Staying At The Burrow
Yes, this chapter has two parts to it. When I finished it, I realized it went over 100,000 words. He-He.
I knew it was juuuuuuust a little long for you all and I know how annoying it can get when reading a long chapter and it doesn't save or you forget where you got up to last. :,)
But this chapter's about 70,000 words. I know it's still a lot, but the next chapter will be shorter. Promise! :>
I hope you enjoy the chapter, though.
Sincerely, cheeky Josmos.
Harry didn't sleep at all that night after they got back from the Hogwarts express. He was too scared to. He didn't want to have another nightmare of Sirius falling through the veil at the bloody department of mysteries. But he was just so tired. He kept himself from nodding off into sleep by sitting up in bed and watching Draco sleep peacefully in his bed next to Ron's bedroom window.
Draco's such an adorable sleeper. Harry felt a little jealous actually. He knew that he could join the Slytherin in bed, but he just didn't want to wake him up. He sighed quietly and decided to just sit on the window seat of Ron's bedroom window.
It was a nice quiet night outside, as Harry could tell. Everything was asleep outside and inside besides the owls and the crickets. The sky was that nice shade of dark blue, a midnight blue. The stars were twinkling up in the night sky, they reminded him of Draco's silver eyes. And that's when he saw it. Sirius. He saw the Sirius the dog star up in the sky. He frowned. The grief of his godfather washed over him. Sirius should be here at the Burrow with him and Draco.
He knew what he needed, what he was urged to do. Cut himself. But what if Draco or Ron wake up and see his empty bed? He knows they'll wonder where he went and go find him. There aren't any places to go to cut unless the bathroom but that's just too obvious.
Harry blinked his eyes, willing away the burning feeling behind his eyes. He didn't want to cry. He cried so much this year that it was amazing he still had tears left to shed. Why couldn't he have just one day free of pain and grief? What was wrong with him? Why is there always that dark cloud hanging over him, reminding him of Sirius? Of the pain, everything, even the past..., Why can't I just be a normal kid?
And while Harry was thinking deeply about Sirius, Draco slowly woke up as he was just so worried about his best friend right now, but also about Harry and the loss of his Godfather, and his Uncle. He dearly misses Sirius; he was the light of the party. With a small yawn, he turned his head to look at Harry's bed. It was empty. He began to panic, but as he heard a little thud next to him, he turned his head to look at the window and sighed in relief as he saw Harry with his head against the window seat's wall and looking up into the sky. He knew now what Harry was staring up at. The constellations of the night sky.
"I know you miss your godfather, Harry," he whispers with a slight frown.
Harry looked at him and nodded his head. Sirius is the only family member he has. He may not be blood-related, but he was known by his father and mother. He hoped he hadn't woken Draco up either. Merlin, he would feel worse if he had. But he doesn't remember making any noise. "Why are you up, Draco?"
"I can't sleep," Draco said simply with another yawn. He ran a hand over his face to try and wipe the sleep from his face. "I'm worried about Blaise."
"Oh," Harry said worriedly. He was relieved to know he wasn't the cause of Draco's sleepless night. "But his parents are in Azkaban," he added quietly so he wouldn't wake Ron. He remembers the article saying all the Death Eaters except Bellatrix were caught and put in Azkaban. Even Lucius.
"I know..." Draco said, trailing off and looked over at the first bed. Ron was sleeping soundlessly. Silent, he was emitting a few little snores here and there. "How can he sleep like that knowing Blaise could be harming himself right now?"
"Don't know," Harry shrugged, sighed deeply and looked back up into the night sky. His eyes didn't look at any of the other constellations except Sirius'. "I really miss him..."
Draco looked back over at Harry and grimaced. "I know you do, Harry. I miss him too, he's my Uncle." He moved to the side of his bed and patted the space next to him. "Now, come to bed. Mrs Weasley says you can sleep in my bed, or I sleep in your bed if I heard correctly."
Harry gave him a little fake smile but hesitated. He still doesn't want to sleep. Dreamless sleep potions don't work on him anymore. But in a few seconds, he got off the window seat and hopped in bed with Draco.
They both lied down on the bed while staring into each other's eyes until Draco leaned in, kissing Harry slowly while he places his arm around Harry's side. Harry raises his hand to gently stroke Draco's free arm as he kisses back softly.
"I love you, Draco," whispers Harry as he pulls away just slightly to look into sparkling silver eyes. Those eyes remind him so much of the stars up in the night sky. He's never thought about this before, but he wonders what Draco sees in his green eyes.
Draco smiles, kisses him again and quietly says, "I love you too, Harry. Try to get some sleep, please."
Harry nodded slowly and closed his eyes. He knew Draco was watching him, it was just a boyfriend sense. He smiled as he felt those perfect lips kiss his forehead and he rested his head on his Slytherin boyfriend's chest. He could hear and feel Draco's beating heart under his cheek.
He didn't fall asleep though. The grief was just too heavy on him and he was urging to cut. He didn't need the time to tell him it was close to midnight, or even 3 a.m. He just kept his eyes closed, but even when doing so, he can feel the tears welling up in his eyes as he sees Sirius falling through the Veil again. He tried not to cry though. But when he opened his eyes and looked at the sleeping Slytherin beside him, the tears started to fall down his face.
He just let the tears fall as he didn't want to wake the Slytherin by trying to wipe his eyes with his hands or sleeves, so he just let them trickle down his face. They tickled his skin too, so it just made him want to itch his face. It was hard not to, so he just scrunched up his face. Merlin, he thought with annoyance.
He slowly lifted the arm that was under his waist and moved it up to his face. He slowly itched at his cheeks and wiped the tear from his neck away. Finally, he thought with a scowl. The tear was bloody annoying! He blinked back the many other tears in his eyes and just stared at his blonde Slytherin boyfriend.
Draco moved in his sleep and placed his head under Harry's neck. Harry smiled at the little gesture and wondered if Draco were asleep or just faking it. But as he could feel the Slytherin's silent breathing on his chest, he slowly calmed himself down and fell into a deep sleep thanks to his boyfriend.
Harry woke up from his sleep as he felt familiar soft lips press against his own. He opened his eyes and met with that beautiful silver orbs of sparkles and he smiles and kissed back sleepily. This was frankly the best way to wake up. No wonder Draco likes it when he kisses the Slytherin when he's still sleeping.
"When I wake up and see you lying next to me, I can't help but smile," Draco tells him sleepily with a smile as he pulled away from the kiss and stared deeply into emerald green irises. "It will be a good day simply because I started it with you."
"Is that Shakespeare?" Harry asked and could feel a blush rise from his neck upon his face. He felt his heart fluttering in his chest from that beautiful literature. He reached up and ran his thumb over Draco's cheek.
Draco shook his head and gave a kiss to Harry's thumb, making the Gryffindor laugh softly. "No, I made it up. I made it up just for you," he whispers and Harry smiled. And as the muscles in Harry's cheeks moved as he smiled, Draco could just see the faint lines of tear trails. "Harry... You've been crying last night? Why didn't you wake me up again so we could cuddle and talk about things?"
Then Harry frowned. He knew exactly why he didn't wake Draco up. "I just didn't want to wake you from your slumber," it was all he could say right now and it was the truth.
Draco sighed. He's glad Harry told him this, but he'd at least like to be able to hug his boyfriend when he's crying so he feels a little better. "Harry I wouldn't mind waking up even if it's midnight just to hug you while you cry," he tells him carefully, and he leans down to press their foreheads together. "I can just catch up on sleep in the morning or the next day. I do this because I love you and will always be here for you like I know you'll always be there for me."
"Aww!" Ron smiled at the two. That was honestly the most beautiful thing he's ever heard, apart from when Blaise told him that he loves him a month ago.
Harry and Draco looked at Ron who was sitting up in bed smiling at them. Draco didn't mind if Ron had heard what he said to Harry, not really. He looked back down at Harry, smiled, and leaned back down for a quick kiss.
Ron kept the smile on his face as he got up from bed and decided to get dressed while the two other blokes were occupied by each other's mouths. After, he headed down out of his room and down the stairs for breakfast.
And that left Harry and Draco snogging on Draco's bed. Their lips got tired, even if they didn't want to stop but knew they'd have to just to get some air. But they both know that they are each other's air to breathe, flowers to smell and lips to kiss.
"We better get dressed," said Harry while placing his hands on Draco's chest just to stop the Slytherin from kissing him, even though he doesn't want to stop at all. "Breakfast must be ready."
Draco sighed and hopped off the bed with a smile. "Alright," he said as he stripped his shirt off and that just made Harry drool and want kisses again. Harry couldn't stop staring at the Slytherin's fit torso as he dressed in a nice warm grey hoodie with black jeans. He just loves how he has access to every part of Draco's body when he wants. And before they headed to breakfast, Harry quickly took the first pill of the day and grabbed two containers that were in his trunk.
They were back down in the kitchen sitting at the large dining room table. Harry placed the peanut butter jars down on the table and everyone began fighting for the jars so they could spread them on their toast.
Surprisingly, Fred and George were also there too since they never were at dinner last night. Harry, Draco, and Ron heard Molly scold the twins in the lounge room for flying away from school, but she also was deeply impressed with them for the fireworks and the swamp which took a couple of days to destruct.
Fred and George returned to the dining table for breakfast with smiles after being scolded by their mother. They will never get used to being told off for their mischief by their mother. When they were younger, yes, their mother scared them at times but now they just don't mind the anger from their mother.
When they looked up at Harry while dishing up their bowls with hot porridge, their concern came back to them as they remembered what they had found in Harry's room that they now hold possession of. Even back on that Friday at 4 Privet Drive, they made sure not to mention it to their mother as they knew something was wrong in Harry's life and they also knew if they were right about their accusation then Harry wouldn't want them to tell any adults. But what was wrong with Harry exactly for him to have such worrisome objects lying around in his room?
Draco never once looked up at Mr Weasley all morning during breakfast, he just continued eating his toast with peanut butter while squeezing his linked hand in Harry's. He just couldn't forget the conversation they had last night about his father. He wasn't mad at Ron's father, disappointed that he'd even talk about him, yes. But not mad. He just wished his father and Ron's father can get along well, just like how his mother and Mrs Weasley do.
Harry could see how uneasy it was for Draco to be in the same room as Mr Weasley. He was disappointed in the man for making such a bad impression on Draco. Can't the man just forget about the whole rivalry between him and Mr Malfoy? Merlin, he thought sadly. He wished Sirius were here to help him with this kind of problem. Sirius... He pushed the thought of Sirius out of his head as he felt tears burn in the back of his eyes and made sure Draco ate his toast, as well as himself, eating his piece of toast before returning to Ron's room.
When he got back to Ron's room with Draco, he decided to look through the other trunk that Molly, Fred, and George kindly gathered everything he possessed from the Dursleys household that belonged to him.
"Dr-Draco..." Harry cried at the wizarding picture of his mother and father dancing around the fountain in London. He forgot to take the picture with him on that night of his suicide. So, it just sat in his bedroom, collecting dust for a whole year.
When Draco heard the cry from his boyfriend he immediately rushed over to Harry and sat beside him. He placed his chin on Harry's shoulder and nudged his nose on his Gryffindor boyfriend's soft cheek. "What's wro-" His eyes caught onto the wizarding picture of a man and woman dancing around a fountain. He smiled. They were Harry's parents as he could see the woman had Harry's emerald green eyes, while the man had Harry's messy black hair and his smile. "They look so much in love, Harry," he said while giving Harry a kiss on the cheek and rubbed both of Harry's upper arms.
"Y-yeah," responded Harry with a sad smile. "They are." One single tear fell down his face and splashed on the wizard glass of the picture frame.
Draco gave Harry's cheek one last kiss before hopping off Harry's bed and opening his trunk. He grabbed the wizarding picture of him and Harry dancing around the fountain in Venice and made his way back to Harry's bed. He sat beside him again and held the wizarding picture beside the one Harry was holding.
"Do you see the resemblance?" he asked while placing his chin back on Harry's shoulder. He knew he could see the resemblance in the photographs apart from the difference in gender's, but there were mostly similarities.
Harry looked from the portrait of his mum and dad dancing together and the portrait of him and Draco dancing together. He smiled at the obvious resemblance in both the photos. He turned his head to look at the blonde Slytherin. "It's love. Mum and dad are in love and you and I are in love too."
"Exactly," Draco said sweetly and leaned in for a kiss. He leaned his forehead against Harry's with a smile, "I love you, Harry Potter."
"I love you too, Draco Malfoy," said Harry while staring into silver eyes sparkling with an inner glow. He looked back down at the two portraits, and they both leaned their heads against each other's as they watched the two couples dancing.
"I wish this was one of those portraits where they can talk back, just like the ones in your Manors," Harry said with a deep and slow sigh. He'd love to be able to see his mother and father in a portrait and have an actual conversation with them. That would be incredible!
"I know, Harry," said Draco softly, wishing the same thing for Harry's parents. "I would have loved to meet them, and my mother would too. My father, I wouldn't know. He keeps his emotions mainly locked up in his head."
Harry chuckled at that about Mr Malfoy. He knew that was very true. But then he wondered what else he had forgotten that Molly, Fred, and George has put in his trunk. He turned his head and gave Draco a short kiss to the mouth before kneeling down in front of the trunk next to his one and began looking through it.
He just couldn't believe what he found. Old drawings from back in primary school. How did Molly or even the twins find these? The red photo album Hagrid gave him after his first year at Hogwarts was there too. There were a couple of old clothes which he can throw out as he has all the new ones that he brought in muggle London with Draco on their second date as well as the clothes Draco had brought him for his birthday. But the rest of the things in the trunk were useless and not necessary to keep anymore as he has grown out of a lot of his old clothing.
He grabbed the photo album and sat back on his bed with a smile. He leaned his head on Draco's shoulder and opened the photo album to the first page. He flushed in embarrassment at the photo of himself as a baby.
Draco smiled at the photo. It was somewhat payback anyway as his mother had shown Harry some baby photos of himself back on the Christmas Holidays. "You're so cute!" he says sweetly, his expression softening at the sight of his boyfriend as a tiny human. "I could just reach into the photo and pinch and kiss those little cheeks of yours."
That just made Harry's cheeks redden a bit more. "Was," he corrected his boyfriend with a sheepish smile. Merlin, the embarrassment! "I was so cute."
"I'm glad you think so too," Draco says subtly while placing a kiss on Harry's forehead directly over his scar. He was glad his boyfriend knew how cute he was as a baby. "But to correct you... You are very cute. You are then and you still are."
Harry blushed and turned his head around so he could kiss Draco. While still kissing the blonde Slytherin, he sneakily turned the page to the next photo on the next page of the album. He pulled away from the kiss, stared at his Slytherin boyfriend for a second and looked back down at the album. He felt relieved as the next photo was of his mother smiling up at him while holding a baby version of himself, which thankfully, was clothed.
"I just cannot get enough of seeing these photos," says Draco with a wide grin on his face. He really can't. These photos are just beautiful, and it's like he's meeting Harry's parents a little by seeing them in the photo album.
"Maybe you've seen enough for today," Harry said quietly while thinking about closing the book. There weren't any other pictures in the photo album that he could show Draco anyway. Well, there was one of him, Ron, and Hermione in their first year, but he didn't want to show Draco any others. Not today anyway.
"Nope," Draco grabbed the photo album before Harry could close it and began to browse through it. "I can never get enough." His smile grew at the baby photos of his boyfriend and the photos of James and Lily Potter. He wondered what they were like. They would be the nicest of people, but what would they be like? Would they have Sunday family fun nights where you play games? Would they love Quidditch? And if so, what team would they go for? Who would make the food out of the two? Lily or James? Well, he doesn't know of any man that cooks for their own family, so he probably guesses Lily does. But maybe James cooks too? Should he be calling them by their marriage name though? Mr and Mrs Potter? Or would it just be James and Lily?
Harry could see the distant but thoughtful look on Draco's face when looking down at the picture of his mother and father. What was going through that beautiful blonde Slytherin's mind right now? He placed his chin on the Slytherin's shoulder and looked up at him. "What are you thinking about, my love?"
"Your parents, Harry," Draco simply said. Like he could think what Harry was going to say, he continued, "I'm contemplating about what they could be like, as parents, as a couple."
"Sounds intriguing." Harry doesn't mind talking about his parents. He misses them, even if he's never known them but he likes when his parents come up in topics. Even if the person talking has never met them before. But having Draco talk about his parents made him feel something deep inside. It's almost like he could feel his mothers and father's presence in this very room, sitting somewhere near them and looking at him and Draco with smiles like they never died.
"I'm just wondering what kind of parents they would have been," said Draco while flipping the page over. It was a blank page. No other photo's left. He sighed deeply. "Like, would they have a family games night? Do they like Quidditch and which team do they go for? Who cooks the meals between the two? Et cetera. You know, just deep thoughts about them."
Harry nodded. Now he really was thinking deeply about his parents. Family game night? That sounds extraordinary! He wondered how his parents if they never died, would have reacted when he came out as bisexual. He pondered what it would be like to have Draco around for dinner with his mother and father, talking about anything and life in general. How would that be? Was it okay to be thinking this deeply about his parents and if they didn't die? Was it okay to?
He was so glad he had Draco to comfort him if he does start sobbing about it. But even if he does, he'd just feel a bit embarrassed as he would be crying over his dead parents. He knows crying over them isn't a bad thing, but they've been dead for at least 15 years. It's Sirius's death that hit him the hardest as he was so close to the man. It was like having a father, a father he never could or knew he had. But his non-blood related father was taken away from him, he can't come back.
Harry knows he has the Weasley's, and the Malfoy's, Remus, Severus, and a few other people. But Sirius was the only family member he has left. He does consider Narcissa as a mother, a bit. And he can definitely feel the motherly vibe with Mrs Weasley, but it just isn't strong enough. It wasn't that fatherly vibe he had with Sirius. Narcissa's motherly vibe was very strong, yes, but not as strong as Sirius's fatherly vibe. But who could blame her? Sirius is her cousin after all.
Draco closed the album as there weren't any more pictures to see and placed it in between himself and Harry. He placed his hand over Harry's while his other hand pushed up the Gryffindor's chin to lock eyes with his own. He smiled and gave him a quick kiss. Then a thought popped into his head. Where will he and Harry put the wizarding picture frames? When he dropped his hand from Harry's chin to reach the picture, he accidentally knocked off the photo album and it fell to the floor.
Draco broke out of the kiss and gasped. "Sorry!" He went to pick it up but noticed the album had opened on its own to the back page. There, on the last page was a cottage-looking house inside the photo slip. He took it out of its slips and held it up to himself and Harry. "What is it?"
"A house," stated Harry with an obvious look. He gave a laugh when Draco rolled his eyes at him. "I think it must have been the house mum, dad and I were living in when I was a baby. It was my first family house."
"My precious baby," Draco cooed with a kiss to Harry's forehead right on his lightning bolt scar. He felt giddy when seeing Harry smile.
Harry shook his head. He does not want to be called a baby, he's not one anymore so why call him one? He knows it is another way to call someone a lover, but it just gets a little embarrassing when he could be called 'baby' in public. "Not a baby, Draco. Well, not anymore."
Draco just wanted to say 'But you're my baby' but the look on Harry's face he knows he wants the subject changed. He turned the photo over and just noticed the handwriting in some off blue ink of some sort. "Godric's Hollow – the birthplace of Harry James Potter."
Harry looked at the handwriting displayed on the back of the photo. But he could tell it wasn't in wizard ink, it was written with a blue muggle pen.
"Harry..." Draco hesitated and bit his lip when putting the photo back in its slip inside the photo album on the back page. "Why don't we visit there in the future? Would you actually like to see your home at some point?"
"Yes," Harry said in a hushed voice with a nod. He would love to see his actual birth home sometime. What better way to see it than by experiencing it all with Draco?
That was a plan Draco set in his mind to do in the future with Harry. It was a must-do. He closed the photo album and placed it on Ron's white dresser. He also placed the two wizard photos of Lilly and James, and Draco and Harry on the dresser beside the photo album and made it so the photo's face Harry's bed. It may not be seen once Harry wakes up, but it's there if he wants it.
Harry got up from his bed and joined Draco by the dresser. He put his arms around the blonde wizard and sighed happily. "Thank you, Draco."
"You're most welcome, Harry," Draco said while putting his arms around Harry and hugging him close. He stared at Harry's parents and smiled. He knew Lily and his own mother would get along quite well. He could just see it clearly, as long as she doesn't mind Lily being Muggleborn. He doesn't know about James and his father though; they just might have gotten along.
Lunch was still the same that day, Draco didn't once look up from his bacon and egg sandwich unless he needed to dish something else upon his plate. He just kept his eyes down or on Harry when he is speaking to him. But he could feel Mr Weasley's eyes on him all day. The man was probably suspicious of his behaviour and trying to figure out if he has anything to hide. Good luck with that, he thought. I have nothing to hide. Was it going to be like this every time he ate? Merlin save him if he did. He would rather eat up in his room with Ron, which he doesn't mind. He's a nice bloke. But he'd rather have Harry up there with him. He could just ask Mrs Weasley to transfigure something into a table and chairs for him and Harry.
After that silent lunch where all Harry and Draco could hear were the clanking on knives and forks on plates, they returned to Ron's room just to be alone again.
Harry sighed and collapsed down on his bed. Draco smiled at Harry and sat down next to him while running his hands through the Gryffindor's dark hair. James and Lily Potter have created the perfect bloke and boyfriend for him. He wishes he can thank them somehow.
Harry smiled at Draco and sat up. He cupped the Slytherin's cheek and leaned in for a kiss. They had just touched lips, but the door creaked open, so they had to look up and in came Mr Weasley. They both blushed as they were caught. Harry dropped his hand from Draco's cheek and lay it on his lap.
"Oh, sorry..." said Mr Weasley repentantly with furrowed brows. He didn't think the two would be locking lips. "I didn't mean to disturb you two."
"It's fine, sir," Draco tells the man with a quick smile. He was a little annoyed that he didn't get to kiss his boyfriend, but it was fine. Besides, he can kiss Harry anytime.
Harry placed his hand over Draco's warm hands just in case the Slytherin was lying. But he didn't see a little adorable nose twitch that means that he did lie.
Mr Weasley cleared his throat. "May I come in?" he asks carefully and Harry and Draco both nodded. With a small nod back at the boys, Mr Weasley walked into the room and sat on his son's bed. "Draco, I just wanted to ask for forgiveness for the questions I asked about your father last night, as well as my credulous behaviour. As you know, your father and I don't agree with the same terms of some Pure-blood attitudes, values and beliefs. And yet, I say again, I'm deeply sorry."
"Thank you for your apology, sir," said Draco flatly and Harry smiled at Ron's father as he was glad Mr Weasley apologised to Draco, even if it took half a day to do. "It means a lot."
Mr Weasley nodded again before standing up from the bed he sat on and turned to leave. But as he got to the door, he turned back around to say that the boys can continue where they left off, but the boys were already snogging each other on Harry's bed. He smiled and shut the door from behind him.
Remus Lupin woke up abruptly after a nightmare. He's had this nightmare from the day... that dreadful day when his best friend, but also ex-boyfriend died right before his eyes. The day Sirius was killed. He could still see the light in those soft grey eyes he loves fade away and takes that person from him. It was Bellatrix's fault. All her fault, and he wanted revenge, but he knew he shouldn't do anything about that. He couldn't.
He breathed in and could smell a familiar strawberry scent next to him. He looked down at the naked body of Nymphadora on the grey bed and frowned. What had he done? He did love this woman, but more as a sister. Sirius was the one he loved all along, but he ignored those feelings for him as he dated Nymph. How could he do such a thing? And he just dated her as a way of escaping the loneliness of Sirius going to Azkaban.
Wait... Nymphadora's naked? Right, he forgot about the sex last night. Nymph got a promotion and celebrated it with sex, but also alcohol. How could he have forgotten? The sex wasn't even pleasant! It was so uncomfortable... He liked girls, yes, but it was guy's he liked a little more. It was Sirius he liked. Loved. Those warm grey eyes that stared at him when he wasn't looking, but he really could sense the other man looking at him. That mid-length black wavy hair that he loved tucking behind Sirius' ears when kissing him back when they were dating. Oh, the memories are coming back to him. The amazing memories.
Sirius and Remus were making out on Sirius' bed in the 6th year's boy's dormitories back in their 6th year. Sirius sat on top of Remus' stomach and pulled off his black Metallica t-shirt with ease and threw it across the room. He didn't care where it went, neither did Remus.
Remus licked his lips at the sight on top of him. Sirius' thin but muscular body was so fit from the amount of Quidditch he played, and this body was all his. All his to love and hold.
Sirius chuckled at how his boyfriend is staring at him and leaned back down to kiss him. The kiss was slow at first, soft lips kissing each other back. But then it got needy and exciting.
Remus moved his hands up Sirius's fit chest, over his nipples and rubbed across them in a circular movement. He loves pleasing this man on top of him, it's his lifelong job.
Sirius hissed in pleasure from the touches and deepened the kiss with a moan, fighting for entrance to Remus's mouth with his lips.
Remus gave it to him after a while of fighting, and he moved his hands up to grab onto that black hair he loves to hold onto when Sirius thrusts into him. Usually, he's topping but today he wants to be the one to be made love with.
"Please," whined Remus with a moan. He tilted his head back to let his boyfriend have room to give him hickeys. "I want you—"
Sirius chuckled and started unbuttoning Remus' shirt.
Remus quickly withdrew his mind from that flashback. He felt the sting of tears in his eyes as he remembered how much he loved this man he had lost only a week ago.
He looked down at Nymphadora, she was lying on her back with her hands above her head. Remus sighed quietly and grabbed his wand from the bedside table. He didn't want to leave this woman with a baby to take care of herself. That'll just be so selfish. He pulled down the grey blanket, showing her full naked body to him. He began circling his wand up and down Nymph's stomach and down to her fanny and silently chanted, "Occiditis Foetum." A little blue ball of light shone at the end of his wand like a 'Lumos'.
He let out a sob as there is a sperm starting to grow in this woman's womb. His baby. But he doesn't want to start a family right now. Not until he's ready. He chanted again, "Occiditis Foetum." He kept chanting the incantation quietly, the little blue ball began to turn into a dark blue. "Occiditis Foetum, Occiditis Foetum, Occiditis Foetum." The darkened blue ball turned black. It was done. There wasn't any life growing inside this woman's body. Besides, he doesn't know what a werewolf child will be like. He doesn't want to find out.
He wiped away the tears from his face and hopped out of bed to get dressed. He didn't care what time it was, he just needed to get away before morning comes. He knew running away was bad, a really bad thing to do but he's found somewhere already. Only two days ago, Albus Dumbledore had Owled him a letter saying he can teach Defence against the Dark Arts again when the school term starts back up again. He responded immediately to the letter and accepted the job offer. He likes the Auror job, but it is a lot of work and really drains him during the day. He likes teaching younger kids, it was his passion. It is his passion and he misses it profoundly.
As he was clothed, and his suitcase was packed with everything he owned, he decided to write a short letter to Dora when she wakes saying Dumbledore's got a task for him to do that requires him to find wherever Fenrir Greyback is, locate him and bring him to the Ministry. He hated lying, but at least if she believes it and fakes his own death, then it all will be well.
He placed the letter on the bedside table which he previously had his wand on, grabbed his suitcase, took one last look at Nymphadora, and walked silently out of the room and down the stairs to the lounge room.
"Where are you going in this hour, Remus?"
Remus froze as he was halfway into the lounge room, and looked towards where the familiar woman's voice was and turned his head to look at the older woman leaning her elbows on the kitchen benchtop. "Andromeda... I'm..." He cleared his throat and placed his suitcase down on the floor. "What are you doing up at this hour?" he asked just to change the topic.
Andromeda raised an eyebrow at how obvious the man wants to change the topic. What was this man doing up at two in the morning? "I couldn't sleep," she said simply with a shrug. "You and my daughter kept me up."
Remus flushed in embarrassment but also frowned. He wished he didn't drink last night just because of the promotion Nymphadora got. Alcohol can really affect him when it is so close to the full moon.
"What's the matter, Remus?" asked Andromeda softly. "Didn't you like the sex?" She summoned two grey mugs from the white kitchen cupboards behind her and started making some Chamomile tea.
Remus sighed deeply, the frown still on his face as he looked to the floor in regret. "That's just it... I didn't."
"I see," Andromeda mutters and walked around the kitchen bench, the mugs following her in the air and ushered Remus to the couch. The smell of the tea filled the air of the lounge room, making the ambience feel a little comfortable. When they both sat, she asked, "And why didn't you?"
"Sirius," said Remus quietly, watching a mug land on the glass coffee table in front of him. He looked up at the mother of Nymphadora and she nodded, looking quite understandable. He grabbed the mug in front of him and took a quick sip, not acknowledging its slight burn in his mouth but feeling the tea calm him down a little. "I'm in love with Sirius, not your daughter."
Andromeda gave him a small smile as she was glad the man could finally admit it. "I know, Remus. I don't know why you would ignore your feelings to Sirius and get together with my daughter instead." She hesitates and looks down into her tea, dearly missing her cousin. Sirius has come by before the holidays started as a small family gathering. "I see the way you used to look at the man, it's not hard to tell."
"You've known about this the whole time and didn't tell me?" asked Remus in disbelief but also a mixture of curiosity. He doesn't recall looking at Sirius, maybe he was just blinded by his fake love for Nymphadora or blinded by his love for Sirius.
Andromeda nodded with a smile. How could nobody not notice both men staring at each other from time to time? "Now... back to the first topic of where you are going at this hour."
"Away," Remus simply said as he looked forward at the blazing stone fireplace in front of him. "I'm going to Dumbledore as he gave me my job back at Hogwarts of teaching Defence to the students when the term starts again. I know it's a long time away, but I just want to escape and get my things to Hogwarts in time."
"That sounds like a splendid idea, Remus," said Andromeda sweetly, she was smiling with both her mouth and eyes. He wished the man well. "Have you told my Dora where you're going?"
Remus shook his head. He didn't want to have to break her heart so easily. "I left a note for her to read when she wakes up," he tells her weakly. "I wrote that Dumbledore needed me to travel away for a task to find a couple of Death Eaters and bring them to the Ministry."
"Oh, Remus," Andromeda said with a sigh of disappointment. "That just won't do." She hesitated and clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth. "If you want, I'll tell her. I'll tell her everything you told me."
"I don't want to cause any trouble, Andromeda," said Remus hesitantly. By looking deep into the fireplace, he remembered all the fire-calls he and Sirius did as kids with James and... Peter. The memories. He hates that he's the only marauder left. "I already feel bad for leaving her just because I'm still into this one guy... who died presently."
Andromeda patted him on the shoulder lightly. "There's no trouble at all, and my Dora will get better in due time." She tries assuring him it will be fine but knowing how strong her daughter is she will start to pick fights. "I'm just glad you told me this. Now, you better be off. I don't remember if Dumbledore gets impatient easily."
Remus gave a laugh, "Alright." From what he remembers, Dumbledore is a very persistent wizard. With a sigh, he walked over back to the kitchen to grab his suitcase and headed for the Fireplace. He looked back at Andromeda, smiled, and said, "Goodbye!" before chucking the Floo Powder into the Fireplace and Flooed to Dumbledore's office.
Dumbledore looked up at his Floo from his desk at the familiar wizard with a hint of wolf in his veins. "Ah, Remus," he says in a bubbly tone and smiled with his twinkling blue eyes. "So good it is to see you again."
Remus smiled at the ancient wizard, "It's so good to see you too, Professor." But what caught him off guard was the colour of the office. It was bright pink. But also, the concerning colour of the headmaster's hand. "Um... What's with the colour and what happened to your hand, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Please, call me Albus," Dumbledore insisted. "And we had an infestation of toads since the beginning of this school year." He dipped his quill in the inkpot beside him, "One toad, in fact. And my hand... is dead. Just a little mistake I made when dealing with cursed objects."
"Oh," said Remus with furrowed eyebrows. He was slightly confused and worried. Toads? Cursed objects? He doesn't recall toads in Hogwarts at all. Nor cursed objects in school premises. But he had an important matter to discuss also. "About the letter to me..."
"Ah, of course," said Dumbledore as he looked up at his new employee. "The office has been completely renovated from what it previously looked like. It and everything was... this ungrateful pink colour. But that's all gone as is everything else... that is useless. The password to your living chambers is..." He smiled, "Lemon Drops.
Remus laughed. Trust wise old Dumbledore to come up with the best passwords. "Thank you, Albus, for everything," he said gratefully. "It will be fun to get back into teaching. I quite enjoyed it."
Dumbledore nodded, "It's my pleasure and I'm glad you enjoyed teaching at this school." He gestured a hand towards his door, "You know where to go."
"Yes, and thank you again, Albus," said Remus
The next morning at the Burrow, Harry was awoken, yet again, by a kiss to the mouth by Draco. He smiled and kissed back sleepily. He really could get used to being woken up like this.
"You have no idea how good it feels to wake up every morning knowing that you are mine and I am yours," Draco whispers as he pulled out of the kiss just to place his forehead against Harry's. He smiled as those green eyes he loves stared right back into his silver ones. He leaned down and kissed him again slowly but then something hard but soft hit him on the side of his head. He quickly looked up and glared angrily at the pillow that fell off the bed onto the floor and looked at the culprit who threw it.
"Weasel!" he said with pure anger and annoyance. The bloody git disturbed him and Harry from kissing! Oh, he's going to pay! He grabbed the pillow from on the floor, walked over to the Weasel's bed and hit him hard across the face with the pillow.
"Oww!" Ron hissed, rubbing at his face. "Draco, that actually hurts."
"That's what you get for disrupting our morning kiss!" murmured Draco with a scowl. He chucked the pillow at Ron and hopped back in Harry's bed to continue where he left off. When he was back on top of Harry, he leaned down and kissed him slowly with a smile.
Ron sighed. But he wasn't going to forget this. In due time, Draco, he thought with a mischief smile. I will get you back. He happens to know the best pranksters in England. "I'll be down in the kitchens eating breakfast," he tells them casually. "Bye!"
Draco ignored him. He deserves it anyway. His main focus was on Harry and kissing him while giving him all of his love in just one slow kiss.
Harry's stomach rumbled, and embarrassingly, Draco heard it. Draco laughed and moved back down until he had direct eyesight of Harry's pyjama top. He pushed up the Gryffindor's pyjama top and leaned down to kiss Harry's stomach where the little lion roars for food on the inside.
Harry let out a soft moan as Draco's kisses trailed down to his pants line. He could feel himself slowly harden at the teasing done by Draco. He wants that perfect mouth of Draco's on his prick sucking him while he spirals in his own orgasm and comes inside this bloke's perfect mouth. But because of Mrs Weasley's rules, he doesn't know when Draco will be able to do that, or even if he'll be able to do that to Draco. Life at the Burrow can suck, and that's the first time he's ever thought that.
"Let's go to breakfast, Draco," whispers Harry as he feels his stomach growl again. Draco groaned but he eventually gave in and headed down to breakfast with Harry.
"Wait," Draco says as he just exited Ron's room. He turned back around and ushered Harry back into the bedroom. "Take your pills, Harry Potter." Harry groaned. "You did take the second one last night, right?"
"Yes!" Harry assured him with a weary sigh. He grabbed the bottle containing his pills from in his opened trunk, took off the lid and grabbed a pill. He looked up at Draco, who nodded at him, so he grabbed the empty glass cup on the table beside his bed and walked with Draco to the bathroom to fill the cup up with water. He tipped his head back a little, chucked the pill in his mouth and drank from the cup. He never felt anything from the pills and wondered if they actually work.
Harry and Draco were down in the kitchens for breakfast while sitting at the dining table while stuffing their mouths with cornflakes. They were accompanied by Ron, Ginny, and the twins. To Draco's annoyance, the twins kept staring at Harry like they knew something he didn't. But what would they know that he who knows almost everything about Harry, doesn't? When one of the twins - he didn't know which - looked at him, he raised an eyebrow in curiosity at him. Whatever they were thinking of about Harry, he wanted to know.
"Do you think Draco would know about Harry's, if we're not mistaken, problems?" whispered Fred into his twin's ear. Dear Merlin, he hoped Draco knew whatever was wrong with Harry. Though he hoped there wasn't anything wrong with Harry and that the items he found in Harry's bedroom with George.
"I don't know, Freddie," whispered George while distracting himself with his breakfast. He drowned a cornflake in the milk in his bowl with his spoon. "He probably does though. He should know about it anyway."
"What are you two mischief-makers up to?" Ron asked curiously with narrowed eyes. He was studying them, trying to see the light bulbs exploding over their heads. His twin brothers are always up to mischief, it doesn't matter what time of day it is either.
Fred and George looked at their younger brothers with grins. They didn't want to bring down the mood of breakfast so they had to lie. "Mischief, obviously little bro."
Ginny rolled her eyes at the evident answer. Why can't she have a sister to mess around with and get back at Fred and George for all of the pranks they have got her with?
"Oh, that reminds me," said Draco with a serious face. "You two brought firewhiskey into the school and my boyfriend came into possession of a bottle! Do you know how drunk Harry was that morning? He was literally yelling that he wants sex!"
"Dracooo!" Harry groaned and covered his face with his hands. He could feel how warm his cheeks are. "Let's not talk about that now, please? It's embarrassing!"
Ginny looked up at the older wizards. She grimaced as this conversation had just got interesting, especially the mention of smuggling alcohol into the school. Oh, if she told her mother this, her twin brothers will definitely regret what they did.
"Oh, please," said Fred with an even bigger grin.
"Now we have to hear everything else that happened after we left," finished George with the same big grin. They didn't care if their faces start to hurt because of the grins. They wanted to hear about this.
Harry groaned and leaned his head on Draco's shoulder, muttering to Draco, "This is your fault." He does not want to remember that morning as one: he was drunk. Two: he and Draco had sex and he doesn't even remember it. And three: he just hated how he embarrassed himself in front of Hermione, Ron, the twins, and Draco on that morning.
Draco let out a laugh and kissed Harry's forehead. He looked at the youngest weasel brother and smirked remembering how hard he hit him with that pillow earlier this morning. "Want to do the honours or should I?"
"I will, of course," Ron assured him with a grin at Harry. He was unable to sit still because of how anticipated he was to tell everyone. Harry rolled his eyes at his best mate and placed his arms around his blonde boyfriend for comfort. Ron continued, "Who doesn't love embarrassing your best friend?"
Who doesn't love embarrassing and telling off your brothers? Ginny thought with a grin.
Ron continued to humiliate Harry by telling the twins exactly what happened after they left, but he left out the best parts for last. "And then when Seamus walked into the common room-"
"Oh, god," said Harry quietly with a flush to his face. Draco kissed his forehead again to try and calm his boyfriend down a little.
"-And..." said Ron while continuously dipping his spoon in the milk in his cereal. "Seamus saw Harry skipping around the room with a big smile on his face while giggling his arse off-"
Draco snickered at that image. He'd love to see Harry all giggly again. Just without being drunk.
"Ronald! Watch your language!" Yelled Mrs Weasley from the lounge room.
"Sorry, mum!" Ron yelled back with a scowl in annoyance as he was disturbed. Can't mom go outside for just one minute? "Anyway... and then when Harry saw Seamus he giggled, ran up to him and hugged him while yelling Shamy."
The twins and Ginny sniggered while eating the rest of their cornflakes. George nearly spat out his food because of how humiliating this would be for Harry. The poor bloke.
"And even before Seamus came in, Harry yelled Rony at me and jumped into my arms for a hug," said Ron with a little laugh. It's all still clear in his head. "Bloody Hell! It was hilarious!" He paused. "Oh, and Harry?"
"Yes, my annoying best mate?" asked Harry while pressing his lips together. He felt like throwing his bowl of cereal at Ron right now because of everything he admitted.
Ron smirked his amusement. "I'm not letting you forget about that morning, mate," he tells him jeeringly. Best mates are there to retell about their mate's mistakes and embarrassing moments. "Not ever."
Harry sighed in frustration with his head still on Draco's shoulder. He smiled when feeling those soft lips of Draco's kiss his forehead. "I know you'll never make me forget it. It's why I love you, frieeennnddddd."
"Ouch!" said Draco sarcastically while holding his hand over his heart. "That hurt, Harry."
Harry laughed and looked at Draco. "Ron's my friend, Hun," he said sweetly. "I'm allowed to say I love him, aren't I? It's the same with Hermione too. And Besides, I love you as a lover, much more than a best friend. I love you more than words can say. I'm the Julian and you're the Romeo." Then he remembered something. More like someone. That Julian guy he met who introduced him to smoking.
Draco smiled lovingly at Harry, his boyfriend, but also his one true love. He loves this bloke far more than the stars in the universe, to the moon and back. He just can't believe he and Harry are practically telling the whole Weasley family of their love for one another. "I love you too, Harry Potter. I swear I couldn't love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow."
"B-beautiful!" cried Ginny with tears of joy in her eyes. "Oh, Merlin." She wiped away the tears leaking out of her eyes with her fingers. Fred, George, and Ron looked at her with sympathy and nodded in agreement.
Harry looked into Draco's eyes, knowing how beautiful what he said was and how beautiful the blonde Slytherin is, so he leaned in and kissed him.
Ron rubbed his hand up and down his little sister's arms, "I know, and it was." He smiled at his best mate and Draco snogging each other. How he wishes Blaise were here too. He has been worried about his Slytherin a lot, even if he doesn't show it. He just hopes Blaise isn't shutting himself away from his Aunt, that he's all right and not harming himself.
To distract himself from that thought, he looked into the lounge room. There stood his wizards chess game board. He smiled and looked back at the snogging blokes. "Want a round of wizards chess, Draco? It's been a long time."
Draco broke out of the kiss and turned his head around to face Ron. "Sure!" He felt Harry kiss his neck and smiled. "Ready to be beaten, Weasel?"
"What makes you think I'll lose, Malfoy?" Ron asked with a look of challenge on his face. He will not lose to the Slytherin. He just can't. Well, he just doesn't want to lose.
"Oh, it is so on!" said Draco with a smirk and lifted his chin. He was so ready to beat this Weasel!
As Fred and George watched Draco, Harry and Ron leave to the lounge room and Ginny leaves to her bedroom, they grabbed all the dishes and placed them in the sink.
George sighed and leaned against the kitchen countertop. He and his twin still were curious and worried about their favourite non-blood brother. "What are we going to do Freddie? Do you think Harry will be willing to talk to us about the... things we found hidden in his room?"
"I don't know Georgie," Fred said with a frown at the conversation that had been brought up yet again. He and Fred both knew that Harry was not treated well at the Dursleys. Thankfully, Harry doesn't go back there anymore. "We should ask Draco about it. Ask him if Harry suffers, and if Harry would like to talk to us on our request."
"We could do that," said George in agreement while tapping his fingers on the benchtop in thought. "Have you ever seen any change in Harry's behaviour?"
"Not sure," said Fred distractedly while watching Harry and Draco snogging on the couch. He smiled at them and Ron's impatience at obviously wanting the Chess game to go on. "If there were, he's doing a damn good job of hiding it."
"What if we are wrong about what we suspect?" George suddenly asked. He hoped what he was saying was true though. He didn't want to think about Harry dealing with mental health issues. "And that what we found is nothing serious?"
"C'mon, George," Fred said with a mixture of disbelief and sadness. "You can't believe there's nothing serious about keeping blades hidden around your room. What could he possibly use them for besides...?" He hesitated and frowned at that thought.
"I know, and I understand it's not normal to have blades in possession hidden inside your room," said George who stroked the nape of his neck. It was hard knowing, if they were right, that Harry suffers from something extremely concerning.
They both stood in the kitchen for long minutes, really thinking deeply about the concerning thought of Harry Potter suffering in some way. But what was Harry suffering from?
Ron then walked into the kitchen and froze at the sight of his twin brothers looking concerned and a little unhappy. "Bloody Hell!" he was just shocked. "First, I can't get the lovebirds to stop snogging so Draco and I can continue the game of wizards chess, and now I see my brothers looking so apprehensive?"
Fred and George looked up at their youngest brother, smiled and said together, "Yeah, we're a little ... concerned about someone."
Ron nodded and hesitantly looked to the floor. It seems like everyone's concerned about someone these days. "Who are you talking about, if I can know?" he asks curiously. Who were these two concerned about though?
Fred and George glanced at each other, not knowing if they should tell Harry's best mate about what they've found. Could their little brother know of anything that concerns Harry?
"Harry," Fred then said in a clear voice. He swallowed uncomfortably. "We're talking about Harry."
"Have you been seeing any changes in his behaviour?" asked George a little worriedly. He was meant to sound confident but couldn't mask out his worry for his little non-blood brother. They just had to make sure everything was fine.
And then Ron knew what they meant. Harry's depression. But how could they have found out? Harry's concernedly good at keeping his emotions in his little mental cube inside of his head. But now he could tell if Harry were depressed or not. It's extremely easy to see.
Every day, he can see Harry slipping deeper and deeper into his depression. He was surprised his best mate still had an interest in playing chess though he knew Harry hated the game. It was just whenever Harry wasn't busy, that Ron can see the grief and depression in Harry's eyes. He was pretty sure Draco could see it too. Or like how one minute, Harry was smiling and laughing but it wasn't true.
Harry's laughter never reached his eyes and his smile would falter for a few moments. It's times like this where Ron can see how mentally tired Harry was of his life. It was those moments that scared him so much that he could lose his best mate any day. Those moments just scared Ron because he could see how ready Harry was, to just end it all.
Fred and George stared at their little brother who's deep in thought. Could Ron know something they didn't? but even if he did, they wouldn't mind as long as Harry had someone to talk to. "Ron..."
Ron looked up at his brothers and sighed slowly. "All I'll say is if Harry wants to talk to you about what he goes through, then he will spill everything. Just don't force it out of him, he's mentally unstable and I don't know when he'll... break." He paused as he hoped he didn't say too much. "Just to know, how did you know that he suffers?"
"It's pretty easy to see, Ron," said George a little quietly. So, he and Fred were right all along. It saddened him to know their suspicions were real. What was going on in Harry's life that he and Fred didn't know about?
"He's always wearing either a long-sleeved shirt or a jumper inside when it's quite warm," Fred added. "It's obvious what he's hiding. He hardly talks to anyone either besides Draco. But even when the two started dating, Harry was solitary."
Ron nodded regrettably. He still doesn't know how he never saw the signs in the first place. It was so obvious yet he had no idea.
"I noticed, before the Quidditch World Cup, how Harry never really ate everything on his plate," said George and remembered Harry pushing his food around on his plate. A first he never really thought anything of it but it turns out he was very wrong. "He never came down for lunch either. Always up in Ron's room or outside by himself."
"And then there are his eyes," Fred said and distracted himself from the conversation as he looked out the kitchen window when a bird flew by a large tree outside in the distance. "The eyes that look so dull and lifeless."
Ron looked at his twin brothers sadly, knowing this must be new for them to hear. "To add to Harry's mental problems, he hasn't been getting a lot of sleep. He always is tired and again, before the Quidditch World Cup, I had woken up to him yelling about something..."
"Do you know what it was about?" asked Fred curiously, his eyebrows furrowing as he didn't know Harry has such nightmares. What were these nightmares about anyway? They must be terrible if Harry wakes up yelling.
Ron shook his head even if he knew exactly what Harry was yelling about. His Uncle's abuse from the past. But he wouldn't tell his brothers about it because he was sure Harry doesn't want his secrets blurted out to the world. He would rather Harry tell his brothers than himself telling them.
"Alright," George couldn't tell if his little brother was lying or not. He knows how well Ron can keep things hidden in the back of his mind.
Ron looked back into the lounge room. Harry and Draco were still snogging. How can they do that without losing breath? Then he got an idea. It was payback time! He looked at his twin brothers and mimicked Blaise's evil planning gesture. He rubbed his hands together and said, "Hehehehehehe."
Fred and George both raised an eyebrow at their little brother's evil scheming gesture and grinned. "What's little Ronny-kins got planned-" asked Fred.
George finished his twins' sentence, "-And how can we help?"
"Just a little innocent pillow fight," said Ron with a cheeky smile. He steepled his fingers in thought. "Want to join the dark side, my dear brothers?"
"Pillow fight, eh?" said George quietly so they weren't heard by the snogging couple. It sounds fun but wasn't a very Weasley-Twin thing to do. He and Fred would rather prank than Pillow fight unless the pillows were filled with something gross like slugs or slime then that would be wicked.
"Will we charm the pillows or...?" asked Fred with a tight-lipped smile. He hoped this was worth his time.
"We hit them with pillows, you git," Ron said defiantly. Why would he charm the pillows? Although, now that he thinks of it... it sounds like a sneaky plan. "Now let's do this as I want to get Draco back."
Fred and George crossed their arms over their chests. George did it because of the rude word directed at Fred and Fred just hated being called a git. "What did the snake do this time, Ronny-kins?" asked George.
Ron knew it was only a little payback thing to do, but he just wanted to get back at the Slytherin. "I threw a pillow at him this morning, then he hit me with it over the face – which really hurt - so I want to get him back."
The twins shook their heads in disappointment. From all the times they've pranked others, they were sure their little brother must have learnt a thing or two from them.
"Ronny, Ronny, Ron, Ron," said George with a sigh. "You just never learn, do you?"
Ron just shrugged. He wasn't good at getting back at people. That was his brother's traits, not his. "Teach me everything you know."
Fred and George smirked. But of course, the twin's secrecy can never be broken. Not even by a brother.
"Sorry little bro, we don't teach people," said Fred simply and leaned a little forward. "We prank them."
George nodded his head, "Yes, we indeed do." He stroked his chin like he had a beard but indeed did not. "Now, we might have a few pranks you can...err...borrow from us that would be useful to you."
"What like?" asked Ron, intrigued.
"Patience, oh dear brother of ours," Fred said airily. "We will tell you in due time."
"We do have a cream we made that will change your hair colour depending on your mood for 48 hours," George tells him with pride and unfolded his arms so he can lean on the kitchen bench again. He feels so proud about that little invention.
"That sounds perfect!" Ron said with a devious chuckle. This was going to be some memory to look back on. "Oh, I can't wait to see the look on Draco's face when he sees his hair coloured some kind of bright pink. Or even Harry's hair colour!"
"We can also turn him into a ferret if you want," Fred offered, smirking. He clearly remembers the red velvet cupcakes he and George sabotaged with a potion. "That's only if we learn how to bake something Draco will eat though."
"That's even better!" said Ron with crinkled eyes and mouth, visibly excited to get this prank done. "But I think I like the colour changing cream better." But then he realised something. How will he give it to Draco and get him to use it? "How would I even get Draco to use it?"
"You put it in his hair products," George said quickly with a shrug. It's what he would do anyway. "Easy said than done. That Slytherin probably has more hair products than his mother has of her cutlery."
"Oh," said Ron dumbly. Why didn't he think of that? He is a little fidgety with his shirt as he was nervous. "Right... of course. Well, when do I do it then?"
"Now, obviously!" said George, grinning his excitement to find out of this prank will actually work. "While Draco's...err...distracted by Harry's mouth."
"Will you look out for me?" Ron suddenly asked quickly. He didn't want to get caught in the act. It would be shameful!
"Yup," said Fred with a nod though he didn't think he and George would actually look out for him. It's Ron's prank on Draco so Ron faces the consequences when he gets caught. "Of course!"
"Now go!" George shooed him out of the kitchen.
Ron took that as a cue to go. He looked around the corner seeing that Draco's tongue is doing its thing in Harry's mouth. But then he decided to silently dash upstairs, the twins following behind as they still hadn't given Ron the cream.
When they entered the twin's room, Fred went straight to his and George's wooden desk to the right of the room covered in odd bits and bobs including a pot of quills, and pulled open the top right drawer by the grey knob and picked up a white bottle. His twin Fred was leaning against his bed to the right far corner of the room which had green tartan sheets. George's bed was on the left with orange tartan sheets, and in the middle on the wall was a large grey round window. Underneath the window was a rectangular table with both the twins' bedside items on it. George turned back around and handed the bottle to Ron with a grin. "The cream."
When Ron was handed the bottle, he studied it but looked back up at his brother. "It's in here?" he asked with utter confusion as it looked like it'd contain Butterbeer. This isn't what he had in mind when he said cream. "I thought you said..."
"No, dear brother," said George and pointed to the lid as he leaned against his study desk. "You can smell it if you want. It's not poisonous to sniff and it's not anything odd. We made the bottle and after we made the cream, we poured it inside the bottle and spelled the rest of it back together, so it looks brand new."
"Smart," Ron replied with a nod of gratitude. He couldn't wait to get started. "Anything else I should know about this cream?"
"Nope," said Fred with a smile and thought about Draco Malfoy, whose hair is whitish blonde, will be coloured in many different colours depending on his mood. Oh, it will surprise Harry too. "The only side effects are the colour change in hair. Now, you better be off. You have a blonde snake to prank."
Ron grinned at the thought of pranking Draco as payback for everything the snake has done and said in the past. It was minor compared to all the words Draco has called him before they became...somehow friends, but it's something. "Thanks!" He turned around to leave but his eyes caught onto something dark blue. A Chocolate Frog container. He stared curiously at the twins and reached for it.
"No!" said George and Fred together, trying to take away the container from their little brother. Their younger brother cannot know what's in there. He just cannot. Well, it involves Harry so they guess they should let their little brother know.
Ron raised an eyebrow at the twin brothers of his and opened the Chocolate Frog Container. His face paled at the sight, so familiar. He looked up at his twins in alarm. "Why the bloody hell do you have blades hidden inside this container?" he sounded quite horrified and worried at the same time. Could his own brothers - No. They just cannot be...
"We can explain-," tried Fred. But it was no use, so he looked away.
"Show. Me. Your. Arms!" spelled Ron slowly. He hoped he was wrong about what he thought. His eyes were dashing from one twin, down to their long-sleeved covered arms and to the next twin with the repeated process.
George rolled his eyes at his younger brother and rolled up both of his sleeves to show his bare scar-less and cut-less arms. He was pleased that Ron would ask him and his twin about this. But really? Why the hell would he and his twin be depressed? Nothing traumatic has happened in their lives, apart from the vision Harry had of their father getting bitten by the snake. But that was past tense.
Ron studied George's arm seeing no cuts. With a sigh of relief, he looked at Fred a little impatiently and Fred swallowed and looked to the floor with an easy act of guilt. "Well?"
George looked at his twin seriously. But that serious face turned into a soft one and then he grew worried. "Freddie?" he asks and just doesn't believe his twin would feel this way at all. He would know if something was wrong. "Is there something... you've been needing to talk to me about?"
"Us," Ron corrected his older brother with a grimace. He would never think his older brother would feel such a way that's damaging? Fred looks like he always does every single day: ready for the brand new day.
George glared at his younger brother for a sec, telling him he needs to back off a little. Then he looked back at his twin with a soft expression, "Freddie... you know if you need to talk about..."
Fred just chuckled and pulled his sleeves up. He loves messing with his family, even his own twin. Both George and Ron looked down at Fred's bare cut-less and scar-less arms and gave a sigh of relief.
George gave his twin a side hug, saying in a sad tone, "Don't scare us like that, Freddie. You nearly had me there."
"I won't, I promise," said Fred with an assuring smile as he hugged his twin back. He gave George a kiss to the forehead and George scrunched up his face from the gesture but laughed it off.
Ron rolled his eyes at his brothers and exited the room. He has a task he needs to do, and he will get it done. He walked right to the bathroom and when he entered, he locked the door behind him just in case someone comes in. Where would someone keep their hair products? The sink? Ron checked under the sink but only found his mother's and Ginny's bottles of shampoo and conditioner. The males of the house keep their items inside the shower.
Ron didn't find any expensive looking bottles of shampoo or conditioner anywhere. He sighed but kept looking while trying to ignore the stash of pads and tampons under the sink - Bloody Hell! Nothing. Nowhere. The only other place would be his bedroom where the blonde Slytherin's trunk still lay. But how would he get into the trunk?
He headed for his room, making sure the coast is clear first. He locked the door behind him and gave a long deep sigh. His room was thankfully empty. No snogging couple anywhere. What a relief. He walked over to Draco's trunk. Surprisingly, it was open. Who would leave their trunk open though? Even Harry's was open. Those two must trust the whole Weasley family enough to not go snooping. He smirked and looked through Draco's trunk. Merlin, there were so many hair products that could last a whole century! But he knew exactly how to find the ones that had been used the most. There would always be a little bit of dried product on the end of the bottle to know it has been used.
With a smirk, he opened the lid of the shampoo and hair gel. A whiff of citrus caught his nostrils and he gagged. How can someone put this stuff in their hair? It's disgusting! He hoped Fred and George had extra bottles of this colouring cream stuff. He opened the lid of the cream and poured a quarter of it into the shampoo and another quarter of it into the hair gel.
He had to use the tube that connects to the pumper of the shampoo bottle to mix the cream with the shampoo. With the hair gel, he just had to smear the cream over the top of the gel. Oh, this was going to be hilarious whenever Draco washes his hair or applies his hair gel on in the morning. He put the lid back on the cream and headed back to his older twin brother's room to give the cream back.
"So, how did it go?" asked Fred with a cheeky smile. He couldn't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces when Draco comes out of the room with coloured hair depending on his mood. Will it be a nice rosy red or perhaps a yellow?
"Good," said Ron with a smirk, though he didn't want to waste any more time waiting for Draco to apply his hair gel in. "Don't think he will notice the change though. Not unless someone tells him, which I am sure Harry might do."
Fred nodded and then looked down at his twin sleeping in his lap. He ran his hands through George's hair with a smile. He loves having a twin. It was like looking in a third-person view down at yourself in this position to Fred.
George opened an eye and stared up at his twin brother. "You're not going to kiss me, are you? He asked quietly, but it was clear Ron heard him without a doubt.
Ron snorted at his brother. As much as he loves his brothers, they can be a bit weird at times.
Fred laughed and shook his head. No way in Merlin's name would he do such a thing. "Not happening," he tells him quickly." But then he hesitates, "Unless you want to."
George winked at his twin.
"Yeah... Um, no," said Ron and crinkled his nose in utter disgust. What a bunch of weirdos. "Goodbye, my dear brothers." He didn't want to see what goes on in this room, so he left to his room until lunch.
Harry and Draco were still down in the lounge room snogging, but they had to lean out as their lips were sore from too much kissing. They really couldn't help themselves though. It was mainly to get Ron out of the room, but that worked ages ago as the youngest Weasley brother had left a few long minutes ago.
Harry leaned down on Draco and cuddled him with a small smile. Warmth spread through him like he had a blanket over the top of him, but he knew that blanket was Draco. The Slytherin's skin touched his skin and sent shock waves surging through his veins while warming him up from the inside. He loves how Draco has this effect on him. It always makes him feel better throughout the day. This Slytherin makes him feel at home, makes him feel comforted, loved, warm and fuzzy. He really does feel like he could talk to Draco about anything in the world, even though the Slytherin already knows everything.
Draco ran his hands through Harry's hair and kissed his forehead. When looking outside at the blue sky with white fluffy clouds floating by, he knew he wanted this forever, to have Harry in his arms forever. And then he heard the silent sleeping noises coming from Harry and it just melted his insides from how adorable they sound. He was incredibly pleased to know that Harry could easily fall asleep in his arms. It is such a great gift to have. He loves this bloke lying down on him so much that there are no other words to say it.
Mrs Weasley walked into the lounge room and smiled at the couple cuddling on the couch. This is what she loves the most about her life, seeing her daughters and sons even if they're not blood-related deep in love with their lovers. With a small sigh, she continued to the kitchen to start making lunch.
Harry woke as he heard a pot being banged against something metal. He remembered where he was and who he was laying on. He twisted his upper body around and stared into those silver eyes that belong to the boy he fell in love with. He reached up and pushed back the blonde fringe from those glimmering eyes.
Draco smiled at Harry and closed his eyes. He felt like the luckiest bloke alive because he is dating such a beautiful person both inside and out. "How are you feeling, my darling?" he asked quietly but also a little curiously as he knew how hard Sirius's death affected Harry.
Harry didn't want to lie. He's been feeling like shit lately and has been wanting to cut but doesn't want to leave Draco's side at all. He feels protected in Draco's arms. The blonde Slytherin calms him down and submerges him in warmth every day. The urge to cut is quite hard to ignore and whenever Draco's looking the other way, he scratches at the cuts he had made back at school. The urge to make more cuts is extremely tempting and even at night if he does go to the bathroom to cut, what if Draco wakes up and starts to panic and wakes everyone up?
Draco opened his eyes as he got no answer from Harry. Harry was frowning. Oh, the poor soul! He hugged Harry and feeling the Gryffindor melting into his embrace made him smile. "Tell me, Harry. What do you need? What would you like to talk about?"
"Cut," Harry blurted out sadly. He felt worse for mentioning it now. Why did he have to do such a stupid thing?
"Oh, my darling," Draco said softly and sympathetically just to let Harry know he can open up to him about whatever he's feeling right now that gives him the urge. "Talk to me. Why do you want to harm yourself?"
"I just miss him, Draco," said Harry quietly with a frown. He could feel the tears starting to form in the back of his eyes. That familiar and little painful feeling. "A lot. I-..." He let a tear fall down his cheek. "I'm sorry..."
"Shh..." Draco said in a hushed and comforted tone and hoped it will soothe Harry's feelings. He rubbed his hand up and down his Gryffindor boyfriend's back just to calm him down. "Don't apologise, my darling. Whatever you think is your fault, it's not. Please, Harry, talk to me."
Harry sobbed in Draco's embrace. But he knows it is his fault Sirius is dead. He shouldn't have gone to the Ministry at all! He should have listened to Ron and Hermione as it was a bad idea. "I killed him. It's my fault. It's-"
"Harry... Sirius's death isn't your fault," Draco tells him gently with assurance and furrowed brows. How could Harry believe he did such a thing when he has all the good in his heart to prove his innocence. "You didn't aim your wand at your godfather and say the killing curse, did you?
"No," said Harry sadly. But he did go to the Ministry when he really shouldn't have even if it was to save Sirius. That was his fault, and he will suffer a lot because of it.
"Exactly!" whispered Draco and pulled out of the hug. He wiped those tears falling from his boyfriend's face and sighed. "You didn't kill him, Harry. It was my Aunt. Not you. My Aunt pointed her wand at my Uncle and killed him. And yet I say it again, it wasn't you." Harry sniffed when looking into silver irises. Draco smiled sadly and cupped Harry's right cheek while rubbing his thumb over the soft skin. "Now, wipe those beautiful tears off your gorgeous face, Harry Potter. You have so much to live for and I love you so much."
Harry leaned down on Draco's chest and hugged him. He didn't want to be ripped away from another person he loves as well. It just hurts too much. "I love you too, Draco. So very much."
Draco's smile grew and he laughed softly when hugging Harry back. He buried his nose in Harry's neck and sighed when remembering a poem he read in the Shakespeare book Harry gave him for his birthday. "Your lips so soft, the thought of kissing you is stuck in my head. Your beauty so bright and warm, shinning through the darkest storm. Your eyes sparkle like emeralds in a pure white room. When I stare into them, I feel like I'm soaring high. My love for you is pure and true, I never stop thinking of you. The sound of your voice saying, 'I love you' makes my heart pound because I know I truly found my one and only."
Harry only tightened the hug with his lover from that poem. It was a beautiful poem and made his heart flutter in his chest because even if it was written by someone else, it really made the words sink into him when they are spoken out by Draco. It's like magic to him, pure magic and love.
A loud cowbell was heard, as were the shouts of Mrs Weasley calling everyone down for lunch. Harry let out a groan as he didn't want to get off Draco. The Slytherin's just so comfortable, warm, and calming. Poor Serpentine though. He remembered the talk he had with the little snake over the summer holidays before the Quidditch World Cup. Serpentine hates the sound of the Cow Bell.
He looked at Draco and forced a smile across his face. The Slytherin is still getting used to hearing the Cow Bell as he has never heard anything "Quite frightening" in his life as Draco had told him. He managed to get off Draco and pull the blonde Slytherin wizard up off the couch and headed into the kitchens.
Harry dragged Draco into the kitchen by the hand and found Mrs Weasley dishing up lunch on two big white plates. "About that bell of yours..." Harry started shyly. He's never had to tell an adult not to do something. It was kind of scary. But he began to tell her about the bell and how it may affect the animals living by. Surprisingly, Molly was quite calm when talking about such a topic and was very understandable. "So... what's for lunch?"
Draco smiled at Harry and just wanted to say 'My Hungry baby' but didn't want to embarrass his Gryffindor boyfriend in front of Mrs Weasley.
"Sausage rolls and pies are for lunch, dear," said Mrs Weasley. She grabbed the two large plates and headed to the dining table.
"Would you like us to help, Molly?" asked Harry as he and Draco followed her in. He didn't want the woman to accidentally drop something.
"Oh, no, no," Mrs Weasley assured them. "I'm quite fine by myself." She smiled gratefully, "Thank you, though." She headed towards the stairs to yell, "KIDS! LUNCH IS READY!"
There was a shuffling of feet from upstairs and the first to make it down was Ron with a smile. Then came Fred and George, and then Ginny.
When everyone sat down, two large bottles of tomato sauce came floating through from the kitchen. Harry and Draco sat back in their seats as the Weasley kids all fought to get the tomato sauce. They both snickered when they caught George, who does not have any sauce on his lunch, sneakily stole Ron's plate when Ron wasn't looking and swapped it with his own.
Ron looked down at his plate in confusion after talking with Ginny who sat beside him. What happened to all the sauce he put on his pies and sausage rolls?
George winked at Harry and Draco, knowing they caught him in the act. He loves confusing the hell out of his younger brother, as does his twin.
Harry and Draco both grinned innocently at George. Oh, the Weasley's were amazing! Mostly the twins, they were the best. But Harry will always have Ron as his favourite Weasley out of the whole family because he is his best mate. Best mates stick together.
But then Draco's grin turned into a frown. He misses his mother dearly. He still doesn't know why he had to leave his mother in the first place. Why does his own mother need to stay at the manor alone if his father is in prison and Voldemort is...? Where was that red-eyed snake-nosed killer anyway? Unless... No, why would his mother send him away from the killer when he could be looking after his mother? He admired his mother's bravery if that's why she sent him to the Burrow for the holidays, but he would at least like to be able to look after his own mother.
One thing Harry noticed odd during the Weasley family lunch was a frown. He's never seen anybody frown when surrounded by laughter and loudness of the Weasley's. It was of course coming from his boyfriend, Draco. He squeezed the blonde wizard's hand from under the table while his other hand raised to the blonde's cheek and caressed it softly. When Draco looked his way, he asked, "Are you okay?"
Draco nodded; he was all right. He is just a little curious and a bit worried about his mother. He let out a smile at Harry, "I'm usually the one asking you that question, not the other way around."
Harry smiled back and dropped his hand from Draco's cheek. "But are you okay though?" he asks when cutting off the head of the meat pie and pouring tomato sauce into the meat. He swirled his fork around in the hot meat and the tomato sauce just to make it less hot. It was a strange way to eat a meat pie but he liked it.
Draco grabbed Harry's hand which had previously rested on his cheek and brought it up to his mouth. He pressed his lips to Harry's upper fingers. "I'm okay, truly. I'm honestly just a little curious and worried about my mother," he admits anxiously. "She's all alone, Voldemort's still out there and could come to visit her any day..."
Mrs Weasley dropped her fork on her plate at what Draco said and whose name he had said. A 'Bang!' was heard but it wasn't loud enough for everyone to hear over the talking. She knows she'll have to tell Draco about the truth soon, just not in the near future.
While Draco looked at Mrs Weasley questionably and wondered if she knew something he didn't about his mother. Harry was thinking about what Draco had told him. He knew Voldemort was out somewhere in the United Kingdom hiding, but would the evil creep risk it and go to Malfoy Manor? Was Narcissa even safe alone? He hoped Draco was worrying for no reason.
To distract himself from further fretting, Draco squeezed Harry's hand from under the table. With his other hand that held Harry's other hand, he kissed his Gryffindor boyfriend's knuckles which earned him a smile from Harry. He loves that smile, even if he knows it doesn't last for long because of Harry's depression.
He knows the only thing to do to help Harry would be to have another therapy appointment with Severus. He hoped Severus is still willing to help Harry though. That day where Harry looked into his godfather's Pensieve really angered and upset the man, but would that anger really be enough to stop him from helping Harry in therapy?
He decided that tomorrow he will Fire-call Severus and ask him about it, just to help Harry a little. He wants Harry to get better, to feel better. He knows depression cannot be cured, but it can be treated, and the symptoms can be alleviated. But the big question is, does Harry want to stop the pain he is in? Does Harry want to stop the hurting on the inside? Maybe not permanently but for a little while.
Suddenly, a loud knock was heard throughout the Burrow. Most would think it was the ghoul living in the attic making the sound, but the Weasley's and Harry knew that it was from the Front door of the Burrow.
"I'll get it!" Ginny said quickly, getting up from her seat. "Could be Luna." But when she returned, it wasn't Luna Lovegood that entered the kitchen and was looking around in awe at the Burrow's kitchen. It was Albus Dumbledore.
"So sorry to disturb this lovely-scented lunch," said Dumbledore, and he sniffed the air with delight. "Ah, Meat Pies. Such a lovely lunch choice."
"Oh, Albus," said Mrs Weasley lightly with surprise. "Didn't expect to see you here at the Burrow for the Holidays. What can I do for you?"
"Nothing, nothing really," Dumbledore says as he walks through and admires all the Kitchenette items and cupboards and colourful kitchen table and chairs. "But I insist to have a word with Mr Potter. It's particularly important."
"Of course, Professor," said Harry with a nod, his fork halfway to his mouth with a piece of the pie on it. But really? Right now? And during the Holidays? Can't Dumbledore wait until after the Holidays? But maybe it isn't about Voldemort. He quickly gobbles up the piece of pie on his fork, gets off his seat, kisses Draco's forehead – it made the blonde smile – and he excuses himself from the table.
Draco watched Harry leave the room with Dumbledore, curious to know about what Dumbledore wanted to talk about with Harry. He looked across the table at Ron and Hermione, who looked just as curious as he did. But ten minutes later, Harry entered back into the Burrow, his face pale and looked a little tired as if he'd just been in an arena carrying a large sword with him and fighting for his life. Dumbledore came in behind him, looking a lot merrier than he was earlier.
"Good day," the headmaster of Hogwarts says. "And thank you, Harry, for your time. Don't forget about our little mission next Thursday." Harry nodded numbly. "Good. Now, I must depart. Bye-bye!"
"Bloody Hell, Harry, what did you talk about?" asked Ron at once as Dumbledore left out the front door, and he noticed the paleness on his best mate's face. Whatever they talked about, it mustn't have been very good.
"It'll tell you later, maybe," Harry drawls as he grabs his plate and fork, gives everyone a fake smile and walks off up to Ron's room for some alone time to think about what Dumbledore asked of him. The man wants him to visit him in his office three times a week to discuss Tom Riddle and his frickin Horcruxes – whatever they are. Not only that but he's got a mission to go on with Dumbledore which he has no idea what it is about and how he can prepare for it.
After that scrumptious lunch, Draco thanked Mrs Weasley and decided to go find Harry. He doesn't want Harry to be all alone right now, especially in the state he's in. And as he doesn't know what Professor Dumbledore and Harry had talked about, that could be impacting Harry too so he wanted to find out.
Up in Ron's room after finishing his lunch, Harry went over to his trunk. He wanted to take another look at his photo album, but also to stare at the wizarding photo of his mother and father dancing around the fountain to take his mind off things.
He then looks at the photo taken of him and Draco in Venice. It's just how Draco's hair flows in the wind on that day in Venice is very charming, the way his silver eyes sparkle in the sunlight, that gorgeous perfect mouth smiling brightly like it's brighter than the sun... He could remember how special he felt back then with Draco and in his arms.
He snapped himself out of his dreamy state, not noticing Draco staring at him with a smile from the bedroom door and looked in his trunk. He picked up the red photo album and studied the front for a second or two until his eyes caught on a few child-looking drawings in crayon he finds that are also in his trunk. Such old drawings from so long ago. But one drawing had caught his eye and he started tearing up.
Harry had come home from school with a drawing of 4 Privet Drive with him and the Dursleys. The words 'My house' are written above neatly, as a six-year-old could with blue crayon. Aunt Petunia freaked at the drawing, Harry cried because he thought she really might like it, even making the effort to hang it on the fridge with Dudley's drawings and schoolwork. But no... instead he was punished by Uncle Vernon and yelled at until he understood that he was not a part of their family.
Harry felt arms wrap around him and he looked up into concerned silver eyes. He hugged the blonde wizard and sobbed into his shoulder. He felt that familiar warmth spread through his body from Draco's hug and it calmed him down a little. Draco, he noticed, could always calm him down somehow. It must be some kind of boyfriend thing. He admired the power Draco had over him, especially if he feels safe and protected in the arms of this Slytherin.
Draco sighed and pressed his cheek up against Harry's wet cheek while slowly rubbing his hands around in soothing motions on Harry's back. He doesn't know why his boyfriend is suddenly crying when he was fine at lunch, but he knew Harry was also staring at something when he saw him in the room. But what was it that would have upset him?
Harry felt himself calm down a little from the slow and immediate soothing rubbing Draco was doing on his back. But the guilt and pain he was still feeling because of Sirius' death just wouldn't go away. He knew exactly what he wanted to do to make the guilt and pain disappear for a little while.
Draco kept rubbing Harry's back slowly. He knew his touch could calm his boyfriend down and he was so delighted that it does. But he still wanted to know why his boyfriend was upset. "Harry, darling... please tell me why you are upset," he said softly, clearly trying to get Harry to open up to him some more. He didn't want to find out what Dumbledore talked to Harry about until his Gryffindor is ready to say it.
Harry knew he can talk to Draco about this. He let this bloke smash down his mental walls, but only just for him. Nobody else. Even it's hard to talk to Severus about certain issues with his life, but as long as Draco's there with him he can spill a little bit of the tea. But not all of it. He ended the hug and handed Draco the picture. He wiped at his eyes with his dark blue sleeve, hugged his knees to his chest and placed his head on his knees.
Draco looked at the child drawing with furrowed eyebrows in puzzlement. He didn't understand this. Why's Harry crying over a drawing? "Harry... I don't understand..."
"Of course, you don't understand, Draco," mumbled Harry sadly. He shook his head while they were still on his knees. "Nobody does. Nobody understands what I go through."
Draco placed the drawing on the floor beside him and reached for Harry's hands as they were wrapped around the Gryffindor's legs. He pulled them towards him and held them firmly. "Then make me understand, Harry," he said sympathetically, squeezing Harry's hands gently. "Tell me what made you upset. Remember I am always here for you."
How can Harry make Draco understand this at all? Yes, the blonde Slytherin knows about the abuse Harry suffered from the Dursleys but it's all still hard to talk about. He knows Draco will always be there for him too. He let the tears fall and he didn't look up at Draco. He felt a little ashamed for crying in front of his boyfriend knowing it makes him look weak and pathetic even if he has done so a couple of times.
Right now, he just wants to be alone. "It's just a drawing I made when I was six..." he said in barely an audible whisper, even if he himself thought he sounded quite loud. What was with the ringing in his ears now?
Draco nodded at the child's drawing lying next to him. But he still wanted to know why Harry was crying over it. The drawing just had a house on it with the words 'My home' written in blue... stuff. He doesn't know what that blue stuff Harry used to draw with and guessed it was something muggle. "Harry... look at me, please," he asked quietly. When Harry slowly looked up at him, he continued, "Tell me about this picture. What is it that made you upset?"
Harry sniffed and shook his head. Right now, he wants to be left alone so he can get rid of the guilt and pain he's feeling. He knows Draco's trying to help him, and he's so pleased about that, but he just needs his alone time. Everyone needs their alone time, right?
"Draco... c-can I be alone?" he asked, edging away from that conversation. He was sounding quite eager to get away but that just made him feel worse. He hoped he hadn't hurt his boyfriend by saying that, and by looking at Draco, his expression seemed disappointed and worried.
Draco sighed. He doesn't want to leave Harry all alone. He doesn't know what his gorgeous lion will get up to but knows it'll be worrying. "Of course," he agreed with a small smile. "I will give you your alone time if that's what you wish for." Harry sniffed again and wiped his nose on his sleeve. Draco moved closer and placed a gentle kiss on Harry's lips which the Gryffindor kissed back. "I love you, Harry."
"I love you too, Draco," Harry responded, his heart fluttering in his chest. Those three words that come out of Draco's beautiful mouth and his kisses always make him feel a little warm inside and his heart flutters in his chest. But still, he wants his alone time. Oh, this is going to hurt to say... "Can I be alone, please?"
Draco looked sadly at Harry and nodded. He kissed Harry's forehead and stood up to make his way to the door of Ron's bedroom. He hesitated at the door and looked back at his boyfriend. "If you need me, I'll be down in the lounge room with Ron playing wizards chess," he said in a soft tone. "Remember that I love you so much, Harry."
"I know, I love you too," said Harry. Draco smiled at him and disappeared from the doorway leaving Harry all alone. Harry's first instinct was to look for his blade as he wants to rid of his guilt and painful emotions.
Think, Harry. When was the last time you had your blade on you? He checked his book bag. Nothing. Nothing in the green tin he used previously. He knew his blade wasn't back in Godric's room as he realised – remembered – that afternoon when Sirius died. Sirius...
He then remembered where his blade was. In his robe pocket. He immediately searched his robe and when something cold met his skin, he grabbed the blade and rushed to the bathroom. He locked the bathroom door and sat down in front of the door just in case.
He rolled up his sleeve and frowned at his scarred arm, missing the lines of red that usually scarred his arm. With his blade in hand, he began to think about Draco. He was being such a nice and supportive boyfriend and what did Harry give in return? Nothing. Without consciously knowing, he sliced the blade across his wrist. He felt a little better from the release, but he wanted more as the numb sensation wasn't strong enough. When watching the first line of blood form, he sliced the blade four more times over his skin. He watched, mesmerised, at his red work of art. It was so pretty...
He sighed knowing the numb haze will only last for a few hours. Probably two hours or if he was lucky enough, three. He placed his blade in his pocket, cleaned off his arm even if he likes watching his art ooze out of his arm and headed out of the bathroom. He felt like he needed some fresh air, so he sluggishly walked down the stairs and out the back door not knowing he was being watched from the lounge room.
Ron watched his best mate in that state he knows so well, even if Harry hasn't told him everything about what made him so depressed. He looked back at the Slytherin in his family's lounge room curiously but with a mixture of defence. He crossed his arms over his chest, "Did you two have a fight or something?"
Draco watched his boyfriend disappear out the back door and shook his head woefully. "No, no fights." He didn't even want to think about fights right now. "He wanted to be alone so that's what I gave him. Only a while though..."
Ron nodded. But he knew better than to give Blaise alone time. He may trust his Italian Slytherin boyfriend, but not when he's all alone. It's just scary. "You should keep an eye on him," he said in a nearly stern voice. But then his voice broke as he said, "I'm sure we both know what Harry had just done to himself by the way he... walks, looks and everything..."
Draco sighed deeply and stared outside the backyard window, trying to look for a mess of black hair but couldn't find it. "Yeah... I'll keep my sight on him." He stood up and finally looked at his chess competitor with a smile. "Thanks... mate."
Ron grinned at the Slytherin. So they are acquaintances then? "You're welcome... mate," he amended.
With a nod goodbye, Draco left the warm house and headed out into the cool evening air. He didn't see Harry anywhere except when he saw a boy with familiar fluffy black messy hair sitting against a tree. And as he got closer to his boyfriend, he noticed Harry was speaking ... speaking to someone? He didn't see anybody else outside. But then he remembered the sound of the hissing words. Harry was speaking Parseltongue.
Harry frowned at the familiar green snake known as Serpentine. He wasn't meant to tell Mrs Weasley about how disturbing the bell was this holiday. It should have been the holidays last year. "Look, SSSerpentine... I'm sssorry for not asking Mrsss Weasssley last holidayssss about not ussssing the bell. I wasssn't here at all. Believe it or not, I wasss in Venice."
Draco doesn't see anyone around the tree at all. So, was his boyfriend going mad or was he hearing things?
"Venice?" asked Serpentine in disbelief and gave a hiss. "How could you have been on the other ssside of the country?"
"I-," Harry started. He took a deep breath. Who knows a snake could be so disbelieving? "I wasss with my boyfriend lassst holidaysss. He'sss a really amazing, handsssome perssson. I love him ssso much. Nobody knowsss how many timesss he hasss sssaved me."
Draco wished he could tell what Harry was saying. If only he could learn Parseltongue...
Serpentine smiled at the wizard boy, well, tried to smile at him. But then something caught his eye. There was another heat signature near Harry. He's never seen the boy before. Could he be Harry's boyfriend? Sadly, he cannot see what the boy actually looks like. He can see the heat signature, not the boy's hair colour, eye colour et cetera.
Draco's eyes widened in horror at what exactly Harry was talking to as his eyes met with the red ones. It was a long snake. A green snake, thankfully not Nagini, but he couldn't tell what kind it was. He doesn't know a lot about snakes.
Serpentine looked away from the other heat signature and back at Harry. "SSSo, Harry," he sounded curious. He was curious to learn more about Harry's boyfriend. "Tell me more about thisss boyfriend of yoursss."
Harry forced a smile at the snake. He loves talking about Draco to others, even if it's a snake he's currently talking to. "He'sss got ssstunningly sssilver eyesss, beautiful whitisssh blonde hair-"
Serpentine cut him off, "Not what he looksss like, but that'sss nice to know. What I would like to know isss, doesss he takesss care of you right and everything?"
"Yesss, SSSerpentine," said Harry redundantly with a nod. "Draco treatsss me very well. Almossst like a prince would."
Draco shifted uncomfortably in his position and snapped a twig in half. He froze as he met eyes with emerald green as Harry turned around. He smiled guiltily at him and shrugged at the snake. "Uh... Hi!" he said awkwardly. He didn't mean to disturb this... conversation between Harry and the snake. He hoped he hasn't angered the snake for some reason.
"Hello," said Serpentine to the other heat signature that is Draco.
Harry looked back at the snake and responded, "He doesssn't underssstand you," he reminds the snake. "He isss not a Parselmouth like me."
"Oh, that makesss senssse," Serpentine said with a little nod of his oval head. He poked his little forked tongue out and flicked it in Draco's direction.
Draco stared curiously at the snake and then back at his boyfriend. "I'm surprised he hasn't killed you yet, Harry," he said with easy confidence as he stood tall. Thank Merlin the snake didn't kill Harry. Who was the snake anyway and how does Harry know him so well that he trusts him that much that he sits next to him? He looked down at the snake and smiled. If this was a friend he's never heard of, then he wants to know a little about him even if he's a... snake. "Hello, snake. I'm Draco."
Harry looked back up at his boyfriend questionably. The Slytherin should know about how snakes can't understand humans unless they learn Parseltongue. "Draco, honey, he doesn't speak... err... human," he started gently. "His name is Serpentine."
Draco gave a nod of understanding. It would be cool to speak to animals, even if people find it a little scary. "Okay. It's just... it's getting late and I can smell dinner from here so..." He sniffed the air with a smile and sighed. The cooking made his stomach growl. "Tell Serpentine... that he has a really cool name and that we have to go inside for dinner."
Harry sighed deeply. He could smell the dinner cooking, but he wasn't hungry. He'd like to spend the rest of his afternoon in Ron's bedroom, or even in the attic with that ghost who loves making noises. He sounds like good company.
"I'd like you to tell me about your little friend here, since you have never told me about him at all," Draco added, feeling his stomach growl again. He wishes at times that he can tame his stomach from making any kind of noise.
Harry looked sadly at Serpentine. He doesn't want to leave him again. It's been quite a long time since he'd last seen him. He'd like to be able to see his little snake friend again. "Draco sssaysss that you have a really cool name, and I think ssso too, obviousssly! Alssso, Draco and I have to depart asss dinner isss almossst ready. SSSorry."
Serpentine shook his little head. "No need to apologize, Harry. Go and have your dinner. We can ssspeak again sssometime sssoon."
Harry gave one last look at Serpentine who slithered off into a few bushes behind the tree and gave Draco a kiss just so his Slytherin boyfriend doesn't worry about him.
Draco smiled at Harry adoringly and kissed him this time. He gave his Gryffindor boyfriend a tight hug just to let him know how much he loves him, even if he squeezes him a lot. "I love you, Harry Potter," he whispered to Harry's scar and kissed it.
Harry melted in the hug while feeling a tingly feeling on his scar and breathed out slowly while smelling vanilla and feeling a little lighter than before, especially with those three words that came out of that perfect mouth. "I love you too, Draco Malfoy," he whispered back and planted a slow kiss on the Slytherin's cheek.
Draco blushed from the kiss and chuckled. He loves how Harry can be so affectionate even if he knows he's numb from the cutting he did earlier. "Now... C'mon, let's go get some dinner," he urged on.
Harry doesn't know how he's supposed to tell Draco that he doesn't want to eat. He really doesn't have the appetite for anything right now. Probably not for several hours actually. So, when they walked through the back door into the lounge room, Harry simply said, "I'm not hungry right now. I probably will be in a couple of hours..."
Draco looked at him worriedly. He has seen a really big improvement in Harry's body since the fourth year. He's less skinny now and quite fit. It must have been Quidditch practise before Umbridge banned him. He bit his lip. "Are you sure you don't want to eat anything, Harry?'
Harry nodded numbly; his lip quivered. "I'm sure, Draco." He hesitantly raised his arms up and over Draco's neck so he could lean in and kiss him.
Draco smiled as he knew what Harry wanted. He leaned the rest of the way into the kiss which brought him the butterfly sensation in his stomach again as his own lips touched Harry's feathery soft ones. The taste of Harry overwhelmed his senses and he melted. Harry swivelled his head back and forth and Draco started doing the same, but on the corner of his mouth Harry said, "I love you."
Draco then stopped. He stood with his hands moving down Harry's arms until they reached his hands, he intertwined them together and said, "I love you too." He paused. Just for a moment "Are you sure you don't want me to bring up food for you? I don't want you starving for food at night."
Harry forced a smile at him, hoping it's reassuring enough to say that he's okay. "I'm sure, Draco." He took a few steps backwards and entwined hands. "See you soon?"
Draco nodded. He hoped to see Harry soon. He knows he will see him soon; he will make sure of it as he will have a short dinner. "Yes, see you soon," he said with a smile. He watched Harry leave for the stairs and as Harry's silhouette disappeared, he headed for the kitchen.
"Where's Harry?" asked Mrs Weasley curiously who watched Draco enter into the kitchen and sit down on one of the spare seats next to Ron. She was dishing up her homemade Toad-in-the-hole for dinner.
"He's really tired," Draco tells her and hoping his lie was good enough. It would be a shame if it weren't because he's been practising since he was younger. "He wanted an early sleep in. But I will bring him some dinner if he wakes up anytime soon."
"Oh, alright," Mrs Weasley said with a sigh. Nobody ever misses out on dinner in her house. She started dishing up a plate for Harry and putting a permanent heating charm on his dinner.
The only thing during dinner that Draco really paid attention to were Fred, George, and Ron. They looked quite concerned about something and seem to be really thinking deeply. What could these brothers be so concerned about? After finishing his dinner, which he thanked Mrs Weasley even if she told him not to express his thanks to, he headed back up to Ron's room.
He smiled at the sleeping lump in the middle of the room on the spare bed facing his own bed. He silently walked up to Harry's bed and leaned over, his hand holding his weight as he leaned down and kissed Harry's cheek.
Harry really wasn't asleep, but he had to admit that it was cute how Draco had kissed his cheek and it made him blush. The kiss still lingered there, sinking into his skin and he adored the feel of it. It was like having a butterfly land on his cheek and it stayed there.
Draco crept to his own bed and looked through his trunk for something to do to pass the time. He didn't find any of his books, except his schoolbooks from last year but he couldn't be bothered reading. So, he just lay on his stomach on his bed with his elbows supporting his head as he watched the wizarding picture of himself and Harry dancing around the fountain in Venice. He smiled and closed his eyes at the memory.
Back at the dinner table after finishing their own food, Ron, Fred, and George helped their mother out by tidying the dinner table and putting all dishes in the sink. Mrs Weasley was so grateful for her children for helping her out, but she really didn't need the help at all.
Once Ron saw his mother leave the kitchen to some other room which he hoped was far enough away from him, he looked at his older twin brothers curiously. "I haven't exactly asked you two where you got the ... blades from."
Fred and George looked away as they finished putting all the plates in the sink. They both turned around slowly to face their younger brother. George swallowed difficultly at the mention of the blades and who he knows they belong to.
Fred frowned and wrapped his arms around himself. He looked at his twin, asking by his dismayed facial expression if their little brother should know about what they had found.
George nodded as he knew they should tell their younger brother for Harry's sake. Since Fred is the most emotional twin out of the two, George looked back at Ron and started, "Well... when mum, Fred, and I went back to 4 Privet Drive to retrieve anything that belonged to Harry, we found..." He looked back at his twin in reassurance and got a nod from Fred. He looked back at his younger brother sadly, "We found blades spread out around his room-" Ron gasped and kept his mouth open in shock. "-They weren't in very good hiding spots, to be honest."
"Bloody hell..." Ron said slowly with a frown. He looked to the floor for a minute to gather his thoughts. Those four blades he found had belonged to Harry... He made shifty eye contact with his brothers, "Does he know you have them?"
George shook his head, "We just do not know if we should." He turned his body around, gripping the end of the kitchen bench with his hands and looked out the window above the sink. "If we did tell him and he has a blade already, what if he loses it and grabs the one from the container we hid? It just pains to see our little non-blood brother in so much pain."
"Does Draco know of this?" Fred suddenly asked. He put his hands in his pockets but still looked away from everyone. He just hoped the Slytherin would know of Harry's suffering. It would be a shame if he didn't.
"Yes," responded Ron with a nod of his head. "He found out before Hermione and I did." He tightened his lips as he was a little jealous of the blonde Slytherin. He just didn't understand why Harry hadn't come to him and Hermione first. "He's a really great boyfriend for Harry. He is always caring for him, he's always around Harry, he even lets Harry have his alone time whenever Harry requests it."
Both of the twins gave a weak smile at their youngest brother for what he had told them. They are both really glad Harry has such a great boyfriend in his life.
"So, what are you going to do with the blades?" Ron asked slowly, still a little pale in the face at the mention and sight of them. He hoped Fred and George would store it someplace safe where Harry can't find the Chocolate Frog container that stores them.
George shrugged and turned back around to face them. "That's just it... we don't know," is all he could tell Ron. "We could burn them, throw them away or hide them someplace safe. As much as I like fires, I don't want to start any around the Burrow."
"I think it's best to hide them, Georgie," Fred pressed his lips together with a slight frown. "We know loads of hiding spaces nobody in our family knows about at Home and in our store." He obviously wasn't going to say anything about the hiding spots as it's the secrecy of the Weasley twins.
Ron sighed deeply knowing his own brothers wouldn't tell him because of some Twin secrecy thing. Sometimes he wondered how he is even siblings of these two. "Alright... I'm going to go," he said as he walked around the table to the archway entrance leading into the lounge room. He stopped and smiled at them, "Farewell my beloved twin brothers."
"Goodbye, beloved younger brother," said Fred and George together in a sing-song tone with smiles. When their little brother left the room, George sighed and lay his head on his twin's shoulder.
"What do you say, Georgie," Fred said with a little yawn. It's been quite a long day. "Think we have enough time to head to the shop and finish working on our newest invention?"
"I say we have enough time, Freddie," said George with slouched shoulders. He was a little tired too but nothing like working on an invention can make him and his twin even more tired and get a well-rested sleep.
Fred pulled his twin out of the kitchen and into the lounge room by hand. When standing in front of the fireplace, he grabbed the flowerpot from the mantle and handed it to his twin. George grabbed a good handful of Floo powder and was the first to enter the green flames and into their shop. Fred followed after his twin once he placed the flowerpot back on top of the mantle.
Sirius was there, fighting with Bellatrix. He pushed Harry out the way and gave out his famous, barking laugh. Until a stream of green light hit him in the chest. Harry could see the light leaving his eyes before he fell back and disappeared into the veil.
And suddenly, Sirius was there. Harry tried not to scream. Sirius' skin was white and gaunt. It stretched over his bones. Maggots were eating his flesh and his eyes were deathly white.
"Do you see what I am now? Because of you, boy," the corpse said hoarsely.
No, this wasn't Sirius! Harry thought as the corpse stood in front of him. A look of disappointment etched onto its face. The white lifeless eyes glaring down at him. there was no trace of the love and warmth, Sirius always had for Harry.
"You're weak, boy! Pathetic and weak. You're a freak and nobody wants you around!"
"No!" Harry shouted. "No, Sirius, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
Harry gasped; his eyes snapped open. He was drenched in sweat. The moonlight outside of Ron's bedroom was so dim, that it was so dark inside the room. Harry grabbed his blade and placed it in the pocket of his pyjama top, before he walked quietly out of Ron's bedroom, careful not to wake a sleeping Draco and Ron.
Harry walked to the bathroom. He felt so suffocated. The pain in his chest was so unbearable. Everything hurt! His thoughts were driving him crazy! He was tired of thinking how Sirius was disappointed in him.
Suddenly, Harry realised he was in the bathroom. In his anger and self-loathing, he had managed to get to the bathroom so quickly without consciously knowing and he shut the door behind him. He walked over to the bathroom mirror and stared at himself. A really tired, messy black-haired boy with bright green eyes was staring back at him.
Harry just wished he were strong. He wished he wasn't broken inside. He wished the pain would just go away. Harry wished he were dead. He just needed to see Sirius again. He needed to say sorry. Sorry for everything, for the death of his parents, for causing Sirius to die... Harry just wished it were all over.
Harry rolled up both sleeves of his pyjamas and grabbed the blade from his pocket. He looked at the cuts he made earlier today, so deep and yet so pretty. But he couldn't deal with this grief. He pressed the blade down into his skin hard and sliced it across his wrist. He hissed in pain, but it was the good pain. It was the numbing pain. He watched the blood on his arm began to seep out of his cuts. It was so mesmerising, and he needed to make more. Harry sliced the blade across his wrist four more times. The pain of the cuts soothed Harry and made him feel so light. So light that it calmed him down. But he knew he needed to make more. He wanted to feel lighter, lighter than a feather if possible.
He didn't realise warm tears were flowing down his cheeks. And when he did..., he began to see what he was doing to himself. What am I doing? He wondered. Why am I doing this to myself? This is exactly why I am so weak and messed up! I cannot handle my life, and here I am cutting up my skin!
He wondered what Sirius would say if he knew. The look of disappointment on his godfather's face appeared in his mind. Guilt set heavily in his stomach. He cried as he knew he should be dead. Cedric shouldn't have died because of him, not Sirius or his own mother and father. He needed to make more cuts, no matter how guilty he feels.
He started making five more cuts, but as he finished his fourth cut and the blade pierces his skin, someone opened the door and walked in. He dropped the blade. It made a clattering noise on the sink's counter. He froze as he looked up at the red-headed older brother of Ron. He knew he should move, hide his arm away from this person and explain that it's not what it looks like. He felt extremely paralysed as he just couldn't move a muscle.
George just stood there, staring wide eye with raised eyebrows and a frown. His face paled at the sight on Harry's arm. It means he and his twin were right all along with what they had found in Harry's room at 4 Privet Drive. "Harry..." he said sadly, his bottom lip jutting out.
Harry stared back at him with wide eyes out of fear. But then he began to tremble and fall to the ground with his legs up to his chest. He covered his face with his arms, he shook with sobs as he felt so ashamed to be found out this way.
George hesitantly walked up to Harry and sat down next to him. He placed an arm around his fellow Gryffindor brother and slightly pulled him close, so Harry was at least leaning on him as the boy cried. He doesn't care if he gets blood on him, that's the least of his problems. When Harry was distracted with broken sobbing, George pulled out his wand from his pyjama pocket and cast a silent "Expecto Patronum!" to his twin brother and thinking that he definitely needs some help. He can't help someone so broken all alone, he needed help. He needed help from his twin brother. He watched in awe as his magpie Patronus soared high above his head and into the wall.
When the magpie disappeared, he placed his wand on the floor beside him and wrapped his other arm around Harry. But the sight of Harry's arm disturbed him a lot. Just the look of Harry's blood oozing out of his arm was horrifying and shocking. How could he stop this? He doesn't have any bandages around, not in the bathroom at least.
And then another figure walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. It was Fred. He gasped at the sight of Harry's arm. He looked down at his twin's pained and shocked expression as he crouched down in front of the sobbing Harry.
"Get Draco," George whispered a little strictly. He knew his little non-blooded brother would rather have Draco with him, and it will also give him time to try and find bandages for Harry. The bleeding just isn't stopping, it's just getting worse. He needs to stop this somehow. "Now," he pleaded to his twin.
Fred nodded and frowned at Harry before standing up and heading out of the bathroom. What was his twin brother doing out of bed anyway? He only heard something about needing to go somewhere when he was half-asleep. He guessed he had to go to the loo.
George reached for his wand beside him and cast an "Accio first-aid kit!" He began to panic; Harry's blood is still coming out of these deep gashes he made. And just by looking at them, how could somebody do that to themselves? Wouldn't it hurt?
Fred quickly entered his little brother's room but made sure he was as quiet as a mouse. He tip-toed over to the blonde Slytherin's bed. Merlin, the boy was sound asleep. He crept around the bed to he was looking directly down at the blonde's sleeping face. He tapped him on the shoulder, the blonde only twitched his nose in response. Fred sighed and shook the boy awoke.
Draco woke abruptly and glared up at the figure above him. "Who's there!" he hissed sleepily. His wand was on his bedside table but right now he wasn't armed.
"No time to explain, Draco," said Fred quickly. He had to take this boy to Harry. "It's Fred. Harry's in trouble." Draco got up out of his bed in the blink of an eye and Fred gestured his head to the door. And while Draco and Fred were heading up to the bathroom, George was trying to stop the bleeding with his own sleeves. Damn his pyjamas, he knows he can just Scourgify the blood out of them. Where the hell was that damned first aid kit?
And then Draco and Fred stumbled through the door. Draco was the first to enter and the first to see Harry. He rushed to Harry and sat on his knees in front of his boyfriend with a frown. "Harry... what happened?" he asked sadly. He looked at the twin brother who has his arm around Harry waiting for an answer. When that twin shook his head, he sighed deeply and reached for Harry's arms. He felt the pang of tears sting in the back of his eyes at the sight. Of course, he's seen worse, but it still pains him to see his own boyfriend like this.
"I'm aware you're at the age now?" he asked the twin next to Harry. George nodded. "Good. I know a spell that will stop the bleeding entirely. All you do is say the incantation 'Vulnera Sanentur' and hover your wand directly over Harry's cuts."
George looked back down at Harry and his arms. Here goes nothing... "Vulnera Sanentur," he chanted while moving his wand over Harry's arm as he was told to do. Surprisingly, the bleeding was stopping, then Harry's skin was knitting back together. It was an incredible spell! He wondered who made such a thing.
Draco sighed in relief and when Harry lifted his head up, he embraced him in a hug. "What happened to make you want to do this, Harry?"
"I... I had a nightmare," Harry said quietly, digging his nose into his boyfriend's neck. "I couldn't handle it... so I..."
Draco only tightened his grip on his boyfriend. He knew tomorrow he would have to Fire-call Severus and ask for another talk with Harry to help him. Fred stood by the doorway with a frown and his twin was slowly edging away from the couple hugging just to give them space.
"Harry," Fred started and ruffled his ginger hair. He knew his hair must look like a birds nest but well... who cares? When Harry looked up at him, he continued, "It was a nightmare that made you cut, wasn't it?"
Harry nodded, his jaw clenched, and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Close your eyes, Harry," said George suddenly and Harry nodded suspiciously with a frown and closed his eyes. "Imagine if what you did... you succeeded in k-killing yourself. Tell me, what do you think might have been the outcome?"
Fred stared at his twin curiously. What was he talking about? Surely Harry wasn't trying to... He hoped to Merlin not.
"I would see my parents again... I would be with Sirius," said Harry sadly, and his lip quivered. It's what he would want anyway. He knows he cannot come back from death, everyone knows it, but he has succumbed to not care over the years.
Draco frowned at what he was hearing. What about everyone down here on earth? They will all miss Harry dearly; he will miss Harry so much and would feel like a part of him is missing. He wouldn't be able to live a happy life.
"No, Harry," said George, shaking his head. But that would be true, seeing Harry's parents and Sirius. "How do you think Hermione and Ron would feel? Most importantly, how would Draco feel? How would Me, Fred, and the rest of my family and Lupin would react if you had killed yourself?"
Harry gave him a look to say nobody would care. But he regretted it instantly as George and Fred looked at him with concern and disbelief.
"Harry... don't think like that," George said with a serious face. "We all really do care about you so much. Do you know how heartbroken everyone would be? Especially Draco. He loves you so much, I can tell by the way he looks at you. Everyone can tell." When Draco gave him a smile, he smiled back.
Harry squeezed his eyes tight, imagining the good times he's had with his friends and Draco. The times he spent at the Burrow with the Weasley's and Hermione before 4th year, at the Venice Manor and Malfoy manor with Draco and Narcissa, the romantic times he's had with Draco, the cuddling, snuggling, kissing and hugging, the beautiful sex with Draco. The talks he had with Remus. If Harry really had offered himself to death... he didn't want to know how they would react.
George was right. It would be selfish for Harry to kill himself because he was the only one who could kill Voldemort. What kind of person would he be to kill himself and leave the burden on Neville's or someone else's shoulders? He wouldn't want anyone to deal with this. If Harry had killed himself, if Neville failed, then Voldemort would win. And the people he cared about would suffer for it in the end.
"If I died, then everyone I know and love will suffer because I will leave them with Voldemort," Harry tells them hesitatingly. "If I die, Voldemort wins," he added quietly. "That's the only outcome I see if I had died."
"No Harry, Merlin!" George muttered a few more choice swear words, while Harry wondered what he had said wrong. All he did was speak the truth, really. "That's not what I meant. You do have a small point. If you do kill yourself, Voldemort wins because that is what he wants of you. Just because you are who the prophecy refers to, it doesn't mean you are the only one who can defeat him. You have us, Dumbledore, and the other order to help you. You are not alone to fight this battle. However, what I meant, is that if you would have succeeded in killing yourself, every one of us would be truly upset. Our family, Draco, your friends, Lupin, we would all grieve for you. You must see that you are loved."
"Nobody cares for a freak. Freak's don't get to have family or friends. Freaks don't deserve to have people who care...," Harry repeated Aunt Petunia's words. The words that stained his mind with negativity.
"Harry, look at me," said Draco as he leaned out of the hug only to place his hands over Harry's warm hands. The smell of blood filled the air and he wonders how he or the twins haven't gagged yet.
Harry held in the torment of emotions that were threatening to explode.
Petunia shouting the name freak at him. Uncle Vernon's hand raised, ready to strike.
Harry didn't want to look at anybody.
Aunt Petunia was shouting at him, telling him that freaks don't deserve hugs, parents or to be loved. Uncle Vernon shouted at him, telling him that he is nothing but a waste of space, a burden to everyone in the world.
Tears threatened to spill. No, he couldn't look up at Draco or the twins. If they even knew that Harry really was... A gentle, warm, and soft hand suddenly lifted his chin up.
"You are not a freak," said Draco sadly. He doesn't understand how Harry could still think this. It's so depressing. "Repeat it to me now!"
Harry shook his head. "I can't..."
"Say it!" Fred urged on and sat next to the Slytherin with his legs crossed. Nobody was a freak, no matter all the scars, weird traits, and everything else that makes people who they are. He didn't want Harry calling himself such a word.
"I'm not... I'm..." Tears were now pouring down fast and warm. Harry couldn't do it. At a very young age, Harry was trained to call himself that. Aunt Petunia even made him say it in front of the mirror before school sometimes or when he got into trouble.
"You're not alone, Harry," said George in a soothing voice with a weak smile. He couldn't believe Harry thought of himself like this. "I'm here... Fred, Ron, and Draco are here... We will always be here to help you."
"Say it with me now, Harry," said Draco rigorously. He was having a very difficult time swallowing as it hurt to hear Harry say this about himself. "I am not a freak."
Harry shook his head. "Aunt Petunia, she wouldn't want me to say that," he finally managed to say.
"Why not?" asked George while shuffling closer to the boys to help Harry feel safe and loved.
"Whenever I got into trouble, she would make me stand in the mirror and say I'm a freak until she was satisfied that it was drilled in my head," Harry tells the three boys deplorably and bowed his head in shame. "Sometimes I would have to say that I'm a freak and freaks don't deserve to eat. Freaks don't deserve to play with other children! Freak's don't deserve to have bedtime stories! Freak's don't deserve to go to the park! Freak's don't deserve to have new clothes! Freak's don't deserve to exist!" he spat, each one louder than the one before. His whole body was shaking. "Now do you see why I'm so bloody messed up?"
"What your aunt made you do was unspeakable," said Fred with clenched fists. How dare someone do such monstrous things to a child! "Now, I understand why you can't accept the reality of you not being a freak. You were only a young child when she made you do that. I understand this is all you know, but now you have to ask yourself, is this really how I see myself?"
Harry looked away from the three people in the bathroom. He can feel his cheeks reddened in shame and embarrassment.
"Look at me, Harry," Draco commanded softly with a frown on his lips. "I want you to listen to me, and to understand what I'm telling you. You are not a freak. I've said this once before and I will keep saying it. I don't ever want you to call yourself that from now on. I don't want to hear how you don't deserve to be loved or happy. I don't want to hear it because those things are not true!"
George sighed deeply and shook his head in disapproval. He stood up with his wand, ignoring the questioning look his twin was giving him and raised his wand in the air. "Speculo!"
A large circular mirror appeared out of thin air, floating a few feet off the ground. Harry can see their reflections in it. He can see George standing there, Fred and Draco in front of him and himself sitting, looking dishevelled and upset.
"Tell me what you see, Harry," ordered George. "And Fred, Draco, move away from the mirror please."
Draco nodded as he crawled to Harry's side and sat next to Harry, intertwining their hands together and gave him a gentle loving kiss on the cheek.
Fred sat on the other side of Harry, legs crossed and looking at himself in the mirror with a smirk. His hair was all messy and he looked like some kind of orange-headed lion.
"I see you standing there, and I'm sitting," mumbled Harry while fidgeting with his free hand. He was unsure of what to say. He gave George a questioning look, thinking Fred's twin had gone mad or crazy or something.
"No, look at yourself and tell me, tell us, what you see," George said with exasperation as if he was thinking this was the easiest thing in the world.
"Okay...umm...," Harry took a closer look at himself. He wanted to say that all he saw was a freak. A pathetic, lost, looking freak but he knew Draco, George and Fred didn't want to hear that. So, he looked closer at himself, squinting his eyes. Harry saw nothing but his face, his messy, black hair, green eyes behind round glasses.
Harry was about to say that he couldn't see anything but then a flashback went through his mind.
Five-year-old Harry was standing in front of the mirror. It was when Aunt Petunia first made him call himself a freak at his own reflection, but he didn't see the freak she called him. No, he saw a lost, scared kid, who had no idea why he had to do this, had no idea why he was singled out to be hurt and punished by the Dursleys. Harry remembered how much he had resisted believing he was a freak at first, but as time went on, Harry began to lose the fight. He began to believe those words, that he, Harry, was a freak.
Harry looked closer at his reflection; George waited patiently for him to answer his question. Harry looked at his messy, black hair, it was more messy than usual. His green eyes behind his glasses were unnaturally bright. Every time Harry looked in the mirror, he saw the freak, Aunt Petunia had forced him to call himself. But this time, he didn't see the freak. Harry saw the lost, little kid he used to be when he was five years old, the kid who used to fight back. The kid Harry lost, as he grew up.
"I see a lost kid," Harry whispered. A lost little kid, who doesn't know why his aunt and uncle hurt him....
"I see that too, Harry," George waved the mirror away with a flick of his wand and sat down in front of him. "I don't see a freak; I only see you."
"And I see you, Harry Potter, my boyfriend," Draco added with an eventual smile. He placed his hand on Harry's other cheek so he could kiss the cheek he is closer to and eventually lean his forehead on Harry's temple.
"I don't know who I am anymore, I don't know if I can be that kid, I used to be...," Harry said quietly, warm, slow tears began to make their way down again. Harry suddenly felt hot anger at his relatives and he realised one thing, if he ever had to get them back for what they'd done, then all he had to do was stop believing he was a freak and find himself. Find that lost kid and move on, be happy. It's what Sirius would want, and his parents to..., and Harry had just promised Sirius that he will try... so enough feeling sorry for yourself! Harry berated himself.
Harry wiped his tears away, leaned his back against the wall while squeezing Draco's hand and said, "I'm going to try, George, Draco, and Fred, even if it's not easy. I just feel ... like my world is falling apart. I keep having these memories, and now I can't keep myself together. I can't do it anymore. They are still haunting me. They are still in my head, shouting at me, that I am a freak. I am everything that is terrible in their lives..."
"I don't know if I can listen anymore..." Harry added with a sniff. "I don't know if I can go on like this. That is why I was here, guys... I wanted to bleed out my emotions, hopefully, faint from blood loss and..." Harry didn't know what to say anymore. He looked down at the ground, not meeting everyone's eye contact. He was so mentally exhausted; he just couldn't even think anymore. "I promise I will try to be happy. I promise I will let you all help me...," he whispered.
"Of course, we will help you, Harry," Draco assured him and leaned his head on Harry's shoulder. He placed an arm around him and sighed deeply. "You are not alone in this." He looked at the side of Harry's face, seeing the tear trails. "I promise you we will find your happiness and will be with you every step of the way."
Fred gave Harry's shoulder a slight squeeze of reassurance. Harry for once, didn't flinch away. It was something that surprised him so much. He let out a small smile, Maybe I will be okay. He let out a large yawn.
Draco laughed softly and kissed Harry's cheek again, whispering, "My tired baby."
"Draco!" Harry whined as a raw red blush appear on his cheeks. He hoped the twins didn't hear what Draco had said as it was a little embarrassing.
Like George could read his mind, he chuckled and said as he stood up, "Oh, we definitely heard that," he admits it without a care in the world about how embarrassing it might be to Harry and smirks. Harry was blushing anyway so he looked fine. "Now, let's get you back to bed. You still need your sleep. Merlin knows how exhausted you are." He held out his hand for Harry. Harry hesitantly took it and thanked the twin for helping him off the floor.
Draco stood up next and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. He could have lost his boyfriend tonight and wouldn't have even known it. He shook the depressing thought out of his head while blinking back tears. "Let's go, my sleeping beauty."
Harry looked at him with one raised eyebrow and Draco just gave him an enigmatic smile.
"Hey, remember no funny business at night!" Fred added with a waggle of his eyebrows. Though he knew he wouldn't hear anything as the walls in the house are quite thick. "I'm sure you heard mum correctly."
Draco laughed quietly, knowing he could wake other's up. "Oh, we heard her but really... how would I survive that without Harry?" He was going to add ''without Harry up my bum'' but decides against it. He paused and then winked, "And don't give me ideas."
Harry rubbed at his eyes tiredly. He didn't want to stay in here much longer. Too many more memories to try and forget about. "Can we go now? I want to sleep, please."
Draco smiled at Harry and ran his knuckle down Harry's cheek. "Since you asked politely, of course."
Fred and George grinned at the two. They had to usher them out just so they can close the door behind them. But then George froze and remembered what exactly was left inside the bathroom.
Fred saw the hesitation in his brother's expression and furrowed his eyebrows worriedly, "What's up, brother of mine?"
"Harry's blade," George muttered as Harry and Draco were now down the hall from them. "Harry left it in the bathroom. What should we do about it?"
"What do you think we should do with it?" Asked Fred and he crossed his arms at the thought of his brother giving the blade back to Harry. He's kidding, right? He hoped so. "Are you willing to give it back? Or..."
George shook his head. He does not think that's a good idea at all. But what if Harry wants to find it? What could he do about that? "Store it where the other ones are, definitely."
Fred nodded at his twin. He thinks that is a good idea. "Alright." He was about to enter the bathroom, but George was the first one in instead. He heard the water running and guessed his twin had washed off Harry's blade. Next thing he knew there was a tap on his shoulder. He jumped a little but calmed himself down as he saw it was just his twin. He looked down at the sharp metal object and frowned.
"Take it up to our room and store it," said George quickly. "I do need to go to the toilet." Fred smiled and grabbed the blade from his twin's clutches. When he heard the bathroom shut, he proceeded to his bedroom to store the blade in the Chocolate Frog container and place it on his desk.
Back in Ron's room, Draco and Harry walked over to their beds but Harry refused to sleep. What if he has another nightmare again?
Draco saw the obvious restless from his boyfriend and hopped in bed with him. He didn't want his boyfriend sleeping alone at all. He kissed him goodnight with a smile and laid down his head on the white pillow while placing an arm around Harry again. He wants to make sure his boyfriend feels comfortable, safe, and protected from everything. But then something crossed his mind. "Harry?"
"Yes, dear?" Harry says quietly.
"Are you willing to tell me about what Dumbledore talked to you about during lunch?" Draco asks in a whisper. "I'd like to know, please."
Harry sighs deeply and looks up at the ceiling of Ron's bedroom. Did he want to tell? He already told Ron earlier in the evening anyway at around 7 when Draco was asleep. He sighs again and begins to tell Draco exactly what he told Ron, which was about a secret mission he was to go on with Dumbledore, and that he had to Floo to Hogwarts three times a week to meet with Dumbledore.
Draco just looked confused. "So you have no idea why Dumbledore wants you to meet him?" he asks flatly.
"Not a clue," Harry tells him. "But I know it all must have something to do with Tom Riddle. It's always about him when Dumbledore wants me to meet with him. Something about Horcruxes."
"Horcruxes?" Draco says, furrowing his brows. "I've heard about it, but do not remember what they are. During the Easter Holidays, I remember old Moldywart saying something about Horcruxes to my father one time during dinner. I wasn't interested in what he had to say, so I tried ignoring it."
"You tried ignoring it?" Harry says, turning over quickly to face the Slytherin. He suddenly feels as if Draco could tell him a few things that could help him and make him understand more about Horcruxes. "What do you mean? Did you hear Voldemort give out important information like what one is or anything about them?"
"I don't remember much," Draco tells him quickly in a quiet voice, not wanting to anger Ron whose on the bed to his left by waking him up. "Something about there being seven, but Voldemort's certain three out of seven are destroyed."
"So there's four more that need to be destroyed and I have no idea of what they are and what the three are that are destroyed," Harry says tiredly with a yawn. "That's just great... Got any other information for me like what these apparent Horcruxes are?"
"I heard Moldywart mention a golden goblet with a badger on it to Bellatrix one time I was snooping around the Manor for something to do," Draco says. "Oh, and I heard him tell my father about a locket of some sort."
"Okay," Harry mutters, nodding his head. A golden goblet and a locket. But the problem is where they are located and how he can destroy them. "We'll talk more about it in the morning or some other day. I want to sleep."
Draco laughed softly. "Alright, sleepyhead," he replies, and he kisses Harry's forehead.
Harry closed his eyes with a smile, feeling protected as he had Draco's arm wrapped around him and silver eyes stuck in his head. And that's all he needed, as well as Draco's body lying next to him, to fall asleep easily.
When Draco knew Harry had fallen asleep, he whispered, "I love you so much, Harry." He then closed his own eyes and listened to Harry's breathing slowing down, as well as the feel of the rise and fall of his chest and started falling peacefully asleep.
"Hurry up, Malfoy!" Ron said and tapped his feet on the floor in impatience outside the bathroom. "You've been in there for ten minutes already!" It was 7:30 in the morning. He didn't want to deal with this. He was bored and Harry was at Hogwarts at the moment with Dumbledore. Harry left earlier at around 6. He hopes his best mate would discuss what Dumbledore and he talked about this morning.
"Shut up, Weasel!" Draco said ignorantly, sounding quite annoyed from inside of the bathroom. All he wants is to make sure his hair is perfect for when Harry gets back. "I want to make myself look good for Harry..."
Ron snorted. Of course, he's dealing with a neat freak here... "Draco, get the bloody hell out of the bathroom already!" he scowled and leaned up against the bathroom door. "You don't need to look your best for Harry. Harry loves you the way you are."
"Fine...," muttered Draco, but only because of what Ron said. It took him a few seconds to gather up all his hair products before walking out of the bathroom and Ron moved away from the door. He was wearing his best grey Turtleneck Sweater which he hopes won't get stained during his stay at the Burrow.
Ron tried to hold down his laughter as Draco's hair was the direct same shade of colour as Harry's, except for the roots of his hair as they were still whitish blonde. Oh, this day was going to be a fantastic day.
"What are you smirking at, Weasel?" Draco asked bitterly, his eyes narrowing as he noticed the redhead looking at him. When he got no answer from the bloke, he rolled his eyes and continued back to Ron's bedroom to put his things away.
Ron burst into laughter as he just couldn't hold it in anymore. What exactly does black mean for Draco's mood? He just shrugged and headed down for breakfast since Fred, Ginny, and George is already there.
Once at the table, he sat next to George. But he leaned closer to his older brother to whisper in his ear, "What does black mean for mood?"
George looked down at him curiously, but then he smirked at the realisation. "Ah," he whispered proudly. "So, it worked then?" His little brother nodded. He nodded back and knew the product will sell quickly in the Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes shop. "Black, in mood, means he's annoyed. Whatever you did to him that annoyed him..."
"What?" Ron debated innocently with a shrug. "He took too long in the bathroom. I had to call him down for breakfast somehow..." And then in came Draco with a smile. But to Ron, his hair was his normal colour. Strange, he thought. He remembered the twins telling him that it lasts for 48 hours...
And then in came Harry from the Floo, and he walked into the kitchen, yawning as if he didn't get enough sleep last night.
"Harry!" said Ron happily. He couldn't wait until Harry sees Draco's mood-changing hair. "How was the talk with Dumbledore?"
"It was alright," said Harry with a lazy shrug. "Found out what a you-know-what is. Dumbledore and I went to the library, right into the Restricted Section and found the book about you-know-whats. Oh, and in a few days I'm going to meet an Ex Hogwarts Professor to get more information about you-know-whats."
Fred, George, and Ginny just looked confused at what Harry had told them. What are 'you-know-whats'? And why did Harry have to go see Dumbledore? They didn't ask questions though, as they didn't think it was their business.
Draco grinned, walked over to Harry and kissed his cheek with a smile. "Good," he whispers. "When we're alone, and Weasel's with us, then we'll discuss what else you addressed with Dumbledore." Harry nodded. Other than that topic, Draco feels ready for the day, ready to fire-call his godfather to get Harry another appointment but then Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny all snorted at the sudden colour change to Draco's hair, a dark bluish purple.
George leaned down to whisper back into his little brother's ear, "That colour... a dark blue and purple means love."
And Ron smiled. Even though he knew Draco loves Harry, it's good to see some actual proper truth from time to time. And the cream he dumped in Draco's hair products seemed to have worked.
Harry stared up with wide eyes in amusement at the sight of his boyfriend's hair colour. Such a dark bluish purple. "D-Draco... What ha-" His eyesight caught on to Ron waving at him. his best mate was signalling him to cut it out, cut out what he was going to say to Draco. But then he realised something... He narrowed his eyes at Ron, but also the twins as he knew it could have been one of their inventions. Who was smart enough to be able to make colour changing hair? What he wanted to know was how they did it.
Ron looked down at his toast with a wide smile and began eating. He felt a little guilty because of Harry, but the prank was only for Draco to get back at him. Harry then sat next to Ron, and then Draco joined Harry next to him.
Just as Draco picked up a butter knife to butter the toast he grabbed from a plate in the centre of the table, he caught sight of his reflection and dropped his jaw in shock. His hair was a dark bluish-purple colour. But then as he panicked, his hair turned a light blue, but the roots of his hair stayed whitish blonde.
"Light blue mean's he's panicking," whispered George quietly to Ron. Ron nodded and continued eating his breakfast.
Draco, unfortunately, heard them. His hair colour turned a light red as he felt a little angered at those two Weasels that did this to him. But he does admit the light blue was a nice colour on him...
Harry reached up and ran his hands through his boyfriend's flaming red hair with a slight smile. If this was some kind of practical joke on Draco, then it was a damned good one. But how did they make Draco's hair change colour like that?
Draco closed his eyes and took a few slow deep breaths to calm himself down. Harry's light touches were helping him the most. Harry stared distractedly at Draco when seeing his boyfriend's hair colour change to a light purple. It was so pretty, nearly like a lilac purple.
"So," said Draco, opening his eyes to stare at Ron and the twins. He still couldn't tell the difference between the two Weasley twins. "Which one of you did this," he pointed to his light purple hair, "to me!"
Fred and George both leaned back in their chairs, so they were at Ron's blind spot and pointed their fingers at their little brother while looking to the side with grins on their faces.
Draco raised an eyebrow at Ron, the git was still eating his breakfast like nothing happened. He felt annoyed. His hair turned back to black. "Ron, what the bloody hell did you do!" he asked in a whisper with narrowed eyes.
Harry chuckled as Draco's hair matched his own hair colour but was neater. Much neater and very... hot. He wondered what other colours Draco's hair will turn to. He wanted to see Draco's hair every colour of the rainbow.
Ron looked up at the Slytherin and shrugged his shoulders innocently. He wished Draco wouldn't have found out about his colour-changing hair until a week later, but oh well, it's over now. He doesn't like lying to anybody, not even his best mate. "Look, Draco. I'm sorry for... doing what I did." He pointed a finger at the blonde Slytherin, "But it was only to get back at you for hitting me with the pillow! That's all."
"I will accept your apology, Ron," said Draco and he smirked at an idea that came to him. His hair changed to the colour pink which made Harry chuckle. "But only on one condition..."
Ron narrowed his eyes at him but shook with laughter at the pink colour on the blonde's hair. "What's the condition...?"
"He's either happy or excited," whispered George to his little brother. If only he had a camera... the picture would so go in the family album.
Draco glared at the Weasel twin but looked back at Ron bitterly but with pride, "Oh, you know... what Harry and I talked about to you when we first got here."
George and Fred leaned a little closer as they were eager to hear where the conversation was going. Ron had trouble maintaining eye contact with Draco as he felt embarrassed to say in front of his family. He knew exactly what Draco was talking about. He blinked at his empty plate in front of him, "Alright, if that's what you want to do then... fine."
"Excellent!" Draco's hair was still the colour pink and he beamed at the thought of having sex with Harry again. He leaned towards Harry and repeatedly kissed his cheek as his hands moved down Harry's arms to his hands.
Harry blushed at Draco's actions and leaned closer to him. But as he stared down at his sleeve-covered arms, everything from last night came back to him. it was like an episode, or was it an episode? His lip quivered as he dropped his body. But no, he couldn't be depressed right now... Not when he promised Draco, Fred, and George last night. But it all came back to him...
Draco could see Harry's sudden change in demeanour, and he felt worried for his boyfriend. He didn't care if everyone at the table looked up at his new coloured hair, whatever colour it was.
And then Ginny started laughing and pointed to Draco's orange coloured hair. "Y-You look l-like one of us!" she stammered with humour at the sight of Malfoy with ginger hair.
"Congrats, Draco!" said Fred and applauded at the Slytherin with orange hair. This was just one of his and George's most hilarious pranks. "You are now officially a Weasley."
Draco hoped he didn't look anything like a Weasley. He just hoped his hair wasn't the colour of... "Oh, Merlin," he said as he looked at his reflection on his butter knife. He blinked slowly, hoping this was some kind of trick. But then he heard the most beautiful soft laughter and he looked at his boyfriend with an adoring smile. He loves Harry's laugh, it's so beautiful and always makes him smile.
Harry gave a smile as Draco's hair turned back to a dark bluish purple. He will never get used to seeing his Slytherin boyfriend like this with coloured hair. He was stunningly handsome! And if Draco chooses to dye his hair to a colour he wants, he'll support his boyfriend through it all.
"What colour is my hair now?" asked Draco slowly as he was distracted by Harry's smile.
"A dark bluish-purple colour," said Fred who leaned forward with a grin. This was the best prank that his little brother has performed that raised his spirits from what he and George found last night.
"The colour means that you're either in love or you feel lustful," said George who maintained eye contact with the Slytherin and he hoped the Slytherin felt love and not lust. He doesn't want the vibe of lust around the dining table while he's eating. "But I believe it's... love."
Harry blushed and leaned his head on Draco's shoulder. Now he knew it was a mood-changing hair colour thing. But still, how did Ron do this to Draco in the first place when he never touched his hair? "So... Ron," he watched his best mates Addams apple bob up and down. "How exactly did you turn Draco's hair into a mood changer by colour?"
Ron looked at his older brother twins. When they shook their heads at him, he sulked and looked back at them with a big smile. "Sorry, the secrecy of the Weasley brothers."
Draco grunted. He wanted to find out how his hair could become the colour of the rainbow. Well, at least he knows that he can show his true colours. His true gay colours. "Nice prank anyway," he tells the twins and Ron and admits to himself that he didn't see this coming at all. "I can now show my gay colours to everyone here." Snorts and laughter were heard around the table, making the Slytherin smirk.
"Draco..." Harry began fiddling with his fingers, a little anxious about what he's going to ask of the Slytherin. "I want to have a talk with Severus sometime this morning, please?"
Draco nodded at him and he looked down at Harry's hands, noticing his little habit. "I thought about talking with Severus with you too," he says and separates Harry's hands from each other. "I believe it's a wonderful idea!"
"Why does Harry need to talk to Professor Snape?" asked George in a soft curious tone of voice. To him, talking to the creepy dungeon dwelling professor sounds like a boring and uncomfortable thing to do.
"And what about?" asked Fred whilst cupping an elbow with one hand. He thought the same thing with his twin brother.
"He is Harry's therapist and has been since October from last year," Draco said as he rose from his seat. Might as well have the appointment now since everyone has finished their breakfast. He headed towards Mrs Weasley who appeared to be doing the dishes. "Can Harry and I have the lounge room to ourselves for a while, please?"
"Oh, of course!" Mrs Weasley assured them with a kind smile as she finished cleaning the dishes from last night. "Please, have as long as you'd like."
Draco nodded and his eyes glowed in appreciation. He just didn't want to have things and people to disturb and interrupt Harry while they talk. "Thank you so much, Mrs Weasley."
Mrs Weasley smiled and ushered him out of the kitchen with bubble-covered hands. Draco smiled and made his way back to Harry. He led him into the lounge room where they sat down in front of the Fireplace.
"Severus?" called Draco through the green fireplace flames. He could see his godfather's lounge room, but nobody was there. He sighed and looked beside him at Harry with a smile.
Harry smiled back and rose his hands up to gentle rub Draco's arm up and down. Draco closed his eyes as he could feel that beautiful tingly feeling running up and down his arms as Harry rubbed at them. "I love you, Harry."
"I love you too, Draco," Harry responded and chuckled as Draco's hair turned dark bluish-purple. He could feel his pulse racing from those words.
They just stared at each other for long moments, not daring to look away and their hearts beat as one. Someone coughed, but it wasn't from inside the lounge room they are in, or anywhere in the house.
Severus coughed again, trying to get both of the boy's attention for whatever reason they had to fire-call him. And why was his godson's hair... a dark blue, as what he could see. "Boys... cease your ogling at each other and clarify to me why you fire-called."
Draco finally looked away from those magnificent emerald green eyes he loves to stare into. He wished he wasn't interrupted but knew this matter was important to discuss. "Right... yes, I would like a therapy session for Harry because of what happened a couple of nights ago."
Severus nodded his head at them. He raised his hand above the mantle to gather a handful of Floo powder. "Move aside please," he requested. "I'm coming in."
As instructed to, Harry and Draco stood up and moved towards the couch behind them. In seconds, they watched their professor come through the green flames of the Floo.
Severus made his way to an armchair but moved it so he would face the boys. He sat and stared at the boys, waiting for one of them to talk.
Harry sighed slowly. He knew it was better for him to start the conversation as it is his problem to deal with. "Firstly, I'd like to apologise for diving into your Pensieve back at school," he says regrettably to the professor. "I really am sorry for that, sir."
"You're forgiven, Harry," said Severus with a nod and a quick smile at the young man.
Harry nodded at him. It was a relief that his Potion's Professor forgave him for doing something so... Gryffindor. Perhaps being sorted into Slytherin would have given him some actual life lessons like not to look into someone's Pensieve. Merlin would know what McGonagall would do to him if he looked into her Pensieve.
He continued with what he had started, "A couple of nights ago I had a nightmare," he said nervously while rubbing his hand down his pants. He felt warm and soft hands intertwine with his own and it gave him the courage and hope to say the rest. "It was about S-Sirius. He was m-mad at me for not fighting Bellatrix back, which k-killed him." He didn't say how it's his own fault for killing Sirius as he knew it would just make Draco and Severus tell him that it isn't his fault. But it was his fault.
"I see," said Severus, his head tilted slightly to the side in pity. "Can I enquire you to explicate further into your nightmare?" But then his eyes caught onto something strange. His godson's hair was an orange colour... much like the Weasley family hair colour. "Draco... you do realise your hair is... orange?"
Draco flushed as he forgot about his colour changing hair and nodded. But he didn't want to think about his hair now. His priority is Harry. He felt worried for Harry and the nightmares he is getting. He wished he could do something about these nightmares. "Very long story, Sev. But anyway... continue."
Severus nodded and looked back at his patient, "Please explain your nightmare, Harry."
"I-" Harry started, his lips trembled and pressed together to stop himself from crying. Draco's hand that squeezed his own was all he needed to continue, "He was a lifeless corpse. He had maggots on his flesh, eyes white and foggy like he was blind... That's all I remember."
Draco pressed his knees together in disgust at that thought; his hair turned the colour green. This was quite unsettling to hear.
"Okay..." Severus said quietly with a small sigh while ignoring the change of colour in his godson's hair. He stroked at his eyebrow, clearly showing his worry for Harry. "Can you advise me in what manner you underwent after waking up commencing the nightmare?"
Harry squeezed his eyes shut for a minute. He doesn't want to talk about what he was feeling, but if it means he'll somehow get better, then he started talking just for Draco. "I felt... I was so angry, and my self-loathing had increased," he tells the two and stared down at his free hand. "I was in so much pain. My chest was hurting, my thoughts were so dark and were driving me crazy. I was just so tired. Tired of disappointing others. Tired of disappointing Sirius."
Draco draw his eyebrows together and moved closer to Harry to give him a side hug. His hair colour turned orange to express his worry. "We'll get through this together, Harry," he consoled him softly and rests the side of his head on Harry's temple.
"I hope so," Harry said and closes his eyes to feel Draco's hair tickling the side of his forehead. He found swallowing difficult as he had a painful lump in his throat and he was holding back tears. It was just all so hard! He kept pondering how he can get through this.
"I know so," responded Draco with a genuine smile on his face. He leaned out of the hug and stroked Harry's cheek.
Severus cleared his throat. He drummed his fingers on the arm of the armchair, but then leaned back on the armchair and looked up at the ceiling in thought. "I understand you confide me..." He paused and looked back at the boy. "Well," he said with a small smile. "I believe you do." Harry gave a little laugh, but Severus could see how the boy's laugh does not reach his eyes.
"I trust you, Sev," said Harry with a little nod. He does trust the man since he's spilling all his darkest memories to him.
"Let's see about that," said Severus smugly with steeple fingers. "Harry, please stand on the other side of the room."
Harry nodded at his professor and walked to the opposite side of the room from his professor. Draco got up off the couch to join Harry.
Severus narrowed his eyes at his godson and crossed his arms over his chest. He gave an exasperated sigh. "I said Harry so go back to the couch, Draco!" Draco sighs and goes back to the couch to lie down and watch Harry. "First thing's first," the professor went on. "How do you feel when I'm over here?"
"Umm..." Harry cleared his throat. He doesn't know how to answer that question. "Fine?"
Severus nodded and took two steps towards Harry. He was now in the middle of the room. "And now?"
Harry broke eye contact with the man and shrugged as he put his hands in his pocket. But as his professor took another two steps towards him, which meant he was directly in front of him, he began to feel uneasy, his jaw clenched and his whole body felt tense. "Uncomfortable, Sev."
"Tell me why?" asked Severus. Why does this young man think of him as his uncle? It's a little rude.
"I don't-" Harry sighed and looked down at the floor. There was no use in lying, was there? He rubbed at his nose a bit. "It's just... it was how close my Uncle was when I was about to be yelled at or get hurt..."
Severus nodded in understanding, but he didn't take any more steps closer. He knew the reason why Harry felt uneasy when he stood close to him. It was because of that Dursley family and that abusive uncle. "Can I ask why you associate me with your uncle, Harry?"
Harry frowned and rubbed at his cheek. He hadn't any idea. "I don-" Harry was interrupted as the flames in the fireplace turned green and in came his DADA Professor from the third year. "Hi, Remus!"
Remus smiled at Harry with his mouth and eyes. It's been quite some time. Not since... the death of Sirius. "Harry!" He said happily as he opened his arms up for a big hug. "It's so good to see you!" Harry walked up to the man and hugged him tightly. Sadly, he knew that this man was the last of the Marauders, not including Wormtail.
Remus's eyes travelled to the blonde boy who he knew was Harry's boyfriend and smiled at him. when Draco smiled back, he felt like Sirius' Uncle and Godfather position was turned down to him. He wouldn't want anything else but to share the position with his ex-lover, Sirius.
He was so glad that Harry has such an amazing boyfriend in his life. Someone to share memories with. Someone to share love, lust, and everything else that he once got to share with Sirius. But then his eyes travelled to the other man in the room and his heart skipped a beat. What was Severus Snape doing here at the Burrow?
Severus glared at the wolf in the lounge room of the Burrow. What was he doing here? What was Remus Lupin, the quiet bookworm at Hogwarts doing here? The one Severus obsessed about once he grew suspicions of Lupin's secrets. Secrets of becoming a werewolf at the full moon. Remus Lupin, the clever one in Potter's little gang. Remus Lupin..., Lily's favourite Marauder. Remus Lupin, who Severus always despised.
He could see those hazel-green eyes, like the forest, looking back into his black irises. The eyes of the wolf. They reminded Severus of summer and warmth. Severus could once feel the fear he once felt after Black and Potter had played that terrible, idiotic prank on him in the fifth year. He blinked back that memory as he realised he was staring at the wolf. He felt his face go warm. He wondered what was wrong with his face. Is he coming down with a fever? He most certainly hoped not.
Remus cleared his throat and pulled out of the hug with Harry only to look back at him and ruffle his black hair. Such the resemblance of James. "So, how are you doing?"
Harry looked back at Draco and smiled. His heart fluttered in his chest as he got that beautiful smile back. He looked back at Remus, "I'm doing good, thanks for asking." He didn't want to lie to him though but he had to. "How about you?"
Remus gave him a relaxed smile but let out a little sigh. "I'm very well, thank you." He doesn't know if he should tell Harry about his love life yet as those conversations, he would rather share with adults instead of young teenagers. He looked back at Severus and gave him a smile with glowing cheeks. "What might be the reason for your arrival here, Severus? If you don't mind me asking..."
Severus maintained strong eye contact with the wolf, barely blinking his eyes. He straightened his back to regain confident posture with his shoulders pushed back. "I would be keen to question you the equivalent thing, Lupin. But to resolve your question, I'm here for an essential session with these two young men."
"An important session with Harry and Draco?" asked Remus in disbelief. His hands carved through his hair, holding it back then releasing. "Well, if it's so important that it involves Harry, my best friend's son, then I would like to know what it is about."
Severus curled his lip. What business was it that the wolf should know? What he pondered was how Lupin and Black were supposed to be the ones who found out about Harry's suffering before he did. Not the other way around. But he truly enjoyed knowing this Harry he never knew existed. He wasn't a brat at all, just a young man with the heart of his mother but the looks of his father. "I don't suppose t-"
Draco cut him off, "Severus is here to..." He looked at Harry for reassurance. He would not come out to Remus about Harry's problems unless Harry wants him to talk about them. When he got a nod from Harry, he nodded back and looked back at Remus, "He's here to talk to me and Harry about a couple of things. But it's mainly about Harry and what... he goes through."
"What he goes through?" Remus repeated with raised eyebrows out of curiosity. He got a nod from Draco. He looked back at Harry sadly. "Oh, pup. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when Sirius died. I didn't even think I would be allowed back in the castle as I wasn't a professor then."
Draco agreed with him there. His hair slowly turned blue. Where was Remus when Harry was suffering from the death of Sirius? Where was he when Harry was cutting himself? Where was he when Harry was about to kill himself?
Remus eyed Draco's hair colour curiously. He doesn't recall knowing Draco was a Metamorphmagis. The only Black family Metamorphmagis was Nymphadora. "Draco... I had no clue you were a Metamorphmagis."
Draco laughed and shook his head. The sadness vanished in him and his hair now turned a pink colour which meant he was happy. "No, not a Metamorphmagis," he answered the man. "I just got heavily pranked by Ron. I still don't know how he did it when he never touched my hair."
"Oh," said Remus with a nod. He looked at the neatly styled hair on the blonde's hair and smiled. To him, it was obvious how Ron did it. He applauded Ron's way to get back at Draco. It's a very sneaky Marauder thing to do. "Do you use any hair products?"
"Yes," Draco said simply and nodded his head. Why wouldn't he? He loves looking his best, especially for Harry. "I apply it every day."
Remus pointed at him with certainty, "Now that's the reason why your hair colour is that way, Draco. Ron obviously did something to your hair gel. It's a very smart thing to do considering how much you use hair gel."
Draco's hair coloured red out of anger as he crossed his arms over his chest. He will get Ron back for this and he will not go out in public or back to Hogwarts if his hair is still colouring by his mood.
"What do you mean 'I wasn't a professor then?'" asked Harry while pushing his glasses further up on his nose in curiosity. As much as he loves talking about Draco's hair and how cute it gets when it changes colour, he would like to talk about something new.
Remus smiled at them. But he felt bad for not being there for Harry after the death of Sirius. "Oh, you'll both find out soon," he said with a raised chin and thought about how excited Harry and his friends will be when they find out the great news.
Draco and Harry both exchanged confused glances at each other. Draco's hair turned green and Harry smiled up at the Slytherin's green hair.
"So, how's the lady in your life?" Harry asked with a slow smile at the last remaining Marauder. He knows about Nymphadora from Sirius and because he's seen the two together during Order Of The Phoenix meetings before Sirius passed away.
The question that Remus doesn't want to answer right now. What could he say? That-he-really-loves-Sirius-and-ignored-his-feelings-for-him-just-so-he-could-date-Nymphadora-and-accidentally-impregnates-her? Not likely. He swallowed. "She's fine..."
Harry could see the hesitation from the question and knew something must have happened. But whatever it was he would like to know, unless it's too adult-related... "So, what are you doing here? We never knew you were coming."
Severus wanted to know the exact same thing since the wolf had to disturb the therapy session.
"I just thought I would come by for a visit," said Remus with a shrug. He looked around the lounge room in awe, thinking about the time when he was last here. "Haven't been here for a while."
"Well, Harry, Severus and I were talking about something important," Draco added just because it is important. Very important if it's the matter of Harry's life. "To make it simple, it's a therapy appointment for Harry and myself-" Remus looked at Severus with wide eyes. He never thought this man would be... kind enough to do something like that. "-I took the death of Sirius uneasily, even if I only knew him for a year." He lowered his voice a little, "Even though I wish I knew him for more than that..."
Harry placed a hand on Draco's shoulder for reassurance. He didn't know Draco took Sirius' death badly, he couldn't even tell. When Draco turned his head to look at him, Harry smiled and kissed him. Draco's arms moved around Harry's waist to deepen the kiss while Harry's arms slowly wrapped around Draco's neck.
Severus rolled his eyes at the happy couple and sat down on the lounge chair some meters behind him. He looked up at Lupin who was staring at him but looked back at the teenage couple.
Remus decided to join Severus on the couch next to him. He sighed happily at the memories that flooded his mind. "Those two remind me so much of Sirius and I back at Hogwarts in the day."
"I don't intend to overhear regarding your pathetic love circle with Black, Lupin," snarled Severus and moved to the side an inch so he wasn't so close to the other man. Hasn't this wolf ever heard of personal space?
Some kind of emotion hit him hard in the chest as he had a flashback from his sixth year when seeing Black and Lupin snogging in each other's arms in one of the corridors. He couldn't tell what that emotion was but knew he felt it from somewhere.
Remus laughed. He placed his elbow on the top of the couch's back and rubbed at his forehead while looking at the man beside him with a smile. "Oh, Severus, do you remember when I found you all alone on Valentine's day in our fifth year in the library?"
Severus gave a small nod as he remembered that day clearly. "Yes, you offered me chocolate on that superfluous day."
Remus nodded. His eyebrows furrowed and he felt deep pity and guilt for this man. "I still didn't know that was your first time eating chocolate and being given it." He doesn't understand how someone hasn't had chocolate in their life. "Didn't you eat the chocolate scones and ice cream the Hogwarts feast had to offer after dinner?"
"I wasn't one to eat dessert, Lupin," Severus said in a forced calm tone. He never ate dessert as a kid or teenager. He just didn't want to. It all was just too sweet for his liking.
Remus nodded again. He didn't push on into the conversation any further. Even though he was curious, his werewolf senses were telling him that this man beside him doesn't want to talk about this anymore and that he has a dark secret he's kept hidden, but not dark as in evil, dark as in unfathomable.
Both men didn't even realise they were being stared at by Harry and Draco since the two had broken out of the kiss a little while ago but were still holding each other close. They were both curious as to why Remus and Severus weren't already duelling since they knew back in school, they loathed each other. Or perhaps, it seems like they didn't. They were both confused. Well, what Harry saw in Severus's Pensieve back at Hogwarts was enough to tell him that Remus did care for Severus a bit, but the worse thing was that Remus didn't try to stop James and Sirius from bullying Severus.
Draco cleared his throat with an "Ahem!" Severus and Remus blinked at each other and looked back at the younger boys. Draco rose his eyebrows at the two men. They were acting a little strange... Well, he knew Severus was acting a little strange for a while. He wondered what that was all about.
Harry looked back at Draco with a smile and kissed his cheek. The familiar and startling fluttering in his stomach came back to him as he pulled his lips away from the Slytherin's cheeks. He chuckled as his blonde Slytherin boyfriend's hair changed to that dark blueish purple colour. The colour of love or lust, as George had told him.
Draco smiled at Harry with that warm feeling overwhelming his senses as his heart was thumping in his chest. He kissed him again, only to make him feel hyper-aware of his body and Harry's. He doesn't care if his hair's the colour of... whatever colour it is right now. It was quite nice, to be honest.
Severus looked back at Remus, but he didn't know why he did so. When the other man looked his way, he swallowed and looked blankly at the kids a couple of meters in front of them.
"Right," said Remus as he pulled on the collar of his shirt. "I'm going to go and have a chat with Molly."
Severus only nodded and watched the man leave. He leaned forward and rubbed his hands over his nose. He doesn't understand this at all. why was he acting like...? He doesn't know. He's never acted strange around anybody. Not even Lily. Yes, he loved her, but he's never acted weirdly around her. She was his best friend, his only friend and he loved her. But only as a friend, as he understood. He sighed and looked back at the boys. He still needed to talk to Harry about a few things regarding his therapy. "Draco, Harry, stop snogging... please."
Draco smiled in the kiss and didn't acknowledge his godfather at all. Even if Severus had asked nicely with the word 'please'.
Severus scowled with annoyance at his godson and drew his wand out of his pocket. With a flick of his wand and a silent muttering of the levitation spell, he sent Draco eight feet in the air.
Draco glared at his godfather, his jaw clenched in pure annoyance. His hair turned black, which made Harry giggle. He hated this, even if it's thankfully been a long time since he has last risen into the air. And Merlin, he really hoped it'd be his last.
"Now that I finally have your attention," said Severus, smirking at the nice feeling of having annoyed his godson. "Shall we continue from where we left off?"
Harry nodded and sat on the other side of the couch to his professor while eyeing Draco with a smile. It's hilarious how Draco's the one to be sent up into the air instead of him. He truly feels loved.
Draco sighed at his godfather while still eight feet in the air. He rubbed at his temples, hoping he won't get a headache. "Can you please let me down?"
"I may as well since you asked nicely," Severus said with a hard smile which gained him another glare from his godson, but he didn't care at all.
Draco sighed in relief as he was lowered back down to the floor. The nice carpeted floor with gravity pulling him down onto it. With a smile, he waltzed over to the couch and sat next to Harry. He intertwined hands with the Gryffindor and said, "So, why do you see Severus as your... uncle?"
"I don't know," Harry said with a slow shrug. "I guess... I... I used to more than now. And it's not just you, Sev. It's nearly every adult I come across. Besides Molly, I know she is a very nice woman without a single sadistic bone in her body. It's the same with Mrs Malfoy, Sirius and Remus, too. I know they'll never hurt me, and I trust them." But he just doesn't trust them enough to tell them what goes on in the Dursleys household over the summer. Well, Sirius and Narcissa now know of the abuse he suffered at the Dursleys from the day he told them about his latest suicide attempt.
Severus nodded. It was good to know this from Harry, but why couldn't Lily's son understand that he would never hurt him. Never in a million years would he ever do such a cruel thing. Would telling Harry about his own abusive childhood make him see that he and his uncle are nothing alike? Would it help open Harry up a little more than it does? He knows it will be very hard to talk about his own past, but if it will help him some way too. He had nobody to talk to about this at all, he couldn't even tell Dumbledore this either.
"I'm going to tell you something about my childhood, Harry. It won't be easy to tell so bear with me."
Harry nodded. Whatever his Potion's Professor/therapist is about to tell him must be something that would be a little triggering to both himself and Severus.
Draco felt like he shouldn't be listening to this as Severus said he wants to tell Harry this. Not himself. But he also wanted to hear a little bit of his godfather's childhood.
Severus took a deep breath. He knew now that it was best to let this go than to keep the lingering pain in his heart and heal as well. "My father was... he used to be a good father... but he had a problem. A drinking problem. He drank so much that he let alcohol consume him until he wasn't the same person anymore. He was an alcoholic, a drunk and a... abusive."
"Abusive?" said Harry with a distant stare at his and Draco's intertwined hands. He recollected a memory from last holidays after Severus saying he was abused as a child.
Draco just couldn't believe it. His own godfather was abused as a child. It made a lot of sense with the mask Severus wore. Who knew how much pain this man must have been suffering with?
"Yes, Harry, to both me and my mother," Severus glanced at Harry and Draco, who seemed to have a thoughtful look on their faces. He sighed as he knew he was going to have to make this clear to both teenagers.
"My father used to be a loving father," Severus tells them. "He used to be a loving husband and father to us both, but he let alcohol take the best of him. I didn't grow up happy, boys. Very much like you, Harry, I grew up neglected, always in pain and hungry. I was in fact abused. My mother suffered just as well until she died right before my fifth year. My father then grew more abusive and angrier. One night, during the summer of my fifth year, I emptied out all of his alcohol down the drain. It was stupid of me, yes, but I loved my father still and I was tired of seeing him drunk and wasting away. He had beaten me so badly once he found out what I had done. I'm not even going to downplay for the sake of my own dignity. I was beaten up and starved for weeks as a punishment. I've never told anyone of this, boys, with the only exception of your mother, Harry. Even Professor Dumbledore never knew the full story."
"Why are you telling us this, Severus?" asked Harry in a soft voice. He understands Severus' pain. He lost his mother and father. It's just his relatives that were abusive and rude.
"I want to show you how much we have in common when it comes to our childhood," said Severus. "I want to show you that I was just like you, Harry. I grew up with no love, only fear. I want to show you that you are not alone in this. There are plenty of muggles who go through the same as you as well."
Harry looked at Severus and wondered if he would understand too. After all, he did say that he had lost his own mother and also Lilly... Harry's mum... She and Severus were best friends and Severus had lost her.
"Sev?" Harry asked hesitantly. Every instinct in him was screaming to shut up. His heart was thumping hard as if it knew he was in danger of breaking again. However, something in Harry kept him going. Something in him gave him the courage to ask the question to Severus, so Harry can talk about his grief for his beloved godfather.
Harry was just so tired of it. Tired of hiding, tired of putting up a cold front and pretending everything was alright, but it wasn't. Nothing was alright, because Sirius was gone, and nothing could ever be the same again. Maybe Severus was right, and that he should let go of his fear. To take a chance for the sake of his future... "What did you do when your mum died?" asked Harry.
Severus looked at him in surprise before he began to think of his response. "Well, at first I was angry. So... damn...angry, all the time. I took it out on everyone, at my father, my professor's, Dumbledore, my friends, and I picked fights with your father and his gang even more than usual. I was a mess, Harry, until Dumbledore snapped me out of it. He was there for me, the only adult I had at the time. Which was a good thing, because eventually, my anger turned into grief. I cried a lot before that turned into acceptance. After all of that, I was able to live again."
"Do you ever think I'll start living again?" Harry asked the man quietly. "The pain inside, it just... it hurts so much. Sirius, he was like my dad... like my dad came back and we could've had a great time together, and then it was all taken away from me." He could feel Severus and Draco staring at him but he didn't want to look at their faces. "What was the point? What was the point in getting Sirius back, if he was just going to be taken away from me again? Why is it the people I get close to, are the ones always getting hurt? Why can't I just have a chance for once?"
Draco leaned closer and gave Harry a side hug. Harry has never told him that before, and it hurt to hear it come out of that beautiful mouth. "Harry, I care and love you so much and am I gone or hurt? No." He shook his head. "Uncle Sirius' death affected me a little as well, so you are not alone in this at all."
Harry leaned his head on Draco's shoulder, his eyes watering.
"Enlighten me, Harry," said Severus softly, wanting to hear more of these nightmares Harry has been having. "Do you constantly partake these nightmares of Sirius and how he died?"
"Yes, every time I go back to sleep, I'm in the Department of Mysteries," Harry says and feels uncomfortable thinking of these nightmares. It just reminds him of the day. "Sirius is always there fighting with Bellatrix Lestrange. I'm always shouting, trying to get his attention, trying to save him... but I can never get to him. I'm always trying to stop him from dying but in the end, he does."
Harry took a deep breath at his confession. His heart was beating fast. He squeezed Draco's hand and closed his eyes when feeling the blonde Slytherin's lips on his forehead. He decided to keep out the part where he could hear Voldemort's laughter. It was quiet for a moment. Harry dared not to look at Draco or Severus. His face was feeling warm with shame. Harry still wasn't used to talking about his dreams and emotions like this. It was only ever him and Sirius. But then again, Harry never trusted Sirius enough to tell him what goes on at the Dursleys during the summer. Except for that one time in Venice with Narcissa. Having Draco there helped him a lot.
"It sounds like you need to accept what happened, Harry," Severus finally answered. "You need to come to terms with Sirius's death. You have to understand that things like that just happen." Harry bowed his head in embarrassment. Looking up from his fridge of black hair, Harry saw Severus looking at him with a frown." I always asked myself the same question when Lily died," he spoke softly.
Harry looked up at the mention of his mum.
"When our friendship fell apart, I kept thinking: What was the point?" Severus' gaze travelled to the sun outside the lounge room window. "For years, when I was little, I was always alone. Until I met this beautiful girl, who became my best friend. She was the most important person in my life. Then time went so quickly once we started at Hogwarts. Before I knew it, we were grown up and she was gone... and I was alone again."
The professor's gaze rested on Harry with a soft, understanding look, "Don't be ashamed of what you're feeling, Harry."
Harry looked at him in surprise. How did Severus know he was feeling ashamed of his grief? How did he know that Harry felt like a weakling, for feeling messed up over Sirius' death? But also, Cedric's.
Draco was really glad that Harry had this therapy session today. He's learned a little more than Harry hadn't ever told him. Even about his godfather. About Sirius, Harry's nightmares, his own godfather's childhood.
"I was just like you once...," said Severus. "I've lost so much...and I kept asking myself. Why? Why did the Universe allow me a best friend, only to lose her? But the world isn't always just happiness."
Draco agreed with his godfather there. The world isn't just happiness. You have to find that happiness. He found his happiness. His happiness is Harry.
"There are always dark roads we must endure before we find the happiness we all seek," Severus said with a serious gaze. His eyes were deep black pools. "These challenges that you are facing now, Harry, for instance, the death of your godfather, is what shapes the person you are today. Everyone has to travel their dark road, and no one is ever the same. My dark road was losing my mother and best friend, it was the abuse I suffered from my father. And without that, even though it was horrible, I don't think I would be a stronger, better person for it. Just like how I'm seeing you today. You are different from when I first met you, Harry, you are changing for the better. So, I hope you see that, once you come to terms with your godfather's death, once you're at the end of the road... you will be okay."
"I think you've been hanging around Dumbledore too much, Sev," Harry grinned once he processed Severus' lecture and Draco snorted when knowing that would have to be true.
"Well then, I give you permission to hex me if I start offering you Lemon Drops," smirked Severus which made Draco and Harry burst out laughing. Draco's hair coloured pink, showing he was happy about this conversation.
"Thanks, Severus and Draco, for listening... it's just so hard sometimes... It's suffocating," Harry said while rapping his fingers on his jeans, trying to find the right words to describe his grief.
"You're welcome, darling," whispered Draco and planted a kiss on Harry's cheek, which made Harry smile and blush.
"I know, Harry, but one day you will come to accept your godfather's death and it won't be as hard anymore," Severus said. "Time just needs to heal your grief and I promise you, that you will find happiness one day."
"Are you happy, Sev?" asked Harry, and his eyebrows furrowed but then released. "You've been through a lot too, you know, with losing my mum, your mother and dealing with your father. Have you found your happiness?"
"I can tell you that I'm okay now, I'm in a good place but I do still feel the ache of the loss of your mother," Severus tells him. "I do still think of her, Harry, all the time. So, I'm not going to lie to you... I haven't found my true happiness, which could take away the pain in my heart which your mother has left with me."
"When you find it, Sev, can you tell me?" Harry asks him. "That way, I know there is hope for me if you found yours?"
"Of course, Harry, I promise," said Severus softly. He removed himself from the couch and stood up. "But I know you've already found your happiness, Harry." He glanced at Draco beside him with a quick smile. "You just don't realise it. Now, I must take my leave as I am confident Albus would like if I come over for some Lunch."
Harry and Draco stood up from the couch also, not wanting Severus to leave from what the man had told them. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?" asked Draco. "I'm sure Mrs Weasley would love you have you over for lunch."
Severus smiled gratefully at him. "I'm sure, Draco. I must help Dumbledore with a scarce... blackening things." He turned and left towards the Floo.
"Professor?" Harry asked gently, but also a little confidentially. When Severus turned back around with a handful of Floo powder, he began with a smile, "I think I actually may have found my happiness." He looked at Draco, placed his hands over the blonde Slytherin's elbows and kissed him with a thumping heart in his chest. This blonde Slytherin could always somehow manage to make him a little happy when he's feeling depressed, maybe not entirely, but he does help.
Severus smiled at the teenagers. Harry wasn't wrong, the Gryffindor had found his happiness from Draco, his godson. With a sigh, he threw the Floo powder into the fireplace and entered the Floo.
Draco pulled away from the kiss with a big smile and rested his forehead against Harry's. With his heart hammering wildly in his chest from being with Harry and kissing him, he whispered, "I love you, Harry James Potter."
"I love you too, Draco Lucius Malfoy," whispered Harry with a bright smile. "Oh, and that reminds me. Where's Ron? I want to tell you both exactly what happened earlier."
"I believe he may be up in his bedroom," said Draco, but then he shrugs as he didn't know where Ron's location was. "Want to go check?"
But Harry didn't answer. He just pulled Draco through to the stairs and up to Ron's room where they found Ron sitting at his desk writing a letter to someone. They guess it's either addressed to Blaise or Hermione. "Ron?" he says. "Got a minute to have a chat or do you want to finish your letter?"
"I can finish it later," Ron says. "It's for Blaise. I know it's only been a week, but I haven't heard from him since School, and he'd always write to me three times a week. But anyway... Go on with this chat."
"Okay," said Harry and went over to the bed that he sleeps on, Draco following him. He sits on the end of his bed and pats the spaces beside him. And when Draco and Ron sit, Harry begins to tell them what exactly happened. It started with Dumbledore asking Harry if he knows anything about Horcruxes, and Dumbledore telling him what they are. Terrible soul-splitting items.
He mentioned how Tom Riddle's Diary was a Horcrux, how Dumbledore found The Gaunt Ring and destroyed it so that was the second Horcrux down. He had seen some of Dumbledore's memories of Tom Riddle, and a memory that came from an Ex Hogwarts Professor named Slughorn who he knew he was going to meet soon. It turns out the memory from the Ex-Professor was a fake one, meaning it was meddled with by Slughorn for some reason. He had guessed the Ex-Professor didn't want anybody knowing that he was the one to give the information about Horcruxes to the younger Voldemort.
"Oh, and I found out that Nagini was one of Tom's Horcruxes," Harry also mentioned to them. He didn't want to think about what would have happened if he didn't kill Nagini in time. "Whom I killed," he added. "So that's three down."
"Four more to go," said Draco, sighing at how Harry could destroy the last 4 Horcruxes. "Some golden goblet, a locket, and two other items that we have no idea what they are."
"I mentioned the Goblet and locket to Dumbledore when I had the chance," Harry tells him. "He was quite impressed with you." Draco grinned, and Harry smiled at him. "Yeah, so I'll be meeting this Slughorn guy some time just to get the real memory of him and Tom Riddle talking."
"Well, I better start writing to Hermione about all this then," Ron said, getting up from the bed and headed back to his desk. "I've already written to her once. Still waiting for her to reply properly as she's on vacation with her parents and Pansy."
"Alright," Harry says, and he looks beside him at Draco who stared right back at him. Draco leans forward and booped Harry's nose with the tip of his nose. Harry smiles and leaned in for a kiss but was disturbed as Mrs Weasley had yelled, "LUNCH IS READY!" Both boys chuckled, leaned in for a quick kiss and headed down into the kitchen for some lunch.
Back at Hogwarts in the Headmaster's office, Dumbledore and Severus were having their lunch but Severus kept a very close eye on Dumbledore's blackened hand. He knows no spells or Potions can fix that curse, so what could Albus do about it? Amputating it wouldn't be very wise as Severus doesn't like the look of gore. Nobody likes it.
"I can deduce you're somewhat worried about my hand, Severus," Albus said with an easy smile. "There's no necessary, though. I'm completely fine and healthy as it is. Just one limb that won't operate out of four."
"Are you sure, Albus?" asked Severus seriously. "There's nothing that can save you, not even from..."
"Severus... I am an ancient man," said Albus, his eyes brightened, and his smile grew. "Death will come to me soon and I fear not death. Death isn't something that should be feared. It's just life. We live, and we die."
Severus nodded at the bowl of fruit salad in front of him. Albus' favourite meal, is, of course, fruit salad. The man lives on this stuff. "So-"
The door to Albus's office opened and in came Remus Lupin. "You said-" He hesitated. "I'm sorry if this is a bad time..."
"No, no," Albus reassured him and gestured him to enter and sit down with them. "Please, come in."
Severus grimaced at the sight of the wolf. He lost awareness of his surroundings as Lupin had entered the room and currently sat down next to him.
"Now, I maintain important issues to discuss with the both of you," Albus said and clasped his hands together. It wasn't painful, luckily. He just couldn't feel it.
Severus frowned at Albus's blackened hand. He hoped by putting pressure on it, it won't collapse into dust. "What might this be about, Albus?"
"It's about Harry," Albus smiled when both adults seemed to lean in closer to hear what he was going to say. "As you both ought to know, Sirius Black is deceased. And who gets to preserve all of his possessions? It must be Harry."
"But what about..." Severus hesitated as he knew Ivy was Black's adopted daughter who he found out because of Harry. "Miss Ivy Black?"
"Ivy Black?" repeated Remus. He rubbed at his eyebrow in confusion. "I don't understand... I've missed out on so much..."
"Miss Ivy Black isn't actually the daughter of Willow Lestrange, but yes, Sirius adopted her but signed no rights of Miss Ivy gaining his items," Albus said while clasping his hands under his chin in a prayer gesture. "It was all the happenings of dark arts. In fact, Willow Lestrange doesn't even exist. She's actually... Let me rephrase that. He's a glamour."
"He?" repeated Severus, he shook his head in disbelief. This doesn't make sense but then again it kind of does. "If Willow Lestrange doesn't actually exist then who..."
"Rabastan Lestrange," said Albus solemnly. "I checked Ivy's birthing records and got her to take a DNA test two terms ago when she was residing at the Brown's place. Complete match of the same blood, they're father and daughter."
Severus's eyes widened. How could this be real? Ivy should be having this conversation with Albus, not him. "Then who's the mother?"
"There could be a mother or there could not," said Albus. "Perhaps Rabastan formed a relationship with a guy and they wanted kids so they managed to get their hands on male birthing potions. Or, if there was a mother, my guess would have to be..."
"Bellatrix Lestrange," said Severus gravely, his mouth fell open and his upper lip curled back in utter horror. The poor girl. "It makes complete sense! The black curly hair... But Then Again, regarding her eyes? They're a blue colour, nothing like Bellatrix's or Rabastan's."
Albus stroked his beard in thought. He believes it's best to tell these men the truth about her eyes. "Actually, she doesn't have blue eyes at all," he begins to tell these two men the truth. "I'm sure both of you know that a certain species of Magical creatures are pale, feel cold to the touch, have superhuman strength and speed, their eyes turn red when they smell or drink blood..."
Severus didn't understand this. He knew what Albus was describing: vampires. But then he remembered something a year ago. When the girl tries taking her own life, Madam Pomfrey had told him that Mrs Black is wearing blue contact lenses. "She's a vampire..."
Remus just sat there in silence, wondering who Ivy Black is and why she is the centre of this conversation and what he has to do with her.
"My final estimate would be that Rabastan fell in love with a male," said Albus, his head tilted to the side as he studied his phoenix quill. "I don't believe Ivy's Bellatrix's daughter either. Though, it would seem so."
"Does Miss Black know of all this?" asked Severus.
Albus nodded, "I informed her. At first, she didn't deem me, so I escorted her to the Noble house of Black during school before Sirius died and revealed the Black Family tree to her. If she actually were the daughter of Sirius or Bellatrix, then she'd appear on the family tree under Sirius' or Bellatrix's branch. She wasn't on it."
"The poor girl," Remus finally said with a frown, lowering his gaze from Albus. How would it be like for her knowing her parents were death Eaters?
"Now, who's going to tell Mr Potter about the possessions he now holds as to..." Albus pulled out a sheet of parchment from his desk. He read what the parchment states, "'Mr Sirius Orion Black has given Mr Harry James Potter his authorisation to keep all his possessions and Gringotts Vaults once he's at age or if Sirius Black is deceased'. It seems like Sirius has given Harry his Gringotts vaults, 12 Grimmauld Place, the house-elf and anything else he holds possession of." He looked up at the two men, "So, who will break the news to Harry?"
Remus and Severus looked at each other, studying each other for an answer. Who would break the news to Harry? "I guess we'll both do it," Remus said.
"So, how did Miss Ivy B-" Severus corrected himself, "Ivy Lestrange deal with finding out about her parents?"
"I disliked seeing the hurt look on her face," Albus said while scrubbing his good hand over his face. "But once I told her about her fake mother, she felt a little happier to my relief." Albus sighed deeply. "It's hard comforting a sad teenager."
Severus couldn't have agreed more, "Oh, it is." He stood up from his seat next to Lupin. "I thank you for this lunch, Albus. I apologise for it remaining so brief, and I must depart for my home. I realise it's no pretext but I'm genuinely relishing a book I've been reading for the past month now."
"It's not a problem, Severus," Albus said with a smile. "As long as you enjoyed lunch, then I'm happy. I won't keep you waiting."
Severus nodded at Albus, then looked at Remus and nodded in acknowledgement. "Lupin."
"Severus," said Remus with his own nod.
Albus stared at both men curiously before picking up his cup of tea and taking a sip.
"I'd like to stay and have a chat, Albus," said Remus as he watched Severus Floo away. He felt a little pang of longing when Severus left but doesn't know why he felt that."
"Excellent!" said Albus happily.
That evening, as Ron has shut his bedroom door and headed up to Percy's room to sleep, Harry and Draco were kissing each other hard, using tongues and saliva while on Harry's bed.
Draco sat upon Harry's waist, his legs sprawled out beside Harry's sides and he pulled off his jumper and shirt. His hair was that dark bluish-purple colour that Harry knew was either love or lust. He threw his jumper and shirt across the room, not caring where it went as long as it was gone.
Harry sat up and kissed him, while the Slytherin pulled off Harry's jumper and long-sleeved shirt. Draco just ignored the deep cuts on Harry's arms as his main focus was giving Harry love and lust and making his Gryffindor boyfriend come all over himself. Draco leaned down and attached his mouth to Harry's neck, giving the Gryffindor slow but bruising hickeys.
Harry moaned softly and turned his head to the side so the Slytherin has more room to give him those breathtaking hickeys that will be sore in the morning.
The Slytherin leaned back so he could look deep and prolonged into Harry's eyes. Then he leaned down for a kiss, both hands travelling down Harry's stomach to his pants and eagerly unzipping the zipper to run a finger along his boyfriend's hardness.
Harry shuddered and whimpered from the teasing touch, which just made Draco smirk and move down so he can pull Harry's pants down.
Draco kept deep eye contact with Harry, feeling a sudden flush of warmth spread from his groin and upwards. He yanked Harry's boxers down and grabbed the base of his cock. He immediately took him in his mouth, giving soft gentle sucks and kisses on the head on his cock. He smiled at the little moans coming from the Gryffindor he is sucking off and gave Harry what he wants.
As Draco bobbed his head up and down on Harry's erection, he brought his free hand up to Harry's mouth, pushing two of the fingers between his lips. Harry sucked on them, all the while holding Draco's gaze, and Draco groaned low in his chest as he removed his fingers from Harry's mouth. He then brought them down further between Harry's legs. Harry's back arched again, and his hands clenched in the sheets.
"Draco," Harry said, eyes falling shut briefly before opening and settling on Draco again. "God, I'm close." Harry's voice was tight, fingers white-knuckled in the bedding.
Draco hmmed and Harry jerked. His body went tense, and with a strangled cry he came. Draco didn't move away – his throat worked as he swallowed – instead tightening the hand on Harry's back, trying to keep some of the strain off Harry's arms. After a moment Harry's head fell backwards as he attempted to haul some air into his lungs, and Draco sat up, helping Harry lie flat on the bed. As Harry's body shook slightly, Draco wrapped him in his arms and brushed kisses across his face, murmuring words of lust and love to him. Harry brought his arms up around Draco's back, pulling him closer, and sighed.
"All right?" Draco asked, leaning down to kiss Harry again. One of Harry's hands slid up into Draco's hair, twisting the blond and dark bluish-purple strands between his fingers. "Harry?" Draco said as he broke the kiss.
"God, yes," Harry murmured. He held Draco close for a minute, then released him slightly. "Let me do something to help you. At least take off your clothes, I want you naked."
Draco smirked and stripped himself on top of Harry, chucking his pants to the end of the bed. He loves the eager look on Harry's face when the Gryffindor sees his naked body. He sat up, pulling Harry up so he was sitting beside him. He leaned across Harry and reached into the pillowcase, pulling out a small jar. Harry took it from him and twisted off the lid, before leaning forward and kissing him. Draco dipped his fingers into the jar, then pulled Harry closer, positioning his body so he was straddling Harry's thighs. He slid his hand slowly down Harry's back as Harry wrapped his arms around his shoulders. His pale hand slid down lower, one finger disappearing into Harry's body. Harry pushed down with his hips and a second finger joined the first, moving in and out in a slow, easy rhythm.
Draco broke the kiss, and said, voice quiet, "It's your show, Harry. How do you want me?" As he spoke, he pushed a third finger into Harry's arse, and his wrist twisted. Harry groaned as he tilted his head back. It took a minute for him to respond, during which time Draco removed his fingers.
"I want to see you," Harry finally whispered. "Come here." He tugged at Draco's neck, bringing him forward as Harry fell onto his back. Harry hooked his legs over Draco's arms as Draco braced himself on his hands. Harry still held the lubricant in one hand and dipped the fingers of his other hand into the jar, coating them in the clear substance. He dropped his hand down between Draco's legs and gripped Draco's erection. Draco hissed between his teeth at the contact.
"Enough," he gritted out, as Harry gave a final squeeze, "or it'll all be over in a hurry."
Harry gave a breathless laugh before dropping down completely onto the bed. Draco positioned himself and moved forward. Harry's eyes fell shut as Draco brought their bodies together in a slow glide and he entered Harry's tight hole.
Draco knew he couldn't have a nice rough shag with Harry unless he wants to wake up an angry mob of Weasley's. Merlin, what would Mrs Weasley do if she saw them? He doesn't want to know so he'll just have to fuck Harry painfully slow.
"God, Harry," Draco said after a moment, "you feel so good." His head was thrown back, muscles taut as he spoke.
Harry's eyes opened and his lips curve up into a smile. Draco was starting to shake a bit, his arms trembling, and Harry arched his back, saying, "Go on Draco. Move."
"Harry," Draco whispered as he was fully inside the beautiful Gryffindor. "I don't want to wake everyone up, Merlin knows how Mrs Weasley would react when she specifically told us that there will be no sex in her house."
Harry grimaced at that rule and thought, fuck it! He fluttered his eyelashes at him with a smile, "I promise I won't be too loud. Please? I want to feel you deep inside me." His voice was only getting softer and quieter. "I want you to fuck me hard, please. I want you to fill me up inside, fill me up with all that delicious spunk of yours."
Draco's breath caught in his throat at the command and those words coming from Harry's perfect mouth, so he blinked his eyes as he drew himself back before slamming forward again. Harry gave a soft, quiet cry and his toes curled as Draco repeated the process again and again. Draco leaned forward and kissed Harry, shifting his body so that he was supporting his weight on one arm, the other reaching to grasp Harry's erection. Harry was whimpering, one hand curled around Draco's bicep, fingers tightening each time Draco thrust forward.
Draco's hand tightened around Harry's cock and he gave one more thrust forward, and Harry came for the second time. Harry had cried out quietly, masking the sound. Draco gave two more hard thrusts forward and then he came as well.
"OhmyGodHarry!" he cried hoarsely as his back went taut. Draco had collapsed against Harry's chest with his eyes closed and his chest heaving, and Harry was running a hand soothingly up and down his back as his body shook in aftershocks, his eyes were staring up into silver with love.
"Merlin, I love you," Draco breathed. He reached out one shaking hand, cupping Harry's face in his palm.
Harry turned his head and kissed Draco's palm, feeling Draco's come filling him up inside. "I love you, too," He finally said, very quietly, before lifting his head to give Draco another kiss.
Draco broke the kiss after a minute or so and rolled sideways, pulling Harry with him. He manoeuvres them around so that they were lying at the head of the bed and enfolded Harry in his arms. They lay quietly for a bit, and when Draco spoke again his voice was soft and eager. "When should we ask Ron to use his room again for the night?"
Harry laughed quietly at the mention of Ron and the scared look on his face when knowing his best mate, Harry, and Draco would be shagging in his very room at night. He raised his hands and pushed back Draco's sweaty blonde/dark bluish-purple fringe. It was an extraordinary and beautiful sight. "Anytime you want but remember, we only have four more nights left all alone together to shag in Ron's room this month."
Draco groaned and nudged his nose in the white pillow. As much as he enjoys his time at the Weasley's, he wishes he were back at Malfoy manor with Harry or even at the Venice or Paris manor. He and Harry, if they were at one of the manors, could do this every night if they wanted to. Draco still hadn't shown Harry his bedroom at Australian Manor, but 'show' is an understatement of what he wants to do in that bedroom with Harry.
"And I think it's best to get into our pyjamas," Harry added with a sigh. "What if Mrs Weasley comes into our room in the morning to wake us up and finds us naked in bed together? She'll know that we disobeyed her rules."
Draco groaned again and hugged Harry tightly. He doesn't want to leave this bed or leave the warmth of Harry's body. This is heaven for him, a heaven that he wants forever. "I don't want to go anywhere but stay in bed, naked, with you," he said with a pout that just makes Harry chuckle at how adorable that looks.
"If we get dressed, we can still sleep together in each other's arms," whispered Harry with an obvious smile. "It's not like she said we're not allowed to sleep together in the same bed now did she?"
Draco shook his head and sighed. He kept a firm grip on Harry so he couldn't get up at all. Harry smiled at the needy Slytherin and leaned over to kiss him as a distraction, thanks to his Slytherin side that somehow exists while slipping away from Draco's clutches.
Draco grumbled in frustration as Harry slipped away from his hold and sat up. But he watched with amusement as Harry got dressed. His naked body shining in the moonlight that gleamed through the window of Ron's bedroom. He frowned when Harry was fully dressed in nightclothes.
"Your turn," said Harry as he got back into bed with the naked blonde Slytherin.
It took some time for Harry to get Draco to dress, even if he had to try and use his Slytherin manipulation skills, which he lacks, to lure Draco out of bed by promising him to give him a blowjob sometime this week. The easiest place to do so would be the bathroom. So that's what he promised to give Draco if he got dressed.
Draco loved that idea as he got dressed immediately with a smile and hopped into bed with Harry. Harry snuggled up to his Slytherin boyfriend with an arm around Draco's stomach. "Goodnight, my love."
Draco smiled and placed a little kiss on Harry's forehead as a goodnight kiss. "Goodnight, my darling."
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