Sir Eian-Samuel O'Connor Belle
"Harry, can we talk to you for a minute?" Severus and Remus had walked into the lounge room from the kitchen, Remus holding a black mug of what looked like tea from the teabag clip that stuck to the mug. Harry thought Severus ought to change the colours of the house a little to more bright colours like a grey-blue, or grey-green, grey-orange. Just anything happier, but he also knows Severus and the man's aesthetic is dark, Gothic literature.
Harry was lying on the black couch in his father's lounge room, legs resting over the armrest, arms crossed over and staring up at the grey ceiling. He's been sleeping at Malfoy Manor since the birth of his first-born daughter, but he does come around to his father's house for a visit every now and then. He looked over at Remus and Severus and nodded. "Sure!" He was curious as to why they both looked excited but a little uncertain. And a little proud? "What's going on?" He began to feel a little worried now.
Severus and Remus summoned the two armchairs and put them in front of Harry. They sat down but Severus shifted uncomfortably on his chair. "Harry... we've connected the dots with a few things."
"At Bill and Fleur's wedding, you looked a little nervous whenever I mentioned spending your entire life with Draco," added Remus, smiling a little into his tea. "It's the same when you asked me about when your parents got married. I've heard Hermione mention a thing or two about you proposing to Draco throughout the year."
Harry nodded slowly at what Remus said. He doesn't know why they're suddenly talking about this. He'd rather not talk about it.
"Harry, it didn't take us long to figure out what you want to ask of Draco," said Severus with a small nervous smile, and he steeples his fingers together. "We honestly don't mind if you want to...marry Draco, but do you exactly know what else comes with marriage?"
Harry flushed and his mouth parted a little. Oh, so this is what they were talking about. He recalls feeling a little awkward when talking about marriage with Remus back at Bill and Fleur's wedding. "Um... I mean, yes, I've thought about it," he said, biting his lip. "And I have um...asked him a few times but that was because the topic was mentioned during those moments and I asked him if he wanted know, marry me?"
"I see," Severus said with a chuckle.
"I've never actually told anybody this, but I had a dream of Draco proposing to me," said Harry, and he sat up, crossing his legs as he stared down at the floor with a smile. "It was a while ago though." The only person who knows of the dream is Professor Trelawny as he had asked her about it and what the dream means.
"Oh, do tell us," Said Remus at once, now smirking because he knows James dreamt of the same thing when they were eighteen. He and Sirius had awoken to James making kissy noises and saying Lilly's name and Sirius decided to be an idiot and speak back to James in a girly voice, mimicking Lilly. When James woke he told them of the dream he had.
"It was at Malfoy Manor, they have a rose bush maze and Draco and I were in the middle of it," said Harry, his voice starting to get a little slow when remembering the dream and how sweet it was. "Draco was singing a song about how much he loves me and wants to tie the knot with me, and at the end of it, he got down on one knee and proposed to me. Before I could reply, I woke up." Remus was chuckling to himself, a hand over his face and Severus was trying to keep a straight face when hearing all about this sappy dream Harry had. When Remus looked up at him, Severus gave him the 'you bloody asked for it' look.
As Severus wasn't looking, Remus stuck his tongue out at him and Harry snorted. Severus looked back at Remus carefully, who was quick to put an angelic smile on his face as if he didn't do anything to make Harry laugh. The sneaky bastard! "Harry, do you know what happens when you marry someone?" he decided to ask Harry now as he was sure Harry knew about everything related to marriage, or was he wrong about that?
"Umm, you marry them?" Harry said slowly and sounded a little unsure. He also shrugged, but all he knew was that the person's last name would change, and you stay with them forever. Unless the married persons get a divorce. He didn't want to think about that at all. "Your last names change too."
Severus sighed in disbelief. "Well, yes, but you also gain the possessions of the person you decide to marry," he tells his son. "For example, if you do marry Draco, which Remus and I accept, whatever items that are in Draco's vault become yours and whatever you have in your vaults become Draco's."
"Oh," said Harry, now understanding it all. But he really didn't mind. He and Draco share everything, even now. He shrugged and just replied, "I don't mind. I mean, I don't need Draco's riches or expensive posh things because all I want is Draco. Just Draco. He's all I've ever wanted in my life."
That made both Remus and Severus smile fondly at him. They knew Harry would rather have Draco than all the galleons in the world. It made them so proud, even if they didn't raise Harry completely. But Harry turned out to grow into this wonderful young adult man. They couldn't have been any prouder.
"So, now that that's out of the way, how about we go out to dinner as a family?" Severus offered to them with a smile. "We haven't really been on an actual family outing in some time."
"Yes!" Harry says quickly, getting off the couch quickly. "Family outing time sounds great! How about Italian?" He wanted to take Draco and Cassiopeia along with them but knew Severus and Remus just wanted to spend quality family time with him. He'd rather have a muggle place too so nobody recognises him. Poor Draco, though, missing out on Spaghetti Bolognaise.
"That sounds like a lovely plan," said Remus and clasped his hands together as he stood up from the armchair. "Italian it is. Let's go!"
Harry had just finished packing his magical extendable trunk and walked out of his bedroom at his father's house with his luggage in his hands. He knew Severus and Remus will be leaving for Hogwarts in a couple of minutes. He was to meet Draco at Malfoy Manor so they could travel to the place they'd be staying at for a week. Hermione had helped him find a place around Wiltshire with the internet, and what Harry chose was a lovely cottage-looking hotel in Marlborough. Then after that week, they'll be staying at 12 Grimmauld Place for the remainder of the one and a half months.
Harry quickly hugged his Father goodbye for now, then went through the Floo into Malfoy Manor's living room and saw Draco on the couch, baby Cassiopeia in his arms, and he was just talking quietly to her, her little hand grasping at Draco's index finger. The sight made Harry smile. He felt a little jealous, although he was here only this morning, woke up next to Draco and got to feed Cassiopeia early in the morning with him. Draco looked quite warm dressed in blacks, the only other colour he wore was the cream-coloured woolly jacket which Harry thought suited him so very nicely.
A couple of Trunks coloured in greens, greys and reds were on the floor around him. Harry was just confused as hell. Surely Draco wouldn't need that many Trunks. Merlin... Cassiopeia only needed one trunk too.
Then Draco looked towards the Floo and smiled so brightly when seeing Harry. He crossed a leg over the other, and placed Cassiopeia in her black carrycot, making sure she was covered in her purple blankets and had her favourite elephant teddy and pacifier, then he turned back to Harry and laced his hands together over his knee. "Harry, tell me why again-"
"-Aint nothing but a heartache," sang Harry with a grin, completely cutting Draco off.
Draco just stared at Harry, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion, then releasing. "-Why we're going to London?" He finished off his own sentence without being interrupted by Harry's lovely but slightly out-of-tune singing. Harry should have joined the Frog Choir. He stood up from the couch, his trunks levitating up a few feet into the air behind him as well as Cassiopeia's carrycot.
"Firstly, do you really need that many trunks?" Harry asked at once as he counted around four to six trunks. "What do you even have in there? Penguins?"
Draco snorted at the mention of the Arctic animal and shook his head. "Mostly just hair products," he said, staring mindlessly at his luggage.
Harry just shook his head in complete disbelief. Draco doesn't need to pack so many hair products that'll last him more than a few years when they'll only be gone for a month. "Draco, you don't need this many hair products," he told him softly as he walked over and grabbed the floating carry cot. "Haven't I told you millions of times that you're beautiful just the way you are? I love your messy hair."
Draco smirked, a light blush spreading across his cheeks, and he gestured his hand towards a Trunk. "Go on, have a look!" he says at once. "See exactly how many bags of hair products I actually need."
Harry raised an eyebrow but went over to the trunk Draco pointed his hand at, crouched down and opened it. "Empty?" Then he went to another trunk and opened it. Empty again. He looked up at Draco in utter confusion. He tries two more, but they're empty. "But these are empty."
"Exactly!" said Draco, grinning. How could Harry think so little of him! "Everything's in the green trunk, Harry. Cassiopeia's items are in the light purple one." He crouched down next to Harry, opening the green and purple trunk to show Harry that he packed. "My love for you is endless and more than my liking for my hair products, you know."
That melted Harry's heart and made him smile sweetly. At least he knows Draco really loves him, more than his darn hair products. He giggled with a hand over his mouth and threw his free arm around him. "You love me more than your hair products?"
Draco rolled his eyes with a smile and nodded, "Yes, Harry." He closed up the trunks, then wrapped his arms around Harry's back in a loose hug and pressed his lips to Harry's forehead. "I love you more than my hair products. I like my hair products, not love. There's a big difference."
Harry grinned and pulled out of the hug. He Accioed his own luggage to him, Reducioed it until it was small enough to fit in his pocket, then intertwined their hands together and gave Draco a quick peck on the lips. "Let us travel to London!"
Draco sighed; the large green trunk levitating back up into the air, the purple one Draco shrunk and slipped into Harry's pocket, holding Cassiopeia's carry cot under his arm. "London, here we come." He took Harry's hand and once they walked out of the Manor past the gates, Harry apparated them to a small town in Wiltshire called Marlborough.
Draco didn't know of the place, as he thought Harry would be taking him to London, but nope. Harry wanted someplace small to live with Draco. The hotel wasn't too small though and Harry made sure of it. It was actually a decent but a little bigger cottage-size. 'The Castle and Bell' was what the hotel was called. It is a nice little brown brick structure with a triangular pointy roof and white industrial windows. Harry apparated them into the muggle-filled town through a small alleyway which runs alongside the hotel and a small bakery next to the hotel. No muggles go down or in the alleyway. Not unless they want to be caught trespassing or supposedly trying to shoplift.
"Really, Harry?" Draco asks as he stares up at the muggle hotel, and since his luggage is still floating in the air, Harry quickly grabs Draco's luggage and pulls it down to the ground. "We're staying at a muggle hotel for the remainder many months is it?"
"About a week," said Harry, shrugging as they made their way into the cute cottage hotel. The walls were painted a gentle purple and wooden wall panelling decorated the walls all around the interior. What stood out to them, though, was the ghost of a man, dressed in 17th-century clothing, standing by the furthest window, half hidden by the lace curtains and staring out into the distance. He was alone, they noticed, and Harry made a promise to himself to introduce him and Draco to the ghost, to let the man know he really wasn't all alone. "We'll be staying at Grimmauld place for the remainder of the agreement," he continues, looking away from the ghostly man and at Draco, putting his arm around the blonde too. "But we can still visit your mother if you want, even Severus and Remus would like a visit if they have the time."
"Hello, welcome to Castle and Bell," said the young blonde female receptionist, her hair up in a messy bun. "How may Castle and Bell assist you today?"
Harry's the one who spoke because Draco has no idea what to say in this situation. "Hello, I made a booking for Mr and Mr Potter," he said while staring at the back of the grey computer dashboard on the receptionist's desk, his cheeks colouring as he heard Draco chuckle.
The receptionist nodded, smiled at the two, and then typed away on the keyboard connected to the computer. "Yup!" she said, nodding again. "A week?" she sounded a little surprised as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears.
"It's umm..." Harry hasn't thought about actually telling muggles about why he and Draco are staying here for a short period of time. "Our honeymoon. It may not be on a lovely beach or in some lovely forest, but this is where I grew up and I've been wanting to show my husband every little part of the town that I really like!" Whew, he thought.
The receptionist just smiled. "Is that so? Congratulations on your marriage and have a fun honeymoon! You're in room 15." She handed Harry the keys with a little blue bell on the key ring. "Have a great week! You'll receive your bill either Friday or Sunday."
"Thank you, ma'am," said Harry, smiling back at her and putting the keys to the room in his pocket. "Have a wonderful rest of the day."
Draco just smiled, knowing his cheeks have coloured all sorts of shades of pinks, and he nodded politely at her, then grabbed his trunk and followed Harry down the hall and up two flights of stairs until they stopped at a white door with the number '15' on a grey slab on the centre top of the door. "Mr and Mr Potter?" he decides to mention now. "I didn't know we were married already, my darling, and that we're on our honeymoon!"
Harry grins at him and gives Draco's cheek a kiss. "Might as well," he replies with a shrug, the keys in his hands jingling, and Draco places the carry cot down onto the wooden floor, Cassiopeia sleeping peacefully in it.
The door opened after Harry unlocked it, and Draco was stunned at it. It was so interesting! Usually, doors just open magically to him, or anyone who enters a room.
Harry went into their apartment first and before he did anything, he grabbed out his and Cassiopeia's cookie-sized luggage from his pocket and enlarged them, then dropped the two trunks down on the peach-coloured couch. "Remember this one rule, Draco," he said and turned to his lover. "No magic outside our apartment unless needed. I was thinking that should be our punishment."
"I know that," said Draco, raising his eyebrows and slowly nodding his head as he scanned the room; a kitchen connecting to a lounge room and the bedroom and bathroom behind two doors faced the kitchen and he gazed curiously at all the weird muggle items which he's never seen before and Harry pointed at and named. A Television, a remote, a coffee maker, a fridge with a built-in water and ice machine. The only thing Draco knows of are the few bits of furniture he could name.
"Okay, never mind the magic rule," said Harry, biting the inside of his lip when walking into the kitchen, looking up at what he thought was a security camera in the corner of the room. He hoped it wasn't an audio recorder either. He poured some water into the blue kettle from the tap and set it aside to boil.
Draco groaned, placed the Carry cot containing Cassiopeia wrapped under blankets down on the glass coffee table, and then slumped onto the peach-coloured couch next to the two trunks, which fell down onto his lap and frightened him. With frustration, he pushed the trunks away from him which then fell towards the floor, but he caught them just in time, lowering them to the floor gently. "How am I going to survive without magic?" he mutters to the trunks, then lays down on the cushions of the couch.
Harry just laughed and joined Draco on the couch, lifting Draco's head up onto his lap to rest there so he could play with his blonde hair. "You'll get through it, it's not that hard, and I'll teach you everything you need to know," he assures him with a simple little smile. Draco returns the smile and reaches up to Boop Harry's nose. "Whenever you're bored just tell me and I can either put on the TV or we can go for a walk."
Draco sighed and closed his eyes as Harry began to massage his head, his arms folding over his chest. "By the way, what was that blue thing you put water in?" he asks. "It looks like a teapot, sort of."
Harry snorted, knowing there was a lot Draco didn't know about muggle items. "It seems I have a lot to teach you, my dear," he says, twirling his finger around a lock of blonde hair. The lock of hair stayed curled so he continued onto another lock. "The thing that makes water come out is called a tap. Every muggle house, apartment and building has a tap. The blue thing is called an electric kettle, which is how muggles boil water."
"Oh," said Draco, opening his eyes to stare up into sparkling green eyes. "I should know how to use them, shouldn't I?"
Harry nodded. It would be useful for his lover to learn how to use muggle items. "Would you like me to teach you?" he offers. Draco bit down on his lip in obvious thought. "Mrs Waldron who we met last year, Myrtle's niece, has a kettle in her kitchen which she utilised to boil water for the tea she made us. I'm surprised you didn't learn about it there."
"They all look different," Draco replies softly with a one-shouldered shrug. "And yes please."
The kettle then started boiling and Draco, who had no idea what that odd noise was, jumped off the couch in fright and looked around the room. He stumbled back up against the nearest wall and watched as the kettle was breathing out steam, it was increasing his beating heart.
Cassiopeia woke up from the loud noise and began to cry.
"Draco, jeez, calm down," said Harry, rushing over to his frightened partner, Cassiopeia's carry cot floating over to them from behind Harry. He placed his arms around Draco in a side hug and kissed his cheek. "It's just the kettle, dear. It always makes this noise. It means that the water's nearly done boiling."
"I-It's not going to explode?" Draco asked in a quiet voice with a stutter, eventually putting his arms around Harry tightly. His beating heart was slowly starting to delay as Harry's warmth, comforting hugs and what he was telling him was calming him down.
Harry just wanted to laugh. Explode? Where did Draco even get that thought? "Draco, sweetie, it's not going to explode." He loosened the hug and moved his hands down to intertwine them with Draco's. "I'm going to take you to the kettle so you can it. Think you're brave enough to do so?"
Draco hastily nodded. He just had to tell himself that he could go and meet the kettle. But how can he meet the kettle when all it does is breathe out steam? Muggle items were confusing... "I'll try my best, Harry."
Harry smirked; he just couldn't believe Draco would be scared of a kettle. It was hilarious! He then stood up, grabbed Cassiopeia out of her floating carry cot and bobbed her up and down on his hip to try to calm her crying down. "That's it." He grabbed Draco by the hand, pulled him up and walked with Draco over to the steaming kettle. But then the button on the kettle flipped down, and Draco jumped and bumped his side onto the kitchen island. "Ow." It didn't even hurt.
"Draco," said Harry in a soothing voice, holding in his laughter while he tried calming down their daughter as well. "Unless you touch the body of the kettle which will be really hot to the touch, it cannot harm you." Cassiopeia's pacifier and elephant teddy flew towards Harry, and he caught the elephant and shook it in front of her in the hope it'd help but it didn't really. So, he just let the elephant float around her, then tried the pacifier, until she had it in her mouth and began sucking on it, finally calming her down. "The kettle won't explode, light us on fire or whatever daft image you're thinking about. Come with me." He held out his hand. "We'll do this together, with our daughter."
Draco hesitantly reached his hand up to grab onto Harry's, nearly bumping his side on the kitchen bench again but slightly missed by an inch. The boiling from the kettle was gone, so that was okay and lessened Draco's anxiety.
Draco stared at the kettle; he could feel the heat radiating off it. Then Harry reached up and opened a cupboard above them, grabbing two white mugs one by one and placing them on the kitchen island, then grabbed the handle of the kettle and poured water into the two white mugs. Draco watched in amusement as the water just poured out of the kettle into the mugs.
"Don't pick up the mug by the actual body of the mug," Harry warned him softly, but with seriousness, and he opened a white container, seeing it was filled with tea bags. Draco helped with dunking two tea bags into each of the two mugs, so Harry didn't have to worry about doing two things at once while he was carrying Cassiopeia. "Use the handle to pick the mug up like you would do with those antique expensive cups and saucers you have at home and if it's too hot, set it aside to cool down a little."
Draco nodded, the smell of raspberry and Jasmine tea filling his nostrils. He picked a mug up by the handle but hissed a little from the burning sensation when touching the bottom of the mug.
"I told you," said Harry, winking at him and picking up the other mug and carefully started drinking his tea slowly while leaning against the bench. "Don't touch the mug, only the handle or burnies will happen to your pretty well-manicured fingers." Then he looks down at Cassiopeia and smiles, touching her nose with his own, "Isn't that right, my beautiful firstborn?"
Cassiopeia just looks at Harry with her wide green eyes, then she turns her head and looks at Draco.
"Burnies indeed," Draco says and he flicked his hand back and forth in the air to get rid of the sting. "She's judging me," he says at Cassiopeia's stare, and Harry chuckles quietly, continuing to bump Cassiopeia up and down in his arms. "Harry, our child is judging me."
Harry rolled his eyes, took another sip of his tea and placed his cuppa back down on the kitchen island. "She really isn't, but I wouldn't be surprised being half you," he says as he grabs Draco's hand and turns it over, examining his partners's fingers for any injuries and Draco snorts. Harry could only see a slight dark pink on Draco's fingers. He reached his hand up to the taps and turned it on. He grabbed a glass from the cupboard above and filled it up with cold water. "Here, stick your finger in this. It'll help with the stinging."
Draco raised an eyebrow at the glass but did as he was told. He smiled and could feel the water numbing the sting from the burns. "Thanks, my darling," he says softly, then turns the tap, hoping to shut the water off but instead, more water comes out of the tap in a gush and Draco steps back, his eyes widening and Harry's pinching the bridge of his nose and quietly laughing but all that came out was a wheeze. Then Draco quickly turns the tap the other way, turning the water off and he breathes a sigh of relief.
"It's no problem at all, my love," said Harry after he's calmed his laughter, gave Draco a quick peck on the cheek and went back to his mug of tea. "Just remember to not touch anything that you can feel is really hot. If you ever want to use something, just ask me first. A lot of things in this hotel are extremely dangerous." Draco grimaced at the realisation of how dangerous this muggle building could be. "Like chords, if you're fingers are wet, and you touch a chord you'll be electrocuted. It means you'll just die in a couple of seconds, just like the killing curse but it hurts."
"I understand," mutters Draco, nodding as he picks up his own mug of tea with his other hand but makes sure to only hold it by the handle. This living-the-muggle-way was going to take some time to get used to. "Mrs Waldron's kettle didn't make much sound though," he then mutters, narrowing his eyes at the loud kettle Harry had used. "I don't think it made any sound actually."
"It was probably a newer electric kettle," Harry tells him, staring down into the dark pinkish-red liquid in his mug. "Or if her family kept the kettle that has been in her family, even before Myrtle came around, the kettle could have just been a quiet one." He then shrugs as if he just didn't know. "It looked quite new to me though. Who knows?"
Draco smiles as he sees Cassiopeia looking at him with her wide emerald green eyes, and he leans over, quietly coos "Who's our beautiful baby girl?" and plants a kiss on her forehead. She responds by drooling a little on the corner of her mouth, and Harry wipes it away with his sleeve, knowing he can just Scourgify it away later.
"Anyway," said Harry with a wide grin as he watched Draco continue to drink his tea and tickle Cassiopeia's palm gently. "We need to go shopping for food. Earlier today, I exchanged a few fifty or so of my galleons into muggle money."
Now Draco felt a little excited about that. The shopping part, not the food bit. But he knows muggles don't have house elves, they have to fend and make the food for themselves. But where do they get the food from?
Harry finished off his tea, took his wand out of his pocket while giving Cassiopeia little kisses on her forehead, and stood under the security camera, or whatever it was, where it couldn't see him. He began casting a few privacy and security charms around the room, which would block out anything spell-related that the muggles could see through the security camera if it is one, but also a charm which would make it seem like nobody's been living here in case muggle robbers do somehow enter through. He knows he's overthinking everything, it all, the chance of being robbed or muggles watching them. It's just in case.
"Harry, what are you doing?" Draco asked curiously and took another sip of his tea, catching a glimpse of Harry's lower stomach under his shirt. He smirked.
"A couple of privacy and security charms so the muggles can't enter our apartment and see whatever we own," said Harry, which was half true. "But we still cannot use any more magic than this." That was a complete lie. He just wanted himself and Draco to live a full muggle life in just a week and see if his wizard partner could survive without magic, which he believed he could. It's pretty simple, actually. Just... no wave of his wand or Draco's.
Draco just nodded and continued drinking his tea. "So, when are we going? I want to learn how to grocery shop."
Harry chuckled at his adorably impatient snake as he finished off the charms, baby Cassiopeia looking around them in what looked like awe. "Right now, if you want lunch and dinner for the first few days."
"Yes, please," said Draco quickly, forgetting about his mug of tea as he rushed to the front door. He had no clue how muggles shop for food. Can't they just have a garden like Malfoy Manor does? The food he eats is freshly served at the table by the house elves in the manor.
Harry reached into his pocket, pulling out the wallet Hagrid gave him a few years ago and saw that the one-hundred-pound bill was still there. Who knew it would have come in handy someday? Well, now it did. "Let's go, Draco. Don't want to spend the entire evening shopping." But first, he pointed to the cupboards under the sinks, asking, "Can you see if you can find a few shopping bags in those cupboards? I'm going to find Cassy's harness carrier, so it'll make shopping easiest for us."
"Sure," Draco says with a nod, and he opens the cupboard door under the sink and finds a few recyclable plastic bags which he grabs. Then he walks over to Harry who had a weird contraption on his torso which held their daughter in it. He has never seen it before, so it must be new.
Harry closed and locked the door behind him and Draco when heading out of their apartment. "Now, what's the first rule when going out in public?" he asked the blonde with a firm voice.
"Um, don't dawdle?" Draco answered, furrowing his eyebrows a little out of confusion.
Harry shook his head, smiling at the thought of Draco Malfoy dawdling. He knows that's never happened before. The Slytherin's always strutting from here to there. "No," he says. "Don't you know of the 'Don't talk to strangers' rule?"
"Yes, of course?" Draco says slowly with a nod. How could he not know? He was taught it at a very young age by his parents.
Harry sighed, relieved. The rule was self-explanatory anyway. "Good," he states firmly. "But if a guy asks you something like he has free candy, don't talk to him, ignore him, and come straight to me. Am I making myself clear?"
"You make it seem like that's a bad thing," said Draco flatly, jokingly of course, but Harry didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in the blonde's voice and just completely froze to the spot.
Did this wizard not know what could happen in a dangerous world like this? Yes, the wizarding world was dangerous, but the muggle one was too. "Draco, not all muggles are good people," Harry said sadly, disbelieving that Draco would say such a daft thing. "There are literally murders, kidnappers, and other really bad people out there that will do you harm. What if you did follow a man or a woman outside and they threw you into a car or van and drove off with you? Where would that leave me? Worrying about where you've gone to, and what happened to you."
Draco frowned and looked at the wooden floor as they walked down the two flights of stairs to the ground floor. He didn't think about the muggle world being that dangerous. It made him feel a little scared now.
Harry intertwined his and Draco's hands together, hoping he didn't scare Draco. He smiled when he could see a smile forming on Draco's perfect lips. "Nothing will happen to you if you stay within my sight." His voice became a little serious, "That means no wandering off by yourself, no talking to strangers, no following strangers. Just please stick by my side at all times."
"Of course, Harry," Draco said with a distressing voice, and his steps became hesitant. "I'm not stupid enough to follow a stranger into a vehicle of some sort, even if they do have free candy."
Harry led him out of their hotel and to the main streets of Marlborough. "We can use magic against muggles if they try to hurt us, can't we?" Harry asked because there's no damn rule book about using spells for protection. There are laws but they're a bit confusing.
"I think so," said Draco, nodding and staring curiously at the cars moving around the town streets. To him, they just looked like weird-shaped bugs on wheels. "If they're wielding sharp objects like knives and swords. Or whatever a gan is."
"A gan?" Harry's eyebrows furrowed with confusion. He's never heard of a gan before. A gun, yes, but not a gan. "Don't you mean a gun?"
"So that's what they're called," said Draco in wonder. "Such intriguing objects..."
"Yes," said Harry sarcastically as he led Draco towards the main shopping centre, which he hopes is the shopping centre. "Very intriguing indeed since they're the most used weapon in the world, and it's the most used tool for suicides. One shot from a bullet can kill you, Draco. There's nothing awesome about a gun. Nothing good about them either. The only people that hold them are police officers all around the world. But murderers have guns too, and assassinators. Just one shot in the head will kill you. In the knee, it'll damage your bones. In the heart, a slow and painful death. You get me?"
Draco sighed and nodded, but he found Harry's sarcasm a little funny. "I get you, Harry." Just the thought of guns being able to kill people in a matter of seconds reminded him of the killing curse. How could something small break through your bones, though?
Draco then noticed a big building Harry was walking him into. 'Marlborough shopping centre' was read on a big green and white sign over the doors of the building. He freaked out when the doors actually opened themselves when he got close to them like it was magic. "Harry," he whispered. "I thought muggles don't use magic."
Harry just laughed and gave him a kiss on his cheek because he was just so cute. "No, muggles don't use magic," he tells him and feels giddy as a blush rose on Draco's face. "It's a sensor on the door. It can sense when someone's nearby, so it opens. But yes, it's a bit like magic, just without the actual magic."
When Draco took a step back, the doors closed. He didn't even realise people were staring at him oddly, but it seemed he didn't mind at all. Harry just grabbed him by the hand and pulled him into the shopping centre to avoid causing a scene. He grabbed a trolley and began pushing it around, and the smile and confused look on Draco's face, and Cassiopeia's happy smile made his day.
Draco spotted a large stock of apples and grinned with excitement. "Harry, can we get some apples?" he asked him sweetly. "Please?"
Harry smiled at him and nodded. They'll need some food for morning tea and afternoon tea anyway. "Sure, could you grab a kilo please?"
Draco's smile vanished and a look of confusion came upon his face. Harry sighed at him. They use scales in Hogwarts when brewing potions so he thought that Draco would know what a kilo was. "Draco, they do have scales for measuring weight," Harry assures him. "I'm not expecting you to know how much a kilo or gram is by heart."
Draco looked a little relieved at what Harry said and looked around the shop for some scales. He found them but they were odd-looking. Harry showed him the small, strange plastic bag to collect the apples in, which was quite tiny until Harry somehow expanded it without magic, though it looked like magic. He watched Harry examine each apple he picked up and put in their bag.
"Oh, and don't eat the apples until we have paid for them and we're out of the store," said Harry, grabbing a cabbage, celery, and lettuce from the stand and putting them in the trolley. "It's one of the many rules. This place isn't an 'All You Can Eat Buffet." He could tell Draco was hungry, just by the way his eyes were looking at the apple he held.
Draco sighed and put the apple he wanted to eat in the bag filled with the other apples. He placed the bag into the trolley and followed Harry down a couple of aisles, watching as Harry was tossing weird, shaped objects that looked cylindrical into the shopping cart. There were so many cylinder items in this one aisle that it just wasn't funny. He picked one up and read the label. Heinz Baked Beans. Interesting... what in Merlin's name is Spam? He put the cylinder foods back on their shelves and caught up to Harry, and their daughter Cassiopeia sleeping in the baby holder. He smiles fondly at his sleeping daughter who was drooling a little on her lion teddy.
When Harry was scanning a very cold section of the shop and grabbing what Draco recognised as milk, Draco was looking at the colourful varieties of milk. There was chocolate milk, strawberry, mint, banana and so much more. They all looked nice, and he wanted to try them. How does one create mint-flavoured milk?
Down the next aisle, Harry reached for a couple of spices which he knew he would be using in future recipes. Cinnamon, he knew wasn't really used much in cooking but was great with a glass of milk. He just loved how Draco knew nothing about the muggle world, and that he could show him everything.
Harry went down the meat section, Draco was holding onto the trolley, it kept rolling to the side and Draco was struggling to keep it still which made Harry quietly laugh. He picked up a few meats that he'd seen Aunt Petunia get in the past and put them in the trolley. Time to gather some more vegetables.
After grabbing a couple of vegetables, Harry and Draco went to the checkout and paid for their food. Then they walked back to their hotel with 3 bags worth of food in their arms and Draco was struggling to carry one bag while Harry had two in one hand and a baby strapped to his torso. Harry unlocked their apartment door and they both walked in and placed the shopping bags in the kitchen.
Draco slumped down on the couch, exhausted, while Harry took off the baby carrier, placing Cassiopeia back in her carry cot which was back on the dining table just so he could begin putting the food away in the cupboards and fridge. "So, what would you like for lunch?" Harry asked when putting the apples away into the bottom compartment of the fridge. He hesitated when touching the bread loaf, so he left it out. Maybe a nice ham and cheese sandwich would be nice.
Draco shrugged from on the couch, staring up at the ceiling and nibbling on his lip. "Food?" he said flatly.
Harry snorted, picked out the strawberry milk carton he had seen Draco eyeing at the supermarket which he had sneakily brought for him, opened the tab and handed it to Draco with a wink, a curious smile forming on the blonde's face. Draco carefully drank from the carton, and his eyes widened at the taste of the strawberry milk.
Harry smiled rather fondly at Draco and the pleasant face he made, and he then started making some ham and cheese toasties. While he was doing so, he was thinking of all the things he could do with Draco. He wants to go adventure into the entire town, go on travels, hiking, swimming, and go on dates. Just do everything and anything with him.
Harry brought a plate of ham and cheese toasties towards the couch Draco was sitting on and placed them on the coffee table next to Draco's strawberry milk. But first, he sat down next to Draco and leaned down for a kiss. It's been a while since he got a kiss from Draco. Well, more like a few minutes – which felt like hours!
Draco leaned away and stared at Harry lovingly, raising his hand to caress the other man's cheek. "What was that for?"
Harry just shrugged, his glasses falling to the tip of his nose. "I just wanted a kiss," he said, smiling as Draco pushed his glasses back up his nose. "Or two." Then Draco kissed him and pulled Harry further down so their bodies touched. "God, I love you, Draco," he whispered right after disconnecting his lips from Draco's soft ones.
Draco was smiling, his other hand still on Harry's cheek. "I love you too, Harry," he responds quietly, biting his lip to show what he wants. "But there's a way to prove how much you love me."
Harry raised an eyebrow at him, confused as to what Draco meant and wanted. "Draco, I do love you. I love you till death do us part."
"I mean sex, Harry," Draco says quietly, trying not to laugh at Harry's daftness. "I want you, Harry Potter." Harry was just staring down at him, loving how Draco just wanted to get straight to the point, knowing so well that he wanted sex too. He can feel it in his gut, but also his prick. "It has been a couple of days since we last had sex."
Harry nodded at him, agreeing with him to have a little fun, but not yet. "After lunch," he tells him, promising him love-making soon with a wink. "Then we can go to the bedroom and have the time of our lives."
Draco sighed in half-defeat and sat up, wanting the sex before food. Harry moved off him and placed the plate of toasties between them. "By the way, have you seen our bedroom?" He grabbed himself half a ham/cheese toastie. "It might not be the same size as yours at the Manor, but it's pretty neat."
Draco shook his head, grabbing his own toastie, "No, I haven't seen the bedroom." Then he smirked and slid his hand up Harry's thigh, "Perhaps, we should check it out together?"
Harry laughed at him, knowing exactly what he was trying to do. "Nice try, Draco," he grinned. "Eat your lunch or no sex."
Draco pouted at him but began to eat his lunch, just for the afternoon sex which he's currently really excited for.
When Harry finished his sandwich, somehow before Draco, he grabbed his trunk and Cassiopeia's, Draco's trunk magically following Harry from behind, which he still doesn't know why he didn't already put them in the bedroom when they first arrived and carried the two to the bedroom he and Draco will be sharing.
The bedroom was truly lovely and spacious, coloured in white and different shades of blue. The bed was set in the middle of the room, right where the sun was shining down onto it through the glass windows, the sheets and pillows white with a doona-coloured dark blue. Thick curtains coloured deep blue and thin white ones were hanging from the window, tied up to the corners. Beside the bed were two wooden oak bedside tables with white lamps on each one. And on the other side of the room in the far corner to the right was a large wooden wardrobe and beside it closer to Harry was a door leading into a bathroom and laundry.
Harry laid Cassiopeia's trunk down on the floor beside the window looking out onto the street below, then put his trunk on the bed and opened it up. He started putting his clothes away, and anything else like Lube on the bedside table. There was still a little bit of the peppermint-flavoured lube which he was glad he still had. He lifts Draco's trunk up onto the bed but then pushes his own trunk under the bed.
He then opened Cassiopeia's trunk up. He reached into the magically extended trunk, feeling around but could only grab out her clothes, feeding bottles, and some toys. He had to Accio the rest of her items, including her sleeping cot, essential toiletries items, and the rest of her toys.
Just as Harry finished unpacking, he felt an arm slide around his waist but a hand slid down his pants and caress the valley in between his arse cheeks. "Merlin, Draco," he groaned and turned around, staring into hungry silver eyes. Draco was leaning in for a kiss, but Harry placed a finger to the Slytherin's lips, "Wait just a moment."
Harry rushed back into the living room towards the front door and made sure it was locked. When he double-checked it was locked, he rushed back towards the bedroom and jumped on Draco, sending him down onto the bed. "Now, where were we?"
Harry straddled Draco as he forced him against the mattress. He dove down for a kiss, and when his lips met Draco's, he started kissing him hard. "I need you," Draco whispered against Harry's lips. "It's been so long."
"Only a few days," Harry responded quietly and went back to kissing Draco, but with compassion and need.
Draco held back for just a second to say, "Felt like a long time." Then Harry started kissing along Draco's jawline. He grabbed Harry's head so that he would hold still, he rubbed his thumb over Harry's lips, his breath growing ragged as Harry gently bit his finger and said, "Not really."
Harry turned his head and kissed the palm of Draco's hand. Draco groaned and flexed his hips against Harry's. Their erections rubbed against each other and Harry gave a slow smile as he looked up at Draco. He pulled at Harry's pants and freed his cock, stroking the length he couldn't wait any longer, he leaned back and started to lift his legs towards his chest, offering himself to Harry.
Harry shook his head. "No, I want to ride you, I want to watch your face as you come in me," He murmured as he moved suggestively against Draco.
Draco groaned and nodded as Harry leaned down to trail sloppy open-mouthed kisses along his jaw. His cock was throbbing so hard with the pressure from Harry's body he was afraid he would come just from the friction. Then suddenly he was gone, and Draco opened his eyes. Harry was next to him, sliding off his pants and then he reached for the bottle of lube inside the bedside table. Draco didn't waste any time slipping off his own as Harry climbed back on the bed, straddling his thighs again.
He took the bottle of lube and poured the warm lube onto his hand, the excess lube dripped onto Draco's stomach as Harry coated Draco's cock making him writhe and buck. Taking both of their cocks in his hand he started stroking them together. Draco groaned at the sight but resisted the temptation to just watch. Smearing his fingers into the lube that had pooled on his stomach he reached behind seeking Harry's entrance. His fingers stroked and slipped against his opening. Harry moaned and pushed back as Draco slid one finger inside. It was enveloped in the tight heat and Harry twitched violently. He thrust in deeper, past the muscle, stroking him. Harry pushed against him and gasped, "More."
Draco lost himself in the task of stretching, twisting with two fingers and then three. His breath was ragged from the effort to not take more. Harry leaned forward and supported his body by pressing his hands against Draco's shoulders as Draco stroked him with his fingers.
"Enough. I need you," he ordered. Draco slipped his fingers from him, making Harry keen at the loss. Draco sat back and watched as Harry started to lower himself slowly onto himself. Draco felt the heat and despite the weight of Harry against him he had to resist the temptation to thrust upwards. Harry moaned and bit his lip as he concentrated on relaxing and adjusting to the intrusion.
"Bloody hell, remind me to do it this way more often, you feel incredible." Harry gave a half-laugh, half-gasp as his body adjusted and stretched. Then, without warning, he lifted himself up and sank down again making Draco cry out. Taking it as a sign that he was ready for more, Draco bent his knees to give him leverage and thrust up into Harry. They became lost in the familiar rhythm of love-making that only comes with knowing every inch and nerve of each other's body.
Draco watched Harry stroking himself and knew he was close; he folded his own hand around Harry's, "I want to feel you as you come...I'm so close..." He thrust up again and again even as the muscles in his legs screamed in protest. The air was filled with the sound of ragged breathing and the slap of bodies coming together. He didn't think he could last much longer when he saw Harry throw his head back and shout out as he came. His muscles tightened around Draco and he felt his own orgasm tear through his body, blinding him as he gave into it, reflexively thrusting into Harry a few more times as the sensation subsided in a shiver.
Harry sank down next to him, heedless of his come that coated Draco's stomach. They lay there catching their breath as the sweat cooled on their bodies, Draco reached down and pulled up a sheet and Harry shifted so he was propped up on one elbow.
"Merlin's Beard, I love you," said Harry, trailing a finger down Draco's arm.
Draco smiled and found Harry's free hand which he brought up to his mouth and kissed. "I love you too, Harry." When Harry snuggled up closer to him and closed his eyes, Draco took a moment to really look at Harry. He knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with this other man. He was perfect, even if he still catches him crying in the bathroom at times. It saddens him with that, but he tries to help Harry and can successfully do so. He's so glad of Harry's improvement in getting better. So very proud.
He was to marry Harry someday, and Draco couldn't wait for that day but most importantly, the proposal. Does he even want Harry to propose to him sometime soon? Maybe? Maybe not yet? Yes. Yes, he wants to marry Harry sometime soon. He wants to stand in that bonding goldish, white ring and promise to Harry to be with him through pain, sickness, and death.
Harry then opened his eyes quickly. He sat up, and as Draco looked at him, he smiled and kissed him quickly. "Hang on," he says, and he pulls his boxers on and walks out of the bedroom, into the lounge room. He walked around the coffee table and picked Cassiopeia up out of her carry cot, then walked back into the bedroom and laid her down in her cot. He covered her in a few blankets, making sure she was as snug as a bug in a rug, and then grabbed her bottle and fed her as she opened her little mouth.
Draco looked at Harry and their daughter, smiling at them. Then he glanced at the bedroom but noticed a few weird objects on the bedside tables beside the bed. They were oddly shaped; he would have to ask Harry in the morning about them and what they do. When Harry finally joined him back on the bed and laid down, Draco placed a soft kiss on Harry's forehead and sank down onto his pillow only to be carried away by sleep.
Draco couldn't sleep all night and he could tell something was watching him. It was just aside from him, on the bedside table with its large one-eye and long neck. This was just scary... He didn't want to wake Harry up just to investigate it and see what it was.
Draco moved back a little on the bed but froze when he felt Harry's arm under him. That arm moved away from under him, and he heard a sigh. "H-Harry?" he whispered with a stutter, clearly in fear from what was looking at him.
Draco heard a Hmmm? Come from beside him. He identified it as Harry's voice, which thankfully was the only voice he could hear. "S-Something's watching m-me."
That made Harry wake up fully and he reached over to the lamp and pulled down the little chord inside it to turn it on. He looked around the room but saw nothing but Draco next to him and Cassiopeia in her cot. "Draco," he said sleepily. "What is it? Nothing's watching you."
Draco just stared at the thing that was watching him. It was the exact same thing Harry had on his side of the bed. "Harry...what are these?" He touched the parchment-feeling muggle object that produces light.
Harry blinked. Right, Draco didn't know what a lamp was. "It's called a lamp, Draco," he says flatly. "It's one of the ways how muggles produce light in a room or building."
"Oh," said Draco, intrigued with the muggle object. He reached his hand up and felt for the little switch. He pulled it down.
Click. Bright.
Click. Dark.
Click. Bright.
Click. Dark.
Harry raised an eyebrow at him but left him be. He turned the lamp off on his side of the bed, kissed Draco's cheek as a second goodnight, and then buried his head back into the pillows.
Click. Bright.
Click. Dark.
Click. Bright.
"Oh my god, Draco," Harry groaned and covered his face in the pillows, wincing from how bright everything had become. "Stop toying with the bloody lamp! It's-" He checked the digital clock on the bedside table closest to him and scowled. "-It's four in the morning. Please, get some sleep."
Click. Dark.
Harry sighed with relief and turned back over so he was facing Draco.
Click. Bright.
Harry groaned again and rolled over on top of Draco. He snaked his arms under his boyfriend's stomach and just lay there. "I'm not moving until you stop turning the light on and off," he growled lowly. "You know, it wastes electricity which is how muggles are able to keep lights on inside their houses or apartments. Without it, the world would be in complete darkness, and nobody would know where they are and how to get to someplace safely. So,!"
Draco smirked. "No."
Click. Dark.
Click. Bright.
"My fucking god," Harry spat and literally turned Draco around so he could pin him to the bed. He sat on top of Draco's abdomen, ignoring the tingly feeling his own prick was giving him as he could feel Draco's prick near his arse. "Stop playing with the damn lights, Draco," he said in a softer tone. "We wizards may have eternal light with one flick of our wands, but muggles don't. The only light they have is the sun. They can't magically produce light, and back in muggle school, there's this thing I learnt called restricted energy sources where muggles only have a limited number of natural resources to keep their electricity going. It might only last a few hundred years then it all vanishes."
"That is the only muggle thing I appreciate, Harry," said Draco, beaming up at Harry from under the shine of the light. "It doesn't hurt me like that bloody...kettle did. What's this thing called again? Ah, a lamp."
"Yes, a lamp," said Harry with a tired chuckle. "Now go to sleep. I don't want you grumpy from fatigue in the morning, and it'll be your fault if Cassiopeia wakes up crying."
Draco sighed and ran his hands up and down Harry's sides, feeling his partners' smooth skin under his fingers. Harry was right after all. He snaked his arms around Harry's back and twisted himself to the side so they both would roll onto their sides. "Goodnight, my darling," he whispered and ran his fingers slowly through Harry's dark hair.
"Goodnight, my love," Harry whispered back, smiling, and leaning in for one last night-time kiss. And after, he snuggled up close to Draco and fell back asleep in his arms.
Harry woke bright and early with a little yawn. Beside him, Draco was still sleeping peacefully like a baby. Just like Cassiopeia sleeping soundlessly in her cot in the bedroom. Like father like daughter, Harry thought while smiling adoringly at them both as he quietly got out of bed, dressing himself into a warm dark blue hoodie and black jeans and made his way to the kitchen to start making breakfast and warming up Cassiopeia's milk. Hmm? What to make? He searched through the cupboard, looking at the cereals he brought but then he saw the bacon. Perfect!
Draco woke up a few minutes later and stretched. He opened his eyes when he couldn't feel Harry next to him and looked around the room. No sign of Harry, but there was a really good smell of bacon coming into the bedroom. He licked his lips, quickly dressed into something nice and followed the smell of bacon. Who knew the smell of bacon could lead him right to Harry? He smiled at his chef boyfriend and went over to him.
"Oh, good morning, my love," said Harry, cracking an egg into the large fry pan. Then he noticed what Draco was wearing and he just stared with his mouth parted a little. His blonde snake was wearing blue jeans with a white t-shirt, a black belt and a denim jacket. His blonde hair looked so soft and perfect too. He's never seen Draco in all denim. He looked like a model! He nearly stuttered when he said, "Bacon and eggs on toast?"
Draco snaked his arms around Harry's stomach from behind and placed a kiss on his neck. He looked down at the weird round object with what he could tell was bacon and eggs. It seems the circular thing is making the eggs and bacon sizzle. "What is this hot circle thing exactly?"
Harry turned his head to the side and smiled at his confused hot boyfriend. Damn, Draco looks incredible in denim. Before he knew it, Draco was giving him a slow morning kiss. He smiled in the kiss but leaned away and looked back at the frying pan, "It's called a frying pan. It cooks food."
Draco nodded in understanding but was a little confused about how this pan worked. How did it heat up and become hot enough to cook food?
Like Harry could see what Draco was thinking, he twisted the stove's knob up a little higher and a blue flame under the fry pan caught Draco's eye. "Whoa," Draco says and reaches over to feel the heat of the flame against his palm, but Harry slaps his hand away as if thinking Draco is going to touch the flame.
"Don't touch it!" Harry warned him, frowning a little. Surely this Slytherin should know not to touch anything bad, especially when brewing potions. "It's very hot and can give you serious burns."
Draco placed his hand back on Harry's stomach and sighed. "EEK!" he shrieked after a loud pop was heard beside him. It was loud enough to fill the entire room, putting the whole population of banshees at shame. He backed away from the kitchen counter behind him, which had a silver piece of machinery on it, and he hid behind the other side of the kitchen island, peeking over the tabletop at Harry and his raised eyebrow.
"The heck is that!" The blonde screeched once again, wagging his finger at the same silvery machinery on the kitchen counter. He could see the inside of it burning red like it was a portal to the hell dimension.
Harry furrowed his eyebrows at him and looked to where Draco was pointing at. Did he mean the toaster? "Um... Draco, it's just a toaster. It literally toasts bread and other foods like crumpets. The toaster won't hurt you unless you touch it." He went to the toaster but still stared at Draco. "Look, it won't do anything to me." He grabbed the two pieces of toasted toast with his fingertips.
Draco still hid behind the kitchen island, staring curiously at Harry who put the two pieces of toast on a white plate with a blue rim. The same smell of bacon overwhelmed his senses and his stomach growled for this breakfast.
Harry lowered the heat of the frying pan a little and went over to Draco. He kneeled down and placed his hands over Draco's. "Love, it won't harm you. Now come, I'll put the TV on so we can see what's going on in the muggle world. It's my turn now in bathing and changing Cassiopeia."
Draco let himself be pulled up onto his feet by Harry and walked over to the couch, which he slumped down onto and sat in the corner with his leg crossed over the other. Harry reached for the remote on the coffee table and turned the flat-screen TV on. He scrolled through the channels until he got to BBC One. He walked behind the couch and gave Draco's cheek a kiss from behind, then he went back to the kitchen to finish making breakfast.
Draco watched the TV and the people on it until they began to tell the weather. He swiftly turned his head to look at Harry, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "I didn't know muggles have weather seers."
"Weather seers?" Harry repeated what Draco said as he buttered the toast, but then laughed at how daft that sounded. Weather seers. "No, muggles just have devices up in the sky that tell what the weather's going to be like the next day. It's not always accurate, though. And they're called weatherman or woman."
"Oh." Draco turned his attention back to the TV. He watched in awe as little icons that were supposed to represent the sun, moon, and clouds came onto the screen in an almost calendar table from Monday to Sunday. Then the channel changed to news about crime. Draco shuddered when hearing about three muggle deaths. One shot, second and third was stabbed. Poor innocent muggles.
When Harry carried the two plates of bacon and egg on toast to the couch where Draco was, he immediately changed the channel to something more... happier. Ah, the Discovery Channel about animals, the Earth, and history. That will do it. He gave Draco his eggs and bacon on toast then walked into the bedroom, straight to Cassiopeia. "Shall we go visit our parents sometime?"
"Sure!" said Draco, blowing on his breakfast to cool it down. Harry cut his toast into triangles, which he adored, yet he ruined the triangles when cutting his breakfast into bite-sized pieces over the lovely ceramic plates. "I'd love to see Mother, Severus, and Remus again. But should we wait a couple of days just to get used to living alone like this?"
Harry considered this, smiling at his boyfriend being proper with a knife and fork when eating the breakfast he made. He Accioed the small claw-foot baby bath out of Cassiopeia's suitcase and levitated it into the bathroom. It was a good idea; he could take Draco out into the wide world again, go to the movies, a park, or just anywhere. Oh, maybe Marlborough has a bowling alley! That will be fun. "What a wonderful thought. We can go out into the world of muggles and explore everything together. Sound fun?"
"It most definitely does!" said Draco, his eyes on the TV still, watching as two lion cubs fought playfully. He beamed with excitement about what he and Harry both could do together with Cassiopeia.
Harry ran water into the baby bath, filling it with baby soap smelling of roses, then left the bathroom to go collect Cassiopeia and bring her into the bathroom. As he waited for the bath to fill a little more with warm water, he fed her some warm milk from her bottle to sustain her for a few hours. When the bottle was empty, and he turned the bath tap off, he laid Cassiopeia down on the bathroom sink and undressed her from her little pink bodysuit, throwing her dirty nappy in the bin.
"Ready for your bath, Bubba?" Harry coos to his daughter, but she only replies with a wide smile and looks at the bathtub. Harry smiles at her, then sits her in her small bathtub and pours soapy water over her shoulders, her head, and back and stomach.
And when he finished bathing her, he dried her off with one of her white fluffy towels then put a new Nappy on her and dressed her in a sunflower yellow bodysuit. He empties the baby bath from the water into the sink, then carries Cassiopeia out of the bathroom and bedroom, joining Draco in front of the TV with her.
"In fact, why don't we go explore Marlborough after breakfast?" Harry suggests as he sits Cassiopeia on his lap and grabs his plate of bacon and eggs, beginning to eat it with his hands, not at all proper like how Draco does it. He knows that this two-month holiday alone with Draco and their daughter will be the first and best he has ever experienced. "We could just explore the town, go for a walk in a park that we come across, or just do whatever."
"I'd love that, Harry," Draco says and leans forward for a quick kiss. The taste of bacon was melting in his mouth, and he could taste egg yolk in Harry's mouth which hungered him even more.
"Let's go," said Harry suddenly, after they finished their bacon and eggs on toast. "I want to show you the world, Draco Malfoy."
"You are my world," said Draco sweetly and placed the plates on the coffee table. Then he looked back at Harry with a smile that was sure to brighten up three whole earths, but to Harry, that smile would brighten up his entire day or week. "My entire world."
Harry blushed, thanking Draco for the compliments with a kiss as he handed Cassiopeia to Draco, and he grabbed the plates they were using for breakfast and took them to the kitchen. He made a mental note to do the dishes in the evening after they got home. He placed the plates on the sink and went back to Draco. "C'mon, my love." He held out one of his hands for Draco and when the blonde grabbed onto his hand, he pulled him up from the couch.
Draco placed Cassiopeia into her carry cot, her feet covered in the blankets, her lion teddy beside her and her pacifier by her feet. Harry rushed into the bedroom to grab Cassiopeia's baby bottle, quickly then headed back to the lounge room and to the kitchen, finding a bottle of milk from the fridge and filling the bottle up with milk and placing it above Cassiopeia's head in a little compartment. They headed to the front door of their apartment.
"Now," said Harry, showing Draco the lock on the door which he twisted so the door would be unlocked. He needed to teach Draco about this in case Draco wanted to go out on his own or go see his friends. "This stops people from entering our apartment. You flip it up, and it locks the door." He twisted the lock up and pulled at the door to show what he meant. "And you flip it, so it faces to the side, meaning the door is unlocked." Draco nodded. Harry twisted the lock to the side and opened the door. He exited the apartment and locked the door behind them but with the key.
Harry kept his hand intertwined with Draco's as they walked down the stairs to the ground floor where they headed out into town for a walk in the sunshine. Cassiopeia's carry cot could turn itself into a stroller which Harry made it do before they reached a part of town where they were around muggles. Harry and Draco found this town most pleasant and adorable with all its little old buildings and structures.
By travelling down the high street, they found a park just a little due east and down an overgrown stone pathway with tiny clovers and shrubs around them. They followed that pathway into the park and when Harry spotted the playground, he took Draco there, pushing Cassiopeia's stroller down the stone pathway.
"This is what muggles call a playground," said Harry, gesturing to the whole green and blue playground complete with yellow monkey bars, a blue and green jungle gym, a green Firefox, swings, and a blue slide. It also had a seesaw. "It's just a place where kids come to play. An attraction."
"I see nothing about how this attraction looks...attractive," said Draco, staring at a weird long cylindrical tube thing that spiralled down from a tall platform. He was reminded of that dreadful Halloween when he, Blaise and Pansy slid down into a ball pit when they were running away from the hooded killer.
Harry laughed and shook his head, finding it hilarious how Draco misinterpreted what he meant. ", I'll show you what I mean." He parked the stroller, pushing the brakes down just to be safe.
Draco raised an eyebrow and followed Harry up a metal structure onto a black square platform. He looked down and swallowed, it seemed pretty far down from the ground, but he'd been higher up on things before. He stopped as Harry looked into a circular tunnel-like thing, and by the looks of it, it goes down and only down. But where does it end?"
"This is called a slide," said Harry. It was funny having to explain what these things are to Draco, his wizard boyfriend.
Now Draco recognised what it was. The one he slid down a few Halloweens ago was yellow and wasn't a tube-like slide. It was just a bumpy slide. "Okay," he just said when studying it. He hoped it was safe.
Then Harry slid down the slide and disappeared from Draco's view. Draco began to feel a little anxious, hoping this wasn't some portal but he could hear Harry saying "Wheeee".
"Down here!" Draco heard Harry yell, so he looked down and saw Harry on the ground. He bit his lip, anxious about how this could work out. How does one slide down?
"Just lie down on the slide," Harry instructed. "It's simple. Get in and lie down."
Draco tried to find that bravery in him, even if it was only just a spec and hopped in the slide. It was very smooth to the touch. He tried to find reasons why this slide was dangerous. It could fall down. How is it stable, though? He took a deep breath and wriggled into the slide a bit more. Then he began to move uncontrollably, the colours of the slide, blue and green, passing him quickly and then he slid down and around. He shrieked, but he had to admit that this was pretty fun.
He saw sunlight at the end of the tunnel and beamed. He could see the wood chippings of the playground and other muggle playground equipment, then he saw Harry. He climbed out of the slide and walked over to him, expecting to get a hug but instead, he got a kiss.
"I haven't shown you the other playground equipment yet," said Harry as he leaned away from the kiss. He knows he and Draco are a little too old for the playground equipment, but really, Draco's never been on one before and they're actually a little fun.
Draco shrugged and snaked his arms around Harry's waist. "We have two whole months to do that, Harry," he whined but didn't actually mean to. "But I guess you can show me a couple more of these muggle playthings."
Harry grinned and took him to the swings, which when he got to one, he immediately sat down on it and began to swing. "These are literally called swings. You just sit and swing on them." But the memory of the Dementor attack a few years ago was fresh on his mind, not to mention his other suicide attempt, but he tried to think it away.
Draco went over to the other swing, grabbed onto the chains holding it up and sat on it. Are these even stable? He looked up at what was holding the swing up and saw some weird chain thing overlapping the chain he was holding onto. Such an intriguing but confusing mechanism. He did what Harry did and slowly pushed off the ground. He gripped the chains tighter, feeling this new gravitational pull when swinging backwards and forth. He slowly got used to it over a couple of seconds then began to challenge Harry to who would swing the highest.
Obviously, Harry won as he's been swinging for way longer than Draco had. When he was at a safe height, he jumped off the swings and landed on his feet, but he shook his head at Draco as he knew his blonde snake was trying to do the same. Draco just wasn't experienced enough, and Harry just didn't want Draco breaking a foot or dislocating a knee or shoulder. He didn't want to know what Narcissa would do to him if he had to take Draco back to the Manor just to Floo to St Mungo's. The thought was scary. What was an angry Narcissa like? He really didn't want to know actually.
Then he took Draco to the seesaw. It was a laugh trying to fit onto it and trying to place his feet in the little ovals to stabilise himself. They just used their feet to push the seesaw up and down, until Draco fell backwards onto the ground and Harry rushed over to his side. He scanned Draco up and down to make sure he was okay, but Draco grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him down. Harry realised with a scowl that Draco had planned that all along. Cheeky bugger! He gave into the kiss anyway, but his hand was subconsciously travelling down Draco's stomach.
Draco smirked against Harry's lips, definitely feeling the tingle to want sex again. But here? Out in the open? Where people could walk into the park at any minute? It doesn't really sound sensible but hell, he'd have a nice shag with Harry anywhere and anytime. He pulled away from the kiss and looked around the park, biting his lip in search to find a comfortable place for them to have a little bit of fun. He finally found the right place. A park bench under a tree. It might not look very comfortable, but it's something.
Harry then realised where his hand was when denim touched his skin and he looked to where his hand was. He flushed, seeing his fingers only small inches under Draco's jeans and he pulled them out. Draco grabbed Harry's hand and placed it back on his abdomen, smirking as he slowly moved Harry's fingers back inside his own pants and under his boxers.
"Draco, what if someone sees or catches us?" Harry hissed, although, he didn't even care if his hand was down Draco's pants again, but he didn't want to get told off by some random muggle adult.
Draco's smirk had gotten bigger out of pleasure, and he kept moving Harry's hand towards his prick until finally, finally, Harry's fingers glided over the head of his cock and he sighed pleasingly. "Nobody will, my darling," he says in a soft tone, but also sounded a little demanding. "If we do get caught..." He shrugged. "I don't really care. Now, massage me, Harry." He let go of Harry's hand, waiting for Harry's warm fingertips to rub at the head, and move further down until he was rubbing at his length and sparking wonderful pleasure.
Harry didn't move his hand at all, it just stayed there, over the velvety round head of Draco's cock. It turned him on a little and he had the urge to put his mouth around it and suck it clean. He could also feel the little hairs under his fingertips on Draco's groin which made him a little hard. "There are other ways I can massage you, Draco. Besides this."
Draco pushed Harry's hands down further, "Oh, but there- Oh." He moaned as Harry's warm fingers slid down further and reached the base of his cock and send shivers of pleasure through his groin.
"Shh!" Harry covered Draco's mouth with his other hand and warily looked around the park. Luckily, there was nobody around. Just Cassiopeia sleeping in her pram. He slid his hand away from Draco's mouth but felt Draco's warm saliva on his fingertips. "Jesus, Draco." He pushed his hand down further into Draco's pants and began stroking his cock. Of course, he was only stroking his boyfriend slowly because any loud noise would raise suspicion, wouldn't it? And finding two men in a children's park with one's hand down the other's pants would definitely be disturbing. But this wasn't disturbing for Harry at all, he loves teasing Draco and making him feel incredible.
Draco sighed, closed his eyes, and relaxed in the pit of wood chippings, even if it slightly was uncomfortable. The feel of Harry's hand stroking him was wonderful and he just wanted to stay like this for hours. He shuddered as Harry's hand moved further down a bit, and he could hear the button unpopping on his jeans and the zipper of his jeans zipping down. He could feel Harry's thumb running over the top of the head of his prick, the need to come in Harry's hand increased a fair bit. Merlin, he loves how Harry can make him feel this way.
Harry watched with amusement as Draco's cock was shifting in his hand and slowly dripping pre-come from the head. He licked his lips with anticipation and hunger and bent down low. Draco gasped and opened his eyes, staring up at the blue sky. Harry... was he? Oh, yes, he was. He could feel Harry's wet, hot tongue licking at the head, sending pleasure tingles all through his groin. "Oh," he moaned and reached around for something to hold onto. He found Harry's hair and tugged at it gently.
Harry groaned, and the noise vibrated through his mouth and onto Draco's cock, making the blonde snake moan again. Draco felt Harry's mouth begin to slide down his length, and he tilted his head back to groan from this beautiful sex. But as he looked at the world from an upside-down perspective, he could see figures of people in the distance ... coming their way. "H-Harry, p-people are coming."
Harry only hummed on Draco's cock, making the blonde moan again and thrust up into Harry's mouth. But then he did hear the squeal of a little girl and stopped what he was doing. He pulled away from Draco's dick and placed it back into Draco's white boxers then zipped him up. He looked around the park and saw a public toilet which looked pretty new. He lifted Draco up from the ground by the hand, smiled at the people coming towards the playground, and rushed over to Cassiopeia in her stroller, unlocking the brakes and rolling her over to Draco. "Come on." He linked his arm through Draco's and led Draco and Cassiopeia over to the toilets.
"H-Harry," Draco stuttered, still a little shaky from a near orgasm. "Where are you taking me?"
Harry didn't answer and walked him and pushed the stroller into the dense forest a few meters behind the toilet. Thank Merlin nobody could see them! He locked the brakes on the stroller and turned to Draco, smirking. He pushed Draco gently down on the ground and licked his lips. He got back to work in opening Draco's trousers, pulling out his dick and now giving light kisses over Draco's length.
Draco felt his orgasm starting to form inside of him, just by the faint heating up deep inside his groin. Oh, how he wanted to come into Harry's mouth already. He could hear rattling sounds in the bush around them, but he didn't really care. All he cared about was Harry's perfect mouth on his cock.
Harry swirled his tongue around the head of Draco's dick, licking up the precome dripping from the head, then swallowed Draco's length again. He could feel the veins from Draco's cock hardening, and boy, it made him hard.
"H-Harry, I'm close," Draco moaned, his hands returning to Harry's head of black hair which he gripped onto. Draco thrusts up into Harry's mouth, warm and slick with saliva, and that's when Draco couldn't hold it in anymore. He came inside of Harry, ribbon after ribbon of come shooting into the Gryffindor's mouth and Harry closed his eyes and just felt it all happen, his mouth filling with deliciously salty sweet semen.
"Merlin," Harry mumbles as he swallows it all down, and he sucks on Draco's cock and pulls his mouth off him. "You're a bloody dessert."
Draco snorts and leans forward and kisses Harry's forehead. "Sex just keeps on getting better and better, no matter where we do it."
Harry hummed and rested his chin on Draco's shoulder, his arms wrapping around the blonde's sides. Harry helped put Draco's cock back inside his pants and zipped him up.
Merlin, that was quite an experience in the bush. It had a few unlikable smells that emitted from the toilets in front of them, but Draco mainly focused on the scent of Harry and feeling the pleasure Harry was giving him. He stood up from the ground, feeling incredible and he knows Harry feels it too.
Harry pushed Cassiopeia's stroller as they walked towards a picnic table, behind a large oak tree so they could have some actual privacy. Harry sat at the end of the table and smiled as Draco sat down in front of him. He scooted closer, his hands snaking around Draco's waist, and he leaned closer for a kiss. It was only short, though. Actually, no it wasn't. It became heated and feisty, and Draco was pushing Harry down onto the seat and he was leaning over Harry and reconnecting their lips together. He could taste himself on Harry's lips, yet he didn't mind as he knew Harry was enjoying himself.
Harry slowly smiled against Draco's soft lips, and he opened his eyes just a little to see the attractive sexy man he was kissing. And damn, he's right about the attractive and sexy bit. But also, the hot, sweet, adorable, funny... So many words to describe his Draco, so he just says that he is his everything.
"You've got such sexy eyes, Draco," Harry whispers with a slow smile, thrusting his hips up to grind himself against Draco.
Draco "Mmmms", blushes, and he smirks down at his lover. "Thank you, darling," he says smoothly, his hand moving down to Harry's hip. "Your eyes," he placed a kiss on Harry's eyelid," your smile," he kissed Harry's lips, "your body," he moved down, pulled a side of Harry's jeans down and pressed a kiss to Harry's hip, "and your everything is so sexy."
Harry sighed with pleasure as Draco kissed his hip again, his mind filling with thousands of images of his sexual fantasies with Draco. But then he's grabbing fists of Draco's denim jacket and pulled him up, and he gave Draco a deep but quick kiss. "But why don't we finish this at the apartment, hm?" he offered, smirking at the pretty sparkle in Draco's eye that he caught.
"That sounds most...pleasurable," said Draco, grinning at the thought of having sex again with Harry, though their outing was supposed to be a family thing. He blamed himself for making the outing short as he turned Harry on easily.
"Then let's go," Harry says.
Harry met the ghostly gentleman downstairs the next morning, standing by the window as if waiting for something or someone. His name was Eian-Samuel O'Connor Belle, and as all ghosts would ask one question, he did too.
"Yes, sir, I can see you," Harry says, smiling as he sits on the cosy white lounge facing the ghost, one leg over the other and he catches himself staring at the outfit the man had on, from the back anyway as that was all he could see. White tights, pointy black boots, a long red coat with black around the sleeve cuffs and hems that looked piratey, and what he assumes is a white wig complete with a little black bow. "My partner and I happened to see you standing over here when we first arrived at this lovely cottage, and I, we, but he isn't down here yet, wanted to meet you. Say our hello."
"I've watched over this, as you say cottage, for centuries," Eian says with a scrunch of his nose, and Harry noted the way he said cottage as if he was displeased by the name. "It has had a lot of change over the few hundred years." Harry nodded, looking around at the interior and decor. "This used to be my home, once upon a time."
Harry looked at him in surprise. "Really?" he says at once, intrigued. "We've noticed you standing here a lot. Is this a place you come to think? I can't help but wonder."
Eian nods, "Yes, yes, and... this used to be my office." He sniffed. "I was killed here, actually. Someone outside shot me right in the back of the head. Good aim, might I admit." He sounded proud of the hitman as he chuckled darkly and finally turned around to face Harry.
Harry held back a snort, instead, he nodded with sympathy. Men back in the day dressed so oddly, yet so stylish, he thought. "Well, I'm sorry for your loss," he decides to say. He didn't know what else to respond with. "Do you know who had such a grudge on you to kill you?"
"Don't be so rude, Harry!" Draco sat down next to him, holding Cassiopeia in his arms. "Sorry about my partner, sir," he says to the ghostly gentleman, admiring the man's old style. "He doesn't have the brain cells in order to respond to deaths and other's trauma." He winked at Harry, and Harry snorted and then laughed loudly at Draco's insults. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."
"Malfoy?" Eian says in surprise as he looks at Draco, up and down, even at the baby in his arms who resembles the two young men in front of him. "Pardon me for asking, but do you happen to know a Lucius Malfoy?" Harry blinked his eyes, confused, looking at Draco.
"That would be my father, yes," Draco says with a nod, passing Cassiopeia to Harry. "What about him?" He noticed a blush rise up the ghost's cheeks and he smiled. Harry too noticed it. "Although considering your rather incredible sense of style and the era of your attire, I would believe you were talking about Lucius Malfoy the First, one of my ancestors."
"Y-Yes, I believe so," Eian says with an obvious stutter. "Why, thank you too, young Malfoy. Yes, Lucius and I were great friends. We had the same fashion sense and views."
"I don't know much at all about Lucius the First," Draco said. "Seems like you knew more about him than anyone else." He smiled knowingly as Eian nodded. "I'd love for you to tell us about him, about the man you knew. I only know he hexed Queen Elizabeth the First, somehow making her incapable of finding a lover and settling down with him."
"Or her," Eian says, as a suggestion. "There was speculation around that Queen Elizabeth the First, god bless her soul, liked women," he added when the two young men looked rather confused, which is what he expected. She loved disappointing her father, King Henry the Eighth, starting with becoming Queen instead of another King taking reign. Not that he got to see her become Queen as he died King."
Free history lesson, Harry thought, giving his attention now to Cassiopeia in his arms, but she was sleeping. He didn't think he'd be quite interested in someone's history, or history in general. He'd have thought he would be falling asleep by now.
Eian proceeded to tell them about himself, how he was a lawyer, the hotel was his house, he had two kids (it was an arranged marriage), and his friendship with Lucius Malfoy the First, how close they were, their secret Tea and Biscuit sessions, their same fashion sense, and about the man like how he loves strolls through the garden, Shakespeare plays, he had this one scarf out of his other 50 that he favoured, his favourite tea (Elderberry and honey).
"I could never be in an arranged marriage," Draco says, and he glances at Harry and slips his hand into Harry's warm one, smiling. Harry smiles back, holding Draco's hand in his. "Just the thought of it makes me shudder. I'd have offed myself, even if it ended my family's bloodline."
"Draco, babe, don't say that," Harry says, rather sadly. But he would have done the same thing and offed himself rather than be in an arranged marriage knowing that he couldn't be with the love of his life.
"I completely understand that feeling too," Eian says flatly. "I had the option too, multiple times, to end it all but I couldn't leave Lucy in that way. I couldn't let him deal with that loss."
Draco snorted but quickly made it sound like he had a chesty cough. Lucy? Oh, he can imagine himself getting a slap over the head by his father if calling him that. "Pardon me asking this too, but do you know who had you killed?"
"I don't know for sure," said Eian, slowly, turning around and looking back out the window. "When I died, I saw the light for a moment but I realised I was looking up at my desk lamp. I was on the floor... I stood up... I saw my body lying on the floor and I did look out the window, but the ruddy man was running off. I didn't see his face."
Harry opened his mouth, wanting to hear more but Eian cut him off, "You boys best be off now, the clock says it's Morning Tea time. I wouldn't want to bother you during your tea, biscuits and cakes."
"Oh, sure," Draco says politely, standing up from the couch. It was clear to them the ghostly man was done talking to them which they respected. Not that Harry had any tea and biscuits planned for him. It's not his scene. "It was so lovely finally meeting you, Eian. Thank you for telling us of my ancestor who you loved dearly. You take care now and we promise to talk to you again soon."
"Oh, nonsense, thank you!" Eian says with pride. "It's always nice to know some people can see us." He winked. "Wizard-folk. Oh, and do look out for young Daisy, she roams the halls of this hotel too. She often peeks her head through the walls." He cringed. "Perhaps too much... Oh, and there's Marcus-Timothy Smith upstairs! He was a World War II veteran, he told me."
"Fascinating!" Harry says and stands up from the couch too. Cassiopeia was awake and staring at Eian. He walks over to the ghostly gentleman, smiles, and pats him on the shoulder. Eian freezes at the touch and looks at Harry's hand on his shoulder, then at Harry. "So great meeting you, mate," Harry continues softly, stepping away from the ghost, his hand coming back to caress Cassiopeia's soft head of hair. "We'd love to hear more about your life story but as you said, we'll soon be missing out on our Morning Tea."
"Y-You're hand... oh, yes, indeed," said Eian, quickly, to change the subject, though he was completely flabbergasted. "Enjoy your tea then." He turned back to his window.
Harry knew Eian wanted to know why he could touch him, and Harry wanted to know the same thing as he still didn't know why he could do it. "We'll see you around then."
Draco grabbed Cassiopeia from Harry, placed his hand around Harry's waist and led Harry away and back upstairs. It was morning tea but they started on lunch together (Harry wanted Draco to try mac and Cheese), except there wasn't much making of their lunch when Draco threw a Macaroni at Harry and it turned into a macaroni food fight, which then ended up them making out against the fridge with bits of macaroni in their hair and sticking to their clothes. Cassiopeia watched them happily from her feeding chair, floating around her was her Elephant teddy and a few of the toys she likes to chew on.
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