The hummer
I love that Gif ^
Draco woke up to the sound of soft snoring beside him. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a handsome guy lying next to him. He laughed quietly and just lay there, waiting until his boyfriend woke up. He didn't care what the time was, all he wanted to do was spend the entire day if possible, with this bloke sleeping in bed with him.
They had spent the night together talking about Quidditch and their favorite teams, their favourite Quidditch moves, and even the Quidditch World Cup until it got tiring and they fell asleep together.
He ran his hand gently over Harry's raven hair but pulled his hand back right after Harry's nose twitched. He watched as the sleeping boy sneezed in his sleep. He smiled at the adorable little sneeze and pulled the blanket up over his boyfriend's shoulders. He watched as those beautiful Emerald green eyes fluttered open and he reached an arm over Harry's head, grabbing Harry's glasses from the bedside table and placed them on Harry's nose. He kissed Harry on the forehead. "Good morning." That was his first good morning forehead kiss to Harry as a couple.
Harry yawned, rubbed his eyes from sleep and looked up at the blonde that lay next to him. "Morning," he said tiredly and could not believe he never had a nightmare during his slumber. Perhaps, it was because of having Draco near him. Yeah, that must be it.
Draco smiled and leaned down for a real morning kiss, which he never thought he'd ever get back. Harry slowly smiled into the kiss and leisurely wrapped his hands around Draco's neck to pull him closer. Both boys' eyes fluttered open at the same time as they leaned away from the morning kiss and they stared into the other's eyes.
Draco ran his hand through Harry's hair again, pulling his knees up either side of Harry's waist, and leaned down for another quick kiss. Harry leaned back onto the pillow and kissed him back slowly as he was still tired. But Draco's kisses were like electricity to him and giving him the energy to keep kissing his boyfriend no matter how tired he was. Draco nibbled at Harry's bottom lip and they both slowly broke away out of the kiss. "I think we'd better get ready for the day; don't you think?"
Harry sighed slowly, not wanting to do anything except be with this guy the entire day. He just wanted to sleep and lay with his boyfriend until the very next day. No, not until a week later.
Draco leaned up away from Harry and pinched his nose when he got a whiff of Harry's breath. "Augh!" he said and wrinkled his nose. He was only being a git. "You have morning breath."
"Well, your breath doesn't smell like bunnies or chocolate either," Harry mumbled sleepily and rubbed his hands over his face to get rid of the sleepiness. He looked up at his boyfriend who was sitting on his waist with a look of confusion over his face.
Draco raised an eyebrow curiously, wondering if bunny rabbits do have a smell. He's never touched or been near one so he wouldn't know. Is it the fur that smells or the body? "Bunnies have a smell?"
Harry smiled at the question and yawned. He yet again slept like a baby last night. "It's just a figure of speech, Draco," he said as he reached up and rubbed Draco's chest. When doing so he felt something a little hard on his lower stomach. "But I am pretty sure they do have a smell but only to predators."
Draco smirked and completely ignored the whole sentence except for two words Harry said. "I agree that you are very pretty, Harry."
Harry felt his cheeks warm up from the compliment and he sat up, resting his forehead against Draco's with his eyes closed. "That's not what I was saying but sure, you also are very pretty too," he said and opened his eyes. He was surprised by the meeting of soft lips on his own and so he tilted his head to the side and kissed Draco back slowly. But then he pulled away to say, "I'm never going to be able to get out of bed if you keep snogging me."
"That's good then," Draco whispered and leaned forward and down over Harry. He inclined his chin until his lip grazed Harry's upper ear. "It means we can spend the day with each other. Alone. In this very bedroom."
Harry moved his legs an inch towards him and felt a part of Draco on his groin. He could feel himself harden a little as he knew Draco's groin was pressing against his own. "B-but, didn't you say we should get ready for the day?" he asks him quickly. "And won't people notice that two students from opposite houses are absent from breakfast?"
Draco leaned back up and lazily shrugged his left shoulder. He didn't care at the moment. "Let them come up with rumours about us," he said and ran his hands up and down Harry's waist. "They will be true anyway when we come out to everyone."
Harry raised an eyebrow and thought about students thinking that he and Draco were shagging. The thought about doing that with Draco filled him with warmth and lust but pushed the lust feeling away.
Draco seemed to know what Harry was thinking and chuckled, "Who cares if they think that, that rumour will probably come true in the future." He winked at Harry, grabbed his boyfriend's hand, and started kissing it.
Harry blushed at that thought as he relaxed on the bed, closed his eyes, and felt Draco's breath ghost on his lips. Draco felt something under him and realized what it was that he was sitting on. He moved off Harry with a smirk and laid back on the bed. Harry opened his eyes as soon as he felt Draco get off him and something inside him wanted Draco to stay where he was.
Draco could see the familiar emotion in Harry's eyes, and he smirked. Harry felt his cheeks warm up and he looked away, biting his lip. "Should we sit together at breakfast or would it be too risky?" Harry asked.
Draco smiled and walked backwards to the bathroom, and as he did that, he said, "We can sit together since Crabbe and Goyle will be too busy pigging out at the Slytherin's table to notice. And Nott won't care, all he would be doing is talking with Pansy. He's got a thing for her. Kind of annoying, even Pansy thinks so."
Harry nodded and Draco walked to the bathroom door, entered, and shut the door behind him. Harry got up from the bed, spelled his teeth clean and made sure he was quick when getting dressed so Draco couldn't see his cuts. But it was too late. As Draco came out of the bathroom, he saw Harry facing the bed, shirt off with cuts up one of his arms, he couldn't see the other arm. He frowned; he was right that Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, his boyfriend was suffering.
He sees not only cuts but bruises and discolouration on Harry's back. Merlin... This is definitely a sign of abuse. He didn't want to believe that Harry was abused this badly. It brought tears to his eyes at the thought of his boyfriend being abused by those muggle relatives of Harry's. He casts a silent healing spell and aims his wand at his lovers back, watching as the bruises and discolouration's slowly faded away and left just skin that Draco wants to touch and kiss.
He pretended he just come out of the bathroom and shut the door, giving Harry enough time to put on a shirt and hoped that Harry would come out to him soon about his depression and what goes through his mind. At least he knew what was going on with his boyfriend. Depression. Abusive muggle relatives. He hoped so much that Harry hadn't been feeling suicidal apart from the cutting. He so hoped he was right. How could someone so adorable, kind, and lovely be so depressed?
Harry quickly put on his shirt and dress robe and he turned around to face his boyfriend. Phew! he thought as he saw Draco just close the door behind him. He walked up to Draco and wrapped his arms around him, feeling Draco tense up. "Thank you for last night."
Draco smiled from the hug and leaned in, ending the space between him and Harry and giving him a long lingering lovable kiss. He wanted to give Harry as much love as he could. He wanted Harry to feel loved, to know what love really feels like because he deserves it from what Harry is suffering from. Everyone deserves to feel loved, he hoped so much that Harry did not doubt that. He leaned back an inch out of the kiss, pressed their foreheads together and held Harry's hand. "Let's head down for breakfast, I'm guessing it's nearly halfway through."
They then headed out of the bedroom, out of the Transfiguration Courtyard and down to the Great Hall together. As soon as they got close enough to the Great Hall, they dropped their hands from each other's grasp and walked over to their required tables to spend time with their friends.
Harry sat next to Hermione who was watching him enter with a curious look in her eyes. "Harry?" she asked, and Dean and Seamus suddenly joined her also. She smiled at them and looked back to her best friend who she knew didn't go to bed in the Gryffindor 4th year boy's dormitory last night. "I find it kind of strange seeing you and Malfoy walk into the Great Hall together when I never actually saw you come up to the common room last night."
Harry flushed as he grabbed himself a piece of toast and buttered it. "So, what do you think happened?" He took a bite out of his toast, forgetting to layer some jam on it. He winced at the lame toast taste.
"That you two were snogging somewhere, " Hermione said and saw Harry nearly spit out his toast but quickly covered his mouth with the sleeve of his robe. She smiled at him and wondered if that was true. "Well, of course, that's what people are thinking."
"Are people really thinking that?" Harry asked her, though he didn't seem to mind it if people were thinking that he and Draco had been snogging somewhere. He didn't mind at all, and the students were right. He and Draco were somewhere and kissed a few times. "Actually, don't answer that. It's true anyway. He and I were... in the Slytherin dorms. I slept in his bed."
Seamus snorted at his dormmate. Not because of the intriguing question he wants to ask Harry, which is what the Slytherin common room looks like, but the clear residue he can clearly see on Harry's mouth. He knows what semen looks like. "Well, I'm sure ye and Draco have been doing much more than snogging on his bed, Harry. Remember to clean yer mouth the next time ye... suck him off."
And then Dean broke down into a fit of laughter and saw what his boyfriend meant. "Oh Harry," he cooed with a smirk. "You naughty, naughty little boy. And yes, remember to clean your face after doing that particular event with the Slytherin."
Harry felt his face burning with a dark blush, so he dropped his toast on his plate and covered his face with his hands. He and Draco haven't- He would have rather wait a few more months before doing that with Draco, or whenever they're ready. "No, guys, just no," he said quietly and dropped his hands from his face, wiping off the residue from the cream buns he had for dessert last night with Draco. "And you two and I are going to have a little chat later on. I think I need it." He wanted to know what to expect when he and Draco finally decided to do it.
Hermione was adding strawberries to her porridge, a little confused at what the boys were talking about. She was confused at herself as she knows she hardly gets confused unless she's missing something important.
Dean just smiled at him. "A chat with us is what you'll get, Harry," he said with a simple nod, a look of wonder on his face. Harry wondered what exactly was going through Dean's mind. Did they really think he... with Draco?
Just like every morning, the owls swooped into the Great Hall. Hedwig flew down with a reply from Sirius and landed on the table next to Harry. Harry smiled at his bird pal and retrieved the letter from her beak, "Thanks, Hedwig." He gave Hedwig a bit of toast and stuffed his envelope in his robe pocket.
Hermione saw her friend stuffing the familiar letter in his pocket. She had a feeling it was either from Sirius or Draco, but she didn't question him about it as they had Dean and Seamus' company. They didn't know that Harry was receiving letters from Sirius and she knew to leave it that way.
Harry looked over at Draco. Draco's eagle owl swooped down and landed on his shoulder with two familiar letters in its mouth. Harry noticed Draco stuffing his own envelope into his robe pocket and furrowed his eyebrows curiously. Who were those letters from?
"So, Harry," Hermione then said and blew on the spoon with porridge and a singular strawberry on it. She still wanted to know what happened and how Malfoy turned back into his human form and not some ferret. "What happened after I left to go talk to Pansy? I won't judge remember. I'm not exactly straight either."
Harry looked over at Draco again who was now talking to Pansy and Ivy. He noticed Ivy waving at him and whispering something in Draco's ear, Draco immediately looked up, wriggled his fingers at him with a charming smile and blew a kiss to him. Harry blushed even redder and looked up at Hermione. "Fine, but what happened between you and Pansy?" He was curious as to what had happened between them two.
Hermione giggled at her blushing friend and shook her head. She asked first so she will get the answers she wanted first. "Nope, I want to hear this first," she says at once. "There is no talking yourself out of it, Harry. You know the rules."
Harry smiled at the plate of bacon next to Seamus. "So..." he began, "Um... It started after Draco got turned into a ferret. When Professor Moody made all the students leave, Ivy asked me to come over to her. Professor Moody was escaping Professor McGonagall, so he didn't get told off for turning Draco into a ferret, and so Draco never turned back into himself. Then Ivy dared me to kiss Draco."
Hermione looked up at Harry in shock but also with the slightest smile. Harry could tell she was internally squealing like a fangirl. "So... yeah, I kissed the ferret and he turned back into himself." He was remembering the kiss clearly as he smiled dreamily down into a goblet of pumpkin juice. Now he was thirsty.
Hermione took all the information in, and then her eyes suddenly widened. "So, is it's true then? The whole fairytale?" She was looking through her book bag for a certain book. She didn't have it with her though. "I can't believe it! The true loves kiss, Harry! It breaks every curse and charm."
"Yes, the true love's kiss," Harry said a little dreamily and thought about if it was actually real unless the curse had a time limit on it. The first thought differed from him, but he believed it. A true loves kiss is just a fairy tale isn't it? Although there is a 'Draught of the Living Death' which must be cured with a kiss by the victim one true love and they must have the cure on their lips.
"Now, back to the topic of where you have been all night," Hermione said as it seemed her friend wasn't into the talk about true love kisses. But he should be. He had stopped a hex from staying permanent with a kiss. That must mean something, right?
"What do you want to know?" Harry asked her and downed the rest of his pumpkin juice. He felt good that he could at least eat something without vomiting it up. Thank you, Draco. The Slytherin has truly helped him.
Hermione poked her lovestruck friend with a finger and she grinned at him. "You're in love, Harry James Potter," she says lightly. "I want to know where you were last night. You had me worried when I asked to see you this morning and you weren't there. Even Ron was a bit curious."
Harry's smile turned into a small frown at the thought of losing Ron to his damn sexuality. Now he didn't want to tell her. It wasn't her fault, it was Ron's.
Hermione saw the familiar frown on her friend's face and frowned herself. How could her own best friend feel that sad about what the other friend had said? She placed a reassuring hand on Harry's arm, he didn't even flinch, look up at her or even move a muscle. Harry sat there like he was dead to the world like he really was dead, but he wasn't. "Harry?"
Harry finally looked up at Hermione, still feeling the overwhelming sudden feelings drown him. What he needed was an escape. "Sorry, I need to go," he mumbled and then got up and left the Great Hall, not caring where he went. He just wanted to be alone. He wouldn't go to any of the secret places Draco had shown him, no. He decided to head to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom as it was the only place that he felt safe with his sharp friend which he really needed right now.
But of course, as he entered the bathroom he couldn't cut. He just wouldn't. He wanted to, he had the urge to, but he couldn't. Not when Draco thinks he is safe in the common room or somewhere. He just didn't want to worry Draco. That urge was now twisting in his gut. He paced back and forth trying to think it away, he tried to rid it out of his mind as he splashed his face with water, but it didn't work. So, he just scratched hard at his wrist.
Feeling the scabs come off under his fingernails, he scratched harder and noticed blood coming out of the cuts. He sighed miserably, feeling that small amount of pain numbed him. It wasn't enough to fulfil him completely, but it was something and that was what mattered. He then decided to head to the common room to read the rest of 'The Hunger Games'. He's nearly finished it anyway.
Draco watched as Harry left the Great Hall. He didn't know what happened but something in his gut told him to go after his boyfriend. "I'm going after Harry," he whispered to both Ivy and Pansy. "Remember how I told both of you earlier throughout breakfast that I found he has..."
Ivy nodded. She knew of it too, but Pansy didn't. "He has cuts, scars, memories," she said, frowning just slightly. "He kind of is just like me."
Pansy was wondering why the Wizarding Worlds 'Golden Boy' suffered so much. What could be so bad in Harry Potter's life that he would harm himself because of it? Apparently, the rumors about him are fake. He doesn't live like royalty.
"I've asked if he's okay and he keeps lying and says he's fine," Draco tells them sadly, his shoulders slumping. But he knows Harry is trying to speak to him about everything. He already knows Harry gets treated like a house elf back at his home and wears that whale of a cousin's clothes. So, what else hasn't Harry mentioned?
Ivy gave a sad nod, knowing exactly what it is like. "Yeah, he'll keep saying that but spend more time with him and gain more of his mental trust," she told him, her voice seeming to get gentler. "Trust for me is like walking up the stairs, the first step you took when finding out about my... you know? I didn't trust you enough. The second step I slowly told you a few things, the third step I told you more and so on. It'll be the same with Harry."
Pansy sighed at her best friend. She didn't know much about Harry, but she knew the Gryffindor shouldn't be alone right now. "Go find him, Draco," she said in a soft voice and threw a raspberry at his tie. "Maybe if you do find him, you'll see him in the state he's in and he will come out to you."
"Trust me, even when I want to be alone, deep down, I just need my friends," Ivy said and loaded her porridge with fruits and nuts. She agreed with Pansy that Harry needs to be found. "It's normal. People think it's called 'attention seeking' but really, it's not. He would want you to be there with him, so please go and find him."
Draco got up and left the Slytherin table with his head held high, billowing robes behind him and went to find Harry. He had a feeling Harry wouldn't be in either the Library's secret room or the magical room on the 7th floor. He knew there wouldn't be a possibility of finding Harry at the Willow tree so he went to the only person he knew where Harry could be, Hermione Granger.
Draco made his way back to the great Hall but didn't see the girl. He sighed as he knew the know-it-all goes to the library a lot, and that was thanks to Harry telling him how nerdy she is. He searched and searched, hoping to find the know-it-all. Still nothing. So, he went straight towards the Gryffindor Tower. He finally caught up to her as she was about to enter the portrait and yelled, "Granger!"
Hermione turned around to face Harry's boyfriend. "Hello, Draco," she said and gave him a smile. She knew why he was here. He wanted to see Harry as anybody close to Harry would like to know where Harry went. "Please, call me Hermione. And just to let you know, the only place I know Harry would be was either in the Library or the common room."
Draco sighed and looked to the portrait of a large woman who was smiling down at him. "Can I come in then?" he asked her, and then looked back at the Gryffindor girl. "I want to know if he's there. If he's okay... please."
Hermione gave Draco a quizzical look. Was she allowed to let him into the common room? Well, Harry did say that he stayed with Draco in the Slytherin dorms last night. "I don't know if I'm allowed to let people from other houses into our common room, but... oh well." She shrugged. "We always break the rules somehow." She leaned closer to the portrait and whispered the password. The portrait then opened up.
Draco rushed into the Gryffindor common room and took in what he saw. This looked nothing like the Slytherin common room. The common room wasn't long, low roofed, green and silver. Instead, it was small, tall, red, and gold and looked like a tower. He ignored the stares from the other Gryffindors and turned back to Hermione. "Where are the dorms?"
Hermione pointed to the stairs to the left of the common room, "Up there to your left. Good luck."
Draco nodded his thanks and jogged up the stairs. He took a left and entered the 4th year's boy's dormitory. When he entered, he was threatened with wands at his throat by Neville, Dean and Seamus. He breathed heavily, and looked around the room, not seeing Harry anywhere. "Sorry, I came to find Harry," he told them Neville, Dean and Seamus lowered their wands from his throat.
"Why do you want to know where he is?" Dean asked curiously but kept a firm hold on his wand. He doesn't exactly trust the Slytherin even if Harry is dating him. "What's your purpose to know where he is?"
Draco sighed impatiently and ran a hand through his hair. He was a little annoyed that he wasn't getting the information he wanted from Harry's dormmates. "He's my friend in case you haven't noticed," he then said but the three Gryffindor's look like they didn't believe him. "Please. I need to know where he is."
Seamus chuckled at the Slytherin and knew there was something more to that. "Ye mean yer boyfriend?"
"Please..." Dean said and intertwined Seamus' hand with his. "When we saw you enter the Great Hall together it was kind of obvious because we never saw Harry enter the dormitory last night. Plus, he looked very happy. We've never seen him this happy before."
Draco felt his cheeks warm up a little. He hoped the fireplace made it seem like it was at fault for his blushing cheeks. "Right, obvious."
Dean whipped his wand back up to Draco's throat and gave him a stern look. "And if you ever hurt Harry, know that we will all come for you!" he told him strictly. "You got that Malfoy?! And we will come find you if you ever hurt Harry. Gryffindor's stick together, and that's exactly what we'll do."
Draco nodded and smirked, finding it funny how brave Gryffindors can be. It was like watching first-years stand up for each other in front of older students who were being mean. It's what he used to do before he became Harry's friend, and he is glad he stopped the first-year tormenting.
Seamus and Neville also placed their wands up at Draco's throat. "We mean it, Malfoy," Neville finally spoke instead of having Dean and Seamus say anything for him.
Draco took a step backwards, feeling a little anxious about these three Gryffindors. "Of course, I would never hurt Harry!" he said in a near snappish tone. All he wants to do is find Harry and make sure he's okay. "You all should know that."
"We don't know where Harry is, and we would appreciate it if you'd tell us before you burst into our dormitory like that," Dean said and crossed his arms over his chest. Then he smirked as he remembered what he and Seamus spotted on Harry's mouth. "Or if you and Harry want the room to yourself."
Draco glared at the Gryffindor, a blush flooding his cheeks. "Alright," he said calmly and took a few more steps back towards the exit. "I'm going to go now... and find him." He rushed out of the dormitory and made his way down the steps but stopped as he saw the boy's bathroom. He curiously followed his gut inside the bathroom but didn't see anybody there. He sighed and made his way back out towards the common room and that's when he saw... "Harry?!" He hadn't seen his boyfriend there before when he entered the common room minutes ago.
Harry looked up from the red and gold armchair he was seated on by the fireplace and smiled as he saw Draco walk up to him. He heard that Draco was here and for him. Draco was thankful he finally found Harry. His Harry. He knew it was bad to touch him on the wrists, but he made sure Harry didn't come from the bathroom after... He couldn't think that. He softly grabbed Harry's long sleeve covered arms, rubbed his thumbs along the material and looked him in the eyes. He didn't see any winces from pain or even in his eyes. He sighed in relief and kissed Harry's hands.
Harry smiled at his boyfriend's behavior. He reached a hand up and stroked his soft blonde hair and leaned in for a slow kiss with his boyfriend. They both heard a few 'Awwe's' coming from somewhere in the common room but ignored them and continued kissing. Draco sat down on Harry's lap and slowly pushed him back into the armchair. As they broke away, they never lost eye contact and then realized they were being stared at. Slowly looking around, they see all the shocked and surprised looks on all the other Gryffindor's faces.
Harry didn't know what to say to all his fellow Gryffindors. So, he just said, "Hi!" It's all he really could say right now.
Draco chuckled at his boyfriend and stared him right in those green eyes which he became so lost in. His eyes are such mazes to him. "Hi?" he said in a low voice to Harry, a little amused and confused at the same time. "Is that all you can say to them? Hi...?"
Hermione watched in amusement at her best friend and Malfoy finally snogging somewhere in a crowded area. She smiled to herself and was pleased to say her ship had successfully sailed, even if she had a few doubts about the relationship. She walked up to the two lovebirds and sat in an armchair across from them, "So... Since I know where you have been all night, what I want to know is what you've been doing. Want to explain or shall Draco?"
Harry turned to look at Hermione while Draco just stared at Harry like a lover. Harry didn't seem to mind the staring though. "I-, um-," he stuttered and looked back into Draco's silver eyes, hoping he'd come up with something other than 'snogging and sleeping together in a secret room for the night'.
Draco nodded at his boyfriend who couldn't seem to come up with a false explanation as to where they were. Already having a fake explanation in his head, he looked at the Gryffindor girl. But did she actually know where he and Harry have been all night? Maybe Harry told her. "We were... Studying."
Hermione raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Studying?" she asked and questioned herself if they were telling the truth. They didn't even have any tests or examinations until their fifth year. "All night? We don't even have any-"
"More like studying each other's bodies," came a voice from somewhere in the common room, and a bunch of laughter broke free throughout the common room.
Harry and Draco's faces turned bright red at the anonymous comment. Hermione glared at the back of the common room, hoping to find where that voice came from. She looked back at the Gryffindor and Slytherin couple sadly, "I think it's best if you two go somewhere else. I don't want any other comments coming your way, especially if they're rude."
Draco hopped off Harry's lap, stood up and held out his hand for Harry. Harry smiled at his Slytherin prince, took his hand, and was helped off the armchair. Both boys walked hand in hand towards the common room's portrait and exited, not wanting rude comments thrown at their backs.
Harry squeezed Draco's hand and kissed him on the cheek when they were finally out of the common room and in the halls of the castle. He and Draco have finally come out to nearly all of Gryffindor and now the whole of Hogwarts will find out. "So, where shall we go before classes start?"
Draco shrugged, squeezed Harry's hand back and smiled at his adoring boyfriend. "I don't know," he said and thought about the places he and Harry could go to. The Willow tree, the magical room, and the Library's Secret Room. "We can go anywhere you'd like."
"I like the thought of just walking through Hogwarts hand in hand with you," Harry said and bumped shoulders with his Slytherin boyfriend. He was just having fun being with Draco and showing the castle that they're a thing now.
"I like that idea as well," Draco said and got Harry back with a bump to the shoulders and a charming smile which made Harry's heart flutter in his chest. He smiled at his Harry and placed an arm around him, keeping him close to both his body and heart.
They started walking along the corridors, not knowing where they were headed but they knew they were going up. "Good!" Harry kissed Draco on the cheek and started running off. Draco laughed and ran after his boyfriend. They both ran down the corridors laughing and trying to outrun the other until Professor McGonagall stopped them.
"Boys!" The professor snapped and looked at the two boys sternly. "May I remind you that the corridors are not for running in."
"Sorry Professor," Harry and Draco both chorused, turned away from her and walked towards the Transfiguration Courtyard. There was a nice little patch of grass and a few trees where they were headed so they had a nice place to be together. They then started laughing as they were out of hearing range from her.
The professor sighed and shook her head at the two. They both reminded her of Lily and James, and Sirius Black and Remus Lupin back in the day. The two couples were always running about Hogwarts together, holding hands, and snogging in corridors where others could see them.
By the time, the two boys reached the Transfiguration Courtyard, they decided to sit under a large tree. Draco slid his back down the trunk of the tree and crossed his legs over each other. Harry kneeled on top of Draco's upper legs. They both smiled at each other. Draco closed the distance between them, cupping Harry's face gently and Harry kissed back eagerly.
Draco pried Harry's lips apart gently with his own, experimentally sliding his tongue across Harry's bottom lip. The Slytherin slid his tongue past Harry's lips, caressing Harry's tongue with his own, that was all Harry could feel except Draco's soft warm hand on his cheeks and it was extraordinary. With one last swipe of Harry's lip, Draco pulled away, his face flushed, and he licked his lips, loving the taste of Harry Potter.
"Merlin," Harry whispered with a smile. He stared into Draco's grey eyes, admiring the beautiful long blonde eyelashes as well as how the sunlight slightly bounced off Draco's hair. "You're beautiful!"
A blush flooded Draco's cheeks. "You're also very beautiful, Harry," he replies and he leans forward to give Harry's nose a little kiss. It. He then remembered the letter from his parents he got by owl this morning and tried reaching into his pocket to grab it. He let Harry lay on his chest while he opened the envelope, grabbed it, and started reading it.
Be aware that I do not wish harm upon Harry Potter, or upon you and our family. But, if the Dark Lord does reincarnate somehow, we would have to stick to his side as the Malfoy's have done in the past. Malfoy's do get whatever they want, Draco. You do have Harry Potter as your friend now, don't you? I know nothing about your love to a certain Harry Potter, no I truly do not. I truly do endure to hear from you, Draco. It shows that I know you're happy at Hogwarts, even with this certain Potter boy.
Draco sighed in relief as he had received another good letter from his father. He still can't believe his own cold-hearted father could somehow come to terms and try to accept him as being gay. It was like walking into a different dimension where all of his father's friends wear pink and dress up as Princesses. He shook that funny thought aside and gave the letter to Harry. "Here's a letter from my father if you'd want to read it. It's quite positive, nothing bad-ish. I have the first letter for you to read in my dorm if you'd like."
Harry grabbed the letter from Draco and scanned over it. He looked up at Draco to see if this letter was a trick and Draco shook his head. "This is a letter from your father?" he asked in disbelief, wondering if Lucius Malfoy could ever write such a positive letter. It seems like the man could.
Draco nodded. It was unbelievable even for him. "I have another one from my mother," he said and was going to get that letter out but had other ideas. "I'm sure you know that though, since you were staring at me during breakfast."
Harry sighed, knowing that was true and he admits it. He closed the gap between him and Draco again, kissing him slowly and lovingly. They both pulled apart, eyes fluttering open and looking into the depths of each other's irises.
Draco leaned forward and grabbed Harry's glasses with his teeth, taking them off and stared into the beautiful Emerald green irises without the lens of Harry's glasses bocking out the true beauty of those eyes. The true nature, forests, and greenery he can see in those eyes he loves.
Harry smiled and tried to see Draco, but he just sees a beautiful blonde and pale blur. He wished he could see clearly without glasses, but he has his own deceased dad to thank for his terrible eyesight. He's gotten used to it over the years though. It's just another thing he must deal with every day. It doesn't bother him at all.
Draco slightly tilted his head to the side, watching as Harry's eyes kept blinking but didn't look around at anything besides himself. "You really can't see, can't you?" he asked his boyfriend and dropped Harry's glasses down onto the Gryffindor's lap. He picked the black rimmed glasses up and placed them back on Harry's nose.
Harry shook his head. "Unfortunately, no I'm permanently blind," he said and pressed a finger to the nose piece of his glasses, making sure they're on fully and not loose. "The only things I can see are blurs around me, including you."
Draco sighed and reached his hand up to caress Harry's warm and glowing cheeks with his fingers. "I believe there are potions where they can fix your eyesight, Harry. You just need to know where to look in the potions stores throughout Diagon Alley." He looked directly into Harry's green eyes, loving how they shone. "Besides, you look adorable with these round glasses on, even if they are out of style."
Harry chuckled at the compliment. "Thanks, Draco." Before he gave Draco the chance to answer back, he cleared his throat as he had a question that he dreaded to ask his boyfriend. He just had to know. "So, are you really going to go to Voldemort's side?"
Draco shook his head and felt a little sad that Harry would think he would side with such a monster. Well, he has never met the man, but he has read about him in books. "Never ever will I leave your side in battle, Harry James Potter," he assured his boyfriend. He just didn't know why Harry would even think the Dark Lord could come back after being killed by Harry as a baby. "V... Voldemort does not know about love; he probably won't even care who you date. I believe he only wants you dead, he won't try to take you away from me or torture you in front of me because he has no love in his heart. He's a cold monstrous being from what I've heard about him from father and in stories."
Harry widened his eyes in surprise. Nobody has ever told him about Voldemort like that, and Draco didn't even stutter when saying his name. He smiled at knowing his man would always side with him and gave Draco a long kiss. He slowly moved Draco back up against the tree and kissed him hard, his hands sneaking their way around the Slytherin's neck and bringing their bodies closer together.
Draco's arms snaked their way around Harry's waist, and he moved Harry slightly back and forth on his lap, making Harry rut against him. Harry knew he was sitting on something that was becoming hard and knew what it was but didn't care. As long as he had Draco and Draco had him, it was all that mattered the most. But he began to feel this warm pleasure building up in his gut the more he rutted against Draco even if he wasn't the one who started the rutting. He had to stop before the pleasure was too overwhelming to end. Eventually, they broke away, lips bright red and swollen as they stared into each other's eyes.
Harry began to calm his beating heart from the kissing. Well, he tried to. "So, can I see your mother's letter, please?" he asked him curiously, raising a single eyebrow. "I would like to know what it says. What she thinks of us and everything else."
Draco reached into his robe pocket and pulled out his mother's letter. He held it in front of the both of them so they could read it together.
Dear Draco,
I'm so pleased to hear you say that you are willing to talk about Harry all you want when you come back home. And oh, merciful Merlin! Yes! You finally have a boyfriend, and it's Harry Potter! I am so proud and happy for you, my dragon. I'm so sorry that you couldn't come home for Christmas, I would have loved to spend it with you, Ivy and Harry if he was allowed.
I have already Owled Severus and he's told me you're not allowed to come over until the holidays. I can assure you, I'll never be the one to humiliate you. That of course, is your fathers doing. About Ivy, I'll see what I can do. I wish I knew what's been happening with her, she has been so down and depressed a lot. If we can't adopt her or take her under our care, perhaps Sirius can.
I'm sure Sirius would love to take her in, especially since he's apparently her father. But if that's so then my dear cousin would have had to be in bed with Willow when he was seventeen. I know Sirius while drunk and he has never made such a mistake like that ever so are you positively sure Ivy is his daughter? Not to mention my cousin is gay so that's also something to think about.
Lots of love,
Your mother, Narcissa Malfoy. :)
Harry smiled at the letter, but he was a little sad when realizing that Narcissa could be right about the fact that Ivy isn't Sirius' daughter. He decided to not mention that topic to Draco. "That was a very sweet letter," he said and pulled Draco's tie out of the jumper where it was neatly placed, and he curled his arm up it like a snake. "I'd love to meet your mother someday. She sounds lovely."
"Yeah," Draco said and smiled at the letter, then to Harry. He wouldn't have ever asked for a more amazing mother. "She really is. I'm so glad I have her as my mother. She would love to meet you as well since you're in my life romantically."
Harry grabbed the envelope from on the ground beside Draco and the first thing he saw was a photo which fell out of the envelope. He studied it and smiled, remembering that entire night. The lights were dim, he and Draco were slow dancing and staring into each other's eyes. It was a beautiful magical night. "Look at us, remember the night?" He handed Draco the photo.
Draco looked at the wizard's photo of him and Harry dancing and smiled. It was so memorable and something he will never forget. Even the time in the dormitory with Harry in his bed. "It was an amazing night."
"I'm apparently allowed to come to your house over the holidays," Harry then said and read that part in the letter again. It was true. He could go over to Draco's. "But are you sure it's safe?"
Draco furrowed his eyebrows at his boyfriend. Why wouldn't his own house be safe? "Of course, my family's Manor is safe, Harry. It's surrounded by protective wards and my mother would never allow anyone suspicious into the same house with her son and any guests," he assured him gently and raised a hand to Harry's cheek, caressing it with his thumb.
"Okay," Harry mumbled and looked back up into Draco's eyes. He trusted Draco of course. It's just Mr Malfoy he didn't trust. "How about Ivy? Is she going to live with you or with Sirius? I told Sirius about Ivy. I haven't read his letter yet, it's still in my pocket."
Draco stared blankly down at a single ladybug walking on the surface of a dandelion a few feet away from them. "Mother is still working on that," he said and slid his hand down to Harry's neck. "Ivy already has a bedroom in the Manor so she can always stay over. It's just that Sirius and Willow are Ivy's rightful guardians, so mother can't really adopt Ivy unless Sirius or Willow signs the adoption sheets." He looked down at Harry, "Why don't you read Sirius' letter now?"
Harry grabbed the envelope from his robe's pocket without hesitation and opened it up. He wanted to believe Sirius was Ivy's father, but he just couldn't. Yes, Ivy has Sirius' black curly hair, but she doesn't have his eyes. Does Willow have blue eyes like Ivy? Ivy doesn't even look like Sirius though. He began reading the letter to distract himself.
I'm sorry to hear you and Draco never got to go to the dance together as a couple. Tell Fred to thank him for me, and on your behalf too. Speaking of Fred, how was he at dancing? I've heard he and George are excellent dancers.
That's fantastic Harry! About you and Draco being a couple. I'm truly happy for you both. How was that first date? I would like to meet him sometime in person. I've already gotten a whole family album ready for photos.
So, apparently, I have a daughter? Quite shocking news. I'm sorry, Harry, but even when I'm drunk I know what gender I prefer. I wouldn't have done that to Remus Lupin, he and I were together then. I don't even know a Willow Lestrange unless Rudolphus and Rabastan had a secret sister or cousin but I know the family my cousin Bellatrix married into.
Ivy's quite a good name, to be honest. She could have been born into any other family with the last name of Black. Do you truly know this Ivy girl? What if she's not good? What if she put your name into the Goblet, Harry? I'm most likely assuming things but you know it's best to assume than rather figure it out later that you could be right.
I honestly do wish I could meet Ivy. Apparently, she didn't grow up in a nice household. I'm really sorry to hear that. I've heard from Narcissa that she wants to adopt the girl? There's no need, I'd love to adopt her myself and take her home. When I can get back home, that is.
Draco smiled and pressed his cheek to Harry's. "Sirius really sounds amazing," he says in a whisper. "Apart from accusing Ivy of being terrible, of course. It makes sense what he said about Ivy not being his daughter, and how she must be someone else's. Guess she isn't pureblood, besides the fact that her mother is a Lestrange. Must be an cousin like Sirius said." Yet, he knew she wasn't a Pureblood.
Harry nods, "I've suspected Ivy not being Sirius' real daughter. It just doesn't make sense; Sirius is gay!" He felt bad for Draco having to find out all this from Sirius and then would have to tell Ivy it all. "He told me before the Quidditch World Cup. Plus, he was dating Remus Lupin back then."
"Wait... as in Professor Lupin?" Draco asks at once. "From third-year? With the scars on his face? His ridiculous class about the Ridikkulus spell?"
Harry laughed at the memory. "Yes, that Remus Lupin. There's only one."
"I wish I could have met Sirius," Draco had said, changing the sudden conversation. He chuckled, "And a photo album of us? Merlin..."
Harry placed his hands behind Draco's neck, moving a little closer to him. "Well, that's Sirius for you." That made Draco snort and pull Harry into a passionate kiss.
Hermione and Pansy were just walking along the corridors talking about their Charms homework until they saw two figures in the Transfiguration Courtyard. They gave each other knowing glances and crept up to take a closer look. As soon as they saw Harry and Draco, they both squealed and had to cover each other's mouth from sounding too loud. They watched as Harry and Draco kissed, the two girls giggled in delight and decided to leave them be.
"Those two are so adorable together!" Pansy said with a big smile, and she couldn't be happier seeing her best friend happy with someone he loves. She loves her life which is full of happiness and friendship.
Hermione giggled at her best friend making out with his boyfriend. It was so beautiful to see. "They really are quite a wonderful duo," she said and agreed with a nod. "Let's just go and leave them be." Pansy nodded and pulled Hermione towards the library even though they both knew classes were soon to start.
"You know what I really want?" Harry asked quietly, nibbling on Draco's bottom lip. He looked up into silver eyes glittering from the suns rays and leaned away a little but pressed his forehead to Draco's.
Draco smiled and rubbed his nose against Harry's cheek like a kitten would. "What do you want, my gorgeous Harry?" he asked his Gryffindor boyfriend softly and continued his nose rubbing. He loved showing his love to Harry in different and odd ways.
"A dance," Harry said simply. What more could he want more in life than to dance with his boyfriend? It's all he wants right now. "Just you and I like at the Yule Ball, dancing to muggle songs together."
Draco pushed back one of Harry's locks of hair from his eyes, smiling as it only messed his hair up more. He did it again as it was very amusing to watch. "That honestly sounds amazing, Harry," he says and can picture it already happening. "But you do realize we still have classes to go to?"
Harry sighs and leans his head down on Draco's shoulder, not wanting to go anywhere. All he wants is to stay in the arms of his boyfriend. He didn't want to wait for the weekend to come. He wanted to make his own weekend. Then he remembered what class he had now and groaned. "I got Divination. What about you?"
"I have Transfigurations," said Draco and he gave Harry's upper arms a rub to tell him it's alright and that he will get through classes. "If Trelawny ever gives you any more Death Predictions just ignore them. I pretty much ignore everything she says unless it actually relates to what we have to learn." He then gave him a kiss on the cheek and asked, "So where are you going to find a music player for us?"
Harry smiled as he had a feeling that he knew exactly who would have one. Fred and George. Well, he hoped the twins had kept the music player from the Yule Ball. It had a lot of great songs on it that he would love to re-dance to with Draco. "Oh, I know where one would be. But I need to go. I have three flights of stairs to walk up."
"Okay then," Draco said and sighed a little. No Harry until later on in the day. Can he manage? He knows he will. "Ha-Ha! Transfigurations is only a hallway away and then I'm there. Have fun walking up three flights alone, my gorgeous Gryffindor."
Harry rolled his eyes at Draco's mockery and got up off from on the Slytherin. He stood up and held out his hand for his boyfriend to grasp onto. Draco looked up at Harry, smiled, and grabbed his hand. Harry helped him up and swore. He had to get his bookbags. "I really need to go. My books."
"Oh, alright," said Draco a little quickly and placed the notes from his mother and father in his pocket. "Wait!" He smiled and pulled Harry into a quick kiss which sounded like a "Mwah!" when his lips touched Harry's. The Gryffindor chuckled softly and pulled away, not letting go of their hands. "I'll see you soon, Harry. Now go." He dropped his hands out of Harry's grasp and took a step back. If he stayed close to Harry, he would have wanted to kiss him again. As much as he wants to, he doesn't want Harry becoming late.
"I'll see you soon too, Draco," Harry says sweetly and decides to take this time to walk away. He had his books to collect unless he was lucky enough to have Hermione get them for him. That wasn't an option for him though. With a smile, he then rushes off to Gryffindor Tower to grab his things.
Harry woke with a groan and sluggishly sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and wishing he had more sleep. He woke up three times last night all because of the same recurring nightmare and he couldn't fall back asleep for hours. It sucked so much because he wanted an actual good night sleep. The only decent amount of sleep he gets is with Draco and sleeping with him.
Hearing no noise but the snores of his dormmates, he decided to just lay in his bed with the blankets up to his chest to keep himself warm and toasty. Over time, he cast a few "Tempus" charms to check the time until he finally hears a movement in the room such as giggles, sheets moving, and mattresses dipping meaning that someone was sitting on someone else's mattress.
Harry pushes the side drape aside and climbs out of bed. His ears suddenly hear soft moaning, and he looks to the other side of the room at Seamus' bed. He raised an eyebrow and sees movement on his side of the room. He looks to his side and sees Neville just staring at Seamus' bed, his nose wrinkled a little.
Harry then sees a few pink, white, and red gifts on Dean's bed including a bunch of red and white roses wrapped in a pink ribbon. There is a cluster of roses on Seamus' bedside table and what looks like a bunch of chocolate boxes. Then it hits him. It's Valentine's day.
Still a little dazed and tired from his restless night, he manages to get dressed into black joggers and a dark green shirt and search his trunk for his presents to give Draco. He wanted to surprise Draco by showing up at the Slytherin common room before breakfast and give him the presents he got for him. He casts one last "Tempus", seeing as it was six twenty-five in the morning.
"What have you got there, Harry?" Neville asked quietly as he sees the long and thin brown rectangular glossy woodgrain display case that looks like a wand box and it has a gold lock. Not only that, but there was a whole white basket full of little red hexagonal box gifts with brown lids.
"The boxes have sweets, candies, and little messages in them," said Harry a little quietly so he doesn't interrupt Seamus and Dean from their fun under the covers of Seamus' bed sheets. He puts the basket of red boxes down onto his bed and faced Neville with the rectangular display case. He opened the display case by the latch and watches as Neville's eyes widen. He smiled a little and shut the case back up. "I'm going to find Draco."
He grabs the basket from on his bed and immediately makes his way down to the common room. The first person he sees is Hermione who, to his confudlement, was holding a sparkling purple pencil. He didn't even see all the Valentine's day decorations around the room. In fact, a few Gryffindors in all age ranges had different coloured pencils and more were spread throughout the common room on desks, chairs, sofas, even on the floor. Some pencils were sparkly and some bendy. "Hermione, happy Valentines day," he said while forcing a smile. "Why are these muggle pencils everywhere?"
Hermione looked over at her best friend and smiled as she walked over to him, noticing the presents in his arms. "Happy Valentines day to you too," she said sweetly. "I'm sure you know Elton and his buddies. All Muggleborns just like me. He and Nikola are selling pencils to everyone for some reason. They started yesterday but I don't know what their aim is in doing this but since they're older I just leave them do their thing."
Harry just nods at what she says. He really didn't care about pencils right now as he wanted to see Draco and give the gifts to him. He just hoped the Slytherin liked what he got. "That's nice but I'm going to hurry off to find Draco," he said and took a quick step back. "I'm dying to see his reaction when I show him the gifts that I got him. Goodbye, Hermione!" He was off and out of the common room before Hermione could say anything back to him.
Carrying the gifts in his arms, he rushed down to the Slytherin common room entrance. He didn't know the password which he knew he should have asked Draco for. Luckily enough, he spotted a few Slytherin's casually walking out of the dungeons and up to the first floor of the castle. He just waited at the entrance to the Slytherin common room peacefully until the next two or three Slytherins emerged from the hidden entrance.
"Wait!" he yelled at them and stood in front of the two girls with dark hair and a boy with light brown hair that are slightly younger than him. "Can I come into your common room, please? I have a gift for my boyfriend." The three Slytherin's looked at each other, a little uncertain. "It's Valentine's day after all. Please?" He frowned at them. "This is the first ever Valentines gift for my boyfriend. This is very special to me and will be to Draco Malfoy"
The young boy with light brown hair eventually sighs and nods at Harry. "I'll escort you through to the Slytherin dormitories," he said and crossed his arms over his chest, trying to look intimidating. It didn't work for Harry. "I have trust issues when it comes to my friends and protecting my house."
"That's fine," Harry says and immediately nods his head at the secret entrance into the common room for him. He just needed to see Draco. He had to give his boyfriend the gifts he got him. "Can I have your name please?"
The boy looked at Harry with uncertainty yet again but gives him his name. "Michael," he says. He doesn't even bother introducing his friends as he could tell the Gryffindor didn't care about anything but getting these gifts to Draco Malfoy. "Let's go." He whispers the password and as the entrance appears, he walks in with the Gryffindor walking behind him. They didn't even get to the middle of the common room when they heard a soft, "Harry?"
Harry recognized that voice. That angelic voice of his boyfriend. He turned around and smiled at his Draco dressed in black trousers and a black long sleeved cashmere sweater. "Draco, my dear," he says and gives him a morning kiss in the middle of the common room. Only a few people were in the common room. Mainly younger Slytherins. "Happy Valentine's day." He handed him the brown case.
He had owled a few stores in Hogsmeade to arrange these gifts he wanted to give Draco. It had taen him a whole three days to figre out what exactly he wanted to get Draco, from reading the list of stock the stores had Owled him with.
Draco's eyes are skimming over the piano woodgrain display case, and he wondered what was inside. He looked up into Harry's eyes which gleamed with excitement and looked back down at the box. He carefully opened it by the gold latch and the first thing he sees is something golden, and then navy-blue velvet padded material. Opening it up further, he gasps at the sight he was seeing. It was a natural red rose but glazed and gold trimmed. The rose was glazed with gold which meant it could never expire.
He felt tears of joy pool up in his eyes. This was far yet the most incredible gift he's ever been given. Underneath the rose was a Certificate of Authentication, meaning that this was real gold the rose was glazed with. Overall, the whole rose was dipped in 24 Karat gold. "Oh, Harry," he says and nearly sobs, he placed his hand over his mouth. On the back of the Certificate of Authentication was a message and he read it.
The rose has long been a symbol of love and beauty. It is to the flower world, what gold represents in the realm of precious metals. These two timeless symbols of richness and beauty have been perfectly combined in The Eternity Rose. Your rose has been carefully selected, as its peak of beauty. It is guaranteed to last a lifetime and beyond.
"Just like how I feel about you," Harry says when noticing that Draco has finished reading the back of the card. He smiled as he heard giggles and 'Awwe's erupted all around the common room. He knew everyone around them heard them. That was fine though.
"I love this so much, Harry. I love y-" Draco looked back up into the eyes of his lover, smiling at nearly saying the words out loud, placed the card back in the box and shut it closed. He immediately wrapped his arms around Harry tightly and kissed him on the cheek, the neck, the lower neck, his earlobe. Just anywhere his lips could reach. "I love the gift. It's so thoughtful and romantic. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart."
Harry leans away from the hug ever so slightly and places his hands around the Slytherin's neck. He leans forward and presses his lips to Draco's, kissing him softly and lovingly with all he had. It was only a short kiss. He still had to give Draco the next present. "I'm glad you liked it. Here." He handed his Slytherin boyfriend the white basket full of red hexagonal boxes with brown lids. "Your next present."
Draco smiles and couldn't be happier. He loves what Harry's done for him, with all his heart. He didn't want anybody else but Harry. He takes a look inside one of the hectogon boxes and sees it filled with tiny heart shaped chocolates. "Yet again I say thank you so much. You're fattening me up, I see." Harry snorted and Draco grinned. "Oh, I still have my presents to give you!"
"Presents for me?" Harry asks in disbelief like he didn't think he'd ever get anything. But that all changed as Draco, with the presents Harry gave him in one arm, and his free hand twined with Harry's, led him through the hallway to the two arched tunnels and entered through to the next hallway passing all the boys' dormitories from first year until they got to the fourth years.
Draco opened the 4th years boy's dormitory and led Harry inside. He placed his presents inside the top drawer of his bedside table. He opens the drapes around his 4-poster and watches as Harry's jaw drop. He smiled, places his hand under the Gryffindor's jaw and closes it shut. He wraps his arms around his boyfriend's waists and holds him close.
Harry's just staring at a bunch of stuff that's crowded on Draco's bed. He saw a teddy bear with two red hearts in its hands. The biggest heart had 'I'm yours. No refunds' printed on it in red letters. He also saw a few boxes of chocolates in all different shapes and sizes, red, white, and pink roses all in different batches, and last but not least a photo frame of him and Draco posing for a photo from the Yule Ball. Portrait Draco and Harry were smiling at him, then turned their heads and looked into each other's eyes. Then they kissed with Portrait Draco leading.
"It's all so wonderful, Draco," Harry says and snuggles into the blonde Slytherin's embrace, still staring at all the Valentine's gifts that are for him. Not once has he retrieved a Valentine gift or flowers and now, he has. "I don't know what else to say except thank you."
Blaise smiled at what he was hearing and wished he had someone to send Valentine's gifts to and receive them from. He was in his bed, reading one of his fashion magazines and surrounded by closed Slytherin green drapes. He knew he was probably forgotten by Draco and that was okay. Draco had Harry so he was happy as a sunflower.
"What would you like to do today, my darling?" Draco asked Harry who had laid his head on his shoulder, and Draco kissed his forehead with a smile. He's going to put this rose somewhere in his bedroom at the manor. "We can get breakfast and lunch together if you want. Same with dinner."
Harry lets out a yawn as he feels so comfortable and safe in Draco's arms. He feels like he could sleep for hours and hours. "I didn't get enough sleep last night so a nap with you is my first option," he said and didn't seem to know what he admitted. "Please, I need my sleep. We can have food after nap."
"Of course, a nap," Draco says and leans out of the hug only to move Harry's presents to the end of the bed and pull Harry by the hand into his bed. He shut all the drapes to his bed and just laid down and made enough room to fit Harry in. The Gryffindor laid down, his hands finding their way around the Slytherin's waist and he snuggled in closer. They looked into each other's eyes for a moment as they lay side by side and close the distance between them, closing their eyes, and they kiss slowly in each other's arms. They pull away only a few inches just to breath and place their foreheads against each other.
"Thank you, Draco," Harry whispers and has his eyes still closed. He could feel Draco's fringe tickling his forehead and even touching his scar. It sent shivers down his neck even at the single touch. He tried opening his eyes and could only manage halfway where he could see Draco a little clearly who was looking at him with eyes that sparkle like diamonds. He tried opening them up fully, but they just felt too heavy, so he closed them.
"I thank you too, Harry," Draco said in a quiet voice and placed a long and persistent kiss to Harry's forehead, feeling his boyfriend quietly fall asleep in his arms, and he couldn't have wished for a better Valentines day.
"Harry, you're humming again," Hermione says, looking up at her best friend staring into the common room's roaring fireplace. They were seated on the sofa facing the fireplace finishing off their Transfiguration essay. She smiled, it was a sign to her that meant her best friend was really happy.
"Oh, sorry," Harry muttered, looking to his side at her. "Didn't realise. I've just been thinking."
"You're humming Perfect by Edd Sheeran," Hermione grins. "Didn't realise you were an Edd Sheeran fan."
Harry snorts, "I'm not. I just remember it from the Yule Ball."
"Oh, are you certain? I think you are-"
"I'm not!"
Hermione chuckled, "Sure."
Harry was waiting for Draco by the Slytherin common room entrance alone. He had just gotten the music player off Fred and George yesterday and had put it in the Library's Secret Room for his and Draco's future uses. They had been given a lot of homework these past weeks, so they weren't able to spend much time together unless they were doing homework together in the Library's Secret Room.
"Harry?" said Blaise, who had just walked out of the entrance of the Slytherin common room and the first person he sees is his best friend's boyfriend. "What are you doing here? Never mind that, I'll just get Draco for you."
Harry just hesitantly nodded, thinking how easy that was instead of just waiting until Draco comes out. He was glad it was Blaise and not someone else like Crabbe and Goyle who had found him. In only a second, the entrance opened up and Draco Malfoy exited with a smile.
Draco immediately scooped Harry up into his arms and pinned him to the wall, his smile turning into a smirk. "Look who decides to show up," he said and presses his whole body onto his boyfriend's body, feeling every curve and bump on Harry's front. "My Gryffindor boyfriend with beautiful green eyes."
Harry shushes him with a single finger on the Slytherin's lips, and a blush rises from his cheeks. "I know it's been a week, but did you still want to dance?" he asked the Slytherin with a little smile, actually liking how Draco pins him to a wall. Just any wall. He feels powerless against Draco and he likes it. "I have the music player already down in the Library's Secret Room. It was a bugger getting it down there without me being seen."
"Oh," said Draco and he understands what Harry wants. A dance. He is still craving a dance with his Harry since they last discussed a dance together. "I would love that, Harry. Lead the way, I'll dance with you until my legs are jelly and body is limp."
Harry grasped one of Draco's hands and he turned around with a smile on his face as he leads Draco to the Library. The Slytherin moved closer to Harry and repositioned his hand which Harry held so it intertwined their hands together.
They wandered into the library, walking towards the vertical bookshelves, and opened the secret doorway by the white book. They waited until the torches all lit up with yellow dancing flames and headed down the long hallway to the Oak door at the end. As they entered through the Oak door they sighed, glad to be back in this room.
"How long has it been since we were in here?" Draco asked with a smile, then noticing the familiar music player on the dressing table with stacks of CDs and even some records next to it. He's never seen CDs before. Only the music player bit. Muggle items were just confusing.
"Too long," Harry said as he goes up to the music player and starts searching through the CDs for something they can dance to. Hmm... Pink, My Chemical Romance, Fleetwood Mac, Blondie, Britney Spears, ACDC, The Beatles, The rolling stones. "So, what song shall it be first?"
Draco sat down on the couch, crossing his legs over the other to get comfy and stretched his arms out over the couch's back. He looked up at Harry, watching him look at all the songwriters and their albums. "We should probably check the time first. We don't want to be dancing on empty stomachs."
"Right, of course," Harry said and reached for his wand from in his robe and cast a "Tempus!" The time showed that it was near dinnertime. "Well, if we want to get dinner then we should do it now," he suggested gently. "Then as we finish early, we can come back here to start what we were going to do."
Draco got up and made his way to Harry, wrapping his arms around the boy and hugging him from behind. He kissed Harry on the cheek, reached over to a CD and slid it into the music player. The music player made a buzzing noise to recognize the CD and it played. As soon as the music played, Draco span Harry around until the Gryffindor then faced him and wrapped his arms around his back. Harry slid his hands up Draco's chest and around his neck, swaying to the music with him.
Well, you done, done, me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
And now I'm trying to get back
It was a little hard swaying to this music as it was quite an upbeat song, but they eventually got there and tried dancing to the song as best as they could. Harry knew all the lyrics to the song and tried his best not to sing or hum the lyrics. It was a little hard not to.
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my best-est
And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn
To win some or learn some
But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
"I'm yours, Harry James Potter," Draco whispered into Harry's ear and gave his earlobe a little nibble. The Gryffindor gasped at the feeling and nuzzled his nose in Draco's neck, scenting the citrus and vanilla and sighing in satisfaction.
"And your mine," Harry whispered back and kissed Draco on the neck, slightly tasting the vanilla cologne on his lips. He's swallowed perfume before as a way of hurting himself. He recalls how painful his throat and stomach had felt a few minutes after swallowing not even a quarter of the liquid. The burning feeling in his throat never went away until a few hours after, and as much as he hated the pain, he dealt with it.
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love.
Listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing
We are just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved, loved, loved
"I, erm," Harry says quietly to Draco's shoulder as the music gets a little softer, and he leaned his forehead on Draco's shoulder. "You know, the happiest I've ever felt was that moment I discovered you like me too. That was our first real kiss together, and the moment before and on Christmas eve when we had that date."
"I am so glad I made you feel the happiest you have ever been," Draco said, and he placed his arms around Harry's waist and leaned his chest away from Harry. "I kind of already knew you liked me. It was the times your face turned that beautiful red colour, and you'd get all stuttery when I compliment you, and that time I was under the sleeping potion which you kissed me, and I woke up while thinking it was a dream I had when you kissed me."
Harry smiled and blushed at those memories and he looked up into the sparkling silver eyes he fell in love with. He didn't actually think that Draco knew he liked him. He always tried to hide his feelings, but it seemed he's a bad actor. He doesn't need to hide his feelings anymore though.
Draco loved seeing that smile on his lowers face, and he wanted to kiss it. So, he did. He leaned forward while Harry was clearly in his thoughts about something positive, and he kissed him. Harry, a little surprised and was pulled out of his thoughts by a kiss to the lips by his lover. He kisses back and snakes his arms up and around the Slytherin's neck.
So, I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
As the song ends, they pulled away from the kiss to take a breath and to stare into the other's eyes. The music player buzzed again and started the next song. They danced to all three songs of: Fun - We are young, Bruno Mars - Just the way you are, and Ed Sheeran - Galway girl, ending in spinning, hip bumping, and laughter.
As the next song came on, Hozier - take me to church, they began slow dancing and looking into each other's eyes. Draco pushed back a strand of Harry's hair from his eyes and leaned down to kiss him. Harry kissed back with a smile, as Draco licked Harry's bottom lip for entrance, Harry gave it to him and opened his mouth. Draco entered his tongue in Harry's mouth and caressed Harry's tongue, tasting him once again. Harry let out a soft moan as he felt Draco's tongue enter his mouth and taste him. Draco chuckled in Harry's mouth from the moan and searched and tasted more of the beautiful mouth. Eventually, they broke away, lips bright red and glistening with saliva, and staring back into each other's eyes with love.
"What even is this song about?" Draco asked quietly. "Going to some church?"
Harry laughed. "Some people think it's about a man worshipping his female lover over his religion, others think it's just about religion. Some think it's about a gay man who does love his girlfriend but loved his male friend more and wants to be with him." He shrugged.
And then the next song came on. Ed Sheeran - Photograph. Harry and Draco were swaying to the music, arms wrapped around each other tightly. Harry frowned from the song's sad tone and rests his head back on Draco's shoulder. He then started to tear up. The song brought back so many painful memories from his past and the Dursleys including the abuse, torment, and suicide attempts.
Draco heard sniffling coming from below him and kissed Harry's forehead. Was it the song doing this? It did have a sad tone and vibe to it. "Are you all right, Harry?" he asks him with a soothing voice.
Harry nodded sadly and looked up into Draco's silver eyes. He didn't want him to worry. Draco stared back into glossy teary green eyes. It was heartbreaking seeing such a beautiful soul so broken and depressed, so he closed the gap between them in a soft and slow kiss. Harry began to cry into the kiss, letting the tears fall down his cheeks and one or two tears entered his mouth.
Draco moved his arms up around Harry into a hug, and he pulled away from the kiss. "You are so loved Harry," he told him gently. "I love you. You don't know how much I would miss you if you disappeared, as well as your friends. Whatever you're going through, you can tell me. You know that, right?"
Harry nodded again, feeling another single tear run down his face and Draco kissed the tear away. "I know, Draco," He said and let the rest of the tears fall down his cheeks. There was so many. It was almost like a river stream on his face. "I l-love you too," His voice was a little shaky as he said that.
Draco smiled at his boyfriend and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He raised a hand up to Harry's face and wiped away the tears on Harry's face with his thumb. "I will keep telling you how much I care for you every day just so it sinks into you."
Harry gave a small smile, closed his eyes, and leaned his head back on Draco's shoulder. "Thank you," he said softly but hated himself for crying in front of his boyfriend. It made him look weak. Why would Draco want to date someone so weak and pathetic like him? "I'd love that." His voice nearly cracked.
The next song came on. Sad Song by We the Kings.
Harry couldn't help but let every tear he had come out. This wasn't helping him at all. He felt even worse and felt like he needed to be alone. He knew what to do and how much he had to bleed. He pushed Draco away from him gently, even though he didn't want to. He could see the confusion written all over his boyfriend's face and he wiped his tears away, but it didn't help as more tears plummeted down his cheeks like rivers. "I'm sorry Draco," he said and broke down even more. "I don't deserve you; nobody deserves a freak like me. I'm not good enough. I'm just a pathetic-"
Draco watched him for a moment, Harry having a mental breakdown in front of him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He turned off the music player and wrapped his arms around Harry before he could run off. He kissed Harry on the forehead and tightened his grip on his boyfriend.
"Don't you ever say you don't deserve someone, and don't you dare say you're a freak!" Draco nearly spat but kept his tone down as he didn't want to upset Harry by being loud. "You are not a freak! Don't call yourself such a bad word. You are loved by so many people. By me, Weasel, Granger, and by so many people. Every teacher in this school cares about you, Harry. Don't you ever think nobody cares about you because it's not true. So many people care for you, Harry. I love you Harry James Potter and I will always do."
Harry sniffled at the small speech his boyfriend gave him. It helps a little but not entirely a lot. "I-I'm sorry, but..."He shook his head sadly. He can't say it. "Never mind... Can we just... cuddle on the couch?"
Draco sighed as he thought Harry was going to tell him something... something about his depression. About what else those muggle relatives of Harry's do to Harry. He nodded at his broken boyfriend and leaned away from the hug. He intertwined their hands together and led Harry to the midnight blue couch. He sat on the end of the couch, his legs spread apart and facing the other end of the couch. Harry gave a sad smile and laid down on Draco's chest, letting the tears fall down. "I'm sorry."
Draco wrapped his arms around Harry and rubbed his hands up and down Harry's back. "No, don't apologize, my beautiful Harry." Harry nodded, blushing slightly from the compliment, and fell into a deep sleep, having Draco keep him safe and warm from everything he's going through. Draco sighed and slowly began to fall asleep as well with Harry on top of him.
Harry was the first to wake up and the first thing he saw was Draco asleep. That is one of the many things he likes to see when waking up, as well as being in his boyfriend's arms. He grabbed his wand and cast a quick "Tempus," showing it's around 3:00 in the afternoon. He and Draco had been sleeping for more than three hours. He looked down at his sleeping prince beside him, loving the way he snores. Well, it was more like a purr of a kitten. Draco was his kitten, his frisky, cute, handsome hot kitten. Or was it more of a ferret than a kitten? He didn't know but the sounds Draco made during sleeping melted Harry's heart.
Harry brushed his hands slowly and gently through Draco's hair, watching as the soft blonde locks bounced back into place. He chuckled softly, finding that amusing and adorable. He then leaned down and kissed Draco on the cheek, feeling his soft warm cheeks against his lips. He watched as Draco stirred in his sleep, he knew Draco wasn't sleeping so he trailed kisses down his cheek, down to his jawbone and down his neck. Draco flinched as he felt Harry kiss his neck and in a really nice spot, he leaned his head back so Harry had more room to kiss him.
As soon as Harry saw Draco's silver eyes staring right back at him, he leaned down to kiss those familiar and beautiful soft pink lips. Draco fisted his hands in Harry's hair and pulled him closer, so their bodies were touching, and he wrapped his legs around the Gryffindor's bottom. Harry pulled out of the kiss, leaving a red-lipped Draco staring right back at him. He looked at the position he was in and blushed. He looked back up at a flushed Draco and smiled. "I think we should head back... to erm... have dinner and head to bed. In our actual bed, in our actual dorm and not some couch."
Draco laughed at that. Even if the couch was quite comfy, he preferred his actual bed. "Yeah, we should." When the Gryffindor removed his body from his and got up off the couch, Draco did the same but held his hand out to Harry. "Dinner in the kitchens, my darling?"
Harry smiled at how special Draco makes him feel and grabbed his hand. "Yes, I'd love to," he said and was surprised when Draco kissed the back of his hand. He chuckled a bit from the gesture.
"Shall we?" Draco asked and held out his elbow for Harry to take so they can link arms for their trip to the kitchens together.
Harry linked arms with his Slytherin boyfriend, smiling and began to think about what he wanted for dinner. "We shall."
With a slight nod, Draco led Harry out of the secret room in the library to the Kitchens. They didn't want to be bombarded with questions about where they've been all day when they could have gone to the Great Hall, so they went to the kitchens instead. As they arrived, after tickling the pear in the portrait of the fruit bowel, Dobby came into view wearing all these weird socks on his feet, ears, and arms. It was obviously Hermione's doing.
Harry and Draco sat down next to each other at the long table in the kitchen. Dobby gave the boys happy and surprised looks as he saw them. He jumped up on the table they were seated at. "Harry Potter sir, how can Dobby be at service?"
Draco was about to say something rude as the House-elf didn't regard him at all but let that thought sink into his head. He didn't want to upset or anger Harry by being rude to the house elf. He didn't want to lose Harry and made sure to keep his opinions to himself.
Harry gave Dobby a smile. He had a couple ideas of what he wanted for Dinner. "Hello, Dobby," he greeted kindly and from under the table, he wove his hand with Draco's together. "We'd like some dinner, please. "
Dobby nodded, his big eyes widening in excitement. "Sure thing, Harry Potter sir," the little elf said and bowed down, his long nose nearly touching the table. "What would Harry Potter and Mr Malfoy like for dinner?"
Harry contemplated for a moment, and then looked beside him at Draco and poked his boyfriend on the shoulder. "What would you like for dinner, Honey?" he asked the Slytherin next to him and with his free arm, leaned his elbow on the table and rested his hand on his cheek while staring at his boyfriend for an answer.
Draco bit his tongue, thinking of something he'd like to have for dinner with Harry. He decided on a Mediterranean meal. He looked up at the house-elf on the table and said, "Some Mie Goreng, please?"
Dobby looked from Draco to Harry. "Yes, sir." With a slight nod from Harry, Dobby made his way to start the dinner.
Harry smiled and watched as the house-elf disappeared. "So, what in Merlin's name is Mie Goreng?" he asked and looked back at Draco with the slightest bit of confusion in his eyes. "Is it some rich people food?"
Draco snorted at Harry and what he said and kissed him on the cheek. "You're cute when you're confused," he said and watched as that familiar blush spread across Harry's face from his neck. He smiled. "Mie Goreng is a spicy fried dish from Indonesia. It's just fried noodles with chicken, meat or prawns in it. Pretty tasty if I do say so myself."
Harry's jaw dropped a little. He didn't know Draco's been to overseas countries other than Europe. What about Korea, Russia, and Fiji? Has his beloved Draco been to those countries? "Wait..." he said in disbelief. "You've been to Indonesia? Where abouts?"
"No, not really," Draco said with a shake of his head. He does wonder what it would be like to visit those countries. Maybe he can go to those places with Harry sometime. "I have never been to Asian countries. Only European countries like France, Italy and Spain. Oh, and I've been to Australia."
"Ah," Harry said and nodded a little. But then he scrunched up his face is disgust at the table, hoping this Mie Goreng doesn't have slimy animals in it. "This dish better not have snails or slugs in it. I wouldn't be able to stomach it and will probably lose my appetite for an entire month."
Draco shook his head with a wry smile. He should take Harry to France and make him eat a snail or two. It should be on his Bucket List of things to do with Harry. "No slugs, snails or anything the French have as food," he said firmly and leaned over to place a kiss to his boyfriend's neck. When his Gryffindor tilted his head to the side to give more room, he placed a couple more kisses to Harry's neck. Then an idea popped in his head and he looked around the room with a smirk.
Harry sighed in relief. He didn't want to be eating anything slimy or squishy. "Good!" he said, and that's when he notices the smirk on Draco's face. Uh oh. What's he up to now? "What is it, Draco? What are you thinking of?"
Draco kept the smirk on his face as he leans back to Harry's warm neck and sucks on a spot below his earlobe. Harry sucks in a deep breath, his heart skipping a beat and he reaches beside him in hope to grasp at Draco's hand. The Slytherin smirked, Harry's hand on his groin, and he chose that moment to suck harder into Harry's skin.
"Is master Harry Potter and Mr Malfoy done yet?" came the voice of Dobby the house elf, who had a hand over his eyes and had jumped onto the table, nearly falling over. Behind him came two bowels of delicious smelling food that could only be their Mie Goreng but with forks already in the bowels and they landed in the center of the table in front of the two boys.
Draco nearly jumped out of his seat, and Harry nearly fell off the chair as the house-elf startled them. They blushed deeply and had forgotten they weren't alone in the kitchens. "Y-You didn't see anything did you, Dobby?" Harry had to ask but figured he knew the answer.
"Dobby and his friends know everything, sir," said Dobby with a wry smile. Then he shrugged as he said, "Dobby and his friends are used to it. Dobby and other house-elves have been apart of at least one Pureblood family. House-elves know what baby-making is." Then he grinned at the Slytherin. "Dobby has seen how Mister Draco Malfoy was made. But Dobby didn't stay long. Dobby left and continued doing Dobby's chores around the house while Mister Draco Malfoy was being made by Mistress Narcissa Malfoy and Master Lucius Malfoy."
Harry bursts out laughing from what Dobby is telling him and Draco's face just goes as pale as a sheet as he knows his former House-elf had been watching his parents make him in bed. "Uhm Dobby... we don't need to know anything else," Draco says flatly, uncomfortable, and grabs the bowels from the table, putting one in front of Harry and the other in front of himself.
"Dobby asks of Mister Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy to do that kind of thing elsewhere, even if it's not much, and not in the kitchens where Dobby and all Dobby's house-elf friends are working," the house-elf requests them, almost firmly. "Enjoy the meal, Dobby must go and clean dishes."
Harry eventually stopped laughing as Draco patted him on the back, cupped his face and surprised him with a loving kiss to the mouth, then he leaned down to Harry's neck and gave him a few kisses up and down his neck. Even a few sloppy kisses which made the Gryffindor moan a little. Knowing he's getting sidetracked; he leaned away and began eating his meal.
"Tease!" Harry said softly, nudging Draco in the arm as he regained his thoughts and innocent feelings and grabbed the fork and twirled it around some noodles in the bowl. When is the last time he had a noodle-based dish? A very long time. The Slytherin chuckled and tried stealing from Harry's bowl but Harry flicked at his arm to shoo him away from his food and hissed, "My food!"
Draco tried not to chuckle again as that hiss sounded hot. Has he heard Harry speak in Parseltongue since the second year? He doesn't remember at all. He wants to hear it again. "Do you mind saying that in Parseltongue or at least something in snake language?"
Harry rolled his eyes and looked Draco in the eye, looking him up and down, left, and right. "You're ssso beautiful," he said in Parseltongue Language, smiling at the amused expression on the Slytherin's features. "Don't you know your eyesss glimmer in the mosst beautiful way?"
"What exactly did you say?" Draco asked as he tilted his head to the side. He had no clue what Harry said. He wanted to know though. It could have been something innocent, or something downright dirty and hot.
Harry shook his head and tried the Mie Goreng for the first time and actually liked it. It had a nice taste to it. "That, erm, y-you're beautiful and y-your eyes, erm, glimmer in the most beautiful way," he stammers.
Draco felt his heart flutter for a moment, his cheeks warmed and he leaned over and kissed Harry on the cheek. "I feel embarrassed for the snakes that you've come by if you're stammering like that when speaking to them. Poor snakes wold think we're dumb."
Harry smiled at Draco taking the mickey out of him; he misses that rascal version of his boyfriend sometimes. "I'm honestly so lucky to have you in my life," he says to his bowl of Mie Goreng. Then he looks up at Draco, smiling as he watched his Slytherin slurping up the noodles. "You're like a part of me that was missing and then I found you and made me whole."
Draco looked beside him at Harry and smiled. He wanted to reply but his mouth was too busy eating his dinner.
Harry dipped his thumb in the red sauce and quickly wiped it on Draco's forehead. "Simba!" he said with a smile and watched as Draco froze with the fork halfway up to his mouth, and the red mark shining on his forehead.
Draco narrowed his eyes at Harry and wiped the sauce of his forehead. "What the bloody hell was that for?!" he asked in an almost demanding tone. But he did want to know why Harry did such a thing. "And what in Merlin's Beard is a Simba? Is it a type of spell I've never heard of?"
Harry cackled, finding it funny how Muggle Movies can be so funny to act out. He should do Aladdin next and charm an actual carpet to fly. It's actually a good idea. "It's just from some Muggle Movie and involves cartoon lions."
Draco kept rubbing his forehead, hoping he got the sauce off and asking himself what a cartoon is. Harry laughed at his Slytherin boyfriend. "What is it?" he asked him, almost in mockery. "Afraid it might stain your adorable pale complexion?"
"No," Draco drawled with a roll of his eyes and continued with his dinner. He couldn't be angry with Harry, especially for calling him adorable. Compliments he accepts with all his heart.
Harry watched as Draco finished his dinner in under five minutes. Is that even possible or is he just a slow eater? Raising an eyebrow in amusement, he asked, "How do you finish a meal that fast? You're like a damn cheetah."
Now it was Draco's turn to raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean how fast?" he asked the Gryffindor a little bitterly but added in a smile just so Harry doesn't feel susceptible in some way. "I finish my meals in a normal amount of time, thank you very much."
Harry just smiled while he was trying to finish off his own meal which he was only halfway finished. He wasn't really capable of eating the whole thing, but he tried for Draco. The more he ate the fuller he became until he couldn't eat anymore.
Draco looked down into Harry's half-eaten meal and sighed a little. "Need a little help there?" he asked him with a lick of his lips, wishing Dobby could have made more of the Asian food. "And how are you so slow at eating? You're like a turtle."
"Oh," Harry said and looked down at his meal sadly. "I- um... Well, let's just say the Dursleys feed me whatever my cousin doesn't eat. Which is not a lot, usually vegetables." He feels like he has told someone this before. Has he? He doesn't remember but continued on. "And yes, you can help me eat the rest of my food."
Draco's smile turned into a frown; he was pleased Harry was telling him something but angry at Harry's so-called relatives. What is their problem? Don't they know how amazing this boy is? "I'm sorry to hear that, Harry, and I wish you could have told me this before," he said in a soft tone. "I'd do anything to help you, I'd always let you stay at Malfoy Manor over the holidays instead of going back to those... pathetic Muggles. Mother wouldn't mind at all; half the manor doesn't even get used. It's always the Dining room, sitting room and the entrance Hall."
"Thanks, Draco," Harry said animatedly and would entwine his hand with Draco's. "I know I should have told you this earlier... I just need time to fully come out to you and I really appreciate you trying to help me. If I could, I'd love to stay with you at your house, but I don't think Dumbledore would allow that. In fact, why is he always controlling my life?! Giving me to my Aunt as a child, growing up in such an ab- bad.... household and probably will make me stay there for the first month of the Holiday."
Draco gave Harry a sad look as he helped Harry finish off his dinner. He was downright angry at the professor. Harry was right. Why is the Professor controlling Harry's life? Yes, he's the most powerful wizard in this century, but still? "We can talk to Dumbledore if you would want to?"
Harry sighed, not believing Dumbledore would ever let him over at Malfoy Manor. He has a good reason not to and it's the name of Lucius Malfoy. "He would probably laugh in our faces if we asked him if I could stay over at Malfoy Manor," he deadpans. "He probably doesn't trust your father."
Draco smiled at that. It would be hard getting Dumbledore to agree to something like letting Harry stay over. "We can ask if you could stay at the Burrow," he says, pondering to himself why his own father isn't trustworthy. "Unless mother knows of another one of our houses in Australia or Italy. I think we own a manor in Venice somewhere, can't be sure because I don't remember it much. I was about ten when I last was there."
"I wouldn't mind staying at the Burrow," Harry said with a shrug but thought about how lonely he would be without Draco there. Ron and Hermione would be there, of course. But he would want someone to kiss, hug, and cuddle with. He scooched closer to Draco to whisper into his ear, "Or even someplace romantic in Italy or Paris all alone with you."
"I wouldn't mind that at all, my darling," Draco said and held out his hand for Harry again. The Gryffindor chuckled and took Draco's hand. The two boys left the kitchens and headed back towards the Great Hall, where they would separate their ways and head to their house common room. Before they could, Harry turned around and shoved Draco into a wall and kissed him hard. The Slytherin didn't even try to take control. Harry's hands intertwined with the Slytherin's, and he pushed them against the cold stone wall at shoulder height.
Draco hesitated as the impact hurt a little but kissed Harry back just as intensely. He let Harry be in control, liking this new change. When they pulled away for a breather, both their hearts were beating loudly against each other's chest and their lips were red and swollen.
Harry decided to take the first few steps backwards and waved at Draco. He didn't want to say goodbye but if he'd spend another night now in bed in his dormitory his dormmates will become suspicious to where he would have been, and what he'd been doing with Draco. "Goodbye, my love."
Draco waved back at him with a slight colour to his cheeks. He still wasn't used to the pet names. "Have a good night sleep, my darling." He blew a kiss towards Harry. Harry smiled and pretended he could see the kiss, caught it, and patted his cheek to place the kiss on his cheek. They both then returned to their rightful dormitories for the night.
Harry was just walking to Gryffindor common room when he heard a squeak and a flutter of leathery wings come from down the corridor. He looked up and saw a black bat with red eyes flying towards him. He froze. He knows muggles get scared of bats. Is it because of rabies? He watched the bat stop and stare down at him from a few meters in the air. The corners of the bat's mouth went up. Did it just... smile? But then the bat took off and flew past Harry. Harry just watched it go and blinked. Maybe he's seeing things? Yeah, that's probably it. Still very confused, he made his way to his destination.
As Harry entered his dormitory, he was bombarded with questions from Dean, Seamus, and Neville. Ron was trying to sleep, ignoring everyone in the room as he held his pillow to his ears. "Harry, where have you been!" Dean asked first.
Harry was about to answer but was interrupted by Seamus. The Irish Gryffindor chuckled at his dorm mate who entered late, "Oh, I'm sure he was off with Malfoy somewhere, possibly snogging in some dark corridor somewhere."
"Oh, shut up Seamus!" Neville spat at his Irish dormmate and looked back down at the book he was reading about magical Mediterranean plants. He just didn't want to bother Harry with such questions about what Harry and Draco were up to alone.
Harry sighed and dropped onto his bed with a smile. He looked over at the pillows, seeing the teddy bear Draco gave him from Valentine's Day sitting with its back to the bedhead. "I was with Draco, yes," he admitted with a nod as he looked over at his dormmates. "We did kiss, multiple times. And we had a lunch date, kind of."
"Shagged?" Seamus suddenly asked, smirking at his dorm mate. He wanted to know if Harry and Draco's started anything sexual yet. He was curious, and he knew Dean was too. On the bed beside him, Neville was reading silently but had an ear listening into the conversation.
"Shay!" Dean said in a warning tone to his boyfriend and shook his head at him. He didn't want this going too far. "Leave him alone. Even if he did shag Malfoy, he wouldn't want to tell us about it. Now go. To. Sleep."
Harry almost snorted at that but managed to just smile. He did touch Draco's lap - by accident, of course. He didn't mean to do it on purpose.
"Honestly, guys," said Neville and rolled onto his other side to narrow his eyes at his dormmates. He doesn't want to hear any more. "Please stop talking about this. I don't want images popping into my mind while I am trying to sleep."
"Fine," Seamus said with a sigh. He pulled up the covers of the sheets above his chest and laid down on his side, facing his boyfriend and closed his eyes.
Harry grabbed his pajamas and headed into the bathroom to have a shower. He looked in the mirror after the nice warm shower and everything from today had come back to him. That was including the songs that made him tear up and remember the Dursleys. The sad songs were playing in the back of his mind, he felt an overwhelming urge to be back in Draco's arms to help make it go away, help make the memories and pain go away.
He rolled up his sleeves past his elbows and stared at his cuts from days and weeks ago. The latest ones were from a few days ago. He had the urge this morning and it didn't stop except for when Draco was with him and comforted and kissed him. And now, the urge was getting stronger. He leaned back and forth against the sinks, his breathing becoming heavier as he knew Draco was thinking that he was someplace safe and away from sharp objects.
Harry knew what he had to do, but did he want to do it? The answer clawed through his head. Yes. He wants to cut and there's nobody to stop him or hurt him. No Ron to call him Faggot or disgusting muggle words he learnt from somewhere. Probably from his own father. He wondered how Molly would have taken to hearing those words come out of his mouth. Harry sighed sadly and turned around, knowing what to do. He didn't want to feel pain any more right now, even if he knew it only made him know he was human.
He opened the cupboard up and grabbed the little container containing his friend. He spelled it open and grabbed a blade, admiring the sharpness of it. He placed the tin back down on the sink and looked up at himself, holding a blade to his arms. "Look how pathetic you are," said a voice in his head. "You're a cutter, a freak. Freak's don't deserve love. You don't deserve Draco. He's an Upper-class wizard. You're not. You're just a freak who deserves nothing but pain."
Harry frowned and made five cuts deeper into his arm and let the blood roll down his arm. All the anger and pain started slowly draining out of him, he soon started to feel rather dizzy and his vision was blurring. He turned the tap on and ran the icy cold water over his cuts, hissing in pain and watched the blood disappear from his arms. He cast a drying charm on his arm, placed the blade back into the tin and spelled it shut. He rolled down his sleeve and placed the tin back in the cupboard and closed it shut. He numbly walked back up to the common room to his dorm, quietly entered the dorm and got into bed. He closed the drapes around his bed him and as soon as his head hit the pillow, he fell asleep.
Harry walked away shaking from the close encounter of Filch and Snape. It was too much of a close call. Professor Moody had taken his Marauders Map from him.
Hermione, Ron, and Harry walked into the library the next day. Harry laughed sadly, Cedric was sitting at a table by himself, a large stack of books discarded next to him. He looked up at Harry and gave him a wink and turned back to his book, flipping pages to find who knows what.
Harry faked a smile at the Hufflepuff and sat down beside Hermione and Ron, reading the muggle book Hermione had given him. It helped him keep calm, reading was his comforter. Just reading and thinking you're in another world, it took him away from his depression for a while. It's only when the book gets sad or frustrating to read, that he gets bored and depressed.
It was now a week until the next task and Harry made his way to Charms alone. That's what he wanted to be, all alone. That is until he heard footsteps come running up to him. He swiftly turned around, blinded by a glistening of whiteish blonde hair and lips that smashed on his own. Harry kissed the Slytherin back, moving his hands up the Slytherin's arms and around his waist. He loved how Draco can be in the morning, so lovable and sweet. "Hello my dear."
Draco pulled out of the kiss with a smile. He gave Harry a peck on the cheek and placed his arms around Harry in a hug. "Morning, Darling," he said to Harry's ear and gave a little affectionate nibble on the Gryffindor's earlobe. "How was your slumber?"
"It was fine," Harry lied with a small sigh at the affection Draco was giving him. He nuzzled his nose into Draco's neck, suddenly wanting to cuddle with him and forget about classes. But the best part of going to class today is that he will be in the same class as Draco. Charms.
Draco saw the dullness in Harry's eyes and frowned. He really worried for his boyfriend, wanting so much to help but doesn't know how. All he can do is tell Harry and show how much he loves him, and to listen to Harry whenever he's talking about deep things. "Let's head to class," he said and hid his worry with a little smile and gave Harry a kiss on the neck. "I don't want us to be late."
Harry nodded miserably, entwined his hand with Draco's and headed off to class by his side. As soon as they entered, they noticed Professor Flitwick was already there seated at his desk and reading a book with a yellow binder. "Morning, Professor," Harry finally said, giving a fake smile to the Charms Professor.
The tiny Professor looked up at the two boys. His eyes traveled down to their entwined hands and smiled. "Morning Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy," he said and gestured them to sit down somewhere in the classroom. "You're here early."
Draco nodded and smiled back at the professor. He had no idea when the students will be arriving in the classroom but thought of something to make time go quicker. "Do you think we can practice some spells we haven't learned yet?" he asked his professor kindly while leading Harry over to a desk at the back of the classroom.
The professor just nodded at his student and got back to reading without saying a word. He trusts them to not misbehave or use the wrong type of spells in his classroom.
The boys sat down at the furthest desk and pulled out their textbooks. Draco searched through his textbook for something to try. With a spell in his mind and the correct wand technique, he closed his textbook and pushed it down three desks beside him. He pointed his wand at the textbook and said, "Accio 4th year Charms book!" The book flew towards him and landed in front of him on the desk. He smiled and cast the counter-spell. "Depulso!" The book flew back to where it was on the third desk beside him.
Harry pointed his wand at Draco's robe as he had a spell in his mind, and he thought of the Gryffindor colours. "Colovaria!" He said and watched in amusement as Draco's Slytherin robe turned into a Gryffindor robe, just without the Gryffindor crest.
"Hey!" Draco said to his boyfriend and clenched his jaw in annoyance. Two can play it that way. He pointed his wand at Harry's robe and thought of his own house colour, "Colovaria!" He watched as Harry's Gryffindor coloured robe turned into a green Slytherin coloured robe. He chuckled and stared into Harry's green eyes.
The robes colour made Harry's eyes stand out more and become lighter and Draco thought that was beautiful, so he kissed Harry. He didn't care if it were in the classroom in front of a teacher that he kissed Harry or if students started filling the class. Harry kissed back softly, then he did what he thought he'd never knew would do. He licked across the bottom of Draco's mouth, fighting for entrance to the Slytherin's mouth but as soon as Draco opened his mouth the professor caught them.
Professor Flitwick cleared his throat but smiled at his students who he can see love each other truly. It was lovely to see. Especially as a professor. "Ahem, Boys!" Harry and Draco sighed and looked up at their Professor, seeing him shake his head to stop their snogging.
"Sorry Professor," the two boys chorused with light blushes on their cheeks. They then watched as the classroom began to fill with students. The Slytherins first, and then came the Gryffindor's. Harry watched as Ron walked into the classroom behind Seamus and Dean, and Hermione and Neville. He sighed and turned his head around to look Draco in the eye. He pushed back a lock of Draco's hair from his eyes and kissed his warm glowing cheek.
Draco smiled lovingly at Harry and was glad the Gryffindor's low mood had changed a bit. He intertwined their hands together under the table and barely listened to the professor greeting the class or even acknowledging who was in the classroom.
"Today we'll be learning about the Confundus Charm," said Professor Flitwick in his squeaky voice. He looked around the classroom at his pupils. "Can anyone tell us all about the charm?" And of course, Hermione raised her hand. He smiled at the young girl. "Miss Granger, do tell us about the Charm."
Hermione nodded, glanced at Pansy with a smile and looked back to her Professor. "The Confundus Charm is a charm which causes confusion in a person or bewitches an object," she answers proudly. "It appears that there are varying degrees of confusion caused by the spell, from simply tricking a person or thing about a specific incident to confusing a person to the point at which they endanger themselves."
Just as the Professor granted ten or more points to Gryffindor house for Hermione's great explanation of the Charm, Harry sighed and leaned his head on Draco's shoulder. He's already feeling fatigued and it hasn't even been half a day yet.
The professor furrowed his eyebrows at his class, giving them a stern look. "Now, this is a dangerous charm that requires a lot of concentration. Watch my wand movements then practice the spell." The professor levitated cages with rats in them and gave one to each of his student. The last rat he put on his desk and pointed his wand at it, "Confundo!" The rat sniffed the cage then fluffed up into a ball of fur, screeching at the cage. It then tried to mimic cat noises.
Hermione watched the rat who looked like it was suffering. The poor thing. She scrunched up her nose in worry. "Professor!" she snapped. "Please, stop tormenting the rat! You're hurting it! Look at it."
The Professor looked over to his distressed student and said, "No need to worry, Miss Granger. It doesn't hurt the rat, only confuses it. It is harmless." Hermione opened her mouth to protest but closed it as she had nothing to say. She still didn't like the way the professor uses charms on animals to make them do stuff unwillingly.
Everyone then started practicing the spell on their rodents. Harry only used the spell once; he didn't like confusing the rat. He'd hate to be under the same spell, and he felt for all these rats. Lavender and Hermione did as well. They refused to cast it on the rats, only the cage. Harry couldn't help but look at how Draco was doing. Draco made the rat think it was a rabbit, making it bounce around the cage on two feet with its hands up at its chest. Harry poked Draco on the shoulder, and as soon as Draco made eye contact with him, he shook his head and whispered, "How would you feel if that rat was you?"
Draco gave an apologetic look to Harry and he pointed his wand at the rat and muttered, "finite incantatem." Harry nodded in approval and gave Draco a small peck on the cheek as a thank you. Draco smiled, lifted Harry's chin up to meet his own and kissed him square on the lips.
"Dra-mph," Harry mumbled as he felt lips touch his own and he kissed back, almost falling off his chair as his boyfriend's kisses always make him feel a little lightheaded sometimes. He just didn't want to ruin the moment by talking either.
The professor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose at the happy couple happily snogging in his classroom. "Boys!" he nearly snapped but kept his tone down. "Must you leave your snogging until after class?"
Harry and Draco quickly pulled out of the kiss and blushed guiltily. The whole class turned their heads to see a flushed Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy looking away from each other. Hermione, Pansy, and Blaise chuckled at the duo. As the class finished, everyone headed down to their next class.
Throughout the week, Harry and Draco decided to keep their snogging to a minimum. They decided to also sit with their houses during classes just so they don't get to carried away with watching each other and wanting to kiss every single minute. It was hard, but worth it in the end.
Harry was down at the owlery on a Thursday evening, deciding on how to reply to Sirius. He held his quill in his hand, bit his lip, and started writing.
Draco and I might not have gone together to the Yule Ball as a couple, but we did dance together after Fred and I danced first with the other champions. Fred and George really are good dancers, and they enjoyed their time at the Yuletide ball by connecting a muggle music player to the gramophone. They messed a lot with the songs, it was quite funny!
Draco and I are so grateful you want to take Ivy home. Merlin knows she definitely needs a caring adopted parent right now. Oh, and we have plenty of photos to share with you from the night of the Yule Ball as Draco had the photographers take many pictures. We can fill the whole album up in no time!
Harry folded up the parchment and gave it to Hedwig. He watched the white snowy owl fly off into the sunset and out of sight. With a smile, he headed back to Gryffindor Tower to get some shut eye.
Question of the week: What's your favourite Harry Potter book/movie?
Mine would be Prisoner of Azkaban. :3
And no, not because of Tom Felton's glow up. XD I just endure the themes and colour schemes. :)
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