The 'L' Word
Harry, Ron, and Hermione headed down to the greenhouses on a cold Tuesday Morning. The grass crunched under their feet as they exited the castle into the chilly November air, and they wrapped their cloaks around them to keep the cold out. Harry walked in between Ron and Hermione, though he felt guilty when doing so because he knows they only wanted to walk together hand in hand. He understands them, as every day he wants to go to class with Draco by his side, even if it is Ancient Runes. He had seen Ron and Hermione glancing at each other and reaching their hands out towards each other while Harry walked ahead.
They arrive at Greenhouse three, where Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students mix throughout the room, and Harry stands by Neville who looked quite organised. He guessed that all was because of Blaise's organisation skills, no doubt. "Morning," he says to Neville, forcing a big smile onto his lips. He was tired, didn't get enough sleep last night and felt guilty even though he knows he shouldn't be feeling so down because of his friends and what happened minutes ago. He thinks, I hate emotions.
"Morning Harry," Neville replies back, smiling brightly. "How's everything going for you?"
"Good, and yourself?" Harry says quickly, looking over at the front of the class at the chalkboard. He sighs quietly to himself as he realises they'll be doing something with Baby Whomping Willows. According to Professor Sprout, they'll be taking care of baby Whomping Willows from seed to juvenile which seemed like a lot to do. Harry partnered with Neville since Hermione and Ron would be partnering together. All they had to do is water it and write a detailed description of the tree. It was simple enough for Harry and Neville to complete in under ten minutes. But since they were done, as were many other students, they had to read about Sneezewart.
On the way to Potions, Harry spots Draco exiting one of the spiral staircases from the fourth floor. He smiles slightly and jogs after him. Once he's close enough, he jumps into a hug and kisses him passionately. Draco barely had a chance to breathe, and he nearly fell backwards from the sudden weight of the hug. As he knew what was happening, he smiles in the kiss and lifts Harry off his feet for a second.
"How was Ancient Runes?" Harry asked casually, leaning back, and staring into silver eyes.
Draco closes his eyes and sighs, and Harry cups Draco's cheek and gently caresses it with his thumb. "It was boring like always," he drawls, leaning his cheek into Harry's hand. He suddenly grabs hold of Harry's hand, turns his head and kisses Harry's palm. Harry chuckles, his cheeks colouring a lovely shade of dark pink. "But I got through it. It's an important subject for me anyway."
Harry nods and they start heading down to the Dungeons for Potions. He couldn't bare going into a class that seemed easier to fall asleep than when in his bed. Like Divination, for example. But he's taking it because he still doesn't know what he wants to do outside of Hogwarts. It could, somehow, be a part of his future job.
They line out outside of the Potions classroom behind Pansy and Daphne. Seamus and Dean joined the line behind them, and so did Hermione and Ron. Draco pinned Harry to the wall and began making out with him in front of their classmates, wanting them all to know how much he loves Harry even though he knows they all would know. He just wants to express it by being as close as possible to Harry with his arms tightly around him and kissing him like there's no tomorrow.
Severus walked past his students to the front, ignoring the two that were snogging, and opened the classroom door, in his hands were his large Potions book and a box of chocolates. Fricking teenagers and their shenanigans. "Inside now," he snarls.
The Gryffindors and Slytherin students all rushed inside the classroom and took their seats. Harry and Draco sat behind Hermione and Ron. On everyone's tables were cockatoos in cages.
"You all will be educated about the difficulty of swapping a living being's gender," Severus Snape says as he walks to the front of his classroom and puts his book and chocolates down on his desk. "However," he turns around swiftly to view his students, "this potion only works on animals. For it to manipulate and alter a human's gender, it'll have to be significantly stronger, but it hasn't been recovered on how to do just that as no one wants to try such a Potion. So, turn to page 29 in your textbooks. Grab a partner, you'll be brewing the potion together. I am certain you all cognitive what you'll be giving to those male cockatoos."
Every student got out their cauldrons, turned to the required page in their Potion textbook, and got to work. Harry scanned the ingredients listed on the page. Sopophorus Bean, Powdered Root of Asphodel, Horned Slugs, Ginger root, a half Scarab Beetle, Armadillo bile, Newt Spleens, and Shrievelfigs. The directions were mainly to cut, dice, and pour the ingredients, then put them in the cauldron.
"Only because I'm better at potions than you are," Draco says modishly, and Harry rolls his eyes, knowing it's true, "I'll split each direction in half for us to do. First, the Sopophorus Bean must be diced, then put in the Potion. I'll stir it afterwards. And then sprinkle a teaspoon of Powdered Root of Asphodel into my cauldron."
"Yes, yes," Harry says under his breath, already grabbing the Sopophorus Bean and began dicing it up. It was tricky to do so since the bean kept jumping up off the table. As he finally diced it, he plopped them into Draco's cauldron. Draco glanced quickly from inside his Potions book, then at his stirring rods. He grabbed the ebony rod and began stirring the potion until the potion turned light blue. Then Harry sprinkled a teaspoon of Powdered Root into the cauldron, turning the liquid a darker blue.
"Hermione, what's an Obi-wan?" Harry hears Ron whisper to Hermione. He had just begun adding three Horned Slugs to the Potion and then sliced the Ginger Root, and Draco was stirring the potion clockwise for 30 seconds.
Hermione stops slicing the Ginger Root and just looked at him. "Obi-Wan is a character from Star Wars, a muggle movie," she informs him quietly. "God, we're watching Star Wars this Christmas at my parents' house." She continued cutting up the Ginger Root, glancing to and from Ron and what she was doing. "We have the entire series. My father loves Star Wars. Why?"
"Some kid named their Barn Owl Obi-Wan," Ron says, and behind him, Harry chuckled. "It is an odd name. And their friend said something like 'May the force be with you' for some reason. I don't get it. And their friend's white mouse is named Legolas."
Hermione shakes her head and sighs in dubiety. "Of course, you don't get the reference, Ron," she mutters, sprinkling the ginger root into their cauldron.
"What kind of name is Legolas?" Pansy leaned over towards Ron on his right after sprinkling in her own sliced Ginger Root, her voice befuddled. "They have got to have made it up." Daphne, beside Pansy, was stirring the potion, her blonde hair tied up in a messy high bun, wand tucked behind her ear.
Ron shrugs, but Hermione answers Pansy. "It's actually a character from a muggle movie," she says, stirring the potion clockwise twice. "You know, like Mean Girls we watched together two years ago when you were over at my house? But Legolas is from a movie franchise called Lord of The Rings. Very popular among Muggles."
Severus glared at his students chatting. They know to be quiet, but he'll leave them be for now.
Harry was stirring his and Draco's potion while thinking of Lord of the Rings after hearing Hermione talk about it. Legolas just reminds him of Lucius, but younger and an elf with really good aim with an arrow. He then began cutting up the Scarab beetle into bits, though the instructions said only a half would be needed for the potion. Draco was dicing up the Newt Spleens.
Harry watched Draco in silence, a little distracted by the blonde Slytherin's look of concentration on his face. A little too distracted that when he was supposed to put half of the Scarab Beetle, he actually added the whole beetle and a second one and added an Armadillo Bile too.
The potion exploded, and everyone in the room looked over at Harry and Draco and their potion which emitted a purple gas that surrounded Harry and Draco. As soon as it cleared, Harry and Draco looked at each other as if to see if the potion had affected them somehow. Affected them it certainly did.
Harry noticed Draco's white-blonde hair was growing longer, his height decreasing only by an inch or two, and his face thinning. Harry blinked at his boyfriend – no – his girlfriend. He was so confused. Draco was now a girl. A woman! Breasts clearly under his robes and everything. Then suddenly, he realized his own hair had grown past his ears and to his chest, and his clothes felt very baggy on him as if he was wearing Dudley's clothes again. His shoes felt too big on him. He swallowed difficultly, feeling his chest and instead of a hard chest, he feels breasts, and he looked down at his chest where his dark messy hair lay over his robe and uniform. "What the actual fuck!" He realised his voice sounded quite high. Too high. He didn't sound like himself.
"Harry," Draco says, face pink, her voice higher than normal, and she looked Harry up and down. "You're a girl, a witch." Everyone in the classroom began laughing at the two wizards who were now witches.
"You are too!" Harry says loudly, pointing at Draco with her finger which she noticed was thinner and she actually had longish nails. She had to admit though, Draco looked extremely hot as a girl. She wouldn't mind going down on him – err... her. But she was now a girl, so she couldn't. She looks over at the front of the classroom where Severus was pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head.
"Boys – sorry – ladies, how did this happen?" Severus asks a second later as he gets up from his seat and walks over to them.
"I dunno," Draco says quietly, shrugging as she stares into the cauldron. Her long blonde straight hair fell over her face like curtains, and she pulled a few locks back over her ears. "I was doing everything correctly, but then Harry..." She looks at Harry, unimpressed, and crosses her arms over her chest. "Until Harry did something."
"I don't know what I did," Harry says at once with a quick shrug, though she knows it was her fault. She got distracted by Draco, and she didn't want to admit it in front of everyone. "I was cutting up the Scarab Beetle..." She didn't say anything else. "Damn it, I'm so sorry." She slips her fingers under her glasses and rubbed at her eyes. At least her glasses still fit.
Draco smiles softly at Harry, her chin raised high, and she looks to her side at Severus who was peering into the cauldron and taking samples with a glass vile. "I'm hoping you have the antidote, professor?" she asks him carefully.
"Yes, I do," Severus says flatly. "I'll be back." He turns around, slipping the glass vile into his pocket and snaps at the rest of his students, "The rest of you, get back to work!"
Everyone who was crowded around Harry and Draco rushed back to their tables and continue off their potions. Ron kept sniggering to himself that his best mate is now a girl, Pansy was ogling both Harry and Draco, making Daphne frown with jealousy, and Hermione took it all quite well, though she had giggled at first when seeing Harry.
Harry ran a hand through her long messy hair, and it got a little stuck in a knot at the back. She doesn't brush her hair after all. Not even when she was a male. "Well," she whispers, "this is awkward..."
"Yeah," Draco replies quietly and turns back to the desk, gripping the end of the desk and staring down at her hands which were thinner, a little smaller, and her nails were round and perfect like she always kept them when male. She's not unattractive to Harry now that he's a girl. It actually is quite funny, but she's being sensible about it. Though, Harry is quite beautiful as a lady, and she wouldn't mind showing love to her.
Harry's really starting to become anxious now. He's a girl, like Hermione. She has breasts and a vulva that she shouldn't have. But she did have a sudden urge to see Draco naked, to know what she looks like. She really hoped Severus had the antidote now. She doesn't want to stay like this for another minute. She doesn't want to have to wear a bra or go to the toilet and have a shower like this.
Harry steps towards Draco and tucks a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. "Well... Dracelle," she says, internally laughing at the name she came up with. Draco looks up at her, face blank and expressionless. "We can't just stand here doing nothing."
"What do you suppose we do, Harry?" Draco drawls, leaning her hip against the desk and crossing her arms once again. "Or should I call you Harriet now?"
"It has a nice ring to it," Harry says, glancing to the side quickly before placing her hands on Draco's hips and bringing their bodies closer together. Draco was still an inch taller than her, just like always. She missed the feeling of Draco's cock against his own. "But Severus says he has the antidote, so that name won't be necessary. And I don't know... we can do whatever?"
"Hm?" Draco says, eventually putting her arms around Harry's neck. "What's 'whatever', Harry?" She admires every difference in Harry now that he's a girl, how long and fluffy her dark hair is, the slightly smaller nose, which is just so cute, her lips that look just as soft as male Harry's ones, long dark eyelashes and the slightly thinner eyebrows.
"Oh, I don't know," Harry says, and as quickly as she could, she leaned up and kissed Draco on the lips. It was a little new, but Draco felt the same, especially when she kissed Harry back with the same passion as she always had. She leans away after some time and sighs, staring into those silver eyes she loves and will forever love. "I love you, Draco Malfoy. Even if you are a girl for the rest of your life."
Draco rolls her eyes, though that sounded frightening, being a girl forever. She'd hate it. She knows what Pansy's like when on her fricking period, mood swings and all. 'Draco, get me some yoghurt. Draco, please, kill me so I don't have to go through this again. Draco, get Daphne please.' It hurts her brain just thinking of it. "I love you too, Harriet Potter," she replies back, smirking as Harry's smile widens.
"I hate to be the burden of this lovely romance love story, but there's only enough antidote for one person," Severus says as he walks into the room from his Potion storage room, holding up a turquoise bottle of potion. "I need to make another batch, which would take about a week if I had the ingredients, but since I don't and some are quite rare, I'll have to go on a little travel down South to get them."
"WHAT!" Draco and Harry shouted together.
"I'm sorry, but that's the truth," Severus stated firmly. Giggles and soft laughter were heard throughout the room at the situation Harry and Draco were in.
Harry groaned and rested her head on Draco's shoulder. "Draco, you take it," she deadpans, though she was thinking of rushing over to Severus, grabbing the potion, and chugging it down before Draco can get it. But she'd take anything for Draco. Even if it's poison.
"No, Harry, you take it," Draco says to Harry's hair, stuffing her nose in it. It still smelled like male Harry, of pine.
Harry took a moment to think about that. She was sure Draco was going to take the offer. "Are you sure?" she asks him softly, leaning back to stare into silver eyes again. She was dazed by Draco's appearance with her long blonde eyelashes, long blonde hair that fell over her shoulders like curtains, pale complexion but cheeks pink and high, and a hard searching look on her face. She is beautiful. Like a damn angel. Harry then began to ponder what Narcissa and Lucius will think of this. But who's going to tell? She's sure Draco doesn't want this news around the wizarding world.
"Yes, I'm sure," Draco says with a nod and a hard look Harry's way. She believes she can get through a week being a woman. "Pansy can help me if I need anything... womanly."
Severus stood at their table, handing the antidote to his now-daughter with a blank expression.
"Are you sure?" Harry had to ask her again, grabbing the antidote from Severus. Draco nodded again, more firmly. "If you're so sure..." she says, taking off the cap. She gives Draco a few seconds to decide, but when she doesn't say anything and looks down, Harry just sighs and puts the cork back on. She pockets it in her robe. "You know what? Since you'll be spending a week as a girl, I'll spend the day as one with you."
"Harry, you really don't have to," Draco says softly, tilting and shaking her head fondly at Harry's offer. "I can wait a week. I can handle it all."
Harry moves her arms up Draco's curvy body, over the side of her breasts and cups her face in her hands. "I'm doing this, even if I must wear a bra and that sort of horrifies me," she says, a little too loudly which she hears snorts and laughter from all around them. Her face colours and she quickly kisses Draco, so she doesn't feel the embarrassment.
Draco sighs in the kiss and moves her hands down until she feels Harry's booty. It's soft, not at all hard and squishy like Harry's arse used to be. Harry pressed herself into Draco, though she forgot she didn't have a cock, which was a shame because she would have liked to see how it affected female Draco. But now that she's a girl, she'd like to experiment for a while.
The rest of the class was a little too distracted by how the famous boy who lived was now a woman, instead of finishing off their potion. Hermione, however, had completed the potion with little help from Ron and had successfully changed the male cockatoo into a female.
Severus was back at his desk scanning the Gender Swapping potion, and just had no idea what to do in this situation. This has never happened before. He wasn't even sure if the antidote he gave Harry will work as he doesn't know how Harry messed up the potion and what ingredient he put in it. "Since you all are distracted, we'll continue this lesson this Thursday," he says, looking up at his students. "Class is dismissed."
Harry and Draco eventually leaned away from their kiss and began packing up their items, and the rest of the students hurriedly exited the classroom. The only people left beside them were Hermione, Ron, Pansy, and Daphne.
Hermione turned to the two, her book bag over her shoulder like a handbag. "Why don't I take you up to Gryffindor Tower to get you into something comfier?" she suggested to Harry. "I'm sure I can give you some jeans to wear, and you can wear one of your own shirts if you don't want to wear mine."
"Mmm, thanks," Harry says, knowing she'll have to change clothes if she wants to feel comfortable during the day. "But what about Draco? Will you give him – her clothes?"
"Pansy will help Draco, wont's she?" Hermione asks Draco, then glances at Pansy beside Ron. Before she said anything, Pansy was nodding. "Good."
"Pansy better help me," Draco mutters, putting her book bag over her shoulder and holding her cauldron in her hands. "Oh, and it's Dracelle now, obviously."
Pansy walks over to their desk and grins at Draco. "Looks like it's time to play dress up," she says brightly, looking her up and down as she thinks of what Draco could wear. "What do you think, Dracelle? Want to wear my spare uniform or just something you find in my trunk?"
Draco shrugs. "I'll pick something in that moment of dressing myself," she says. "But for the rest of the week, until Severus makes the antidote, I'll have to wear your uniform. That's if you don't mind."
"I don't mind," Pansy says, shaking her head. She offers Draco her arm, "Come, let's get you dressed up."
Harry steps in front of Draco. She still feels protective over Draco, even in her female version of himself. "If you so happen to touch Draco anywhere without her consent," she says darkly and jabs her finger into Pansy's arm, "I will murder you. So, don't you dare-"
"Oh, look at that," Pansy says lightly, smirking as she steps towards Harry. She likes how protective Harry's being. "You're feisty as a woman. It's quite hot." She winks.
"Honestly, Pansy, be more mature," Hermione mutters, rolling her eyes and wrapping her hand around Harry's arm to drag her out of the classroom. "Let's go, Harry. You can see Draco after. Sorry, Dracelle."
"Oh, alright," Harry says, and she glances over at Daphne Greengrass. "Daphne, go with Draco and Pansy, please? And make sure Draco's in the bathroom while she undresses" She doesn't trust Pansy alone with Draco, now that he's a female. She doesn't want Pansy seeing Draco's body before Harry does.
Daphne looks at Harry and nodded her promise. "Let's go, Pansy and... Dracelle," she says, guiding the two Slytherins to the exit of the classroom with a simple push on their backs.
Harry glared at Pansy, but after a second he exists the classroom with Ron and Hermione. He watches Draco walk away to the Slytherin common room with Daphne and Pansy by her side. He tries not to feel jealous that they get to see Draco's feminine body before she does.
Up in Gryffindor Tower, Harriet slowly steps into the spiral staircase that led up to the girl's dormitories. She starts walking up, just waiting for it to turn into a slide to stop her from continuing up the stairway, but nothing of the sort happens. She looks down at Hermione, a few steps below her, and she nodded. Down at the entrance is Ron looking up at them with an odd smile.
"Good luck, mate," Ron says with a snigger. "Or is it Harriet now?"
"Shut up, Ron," Harriet says at once, rolling her eyes as she continued up to the seventh year's girl dormitories. It really wasn't funny to her. Well, maybe a little funny. "Hermione, am I even considered gay anymore?" He meant it as a joke. "Or am I now a lesbian?"
Hermione giggles and shakes her head. "No, Harry," she says, opening the 7th girl's dormitories up and leading Harriet inside. "You're still gay. Whatever your sexuality is when you were male, you still are in the female version of yourself."
Harriet looked around the dormitory which looked exactly like the boy's one. Except, there were girl pyjamas on two beds out of the five. Only Hermione and Parvati lived in the dorm, and it seemed pretty lonely. "So... what's first?" she asks, turning around to face Hermione.
"First, you've got to undress, which you can do by facing the wall," Hermione says clearly, sitting down on her bed and pointing to the wall in between two of the empty beds. "I'd rather you wear my spare uniform than anything you want though. But you can decide on that yourself."
Harriet nods, dumping her book bag on the spare bed, and turns to face the wall. She takes off her male shoes, robe, cardigan, tie, and white shirt and chucks them on the bed to her left. She doesn't look down at her breasts, though she was curious about what she looked like, so she looked down. "Garr...." she mutters, staring down at the dark pink buds on her full breasts. "Jesus Christ..."
Hermione rolls her eyes. Typical boys. "I know, I have my own, Harry," she says, straightening out her skirt over her legs. "It's a shock finding out you have watermelons growing on your chest as you grow older."
Harriet snorts at Hermione's representation of boobs. "Right," she says quickly, unbuckling her belt and throwing it on the bed. Her pants fell down easily onto the floor, and she pulled down her boxers and got out of them. She got a glimpse of her own vulva and shrieked, though she tried staying calm. "JESUS..." "Hermione, I'm going to need some underwear."
"On it," Hermione says, already searching her trunk for some undies for Harriet whilst trying to hide her giggles at Harriet's reaction to the female body. She finds a normal black pair and gives them to Harriet over Harriet's shoulder. "Here you go. I'm hoping you don't need my help putting those on."
"No, and thank god that I don't," Harriet drawls, pulling up the black undies until they rested comfortably on her hips. She covers her breasts with her hands and turns to face Hermione. "I might need help with..." she sees Hermione picking out a black bra from her trunk, "that."
"I'll teach you," Hermione says, taking off her robe. Harriet takes a step back, as if a little scared she'd start undressing in front of her. "Oh, relax, Harry. I'm just teaching you. I wouldn't show you anything of mine. My body's only for Ron to see. Oh, and just a tip, girls shave their underarms and legs."
Harriet nods slowly. She didn't need to hear that about Hermione's body. And she doesn't exactly want to shave though. She'll change back tomorrow.
"Now, this is quite tricky until you get the hang of it," Hermione says, her face a little bit pink as she shows Harriet the black bra. "All you do is wrap it around your front and click in the straps at the back, like so." She shows Harriet how to put on the bra, and then gives it to her. She catches a glimpse of Harriet's full right boob, but she thinks nothing of it. She's seen more boobs than her own before. "Nice bosoms, Harry," she decides to say.
Harriet quickly turns away, her face colouring as she snorts, and she tries putting on the bra. It was difficult because she has never bent her arms back in such an uncomfortable way when male. She ends up just walking over to Hermione with the bra over her boobs and asked her to do it for her.
"Thank god you're a B cup like me," Hermione had said, and it just made Harriet completely confused with what she meant by cups.
When Harriet finally had the bra on, she sat down on Hermione's bed and watched Hermione look through her trunk for clothes for her and show her clothing for her to decide on to wear. Harriet refused to wear any short skirts of Hermione's, but there was this one black pair of shorts with white drawstrings that she wouldn't mind wearing. But it was too cold for shorts and skirts!
The other only options were either jeans or baggy pants. She decided on blue jeans, a pair of Hermione's blue and white sneakers to wear which surprisingly fit her (and Hermione told him to wear her clean white socks with her sneakers as she didn't want Harriet stinking up her shoes), a red long-sleeved top, and a Gryffindor sweater on top that Hermione had that she would wear to Quidditch matches when Gryffindor was playing against another house.
Harriet looked at herself through the large mirror Hermione magically conjured up and nodded her approval. "This looks alright," she says, checking herself out in front of the mirror.
"Oh, I almost forgot," Hermione says quickly, rushing to her bedside table to grab her brush. "You've got to brush your hair, Harry. Especially as a girl." She starts from the bottom of Harriet's hair as she still looks into the mirror and works her way up to the roots. "Jesus, your hair is knotty. Did you ever brush it at all?"
"No..." Harriet says slowly, just finding no point in doing so. Her hair never got knotty when she was male. "My hair doesn't work like – oww!- everyone else's." She winces at how hard Hermione was brushing her hair. "It stays neat for maybe an hour, and then it goes all over the place during the day. You should know there's no point when even the slightest touch would mess it up even further." She quietens down for a moment, thinking of Dracelle. "Oh... I wish I had a camera. I want pictures of Dracelle and myself so I can show Narcissa and possibly Lucius if I can. It'll be embarrassing but in a good way."
"Alright," Hermione says with a nod, finishing Harriet's hair, and looks at her best friend through the mirror with a smile. "I'd say you are done. Shall we head down to lunch? I'd say Lunch is quite close considering Professor Snape let us out early."
"I guess," Harriet says, but she was mainly excited to see Draco than go eat. She picks up her bookbag from the spare bed, school shoes and uniform from the floor and looks at herself in the mirror once more. She runs a hand through her dark hair, it almost disappears in the messy curtains, and she smiles at her reflection. God, it's weird seeing myself as a girl, she thinks to herself. "Let's go!"
Hermione nods and follows Harriet down to the common room, but Harriet takes a turn and heads up to the boy's dormitory. Hermione follows her upstairs and with her hand covering her eyes in case there were boys in the room, she only peeks and sees Harriet storing her male uniform and shoes into her trunk and dumping her bookbag on her bed. Nobody else was in the room, thankfully.
Harriet puts on her Robe which was a little big on her now that she was a little smaller and a girl, though she really didn't mind. She felt like Batman a little with his long black cape, but that just reminded her of Severus. She puts two and two together. Batdad... Harriet links arms with Hermione and heads back downstairs into the common room. She glanced around the common room, ignoring everyone's stares, and sees Ron sitting by the fireplace.
Hermione grins and joins Ron by the fireplace, sitting on his lap and snuggling into his chest.
Suddenly, someone wolf whistles and Harriet glares over at one of the large windows where Cormac McLaggen and his mates sat. The bloody gits. She looks back over at Ron. "Mate," she says, opening her arms up with a smile. "Like the new look?" She snorts at herself and crosses her arms, leaning against the armchair Ron and Hermione sat on.
"Eh," Ron shrugs. "It's different, but it's you."
"Great, so let's go to lunch!" Harriet says quickly, grabbing both Hermione and Ron by the wrist and tried pulling them both up at the same time. She wasn't able to pull Ron up, as she'd forgotten she wasn't as strong as her male self. "Being a girl fucking sucks," she mutters.
"Harry!" Hermione snaps, and she shakes her head, a little hurt by that. "Just because girls aren't as strong as males physically, doesn't mean we're not strong within ourselves. And don't swear, especially in front of all the first and second years."
"Fine, I'm sorry," Harriet deadpans, looking down at the floor beneath her. She knows Hermione's quite strong on the inside, as well as many of his friends like Luna and Ginny. "Ron, you ready for lunch?"
Ron looked as if he was going to tease Harriet again but stopped himself from doing so. "Yes, I'm starving," he groans, getting to his feet after Hermione gets off him. Harriet grabs their wrists and pulls them towards the exit out of the common room. Word had got out that Harry had changed genders in a Potion's incident with Draco, but others were discussing how Harriet and Dracelle had just come out as Trans. Harriet was thinking, What a load of rubbish! It was a Potion accident! Not an entire transition? Unless he or Draco finds they like being girls, but he doubts that.
"Harry, turn around please," Hermione says, and Harriet, walking ahead of Ron and Hermione, turns around to see Hermione holding a phone, the camera facing Harriet and she smiles at it. She would have posed, but she doesn't know how to pose like a girl. She was blinded by the flash of Hermione's camera light going off, but it wasn't that effective.
"Oi, Potter!" Harriet hears someone shout her name from down the corridor, and she turns in the direction of the voice. She unconsciously parted her lips, the look of yearning on her face as she sees Dracelle walking towards her. She wore knee-high white socks, black flats, a light green tartan pleat skirt, and a pretty black long-sleeved top with bell sleeves. She was downright gorgeous to Harriet. As Dracelle came closer, Harriet noticed the light green headband in her hair.
"Merlin, you look gorgeous."
Dracelle blushes, red smiles bashfully and pushes back a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. "As do you, Harry," she replies gently, bringing Harriet into her arms. Her arms are around Harriet's waist, but she lifts her hand up and brushes a thick strand of Harriet's hair out of her eyes. "You're the most beautiful being in the universe and you know it. I've told you this many, many times."
Harriet could only look at Dracelle in such a loving way after hearing that, her emerald green eyes glistening with passion, and her smile wide with happiness. She couldn't help herself but lean up and kiss the Slytherin with everything she has, her arm around her neck, and her other around Dracelle's waist. Dracelle wasn't even surprised by the kiss as she knew it was coming and she loved it. It was so full of love, commitment, and passion.
Hermione sighed with a smile at her best friend. "Oh, just marry each other already," she mumbles to herself, and beside her, Ron laughed as he heard her and can't help but think the same.
Pansy smiles at her best friend and how well she and Daphne dolled Dracelle up, which included makeup and a quick hair removal to her legs and underarms.
"Okay, I admit it, those two are definitely hot as girls," Daphne utters to Pansy with a smile. "Just look at them. They both look like royalty."
"Yeah," Pansy sighs, too busy feeling giddy that her best friend's a girl, as is Harry Potter, and they're making out like lesbians. To her, that's hot.
"But... there's someone else who I think is more attractive than Dracelle," Daphne admits, looking beside her at Pansy's face. "Someone I've developed feelings for since our fourth year and had to watch her fall in love with someone else, then gets her heart broken a few years later which pained me to see when I saw her on the Hogwarts Express."
"Hm?" Pansy finally looks at Daphne. "Oh, that's beautiful. Wait..."
Daphne nodded, hoping Pansy understood what she has been saying. But in hope that she'd understand it more, she grabbed Pansy's hand and pulled her closer. Pansy gasped, her heart beating against her chest, and Daphne snaked an arm around her and kissed her deeply.
Hermione looks past Harriet and Dracelle at the two other girls and smiles sweetly. She is so glad they found each other. But she then remembered something Harriet wanted, so she quickly snapped a photo of Harriet and Dracelle kissing without them looking.
"Um..." Ron says, confused as he normally is.
"Don't ask, Ron," Hermione whispers to him.
Harriet, still holding onto Dracelle tightly, backs her up to the nearest wall she could find and presses her body into hers. It was still so odd being a girl and feeling a little aroused was so different. It felt... she just felt a little wet in her downer regions. It was all so confusing but incredible at the same time. She trails kisses down Dracelle's chin and neck and wedges her knee in between Dracelle's legs.
Dracelle gasped, and Harriet sucked on the skin just below Dracelle's collarbone just underneath the neck hem of the black shirt, turning it into a dark pink bruise. She noticed Dracelle was wearing a lacy grey bra when she had been exploring Dracelle's neck with her mouth. She lowered her hand down Dracelle's body, over her breasts, down her stomach, and down the side of her leg. Dracelle moaned softly, which gathered the attention of Ron and Hermione. Harriet loved that heavenly sound, and so she slipped her hand up Dracelle's skirt, feeling the soft sensitive skin of Dracelle's inner thighs.
"Harry!" Hermione snaps at her best friend who had her hand where it really shouldn't be. "Not in the corridors! Even if nobody is around. If you want to do that, go back to Gryffindor Tower."
Harriet had only jumped in fright when hearing Hermione's loud voice, which made Harriet's hand slide further up Dracelle's thigh until she could feel her underwear which was slightly soaked. It made Harriet even more aroused by feeling Dracelle's wetness. Dracelle's mouth was parted, and she was slowly moving herself on Harriet's hand, just wanting to feel something.
"Dang it, sorry," Harriet said quickly, slipping her hand away from Dracelle's underwear and down her inner thigh. "You're just so distracting, Draco."
Dracelle chuckled and shook her head fondly. "It appears that we're now lesbians," she says in a whisper, "until we change back with the antidote."
Harriet giggled and nodded, "Yeah." But then she paused for a second, registering in her mind that she had just giggled like some teenage girl, which she was. Boy, this is going to be a long day. She scratched her nose and suddenly got a whiff of Dracelle's lady scent from down below. It was so sweet and unlike anything she's ever smelt. She wouldn't mind being a lesbian for a day with Dracelle and just exploring each other. "That reminds me, Pansy and Daphne didn't-"
Dracelle shook her head. "No, you jealous git," she says lightly, and Harriet grins at the playful affront. "They didn't see me nude. The dorm room door was shut, and they hid in Pansy's bed with the drapes closed." She proceeds to tell Harriet about Daphne and Pansy's magical trunk, and how when you step inside, it would take you inside the trunk into a walk-in wardrobe.
Harriet felt relieved. And she knew the trunks Daphne and Pansy's had were brand new ones in store as she remembered seeing them in the school store back in September. She didn't want to buy anything like that because it'll just be a waste of money as it was her last year at Hogwarts. "And I am a jealous git because your body is for my eyes only," she says at once. "Nobody else's. Mine."
Dracelle doesn't waste any time and pulls Harriet in for a deep kiss, and Harriet, a little surprised, kisses back with a smile on her face.
Hermione gets impatient, though she knows she and Ron can just go to lunch together, she wants Harry to join them and Draco too. Or should she say Dracelle and Harriet now? She storms up to them, grabs their wrist and pulls them away from the wall and to Ron. "Come on, let's go!"
Harriet groans, wanting to be back pressed up against Dracelle again. But all she could do was reach over and hold Dracelle's hand until Hermione let go of their wrists, which was when halfway to the Great Hall. She finally felt free again then and walked with Dracelle into the Great Hall.
Everyone in the Great Hall turned to look at the two females standing in front of Ron and Hermione. Harriet just pulled Dracelle by the hand to the Gryffindor table while everyone began whispering about the true rumour that had been spreading around Hogwarts this morning, and a few male students throughout the Great Hall had begun wolf whistling and cat calling at them.
Harriet felt her face go red. This happened earlier in the Gryffindor Common Room, though it was only Cormac and his mates. Now it feels like half of the male students in the school is cat calling Dracelle and herself.
"Oh, not again," Dracelle drawls, looking down at the floor and making sure her skirt was on properly, just above her knees and was not showing anything. That would be too embarrassing to handle.
"This happened to you too?" Harriet asks her quietly as they sit down, Harriet sits beside Dean who was sitting with Seamus and on the other side of Dracelle was Ron and Hermione.
"Yes, unfortunately," Dracelle mutters, already beginning to fill her plate with food to ignore all the whistling which began to thankfully die down. "It happened right when Pansy, Daphne, and I entered the common room from the dormitories. Fucking sixth and fifth years whistling at me."
"If it gets annoying you could report them," Hermione suggested firmly, buttering her toast before mashing eggs onto it with her fork. "It's all harassment and can be punishable. Though, I would recommend you keep the swearing to a minimum. That can make things worse. I've watched documentaries at home on the TV about it."
"Right, okay," Dracelle deadpans, wanting to tell her that he really doesn't care about documentaries, whatever they are, but the thought of getting people in trouble sounded lovely. "I'll think about that. Anyway... who would dare harass my Harriet!"
"Cormac," Harriet mutters, scanning the table at the food for something to eat. She couldn't decide. Sandwiches, mash, other meals or pile her plate up with sausages?
Dracelle squished the bun she had in her hand at the sound of Cormac's name. How dare that Gryffindor shithead. "Oh, he will pay for that once I'm male again," she whispers furiously. "I'm not much of a threat as a female, though I'm sure I could hex his arse into the next week."
Harriet smiles at Dracelle and rubs her back gently. "Oh, you really are quite strong and intimidating as a lady," she says with a soft smile, sliding her hand into Dracelle's free one. "Not to mention sexy and hot as fuck." She brought Dracelle's hand up to her mouth and kissed it.
That made Dracelle grin.
There was a sudden flash of light beside Dracelle, and a strange sound like someone sneezing. Ron looked at Hermione with confusion, but she just smiled and put her phone down on the table. This was for Harry after all.
Severus glares at the few Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor boys that he had seen wolf whistling at his son – no – daughter. How bloody dare they. He realised he has more responsibility for parenting Harry and Draco now that they're ladies. But he's sure Mrs Granger can take care of his son-daughter if Harry needs it, and Mrs Parkinson can help out Draco.
"Merlin, Harry looks a lot like..." Remus trailed off, looking over at Harry who was reminding him of Lily, his other good friend who used to join him in the library to study and talk about and give advice about their love interests. At that time, it was Sirius for him and James for Lily. It was only Harriet's hair that was the only difference that brought him back to the present.
"Lily, I know," Severus mutters, staring down into his cup of tea. "And Draco looks more like Narcissa than Lucius. But if one of those bloody boys whistles at Harry again, I'll make them clean out my classroom for the entire year, or until I'm satisfied with how tired they are."
Remus laughs and steals Severus' tea from him, only to take a sip to fill his insides with comfortable warmth. "You could do that," he says, giving Severus his tea back when he notices Severus' raised brow. "Or you could just give them a warning. If they so happen to keep up their attitude, then you could give them that punishment but instead of a year, make it a few weeks."
"Oh, fine," Severus says, knowing that Remus had the right ideas. But he had his own punishments for his students.
Harriet remembered which hand she had used to touch Dracelle, so she put that one under the table on her lap and used the other to dish her plate up with food. She decided on a ham and cheese toasty which was bloody delicious. Dracelle had a cucumber and cheese sandwich, and Harriet watched her eat it with a smile.
Dracelle caught Harriet staring at her, and so she stared back. "I still can't believe this happened to us," she said, nudging Harriet in the arm with her elbow. "And to think, we could tell our future kids this."
Harriet nods with a soft laugh, thinking about the possibility of having a kid with Dracelle and what it would be like. But she realized something. "You said kids," she then says slowly, uncertain if what Dracelle said meant what she was thinking. "Do you want more than one then? Two or three?"
Dracelle thought about that for a second, before nodding her head with a smile. "Yes, I want kids with you," she tells him lightly, flushing a little at the thought of giving birth to a child. "I don't know how many, but we'll think about that in the future."
"Great," Harriet grins, excited for the future. But she has to focus on the present. Fifteen minutes later, Harriet and Dracelle had exited the Great Hall and were heading up to Gryffindor Tower. When they arrived and entered the boy's dormitory, they found Seamus on his bed smiling down at something. It looked like pieces of paper. Beside him on his bed was a messy stack of more paper.
"What have you got there, Seamus?" Harriet asked, leading Dracelle by the hand to her bed. She tilts her head to get a better view of what Seamus was looking at and thinks that she sees a face.
"Oh, just some drawings Dean drew over the years," Seamus tells them in a muffled voice, his eyes never leaving the paper as if the drawings are mesmerising him. He remembered the first time he noticed Dean's drawings. The first one was a drawing of him in his first year nibbling on the tip of the quill while he was doing his first-ever Transfiguration homework.
"Sounds intriguing," Dracelle says, moving the curtains of Harriet's bed out of the way so she could sit down. "You wouldn't mind if we see it, do you?"
Before Seamus could reply, Harriet rushed over and gasped at the drawings she was seeing. She remembered watching Dean draw a lion's head for a Gryffindor banner in their first year. He really is a talented artist, Dean is. "That's so good!" she says, looking down at the very detailed drawing of Seamus sitting by the fireplace in the common room laughing, and another of Seamus lying down on his bed staring up at the ceiling, one of Ron and Harry eating Bertie Bots Every Flavour Beans on Ron's bed. Neville was a little to the side of Ron, staring out the window.
"There are hundreds more drawings of us over the years," Seamus mumbles, taking the paper on top off and putting it to the side with the others. "But there's more of me. I love them all, honestly."
Dracelle had gotten up and gone over to have a look at the drawings herself. "Where am I?" she asks, amazed at the drawings that Dean Thomas had drawn over the years. "Or hasn't he drawn me before?" She would have said that she didn't care if she had been drawn, but really, it would be nice.
"Oh, yer in the pile somewhere," Seamus says, glancing beside him at the messy pile of drawings. "Ye're mostly with Harry."
Dracelle smiled. She liked hearing that. A warm hand closed around her hand, and she looked down at the arm, and then up at Harriet who walked her back to Harriet's bed. Harriet was smirking, and Dracelle understood what she wanted. Sex. But she doesn't know how to have sex with a female as a female. Well, okay, maybe she knows a little since she grew up with Pansy, her lesbian best friend and had to hear about her regrettably ranting about her first time with one of the Beuxbattons students.
Harriet got into bed first, taking off her sneakers with her feet, sitting on the edge of her bed, and she watched hungrily as Dracelle gets in and crawls over to her. Merlin, just look at the way she moves, Harriet was thinking, feeling excited for what's to come.
Heart thumping in her chest, Dracelle pushes Harriet's legs out and leans down on her, her thighs in between Harriet's legs, her hair falling over her shoulders, and she kisses her deeply. Harriet sighs ravenously, opening her mouth for Dracelle to push her tongue inside but she doesn't. Harriet, quietly groaning with restlessness, snakes a hand around Dracelle's waist and turns them both over so she's on top of Dracelle, staring down at her with need and love.
Seamus doesn't want to see what happens in Harriet's bed, so he flicks his wand at the bed and all the drapes around Harriet's bed shut close.
Harriet doesn't even notice the drapes shutting close all around her, she was too distracted by the beauty of Draco – of Dracelle. She loves the way Dracelle's blonde hair is sprawled out over her pillows, just for her to see, and she pulls Dracelle's shirt out of the hem of her skirt, just wanting to start loving her in ways she hasn't experienced before that made her think this was all a dream, but it wasn't.
Dracelle leaned up and took her black shirt off, throwing it over Harriet's shoulder with a smile, and Harriet stared down at Dracelle's grey bra, licking her lips. "You going to take it off, or shall I?" the Slytherin asks quietly, staring up into pools of emerald green filled with lust and hunger.
Harriet didn't answer, her hands over Dracelle's stomach, basking in the warmth and softness of Dracelle's skin against her hands. She moved them up until her fingers touched the silky material of Dracelle's grey bras, and she kept going, cupping her hand over one of Dracelle's boobs and curiously flicking her thumb over the round nipple.
Dracelle sighed gently at the feeling, and how focused and amazed Harriet looked. It was nothing like having his nipples touched and rubbed on when she was male, how it made him harder. But as a woman, she could feel that odd sensation down below of a slight pool of warm wetness.
Harriet smiled coyly and reached behind Dracelle to undo the bra, and she let the bra fall onto Dracelle's lap. She couldn't look away from Dracelle's full breasts and her light pink nipples, and she didn't know what to do next. She was stunned. But she thought about a few things she could do to this beautiful woman underneath her. She gently pushed Dracelle down flat onto the mattress with her hand on her belly and leaned down, tucking her dark hair over her ear so it doesn't bother her, and attaching her lips to Dracelle's neck and began her trail of kisses.
Dracelle gasped quietly as Harriet's soft lips found the sweet spot on her neck, the same place which was on her male body. Harriet bit into that sweet spot and sucked hard, and Dracelle moaned, her hands gliding to Harriet's waist and around to her booty which she gave a squeeze.
Harriet tore her mouth away from Dracelle's neck, admiring the hickey she gave her, and she quickly grabbed the end of her sweater and shirt and pulled them over her head with her bra as well, dumping them behind her. Dracelle "Oh"ed quietly as she stared at Harriet's breasts, and she curiously reached up to grab one, feeling its smooth softness and rubbing gently at one of the dark pink nipples.
Harriet sighed with happiness and leaned back down, pressing her body against Dracelle's, and moving slightly so her light pink nipples rubbed against Harriet's dark pink ones. Suddenly, Harriet hears the sound of a zipper moving down. She sat back up, looking down at Dracelle's hand which was unzipping her blue jeans. She chuckles and shakes her head and Dracelle grabbed Harriet's calloused hands and brought them to her own breasts. Harriet helped them, squeezing Dracelle's boobs gently, and rolling the light pink buds with her thumbs. Dracelle's eyes met Harriet's, and they knew what they both wanted.
Harriet lowered her hands to Dracelle's hips and pulled down her green tartan skirt, exposing her dark grey underwear and a familiar delicious aroma raised to her nostrils. Harriet could tell Dracelle was quite aroused by the wet patch she could see on Dracelle's undies. But she too was aroused by the feeling of warmth in her own underwear from the teasing and the sight of her girlfriend.
Dracelle used her feet to try and pull Harriet's jeans down, but it didn't work until Harriet quickly unbuttoned the top button and then pulled them down herself, discarding them by her shirt and sweater. She lowers her hands to Dracelle's hips and gripped them tightly as she rolled her lower region against hers. A shot of ecstasy went up Harriet's spine at a blinding speed, and so she continued her movements, throwing herself and Dracelle into heaven. Going lower, Harriet touched the wet spot between Dracelle's legs on her undies to find that the spot was getting wetter and wetter. It was so... different and incredible! Dracelle had moaned and pressed up on Harriet's hand but then growled when Harriet withdrew her hand and instead, pulled down her grey undies.
Harriet looked down at the soaked patch of neatly trimmed blonde hair. She had this urge to just stuff her face in it and lick Dracelle dry, but she told herself to wait. The sight of her beautiful body amazed Harriet, reminding her of an angel from the heavens above. She lowered her body onto Dracelle's once again, pressing their chests together, and making them both moan softly, and Harriet pressed wet open-mouthed kisses along Dracelle's collarbone and down the valley of her breasts.
Dracelle raised her hands and buried them in Harriet's messy dark hair, holding Harriet to her. A soft moan vibrated Harriet's throat, and she rolled her hips against Dracelle's, and Dracelle nipped at a spot on the inside of Harriet's breast, just an inch above the valley. "D-Draco..."
Dracelle's mouth was busy, but she managed to slip a hand between their bodies and hooked Harriet's underwear with her thumb. Harriet seemed to understand as she got off for a moment to take off her underwear, placing them behind her, before she pounced back onto Dracelle with a grin, opening Dracelle's legs up again.
Dracelle looked at Harriet's body with curious eyes, before her silver eyes focused on the patch of black hair on the Gryffindor's vulva. She didn't know what to think of it all. She's not attracted to females, but boy, Harriet was very nice looking. Harriet continued her kisses down the valley of Dracelle's boobs, down her stomach, past her belly button until she reached the start of the blonde hair where the sweet scent was the strongest.
"Goodness," Harriet whispers, a sudden different hunger growing in her stomach. It was taunting her to try Dracelle. Before she could decide on what to do first, she returned her hand to the soaked patch of blonde hair and rolled Dracelle's clit with her forefinger. Dracelle threw her head back to the side and moaned as Harriet gave her pleasure. Harriet kept up the rubbing, and she leaned down over Dracelle, pressing her face between Dracelle's breasts again, kissing between, then up the left breast, sucking and nibbling gently at her nipple, then repeating up the right while Dracelle whined for more. Harriet toyed with Dracelle for a few moments more, watching as Dracelle's mouth parted to pant lightly, and then she moved her forefinger lower.
"Please, Harry," Dracelle mumbled in barely an audible voice. "Harriet."
Harriet smiles, amused, and shoved her forefinger into Dracelle's slick, hot, opening. Dracelle gasped loudly and arched her back, closing the space between their bodies. Harriet slid her finger out, and then back in at a painfully slow pace. Dracelle squirmed and growled under her breath as Harriet continued to finger-fuck her. "Harry..."
Harriet smirked at the exasperation and plea in Dracelle's voice. She pulled her finger out and brought it up to her lips. Dracelle looked over at her closely, as if she was wanting to know why Harriet had stopped all of a sudden when it was feeling incredible. With the scent of Dracelle on her fingers, Harriet licked at them, tasting her sweetness with her tongue. She tasted just as sweet as she smelt. "Merlin..."
Harriet leaned back down, and without giving Dracelle any time to comprehend what she was about to do, she pushed her face into Dracelle's glistening folds, licking, and sucking at the clit. Dracelle began breathing heavily, and Harriet pressed her middle finger into Dracelle's tight hole, sliding in and out slowly as she continued sucking at her clit, and Dracelle wrapped her legs around Harriet's head, pulling her tighter in.
Harriet replaced her finger with her tongue, moving between gently pulling and sucking at Dracelle's clit with her lips and licking her dripping pussy. Dracelle began to shake, shuddering as Harriet pushed her tongue deeper inside.
"Ohhhh, Haaarrry," Dracelle moaned, and Harriet smiled into her pussy.
Lapping up her juices as they poured out of her, Harriet swallowed them without hesitation, and Dracelle's legs acted as posts to prevent Harriet from moving as she was licking her. Dracelle was shaking now, and moaning while Harriet sucked harder and harder, and Dracelle's hips began bucking into her mouth, pressing up onto her tongue. Dracelle's breathing became heavier and louder until she screamed, riding out her orgasm. Harriet felt a wave of warm liquid roll over her tongue, and she licked it all up, sucking it out and swallowing her juices, making Dracelle shiver with pleasure.
"Well, that was an experience I'm glad I shared with you," Harriet says, hoisting herself up to lay on her spent girlfriend with a grin.
"Yeah, it was," Dracelle's voice was husky as if she was still in the high from her orgasm. She took a moment to breathe, and her eyes met Harriet's. "Harry, I love you."
Harriet's grin seemed to widen. "I love you too, Draco," she replies back softly, nestling her head under Dracelle's chin. "More than you could ever know."
"What are you doing?" Dracelle asked, as if a little confused. "It's my turn now."
"Oh," Harriet said, perking her head up from under Dracelle's chin to look into those silver orbs surrounded by long blonde eyelashes. "I thought you didn't want to."
"What makes you think that?" Dracelle asks at once. She thought of something that Harriet might be thinking about which made her laugh. "Just because I'm not attracted to girls as a male, doesn't mean I'm not attracted to you whether you're male or female. I'll always love you, no matter what your gender or sexuality is."
"Oh," Harriet says again, her cheeks blushing red, and she tucked a loose strand of black hair behind her ears that fell forward. "Then, Dracelle Malfoy, make love with me."
"With pleasure," Dracelle says lightly, turning them both around with a giggle until she was over Harriet's naked body.
Outside of Harry's bed, Seamus sat on his bed with his hands tightly over his ears in shock at what he had heard coming from Harry's bed. He heard two girls moan, and it was Harry and Draco, as girls. He knows he's scarred for life now. It's going to haunt him, but he hopes not. This day was getting crazier by the minute.
He wants to find Dean. In fact, where is his boyfriend? He decided to go find him quickly just so he was out of the dormitory, and he ended up walking into Dean halfway down to the common room. "Oh, Dean," he says at once, relieved to see such a handsome familiar face. "Don't go up there. It's not good for yer health, really."
Dean took a moment to study his boyfriend, before raising an eyebrow. "Um, why shouldn't I go up there and why does it affect my health?" he asks slowly and curiously. He then chuckled as he thought of what his boyfriend could have done. "Seamus, you didn't blow anything up again by accident, did you?"
"No," Seamus drawls, putting an arm around Dean and leading him back downstairs. "I wouldn't dare try magic in the dorm for that exact reason. "It's Draco and Harry – err Dracelle and Harriet – they're having sex."
Two fourth-years below them on the staircase stopped and stared at Dean and Seamus after hearing that disturbing news.
"As long as they're having fun and it's not on our bed, then that's fine," Dean tells him quietly, rushing past the two students with Seamus by his side, his dark cheeks a little red from being overheard.
"They're having fun alright," Seamus mutters with a scowl. "I, unfortunately, sat through their first round." Dean burst out laughing, leaving Seamus just smiling at him, his heart doing flips, though he wants to feel a little annoyed at Dean for laughing at him, but he couldn't. "It's not funny, Dean. It was really disturbing! You try sitting through and hearing all that lesbian stuff."
Dean's laughter died away, replaced by just a soft chuckle and a bright smile. "Alright, sorry," he says gently, intertwining their hands together without even looking down because he knows Seamus' hand is down by his side, as it always is. "I feel sorry for Draco now. Living with sisters myself, I know girls go through...monthly things. I overheard Professor Snape say that it could take him weeks to make the antidote for Draco, and that's after finding the time to buy the required rare ingredients he needs."
"Oh, that's tough," Seamus says as they enter the common room, seeing Crookshanks shitting in the corner of the common room, Hermione not even noticing while she just reads her book about... Lord of The Rings? Ah, yes, Lord of The Rings. And Ron's snoring his face off with a tissue over his mouth that keeps levitating up with every breath he exhales that was probably put there by some bored idiot. "But at least it seemed like Draco is enjoying being Dracelle. If that's even true."
"Yeah," Dean replies.
Hermione looks up from her book at them. "Oh, have you guys seen Harriet and Dracelle?" she asks them immediately. "We've been looking for them."
"I'll leave you to answer that, babe," Dean says, kissing Seamus' cheek with a grin and petting his back, then walked away and up to Ron to wake him up before he chokes on the tissue.
"Dean," Seamus grumbled, rolling his eyes with annoyance. Why's he left to tell where Draco and Harry are...? He looks back at Hermione who's waiting for an answer. "Well... Harriet and Dracelle are upstairs... having sex."
"Oh?" said Hermione curiously. "Oh," she says again but firmly, giggling and hiding her smile with her book. "I hope they're having fun then."
"Yeah," Seamus replies sardonically. "Fun. Sure." He knows they're having lots of fun. Too much of it. Maybe he wants sex with Dean. But he doesn't want to do it while two fricking girls are in the dorm, even if they were formally guys.
Dracelle lay down on her side next to a panting Harriet who was still high over her orgasm. The taste of Harriet was still on her tongue, though she kind of liked it because it was Harry after all, and they were just experimenting as women. It was actually quite fun. "Should we get dressed and do something before our next class, Harry?" she asks after a moment.
Harriet remembered she had Transfiguration next, but it wasn't with Dracelle, unfortunately. "I'd rather we stay in bed for a little while longer," she says, leaning up and turning over so she faced the blonde Slytherin. She was still thinking about the sex she had with Dracelle, and how the Slytherin made her feel incredible in such a different way. "But sure, yes." Dracelle smiles and cups Harriet's chin, kissing her quickly, and Harriet chuckles in the kiss, wrapping her arms around Dracelle and pulling her down on top of her.
After the little make-out session, they got dressed back into their clothes and headed down to the common room, their hands intertwined. When they entered the common room, all eyes turned to them. There were only a few people in the common room, mainly Harriet's dorm mates except Neville, and a few younger Gryffindors.
"Did you two have fun?" Hermione had asked with a giggle, noticing Harriet's hair was sticking up at some ends, and Dracelle's hair looked a little messy too.
"Yes," Harriet muttered, grinning as she pulls up her pants an inch higher. He spots Dean and Seamus sitting together by the window, and Ron seated on the maroon armchair, Hermione's head on his lap as she read. "It was interesting. Oh, and Dean, Seamus, you should try it sometime. It's great."
Dean looked at Seamus and wriggled his eyebrows playfully, and Seamus snorts and shakes his head, his face blushing red at the attention he had suddenly gotten. "Nay, I don't want to be a girl," Seamus says, a displeased look on his face.
"Aw, why not?" Harriet asks, and beside her, Dracelle was giggling. "It's a wonderful experience!"
"We'll think about it, Harry," Dean tells her, though he doubted he and Seamus would ever change genders for the day. It wasn't on their agenda. But it would be an experience, but he's still not sure if he wants to do such a thing.
"Good," Harriet says, pleased. "Oh, and I love the drawings, Dean. They're very good."
Dean nodded. He doesn't mind people other than Seamus seeing his drawings. It's nice to just be recognized. "Thank you, Harry. But-"
"- Ron, get up!" snapped Hermione, quickly getting to her feet. "It's time for Transfigurations. Up!" Ron got up at once, and Hermione turned to Harriet and Dracelle. "What are you waiting for? Get your books! You two, Seamus and Dean!"
"Alright," Harriet says, and she turns to Dracelle and kisses her goodbye as she knows Dracelle has Ancient Runes when she has Transfiguration. "I'll see you later?"
Dracelle nods and quickly gives Harriet one last kiss, then smiles at her with a blush on her cheeks and decides to leave to go find Pansy for Ancient Runes. When Dracelle leaves, Harriet heads back up to the dormitory just to grab her book bag and the required book she needed for her last class of the day and heads back downstairs to Ron and Hermione.
Transfiguration was boring, though learning how to Transfigure Feather Dusters into Ferrets was amusing as it reminded her of Draco and his Ferrety situation back in Fourth Year. Harriet noticed most of the Ravenclaw boys were looking her way, so she sent them all glares and told Hermione about them. Hermione just told her to ignore them, but it was hard when Harriet could feel the boys' eyes watching her from behind. She just wants to transfigure them all into Ferrets. If only Professor Moody taught her the spell.
After class on their way back to Gryffindor Tower, Harriet even asked Hermione why the hell boys had a sudden interest in her. "I mean... why are they being this way?' she asks Hermione, holding her books to her chest while continuing her ranting. "It's fricking annoying!"
"Harry, your parents, from the pictures I've seen of them, were very good-looking," Hermione informs her. "And so, your genetics come from them, obviously, which include their attractiveness."
"So, what you're telling me is that I'm hot?" Harriet asks her with a grin. She didn't believe it at all if it were true. Ron was just smiling, looking ahead of them, and listening carefully to the conversation.
Hermione pauses for a moment. "Yes," she then replies, a light blush rising to her cheeks. "You're very good-looking, especially as a girl. It's why so many boys and girls are ogling you, Harry."
Harriet didn't know she was gaining the attention of girls too. She thinks of Dracelle again, and she hopes Dracelle doesn't have to deal with any boys staring and whistling at her. If she does find out, she'll be on a killing spree by Midnight tonight.
It turns out as Harriet sat with Dracelle for dinner at the Slytherin table, that Dracelle was too busy focusing on her Ancient Runes work than worrying about being stared at. It relieved Harriet a little, but she still didn't get any answer about if boys were annoying Dracelle all throughout the lesson. Harriet told herself she was worrying too much, so she stuffed her face with mashed potatoes to try and forget about the topic.
Pansy was disgusted with how Harriet was eating. She was eating like a damn boy. But she knew Crabbe and Goyle were worse. "Slow down, will you?" she hissed at her. "You're supposed to eat like a lady, slowly and with manners. Didn't Hermione ever teach you etiquette?"
Harriet glared her way and then burped, and Dracelle shook her head fondly at Harry with a giggle.
Pansy wrinkled her nose. "Disgusting," she mutters.
"Etiquette doesn't exist in Gryffindor, darling," Harriet mocks Pansy's former language as she pours peas over the rest of her mashed potatoes. "I doubt it's in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff either. I wouldn't be surprised if all of Slytherin know the etiquette."
"Of course, we know the etiquette, Harry," Dracelle says, pouring gravy over her chicken. "We grew up with it. Every time you've been over to my family's manor, our dining tables always have the correct number of sized forks, spoons, plates, and knives. You must have acknowledged it at some point."
Harriet thought back to the latest dinner at Malfoy Manor she had. She does remember seeing lacy placemats, and different-sized utensils on each side of the two plates which always had a small plate inside the bigger one for some reason. "Oh, I remember," she says lightly in thought with a nod. "I've never known which fork, spoon, and knife to use for dinner and lunch. It's all confusing!"
Pansy gasped loudly. "What an insult," she says with disapproval, shaking her head. "And I can't believe you don't trust me alone with Dracelle. I may find her quite attractive, but I know my limits. And besides, I'm officially dating Daphne now."
Harriet just laughs awkwardly, knowing Dracelle probably told Pansy about her jealousy over how Pansy and Daphne got to see Dracelle undressing before Harriet. How utterly embarrassing.
"Oh, we had a feeling about you and Daph, Pansy," Dracelle says softly while slicing up her chicken into small bite-sized pieces. "We didn't get to see you and Daphne make out, but Hermione told Harry who then told me that it was quite nice. Hermione's happy for you, Pansy. And so am I and Harry."
"Mhmm," Harriet mumbles with a nod, her mouth filled with mashed potatoes again.
After dinner, Harriet and Dracelle went their separate ways to their house dormitories to sleep. She had given Hermione her bras and undies back last night after showering and putting her pyjamas on over her naked self in the girl's bathroom, but Hermione didn't touch the used bra and undies and told Harriet to put them in the laundry basket. Before Harriet went to sleep, she downed the potion, set it back on her bedside table, and as her head touched the pillow, she was asleep before she knew it.
Harry woke the next morning and felt for his glasses on the bedside table. He puts them on, yawns and gets out of bed, scratching at his head. He realized his hair was back to its normal size, and with a quick scan and feel of his body, he sighed with relief when feeling his chest and dick in his pants. He's a man again.
"Morning, Harry," said Seamus, lying beside Dean on his bed with a smile. "Did you have a great dream last night?"
Harry looked at him, then at Dean, and Ron had even joined the two on Dean's bed. "What dream?" he asks flatly. He knows what happened to him yesterday wasn't a dream. It felt too real. Unless it was a dream...? No. He believes it's not a dream.
"Oh, you know, the one you had that kept you in bed for an entire day?" Ron tells him, fiddling with his loose tie, not being bothered with tightening it up. "We couldn't wake you up yesterday. You've got a detention for it too from McGonagall."
Harry shook his head. That has got to be a joke. "Come on, guys," he says, a little disappointed at them for trying to trick him to believe something so silly. "Don't joke around."
Ron had started laughing, making what he had told Harry to seem even more unbelievable.
"We're not lying," said Seamus at once, grinning broadly, though Harry could tell Seamus looked like he was going to laugh. "We're really not."
Harry rolled his eyes, closed the curtains around him and started dressing into his uniform. He looks at Dean after dressed sometime later, hoping he'll give Harry an insight as to if he really slept an entire day, but Dean just shrugged at him and put on his shoes. That didn't really help Harry at all. Ron had already gotten dressed and headed to the common room.
Harry found Hermione in the common room reading by one of the large windows. Ron, however, wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Hermione, did I really sleep through an entire day?" he asks her, not bothering with the fact that he disturbed her silent reading.
"No, Harry," Hermione says, not looking up at him as if what she's reading is more important than the odd conversation they were having. "The boys were just being jerks to you. Just ignore them, as I told you yesterday when you were being stared at."
"So that means..." Harry trailed off with a smile. It means Draco's still a woman. Unless Severus brewed the antidote overnight, but that wouldn't be possible. He needs the rare ingredients, whatever they are.
"Yes, Harry," Hermione says, finally looking up at him from her book. "You were a woman yesterday, and it's nothing to be ashamed of if you were viewing it negatively."
"I'm not ashamed," Harry says at once, shaking his head quickly. Why would he be ashamed when it was a really fun day? "I'm just... surprised. Surprised that it actually happened. And I had lesbian sex with Draco – Dracelle."
"She's still Dracelle, Harry," Hermione reminds him, her brows raised at what Harry admitted to the others in the common room. There weren't many, thank goodness. Only like... fifteen students. "I know because I've seen her."
"You've seen Draco today?" Harry asks blankly, but as soon as he asked, he felt arms snake around him from behind. It scared him but not enough to jump away and start throwing punches. Thank the Lords he didn't do the latter because Dracelle, wearing the Slytherin girl's uniform, was behind Harry, a grin on her lips, and she tightened her grip around Harry.
Harry!" Dracelle says brightly, moving around him and leaning up for a morning kiss. Harry, smiling as he has to lean down a little to kiss her back because she was just a tiny fraction smaller than him, he wraps his arms around her and lifts her up against the closest wall. "Harry put me down!" she suddenly snaps, leaning away from the kiss. "I'm wearing a bloody skirt!"
"Sorry," Harry mutters, face colouring as he puts her back down on the ground. He notices the height difference again and smirks. Dracelle's around two inches shorter than him. "I'm finally taller than you." Dracelle rolls her eyes.
"For now," Dracelle says, crossing her arms and leaning forward. "You just wait until I'm male again, then I'd be taller. Taller than you."
"Mmm, sure," Harry says, though he knows that will be true. Draco's an inch taller than him when male.
"Come on, you two," Hermione says, walking over to the common room exit but facing them. "We've got to get to breakfast." A sudden hiss stopped Hermione in her tracks, and she backed away, scared. "S-snake!" she shouts. All eyes were on her, and then the snake and most of the students in the common room scream and get on top of the tables and chairs.
A large orange-red snake slithered past her ankles, its brown eyes wide, and its tongue poking out. A young girl with blonde hair rushed after the snake, loudly saying, "Sorry, sorry! Asmodeus, come back here!" It was Rosette. Her brother was just sitting with his two mates, laughing at them and everyone else who was scared of the snake.
Dracelle shrieks and jumps into Harry's arms, and Harry just smiles at her and chuckles as if not scared that a snake was in the Common Room.
"A snake?!" Hermione snaps at the young girl, who winces but continues trying to catch her pet. "Why do you have a snake in the Common Room when it is more than likely a student will get bitten? Do you know how dangerous that is?"
"Asmodeus won't bite anyone," Rosette says as she chases her snake around the common room, eventually ducking behind the maroon armchair to try and see where her snake disappeared to under a chair. "She knows not to, and her venom is not poisonous. She's my pet, I love her."
"Pet!" Hermione spits. "You're not allowed a snake as a pet. Only either an Owl, Rat or a Toad."
Rosette finally grabs her snake from under the maroon armchair and puts it around her neck. "Well, actually, the letter I retrieved from McGonagall last year says I can take my own pet." She walks towards Hermione and pushes Asmodeus' head in Hermione's face. "So, I brought my snake. Look! Isn't she cute?"
"Yes," Hermione drawls, leaning her head away from the snake's head. "Very cute..."
Rosette grins and kisses her snake on the head. "My brother has his green Iguana up in his common room," she says. "His name is Haku. Very friendly little Iguana. He likes to take Haku on walks around the corridors every now and then, and out on the grounds so Haku can do his business."
Hermione was in disbelief. She'll have a chat with McGonagall later just to be sure. "Very well," she mumbles.
"Would you like to hold her?" Rosette asks Hermione, but the older witch shakes her head and turns away. "She really isn't scary, you know. How about you, Harry? Would you like to hold Asmodeus?"
"Um... sure," Harry says, and once Dracelle slipped behind Harry, peeking her head over Harry's shoulder, Harry extended his arms out for the snake. Rosette comes up to him and stands up on her tiptoes to put Asmodeus around Harry's neck, and Harry gets a feel of the snake in his arms and around his neck, the weight of her weighing down on him. "She's a pretty snake. Hello, Asmodeus." He didn't realize he spoke Parseltongue.
Asmodeus looks at Harry at once. "Hello, Harry Potter," she says. "It'sss nice to finally meet you for once except jussst hearing about you."
Harry smiles. "Nice to meet you too," he replies. A hand to the side of Harry gradually comes up and pets Asmodeus' orange-red scaly skin. It was Dracelle's hand. "What do you feed her?" he asks Rosette.
"Mice and rats," Rosette says, and on the other side of the common room, a boy hides his white mouse under his robe. "I feed her once every seven days. Snakes don't need to eat every day."
Harry nods. That fact he didn't know. He gives her Asmodeus back with a quick "Thank You", and then turns to Dracelle and holds out his hand. "Breakfast, my gorgeous lady?" he asks her, suddenly hearing giggles all around him.
Dracelle blushes and puts her hand in Harry's with a nod. "Yes, I'd love to," she replies lightly. Harry grins and kisses her hand, then takes her down to breakfast.
"WATCH OUT!" shouted a Hufflepuff male with an accent that was so strong, yet it wasn't British. A large white moose the size of a car galloped down the corridor, past Harry and Dracelle who backed up against the wall. It scared them at first until they realized the moose was a Patronus.
"Jesus," Harry pants, a hand over his heart as he watched the kid run after the Patronus. What a peculiar Patronus. Nothing he's ever seen before. "A Moose?"
"That moose certainly looks interesting to ride on through the school," Dracelle suddenly says, pressing herself into Harry's side. "A bit too bumpy though. But..." she walks her fingers up Harry's chest, "it's not the only thing I want to ride." She nudges Harry in the side, and Harry begins to laugh.
"Oh, really?" Harry laughs, red in the face with growing need. Merlin, Draco's just something else. Sexy, and sometimes a little odd. "Merlin. Enough of that, we have breakfast to go to, and then we depart to our classes."
"Alright," Dracelle says, grinning.
Dearest mother,
I have unfortunate news. I am now officially a female. It all happened in Potions the other day with Harry when we were brewing the Gender Swap Potion for animals. Harry did something, possibly accidentally; he put something in my cauldron he shouldn't have, and the Potion exploded and covered us with this purple smoke. When it cleared, I noticed Harry was then a girl. And I was too. Severus only had one batch of antidote, and eventually, Harry took it. But he decided that it was only fair if he stayed a girl for the rest of the day.
So, Harry and I continued that day as females. He and I – she - experimented a little too. She and I had sex, is what I mean. Lesbian sex. It was pretty... nice. Peculiar, but pleasant. So, help me, mother, as I've been whistled at by males in the Slytherin common room, in all of my classes, and in the Great Hall. It happened to Harriet (the female name Harry goes by) too. But when male Harry's there with me, thankfully it doesn't happen.
Did this occur to you growing up? Merlin, I'd feel penitent for you. This is absolute torture! How did you get used to it? It's bloody annoying as hell! I just want to hex all those males into the next week!
Anyway, got to go to bed. Oh, and thankfully I'm still sleeping in the boy's dorm with Blaise. I don't want to sleep in the girl's dorms. I trust them, but I trust Blaise more. He kind of walks with me to the boy's bathroom just so I can shower or use the toilet. He doesn't exactly trust any of the younger Slytherin men with new meat so close to them. New meat meaning me.
Love you lots. <3
Your son, daughter,
Dracelle. (Draco)
Narcissa laughed as she read her son's letter. Well, her daughter's letter. She couldn't believe her only son had an accident in Potion's class, and it changed her son into the female version of him. Oh, what a story to tell Lucius! She's always wanted a daughter, but when she had Draco, she instantly fell in love with her baby like any mother would.
She nearly cackled when she read that Harry was too changed and was named Harriet by others. But it was only for a day, so Harry's back to Harry now. She thought about all that for a second. If the Potion Severus is making doesn't work, then she could have a daughter for the rest of her life, and Harry and Draco can have kids. It doesn't sound so bad, but she wants her son back. Her dear son. She just wishes her daughter – she still can't get over that word – well and hopes for the best.
She writes back to Dracelle as follows:
My Dracelle,
Oh, what adventures you're on! Welcome to womanhood. I can't wait until you're on your very first period. Remember to ask Pansy to take you to Severus' Potion Storeroom and grab the 'monthly needs' Potion. Pansy will know which Potion it is and will tell you how to use it and which is more comfortable for you.
You say Harry could be to blame for this. That doesn't bother me, as long as the transformation didn't hurt you. Let's just hope Harry learned from his mistakes. It was nice of him to stay as a woman for the rest of the day for you. And oh my, you've tried something new, some new experiences in bed. How wonderful! It's good to experiment.
Oh, you have so much to learn. Just ignore the men wanting your attention. You're taken by Harry, darling. It shouldn't bother you if these boys are whistling at you. And it just means that they think you're good-looking.
Lucius and I have made the perfect son. But in your case, daughter. We love you.
I remembered being cat-called a few times in my teenage years. It was fun while it lasted until it got annoying, and I started dating your father. Bellatrix got more attention than I did, which was something I preferred. The easiest thing is to ignore the men, Draco. You should be too distracted by Harry to even notice the men wanting your attention.
I hope things are well at school other than your gender situation.
Love, your mother. :)
Harry was down in the Great Hall on a Saturday morning with Ron and Hermione getting breakfast at Gryffindor Table before they head to Hogsmeade. Though Harry was waiting on Dracelle to finish eating her breakfast with Pansy, Blaise, and Daphne at the Slytherin's table.
"So, Harry, what are you and Dracelle doing today?" Hermione had asked with a smile, filling a bowl of cornflakes with warm milk. Beside her, Ron was stuffing his face with French Toast. "You taking her to Madam Puddifoot's tea shop for a date?"
"Probably," Harry muttered, deciding on what to eat for breakfast out of porridge, toast, French toast, or scrambled eggs. "I don't know what we'll do. Something fun, I hope." He had dished himself a bowl of porridge and dug in.
Dracelle was eating her porridge and watched Daphne neatly plait her hair, a little curious about how to do that exactly. She was never taught, after all, growing up as a boy. She smiles as Harry joins her on the table with a kiss good morning. "Hello, darling."
"Hi, my dear," Harry replies lightly, sitting down beside the blonde Slytherin witch. He noticed how warm she looked with her white cashmere sweater, black winter boots, and dark green tartan asymmetrical skirt. "Since it's Hogsmeade weekend, is there anything, in particular, you want to do in Hogsmeade today?"
"Oh," Dracelle says flatly, and she frowns a little. "I would honestly love to, but Harry, think about this first. I don't want the public thinking you're dating someone else unless they know of all this that happened." She gestured to herself. "And I don't want to go out in public anyway. What if the paparazzi start taking photos? Or do they start questioning us? I don't want to be stared at, whispered about, and probably laughed at."
Harry just nodded. He wouldn't want that for her either. "I understand," he says gently, rubbing at her arm before intertwining their hands together. "What do you want to do instead?"
"Oh, I don't know," Dracelle says, listing the things she and Harry can do together in her mind. "There's a ton of things we can do together. Visiting the garden, relaxing somewhere, cuddling, exploring." She was trying to give Harry ideas. It's been some time since they went to the Library's Secret Room, Garden of Amare, the Secret Musical Room or even the bedrooms.
"We can do all that today," Harry says with a little nod, admiring Dracelle deep in thought about today. "Finish eating though."
"Alright, mother," Dracelle says, rolling her eyes at Harry as she swirls her spoon around in her porridge. "But I've got a smaller stomach, you know. Being a woman, I can't eat as much as I could when I was a guy."
"Oh," Harry says. He didn't know that. But he thought about the day he was a girl too, but he didn't realize he didn't eat as much as he would.
After finishing breakfast, Harry and Draco walked out of the Great Hall with the students heading to Hogsmeade, but they just walked the corridors of Hogwarts together. They went to the Secret Music room behind the Broom cupboard and just turn on the Gramophone, listening to the music while they cuddle on the chaise together and talk about their future. Dracelle wants to visit France again, since it's her favourite place, and Harry wants to explore the world with her. Go visit Japan, Ireland, France, Mexico, and Australia. Everywhere. As long as Draco's with him.
Dracelle fell asleep after some time, and Harry dimmed the lights with his wand and brushed her blonde hair away from her closed eyes. He just listened to the calming classical music while Dracelle slept quietly beside him. He thought about how far they've come over the years, from enemies to lovers, the truce, which was quite funny to think about, the first time he and Draco kissed, their first Christmas together with Ivy, their first dance together, the first time they made love with each other. It was purely incredible. He didn't want to think about what his life would have been like without Draco in it.
About an hour later after Dracelle woke up, they went to the Garden of Amare for some time too. They walk around the garden for some time, then find a nice little hill to lie down on, looking up at the sky above them, pondering to themselves.
"Harry, I was thinking... what if the Antidote Potion doesn't work and I stay a female forever?" Dracelle asks, rolling onto her side to stare down at Harry. "I don't want to stay like this forever, you know."
"Draco, it will work," Harry assures her with a smile, reaching up to cup her cheek and caress it. "Severus has the ingredients, he went shopping yesterday, and I watched Severus make half of the potion yesterday evening. He says it's all fine and will be completed in a few days."
Dracelle sighs, thinking a few days will feel like months to her. "I hope that's true," she drawls, sitting up and leaning her weight on her arm. "I hope it's not putting any pressure on Severus by rushing this Potion."
"No, it's not," Harry says gently, shaking his head. He doesn't want Draco to stress about anything. "Severus is making the potion in his own time when he can. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. And Remus does help out if Severus needs it."
"Good," Dracelle says, and she grins as she hauls her leg over Harry's waist and sits on him. They lock eyes, and she leans down, her hands cupping his face as she presses her lips to his in a slow kiss. She could feel Harry underneath her, the bulge in his pants slightly hardening as she rocks her body back and forth on him. She doesn't know why she's doing this, except for the experiment. And knowing a part of Harry was under her, it made her feel the familiar warmth and wetness when she and Harriet made love.
All around them, the grass starts growing a little, but the two never realized it.
Harry sighed in her mouth, feeling Dracelle's arousal over his cock, seeping slightly into his jeans, and he ran his hands down her back. She was very aroused and is making him very horny even from the rutting. Merlin... He bit her bottom lip, asking for entrance, and when he got it, he slipped his tongue into her mouth.
Their tongues danced together for a while, until Dracelle leaned up from the kiss, her hands gripping Harry's shoulders as she ruts on him, Harry's bulge becoming harder and constricting his jeans. "Merlin, Harry," she whispers, wanting to rip his jeans and boxers off so she could really feel him.
Sensing her lust, Harry asks, "Do you want to...?" His hands found their way to her white cashmere sweater, and Dracelle nodded, pulling her sweater off for him. Harry then realized she was wearing a dress underneath, not just a long sleeve black shirt and a dark green plaid skirt. He was relieved she said yes, otherwise he'd have to wait for his arousal to go down before they go anywhere outside in the corridors of the castle.
As Harry sat up, Dracelle helped him out of his jacket, before she began to unbutton his shirt. Once she had it undone, they worked together to remove it completely and then she pulled the hem of his undershirt from the waist of his jeans and pulled it over his head.
After dropping the shirt on the ground, Dracelle leaned in and kissed the scar that the Killing Curse left. She planned to eliminate his awful memories one by one, but first, she needed to help him out of the rest of his clothing.
Ever so lightly, Dracelle drew her fingers down Harry's strong Quidditch-trained torso and to the trail of black hair that disappeared into his jeans. She heard him draw in a shaky breath as she moved back a few inches, and her hands expertly undid the buttons of his jeans and then pulled down the zipper. She then grabbed a hold of both his jeans and his boxers, and as Harry leaned his hips up for her, she gently pulled them towards her, revealing his most intimate bits to the outdoors.
One second, she was staring at his semi-erect manhood, and the next Harry had wrapped an arm around her waist and spun them over with a grin. It wasn't until Dracelle was flat on her back with his cock against his stomach that she realized that she had forgotten one important step: removing his shoes. Harry laughed at first, and she joined in. Their laughter echoed through the garden and surely would have attracted unwanted visitors, which were only animals. Finally, Harry rolled off her and toed off his shoes before removing his jeans and boxers completely.
Dracelle then found herself being shred of the rest of her clothing, starting with the black winter boots she had been wearing. Then Harry's hands found the hem of her dress and began to lift it up. Soon she could feel the cool air on her upper thighs and then on her stomach as her black knickers were revealed.
They ran into another stitch when Dracelle remembered that there was a zipper on the back of the dress. She rolled onto her side and Harry undid the zipper before pulling the dress over her head. With the dress out of the way, he removed the last two pieces of her clothing, her knickers and bra that matched.
It was then, when they both were naked, that Harry lowered his body next to hers. Chills ran up Dracelle's spine as Harry nibbled on her ear and then trailed kisses up her jaw, before finally pressing his lips against hers. As they kissed, she could feel him growing harder against her hip. She longed to touch him, but every time she tried to move her hand, he'd brush it away. After the third time, she pulled away from the kiss and looked up into his gorgeous green eyes. As she opened her mouth to ask why, he pressed his finger to her lips and simply said, "Later."
Dracelle moaned when, instead of returning his lips to hers, he sought out her creamy breasts. She let her eyes close as his tongue circled one of her light pink nipples. Her hands made their way to his black hair and threaded through the thick locks as he showered her breasts with attention. When he pulled away, some minutes after, her nipples were hard and swollen she knew her breast will be sporting several bruises the next day.
Beside her, one little yellow daffodil was growing from the love the garden was sensing between the couple.
Dracelle kept her eyes closed, choosing to be surprised by his next move. And she was. Harry's mouth captured her own, again, but he slid his hand down her body and to the apex of her legs. She felt him nudge her thighs with his hand and opened her legs to allow entry.
A purr escaped Dracelle's lips as Harry brushed his thumb across her swollen lips and she jerked slightly when he pressed against her sensitive clit. She would do anything he asked her to. And let him do anything he wanted to.
Dracelle let out a gasp as he placed his middle finger at the entrance of her vulva and then slid it inside. "Harry, please," she begged after a minute or so. He added a second finger, but she wanted more. She needed his manhood buried deep inside her. She wanted to know what it was like, to be fucked by her boyfriend as a lady. She never thought this would ever happen in his life, but somehow it did, and she wanted to know what it was like just this once.
Harry kissed her hard on the lips then slipped between her legs and positioned his cock at the opening of her soaked vulva. He could smell her arousal, and boy, he missed it. Well, this is it. He has never thought about sex with a girl as a guy ever. It has always been boys, and Draco, even back in 4th year.
Dracelle's eyes widened, and she whimpered a little in pain as Harry pushed into her tight hole with a groan. It was her first cock inside her after all. It's different when male because he could adjust easily to Harry's length and thickness. This was different, very different. It felt like a damn pipe had entered her. Once she was comfortable, her eyes met his. She gave him a little smile and saw the lust take over Harry's worried face.
"Are you okay?" Harry asked quietly, not noticing the yellow daisies around Dracelle's head that weren't there before. "Did it hurt?"
"A little bit," Dracelle replies. "You can um... go now."
Harry smiled and slowly slid in all the way until he couldn't any more, and out of her warm wet hole. It felt like his entire cock was covered in warm lubricant, but it was Dracelle's bodily lubricant. The feeling was so odd, but it was very nice. He still prefers arse, Draco's hard and squishy arse that always turns him on at the sight, feel, touch and taste of it over fanny though.
Harry pulled all the way out before slamming back into Dracelle, and she moaned, her eyes half closing when staring up into the Gryffindor's green eyes. She felt herself clench around Harry, and he moaned her name. "Draaco..."
Dracelle felt her whole body begin to shiver around him as Harry began to move faster, and she felt him hit a spot deep inside her that made her moan. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, feeling her orgasm creep up on her, but she closes her eyes and hummed, clenching tightly around Harry, and the Gryffindor let out a small hiss.
All at once, Dracelle felt the familiar waves of pleasure begin to intensify, and she hears the sloshing sound of Harry slamming deep into her and the smack, smack, smack of Harry's hips hitting Dracelle's thighs. Harry could sense she was close to climaxing, and he could feel the heat building up inside him and the need to release.
Dracelle feels weightless, the only indication she's still on this planet being the lungsful of oxygen she gasps as she's briefly condensed to a single point and then explodes in a spectrum of piercing bright colours. The eruption of her orgasm comes in waves. Strong, powerful, and all-encompassing. Harry's thrusts got sloppier before he came, causing Dracelle to shudder at the warmness setting down deep inside her.
"Draaaaaaco," he moaned loudly, and she felt him come inside of her. He leaned down on her after every spurt of come came out of him and into her, and he looks at her face once again with love. "Merlin..." he pants. "That was... something."
Dracelle chuckled and wrapped her arms and legs around him, keeping him inside her. "Yeah, it definitely was something," she says quietly, leaning up to lick the salty sweat off his forehead. "Another experience we had."
"What do you want to do now?" Harry asks her when he finally pulls out after a minute when his breathing had altered, and he sat on his heels. "Go for a walk, go back to one of the dorms...?" Then, he noticed the large flower field around them. "Oh..." Daffodils, daisies, tulips, buttercups, and Viola's had grown around them.
Dracelle looked around her with her head and laughed. It's Deja Vu, but just a little different. "Why don't we get dressed, then go for a walk, and after that we can go to either the Slytherin or Gryffindor House Common Room?" she suggests when looking back into his emerald green eyes.
"If it's what you want, then sure," Harry replies gently, leaning down over her to give her one last kiss before they both got dressed and walked around the gardens for a bit. Harry even thought he saw Cloudy, the bunny he found in the maze a month ago, hopping around in the forest that was down the cobblestone pathway. But there could be thousands of bunnies in the garden that they haven't seen before.
The fairy rings weren't there anymore, they noticed when heading towards the maze. They didn't bother to go inside it though. Instead, they just ventured deep into the forest together, finding different coloured mushrooms, an old stone well covered in moss, large trees that they could climb, and an apple tree – but they didn't dare pick an apple to eat just in case.
Harry climbed over a large fallen tree in their path that too was blanketed in fluffy deep green moss, and he looks beside him, expecting Dracelle to be there but she isn't. Terrified he left her behind somewhere without knowing, he swiftly turns around. No, Dracelle was behind him, but still behind the fallen tree with her arms crossed, and she tried stepping over it but didn't want to get her boots or dress dirty. What if she slipped and fell? She didn't want to risk it.
With a smile, Harry helped Dracelle over the tree, then they carried on through the forest. Deeper through the forest in the distance, they suddenly see a light. Filled with curiosity, they follow the light. They discover it's actually a campfire in the distance. But why would there be a fire when nothing human like them lived in the forest? But they remembered something.
"Fairies," Dracelle whispered, pointing at the fairy rings she saw on the ground underneath a fern tree, and she pointed out the small creatures flying around the campfire and zooming off out of sight. There were a bunch of critters around the campfire too, and two pure white unicorns, and as the couple got closer, they realized that high above them in the tops of the trees were small wooden tree houses.
They didn't want to disturb the fairies or the animals living their lives, so they turned around to head back. But in their path was a young brunette boy wearing brown leaves for clothes. His pointy ears were just seen under his acorn hat, and his large Moth wings bent down as if tired from flying.
"Hello," the boy in brown says kindly. "Who are you and what are you doing near the village?"
"Who are you?" Dracelle asks him at once.
"I'm Admon," the boy says, smiling at the two as he senses the love between them. "And you?"
"Harry Potter," says Harry, extending out his hand to shake the boy's hand. Admon didn't shake his hand.
"I'm Draco Malfoy," Dracelle says. "But it's Dracelle until err... Never mind."
"It was nice to meet you, but I have to tell you both to leave now," Admon says, taking a step to the side to show them the pathway out of the forest. It was a literal old stone pathway that had appeared when he stepped aside. It wasn't there before. "We're currently in the middle of a popular fairy ritual."
"Oh, sorry we're intruding," Harry says, wrapping an arm around Dracelle's waist as they walk around the fairy boy. "We just wanted to explore for some time. We'll leave now." Admon nodded, and in a second, he had shrunk back into his normal size and flew off to the Hollow.
"What the bloody hell are fairy rituals?" Dracelle asks as they began to follow the stone path away from the Fairy Hollow. "I've never heard of such a thing."
Harry shrugs. He wants to find out more about it too. "I think it's better kept a secret," he replies. "That way, it's more sacred." Dracelle nods and she looks ahead of them at the stone pathway that just kept going until the end of the forest.
After entering back into the hallways of Hogwarts, they went to the Slytherin dungeons to hang out in the dormitory for some time. They were the only ones in the boy's dorm as Blaise was out with Neville in Hogsmeade.
It wasn't until later on in the evening after dinner back up in Gryffindor Tower that Harry realised what he had done. "Shit," he says to his dorm mates. He was sitting on his bed, facing Ron. "I knocked up Draco."
Ron snorted but then broke into a fit of laughter at the current situation Harry's in. If Mrs Weasley found out he knocked up Hermione at this age, she sure will kill him. But luckily, he hasn't.
"Harry," Dean says, forcing himself to be serious though he was smiling, "you don't know that for sure." He was getting into bed with Seamus. "It's only been a couple of hours."
"Yeah," Seamus says, biting his lip from laughing out loud at Harry's situation. It was just too hilarious to think about. "And besides, Professor Snape said, and these are ye words, that the Potion will be ready very soon. For all we know, it could be done right now."
Harry hoped that was true. But if it were done, then Severus would immediately tell him. He believed in the 99.9% chance of it happening to Dracelle. He felt so stupid for what he had done, and he hoped Dracelle was going to be alright until she gets the potion to change back into her former male self. But then... what would happen to his offspring? Would it just... disappear? Or would it keep growing...? Shit. Now he was just worrying too much.
"Harry, just relax," Dean tells him calmly, leaning his weight on his elbows behind him. "It's all going to turn out okay. Dracelle will be given the potion and she'll become male again. Nothing's going to become worse."
"Forgot to tell ye," Seamus says, a sudden smirk slowly forming on his lips. "Congrats. Ye're officially and kind of a father."
"Seamus!" Dean snapped at him.
"Sorry," Seamus says, sniggering. "Had to say it."
Harry sighs and puts his head in his arms. What a day it has been. He really hopes Severus has finished the antidote potion.
It turns out, Harry indeed had something to worry about. He's just lucky the entire school doesn't know what happened. He watched Dracelle through the rest of the week for any signs, though he didn't know the signs of pregnancy. He had to tell Hermione what he had done, and she wasn't impressed with him. She told him exactly what he thought she'd say.
"Harry!" she snapped as they exit the Common Room. "You need to stick by her side all week! She'll be going through changes that she – he commonly – is not used to such as a period, nausea, and vomiting. But since she's never had a period, I'm not sure what her body's going to do."
"Alright!" Harry said gaspingly, not even shocked that she was a little angry. He already knows he has to be serious about this and doesn't need anyone telling him how stupid he was. He gets it. He even got in trouble with his fathers, who are quite disappointed in him. What scared him was how Narcissa would handle it, and Lucius if he ever hears about it. He could just picture Lucius escaping Azkaban to come and murder him. "What should I do, Hermione?"
"Well, once Professor Snape finishes the Potion, which really should be soon, you should take Dracelle to Madam Pomfrey to give her a check-up," Hermione tells him a little more calmly than she had been before. "It's not even a baby yet. It's still your sperm that's slowly changing into umm... a child. Your child. It's not even the size of a peppercorn yet. Just take her to see Madam Pomfrey."
"Okay," Harry mutters, nodding his head. So, the next time he saw Dracelle, he pulled her aside and asked how she was doing.
"Harry, I'm all good," Dracelle tells him and flung her arms around him for a hug. She looked quite pale, her cheeks sunken as if she hasn't eaten anything and hadn't slept in days. "I'm a few days pregnant. It's not a disease." It was a shock when she found out she was pregnant a day ago when she woke up in the morning nauseous and had to run to the toilet to vomit. When Blaise came and checked up on her, he had taken her straight to Severus who then took them to his Potion's classroom and gave her a cure for the sickness. Since it wasn't a normal sickness, it didn't work. So, the Potion's Professor gave her a Potion to see what was causing it.
"Impossible," Severus muttered, shaking his head at what the potion's clearly telling him by the colour. He wouldn't think that... Unless it was true and the two... Oh, Harry Potter's in trouble now.
"What is it, Professor?" Blaise asks curiously, looking into the Professor's cauldron, trying to decipher what's going on with Dracelle.
"Draco did you and Harry have unprotected sex in the last few days?" the Professor asks the blonde female standing on the other side of the table facing him. Blaise's eyes widen and he looks over at Dracelle.
The colour drains from Dracelle's face, and she swallows down the sudden pool of saliva in her mouth and nods her head. She realises what's happening to her. "Yes, we did."
Severus sighs deeply. "Draco, you're pregnant," he tells her but knows she already knows. "But don't fret, everything will be okay. Once you take the Antidote, you'll... be male again." He sounded a little unsure about that now.
"Yes, I know, but I'm just making sure," Harry says as he hugs her back tightly. He's so glad it's nothing terrible though. "I want to make sure you're not in pain or anything. I'd hate myself for that." He hates himself already for knocking up his boyfriend-girlfriend.
Dracelle laughs and shakes her head. "I'm not in pain, Harry," she replies gently, kissing his cheek to assure him everything's okay because it really is. Though, her breasts have started becoming a little tender and sore today. "But the vomiting does get on my nerves. It's happened twice today. Three times yesterday."
"Have you seen Madam Pomfrey?" Harry asks, leaning out of the hug to look her in the eyes, his cheeks a little pink with a blush. "I'd like to know from her if you're able to take the antidote."
"I haven't yet, but perhaps we can now before class starts?" Dracelle then suggests. Her stomach then rumbles, and Harry chuckles and takes her to the Great Hall to quickly grab some easy breakfast and then head to the Hospital Wing.
"Mr Potter and Miss Malfoy, how may I help you?" Madam Pomfrey asks, noticing the couple enter the ward as she was making an empty bed that had a sick student in it earlier this morning.
"Um... hello," Dracelle says first. "I came for a check-up because... I'm pregnant." The medic witch looked directly at Harry and crossed her arms. Harry took a step back from her, hiding behind Dracelle.
"Mr Potter," Madam Pomfrey says, shaking her head with disapproval. "Alright, Dracelle. Lie down, please." Dracelle lays down on the nearest bed, and the medic witch waved her wand over the young woman's stomach, muttering a few spells. One, in which a green ball of light bobbed up and down over Draco's stomach, and another spell telling her more about the pregnancy. "It's a healthy little peppercorn. Nothing to worry about."
"Okay," Dracelle says calmly, grasping Harry's hand beside her and looking up at him with a tiny smile. Harry smiles back lovingly, though he looked a little worried. "So... I was wondering," she says as she looks back at the medic witch. "When I take the antidote potion to change back into my male self, what would happen to I don't exactly want to kill it."
Madam Pomfrey smiles at her. But she never would have thought Dracelle had grown fond of the child who's not actually a baby yet. A mother's love for her child is priceless. "Mrs Malfoy, the child doesn't have a soul yet and can't breathe," she tells him. "It wouldn't have a heart yet either, so it's not murder when you change back to male again. When the first month comes around, then your baby would pretty much be alive because it would be developing into its human form."
"So, when I won't have a womb anymore, the baby will disappear?" Dracelle asks, sounding a little sad about the possibility. It's her child after all. She and Harry made it together. She let Harry into her, knowing she could become pregnant, and she is. She knows what condoms are as she has heard Harry mention them at some point in the year, and she doesn't exactly want such a thing inside her. She doesn't trust muggle things.
Madam Pomfrey pondered that for a minute. "I'm assuming so," the medic witch says with a slow nod. "But since this has never happened before, I wouldn't know. We shall soon find out when you take the antidote potion."
"Okay," Dracelle says, sitting up and nodding her head. At least she knew her child wasn't alive... yet. It's only been a few days. "I hope the Potion will be ready soon."
"Now, besides nausea, what other symptoms have you gotten?" Madam Pomfrey asks smoothly.
"Err, well... my breasts are very tender," Dracelle tells her quietly, a little embarrassed to admit it. "And..." she flushed, "I've gotten a period. It started last night. It was painful," she then complained. "Dear Merlin, help me."
Harry bites down on his lip hard enough not to snort. This was hilarious and a little disgusting to hear. A period? Ew. But he can't complain. Hermione gets them, but she doesn't exactly tell him or Ron about it.
Madam Pomfrey nodded. Periods, normally late ones, are normal in pregnancies. "Cramps are normal," she assures the blonde Slytherin. "You could have come to me during the early morning, dearie. I have stomach reliever Potions that do help with Period Pains as well. The pain will fade away."
And as soon as she mentioned Potions, the Potions Professor walked into the Hospital Ward and walks to them, in his hands was a Potion bottle with orange liquid in it. "I've finally managed to complete the antidote," he drawls. "Took me many hours to discover what exactly Mr Potter dropped into the Potion by accident." He glanced at his son with a smile, and Harry grinned his innocence.
"Can I now be male again?" Dracelle asks at once, eyeing the potion in Severus' hand curiously. "I'm so bloody tired of wearing bras every day and night. And this monthly potion thing I had to dab around places is so fricking annoying and uncomfortable. Pansy said I shouldn't be able to feel it, but I can!"
"Please keep your feminine opinions to yourself, Miss Malfoy," Severus says with a scowl as he hands the potion to her. "Drink it slowly."
Dracelle nods, and she quickly looks beside her at Madam Pomfrey who nodded at her, and then finally to Harry with a smile. "Well, goodbye feminine qualities," she says as she took off the cork with a 'pop' and puts the bottle to her lips. With a sigh, she tipped her head back and began drinking it. The worst thing is that the Potion tastes like leather.
Harry watched the changes happen to his girlfriend, starting from her hair shortening, then her height increasing and her chest shrinking. It was an incredible transformation. In a blink of an eye, he was staring at his boyfriend wearing a dark green headband and the Slytherin girl's grey school skirt and white long-sleeved top with the collar and tie. He couldn't take his eyes off the man he fell in love with. He felt a little turned on now too.
"Come back in another week before the Christmas Holidays, Mr Malfoy," Madam Pomfrey says sternly. "I'd like to have another check-up on you to make sure everything's alright before sending you back home."
"Yes, Madam Pomfrey," Draco says with a nod of his head, and he suddenly looks down at the skirt he was wearing and pulled at it. He couldn't wait to get back into his trousers and shirts that fit him. "Harry, be a dear and come with me back to the dormitories so I can get rid of these woman garments I'm wearing."
Harry laughs and kisses him, cupping the blonde's face in his hands, and he melts when the Slytherin kisses him back with those delicious soft manly lips of his. "Of course, I will, my fair lady," he says as poshly as he could with a bow. "If you would take my hand, I would gladly escort you back to the dorms. Come now, my lady."
Draco rolls his eyes at the swishy Gryffindor and places his hand in Harry's, then gets up and follows him out of the Hospital Wing, making sure to straighten out his skirt. He just hopes his arse isn't for show from under the skirt he's wearing. "Fuck, why did I wear such a small skirt? I blame Pansy."
Harry smiles and looks down. The skirt wasn't that small. But he would definitely be worried if Draco's cock fell out of his undies. Oh, he could feel the embarrassment already. "You look good in anything, Draco," he says lightly. "Skirts, dresses, tights, high heels. You name it."
Draco's cheeks coloured a little. "Let's just hurry this up," he says quickly as he took off the dark green headband. Why did he even wear it? It itches the back of his ear. "I don't want anyone seeing me like this. It was fun while it lasted."
"What's wrong with the outfit?" Harry asks him, checking the Slytherin out with a small frown. He wanted to slap that juicy arse of Draco's, but the Slytherin didn't look in the mood to have his arse slapped. "It doesn't look bad on you."
"Harry, how would you feel if you were to try on clothes that are too small?" Draco asks him at once, lips pressed together in a white line. "I've kind of got a wedgie, and I need to give Pansy her bra and clothes back. I think I stretched her knickers too." Harry snorted. "It's true!" the Slytherin says with an uneasy smile. "Want me to bend down so you can see?"
Harry smirks. He doesn't mind if his boyfriend were to do that. But he would mind if students were to come around the corner, and his boyfriend's arse is on show. So, he shook his head. "No, keep your arse to yourself until we get to the dormitory," he says but ends up giving Draco his Gryffindor robe. He should have done it earlier.
After dodging many students, they finally managed to get to the dungeons and entered the common room. Harry kept in front, blocking the view of Draco to the few Slytherins that were in the common room who were all getting up to leave. They entered the boy's dorm minutes later to find it thankfully empty.
Draco went to his trunk and searched through it for his school uniform. Sighing with relief as he knows he has his body again and can be in comfy clothes, he undresses in front of Harry and strips. Though he has some problems with the black bra he's wearing, he also Harry for some help. In the last nine days, he has never gotten used to doing up a bra.
Just as Draco was about to take off his knickers, which were becoming more irritating by the minute, Harry backed him to the bed with a smile and lust-filled eyes. Draco rolls his eyes but lets this happen, and he helps the Gryffindor take off his clothes one by one. He leans forward, kissing him deeply while leaning against the bedpost, and Harry pushes him down onto the bed. He grins up at the Gryffindor and turns them around, pinning Harry to the mattress and opening the Gryffindor's legs up wide.
Draco's stared at the naked Gryffindor bloke with adoration, missing seeing him so open and beautiful just for him. Harry was his treat. Harry licks his lips, excited about what's coming. He wants Draco's lanky cock up his arse where it belongs, only to please him. He wants it, he craves it.
Draco's mind was lost in the waves of pleasure he felt as he finally made love to Harry. It's been months since he last shagged Harry, and oh, how good it felt. He missed the feeling of his orgasm shooting out of him into Harry's hot sweaty body too. It all just feels right.
He hated being a woman for a week and a half. It sucked. He had to go through weird changes, wearing bras every day, having periods, and Period cramps. It was hell to him.
And after when they snuggled in each other's arms, they both realized they were very late for Herbology class. They missed half the class already. Harry thought they might as well skip Herbology and wait for the next class to start, but Draco thought otherwise.
Draco rushed to get ready, putting on a new pair of boxers and his uniform, finishing off with his tie. Harry eventually got dressed as well, and since they didn't know what to do with the clothes Dracelle wore that were Pansy's, they just left them on Draco's bed to give them to the Slytherin girt at lunch.
They never went to Herbology, though Draco wanted them to at least get there just so they know what they were doing. But Harry has Hermione for that. She can tell them about what the Slytherins and Gryffindors did in Herbology, and Harry was ready for the dispute Hermione will give him.
Merlin was she mad.
"Honestly, Harry," Hermione mutters, shaking her head with disappointment after pretty much shouting at him about how he should have gone right to class after dropping Draco off in his dorm to get dressed. They were in the Common Room that evening. She didn't want to ask what the couple were doing in the dorm for that half an hour when they were supposed to be in class. "You've got to do better." She handed him her notes from Herbology class that morning. "You're lucky I love you."
"Love you too, bestieeeee," Harry says with a prolonged 'e', grinning with his teeth at her as he scans over Hermione's notes. He won't remember everything, so he'll write it down. "And thank you."
Hermione nods, pats him on the back and lets him go off to copy her notes.
Remus Lupin pulled Harry aside after Defence Class. He had to make sure Harry had nothing on during the Christmas Holidays. "Hey Harry, are you staying over at Hogwarts for the Holidays or coming home with me and Severus?"
Harry smiles and considered that for a moment. Christmas with his two fathers at their house? Now that sounds incredible! "Home with you and Severus, of course," he replies instantly. "My first family Christmas. Draco deserves some peace and quiet at the Manor from everything he's been through as a woman."
"Yeah, I believe so too," Remus says with a nod in agreement. The poor Slytherin had to go through all these new hormone changes and stresses when a woman. "And that's great! Just meet Severus and I in the dungeons on Wednesday so we can Floo home."
"Brilliant!" Harry says, excited for when that day will come. He's more excited about Christmas though. It'll be a real family Christmas. "I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Good," Remus says happily, smiling brightly at him. "Now, don't you have a special date with a certain Slytherin tonight that you need to get ready for?"
Harry grins and nods. Draco arranged an evening date tonight with him down under the Willow tree just like their first-ever date since they couldn't go to Hogsmeade together at such a late hour of the evening. "Yeah, I'm going to go get changed into something nice," he tells his professor and other father figure. "Err," he runs a quick hand through his hair. "Advice on what to wear?"
"Just be you," Remus says simply, patting him on the shoulder lightly. "It's all that matters. Draco fell in love with you, not your clothes." Harry laughs at that odd thought, and Remus smiled. "Just wear something classy that you would wear, and not some fancy clothes that a rich bloke from London would own."
Harry nodded his head. He has an outfit in his head he could wear. "Alright," he says lightly. "I better be off then. Don't want to be late."
"Have fun," Remus says, and he starts walking back, leaving Harry in the hallway. "Don't leave the Mister to wait on you."
"I won't," Harry assures him, and once Remus turned around to walk away, Harry rushed up to Gryffindor Tower. He put on his best black trousers and a grey long-sleeved button-up shirt and a black jacket when up in the dormitory. Then he headed down to the Willow Tree after trying his best in combing his hair. He tried at least. It was no use taming his hair.
As he got to the Willow Tree, he grins at Draco who had a green Slytherin blanket spread out on the grass, and in the centre was filled with different finger foods that Harry was excited to taste. Around the side of the Willow tree were little coloured lights that lit up the space around the tree. "Draco, it looks wonderful and delicious," he says.
Draco smiles, gets to his feet, and puts his arms around Harry. "Well, my love, I'm glad it pleases you," he replies quietly, and he presses his lips to Harry's, giving him a gentle kiss. Harry lets his hands slide up Draco's thighs and around his waist, and he deepens the kiss with a little happy sigh. The Slytherin leans away and takes Harry by the hand to the picnic he set up.
They sat beside each other on the blanket and Draco cast a warming charm around them. Harry looked at Draco carefully as he helped himself to some cheese and crackers. He was thinking about the Malfoy name, how old it is, the line of all Purebloods including Draco, and how Draco was willing to give up the Pure line for him. How, if they manage to have kids somehow, their kids won't be Pureblood. Does Draco actually care about the blood status of his future child or children? "Tell me again how you love me, Draco?"
Draco looks up at him from eating a few grapes and smiles. "Harry, I could write a whole essay about my love for you," he says softly, "but the number of words in it wouldn't suffice my feelings for you. I love you in my mind where my thoughts reside, in my heart where my emotions live, and in my soul where my dreams are born. I love you."
Harry blushes and distracts himself by eating a croissant. "I love you too," he replies quietly with a little smile. "More than the number of raindrops that have fallen on this Earth. If you didn't know, the Earth is billions of years old."
"I know," Draco says, throwing a green grape at Harry, and to his surprise, Harry caught it in his mouth. "As we've only got a few more months left of Hogwarts, and after we have to find jobs, I was wondering what you were thinking of doing?"
Harry took a moment to think about all that, staring down at a platter of fruit salad. What did he want to do as a career? What's his passion? What does he like doing? He definitely likes helping people, but he doesn't want to become an Auror from what Remus told him about the job. Apparently, there are loads of paperwork involved, not just going out to track down bad guys. What else could he do? "I'm not sure," he replies with a shrug. "There's so much to do, but I'm not sure what I'd like to do."
"You'll find something," Draco says, trying to see in his mind what Harry could do as he nibbles on a cracker piled with cheese and tomato. "It just takes time. Maybe after we graduate, you'll know what you want to do."
"What are you thinking of doing?" Harry asks him.
"Something in the Mental Health area," Draco tells the raven-haired Gryffindor. "Before that, I was thinking of a Healer. Perhaps I can be both? But Mental Health is my first option."
Harry nods. But then thought about why Draco wants a degree in Psychology. "Is it because of me that you want a career in the Mental Health area?" he asks him carefully.
"A little bit, yes," Draco says with a little nod. "But I'm also doing this for Ivy and everyone who goes through troubles in their life." He poked at a cream bun with his finger. "I want to help them like I've helped you and Ivy. I was so interested in what the muggle therapist was saying to you, that I thought about that as a career but in the Wizarding World."
"That sure sounds interesting," Harry says, and he thinks about his boyfriend becoming a therapist to wizards and witches. It made him happy to think that Draco is willing to help people become better from whatever is happening in their life. "And I love hearing how you want to help people out that way. I'll support you one hundred per cent."
Draco grins and nods. "And whatever you do, I'll support you with my whole heart," he tells him.
Just then, Harry thought of an idea. He doesn't know how possible it could be, but he'd like Draco's opinion on it. "How about... we set 12 Grimmauld Place up as like a safehouse for students of Hogwarts who deal with abusive parents or orphans who would like a place to stay at during the holidays who would get treated as if they're really living with a family?" He took a breath.
Draco's mouth opened a little at what Harry had said. That was very possible to do. "This is another reason why I love you because you think of others before yourself," he says brightly, and Harry blushes and smiles. "And yes, that would be a magnificent idea. We could do that. But I don't think Grimmauld Place is big enough unless we add more beds in every room and expand the rooms with charms. But I would rather leave it as it is in its pristine state since it's an old Black family house. And I thought that you'd maybe want to live there after Hogwarts instead of the Manor with Mother and I. It is entirely up to you."
Harry shrugs. "I mean... I would stay there if I wanted to as it's closer to London," he says as he thinks deeply about it. "But I would give it to the people who need it. So, the orphans and abuse victims have a home where they feel accepted at. I would hate for them to go through what I did."
Draco smiles at him. Now he could see Harry's future a little clearer. "If you choose to do that, I'll help you as much as I can, darling," he tells him. He decides to just grab the cream bun and try it. "Oh, and if those children need it, they could come and get some therapy at St Mungo's Mental Health Ward or wherever it is I will work at."
Harry looks at the little bit of cream on Draco's lips and licks his own lips as he crawls forward and tries to lick it off Draco, but the Slytherin leaned away.
"What are you doing?" Draco asks slowly, curiously.
"Trying to lick off the cream on your lips," Harry answers him, wanting to chow down on those delicious lips and suck until they're pink. "It's a must-do."
Draco laughs and leans back towards him, wanting Harry to do exactly that. "I'm glad I'm on your list of things to do, Harry," he then says, smirking as Harry realises what he had said, his face becoming a beautiful light shade of red.
Harry couldn't help himself but lean over and lick the cream away from Draco's lip, and then he kisses him, tasting cream, jam, and Draco all together. It's all delicious and mouth-watering. Draco pulls away after some time, smiling brightly and then quickly boops Harry's nose with his cream bun, getting some cream and jam on Harry's nose.
"Hey!" Harry says, wiping the cream off his nose with his hand and licking it off. "I prefer licking it off you."
Draco suddenly thinks of something really dirty. He sees Harry covering his cock in cream, and Harry leaning down and deepthroating Draco's creamed cock until he came into the Gryffindor's wet mouth. It reminded him of that one Christmas after his fourth year at the manor, but Harry covered his cock in runny chocolate. It was such a beautiful night. It made his dick stir in his pants at the thought of Harry coating him in cream and giving him a blowjob. Merlin, he liked that thought. But he couldn't think that now. He's got a lovely picnic he set up as a date with Harry, then a cuddle session, and then a walk around the grounds together.
The Set for The Chamber of Secrets Was the Franchise's Biggest Ever - Over the years, the Potter franchise has included a number of stunning sets, like the Great Hall and the Quidditch pitch, but the one created for The Chamber of Secrets may be the most notable of them. It was the largest construct ever made for the series, measuring about 250 feet long and 120 feet broad.
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