first day as a 7th grader at Citrus Meadows Middle School.
She had gone her last year, it was an 'okay' year if she had to explain it. That was the year she was bullied to the point of suicide attempts. After telling her boyfriend, he became more distant.
Sophia sighed as she got out of the car. "Bye, have a good day at work." She said to her kin before closing the door and walking to the first bench in front of the school. She got out a small paper from her binder, and then walked into the school.
The blonde weaved her way through the crowds, trying to keep her mind on seeing Carter so she didn't have an anxiety attack.
Sophia had social anxiety, depression and just anxiety in general.
She hated to admit it. But it was reminded to her every day by the rope burn on her neck. She had tried to hang herself. She tried not to think about it, not to bring it up in a conversation. But it would always resurface.
Sophia shook off the feeling of depression and continued walking to the library through the crowds. She got tripped, only to land in someone's arms. She looked up, to see a girl, with short pink hair, she was tall, anime lover, and a girl that Sophia knew as the girl who donated her hair to cancer.
Everyone else just knew her as the weird fag of the school. She had small features, brownish blue eyes, a kind smile. The girl lifted Sophia up, helping her stand.
"Are you alright?" She asked, her voice like the waves of an ocean.
Sophia nodded, feeling her cheeks heat up in embarrassment for staring. The girl giggled a bit.
"I'm Charlie." The girl said, shaking Sophia's hand.
"I'm Sophia, nice to meet you." Charlie's friends called her over.
"Sorry, gotta go. See you soon hopefully." Charlie walked off. Sophia rushed to the library, sitting down next to her boyfriend.
"Hey Carter!" She said happily, not able to get the girl she had an encounter with off her mind. He turned to her, the look on his face annoyed and rude. Sophia wondered why he looked angry.
"We need to talk." He said plainly. Sophia froze up. She'd seen enough romance movies and read enough books to know this either meant bad or good. She nodded as he stood up.
Carter walked to the hidden table behind the whiteboard in the library, sitting down in one of the seats. Sophia sat in the other, waiting nervously.
"I'm breaking up with you." Those words shot through Sophia's heart. This boy who she loved for years, dumped her. Tears began to prick her eyes.
"Yea, you are just too clingy and annoying. I don't love you anymore." Carter continued, putting salt in the wound. He then left her alone to cry.
Sophia felt something happen, she felt as if something inside her shattered. She only felt this way once before. It was because of Him that....
She was Broken.
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